Ainz Ooal Gown: So now everyone in the group is Naia?

The supervisor didn’t want to work overtime: “Hey hey hey, he believed it, he believed it.”

Nayako: Hey, it's really a pity to say it. It's a pity that I couldn't visit Miss Su'er's world.

Little Paopao: Yes, I am very interested in the growth process of the acquired original god. I really want to keep watching. If I had known this, I should have stopped you from holding the ceremony.

Fireproof Girl: You two, please forgive me. Can I beg you both?

One by one, they were all thinking about her, who had just made a fortune. Even if she was hiding from the worm of time in infinite time and space, there were two stalkers, and it was almost impossible to live her life.

No, the matter of finding thighs has to be put on the agenda, and when this is done, we can go straight to Run Beng Hui.

However, the jokes made by the fun-loving people above cannot be taken seriously. The status of the chat group is still high enough. Backed by the will of multiple worlds, it is extremely difficult to cause trouble.

...still have to add some rules.

The fire prevention girl looked through the administrator's file with a confused expression and submitted an application for Forcing the chat group rules to be broadcast to the group members ten times a week to promote the safety of the chat group.

It is definitely impossible to control these talents, so everyone in the group can only be more cautious.

Chapter 250 Qianhua: Not enough money to pay Zhongli’s bill! Come to the rescue.


Consciously withdrawing from the chat group, such thoughts suddenly appeared in the fireproof girl's mind, and her face visibly collapsed.

The chat group does have the ability to hide the world coordinates of the group members, but——

It does not mean that the chat group will have the ability to restrict group members. The group members can privately rely on their own means to travel to other worlds and the chat group has no control over it.

After all, the chat group is generally a framework for several active super-world consciousnesses, and some of the things in the group are not much worse than world consciousness, and some are even a world in themselves.

Just like when the sages from the Big Library sent an enhanced version of the soul torrent directly through the world barrier between Lordland and the Junction, the chat group could not be controlled, and now the interaction between the Fireproof Girl and the Junction is no longer If you still need to maintain the chat group, just take the world passage that is to be opened. Now it can be regarded as a world.

The happiest among them is the faded person. From now on, he no longer has to be a door opener, and he no longer has to care about the troublesome King of Elden. He spends all his time next to the fireproof girl, or goes to the big library to study, and then becomes full of ambitions. With confidence back, he and Ashes competed in an imperial city PK to determine the family's younger brother's position.

When I think about the time I took a look, there are countless sun believers in countless time and space, who are so fanatical that they are suitable for the beings they believe in to sit on the golden toilet, that scene of calling the true name of the Lord God with great piety.

And eventually Naiya will lead them to the door.

Until then...

The fire-proof girl's eyes darkened, and she almost lost her balance, and the expression she tried to correct became even more unbearable.

Otherwise, she might as well find a way to change her name.

But it seems that changing it has no effect.

You can already imagine Naia leading a large group of sun believers he created, relying on the passage opened by the bubble outside the world, and making indiscriminate wide-area broadcasts to check the location of the fire prevention girl.

Damn it, I hope this guy gets hammered to death on the way for blowing up the street.

Don't say that you just watch without causing trouble, or that you come with good intentions.

As we all know, there are still huge differences in the three views between people, let alone evil gods and normal people. When they say they come with good intentions, they really come with good intentions. The fire prevention woman also believes it, but that is what they think. Zhizhong's kindness is like Bubble's generous giving of knowledge. In his opinion, it is just an insignificant ray, but it can still directly overwhelm the pre-storage system of the chat group.

Good intentions are good intentions, but I’m afraid you can’t bear it!

If Naia and the others came over, even if the whole world would not be destroyed or darkness would fall, the fireproof girl's blood pressure would definitely be pumped up by these two idiots.

The fireproof girl was really panicking now, and she was getting more and more panicked. Her mind was running rapidly, thinking about how to deal with these two unlucky things.

Any eldest daughter of any family would panic if she was targeted by two idiots. The key point is that these two idiots are extremely difficult to deal with and cannot be punished by law.

No, the exploration team must stop first. They cannot be allowed to run around during this period.

Then build several layers of time and space traps outside the world, and then put a few Xinwang incarnations.

It happened that Mr. Gwen's Alzheimer's disease hadn't been cured yet, so he asked him to go out and guard the door for his granddaughter. If Naija really came to find him, he would blow his head off before Bubble opened the door.

From now on, she will carve a few words on the world barrier, 'Naiya and dogs are not allowed inside. ’

The fireproof girl thought angrily as she compiled a defense that was not sure how effective it was. ...


After finally smoothing out her thoughts, she remotely controlled Chuhuo to start modifying the defense mode. The fireproof girl left her own thought space. When she raised her eyes, she met Yixian's eyes filled with sadness.

‘You’re pretty good too. ’

The silence lasted for a while. From the melancholy eyes and the bitter expression, although they didn't know why the other party became like this, the two still reached some subtle consensus.


The two beautiful people sighed heavily. One of them had a face that was mostly covered, revealing a rare distress, like sunshine blocked by dark clouds. I felt pity for the broken posture of the other. She was as timid as Daiyu who was pitied by the wind in the autumn window. .

And Otto, who was sitting across the table, having untied his knot and playing Genshin Impact happily while drinking water, received disdainful looks from others in the rest area.

When Ding'an, who looked silly and happy, returned to the rest area with a box of cartons in his arms, he saw such a scene.

What's happening here?

Reluctantly, he placed the sacred box back into the Rubik's Cube space. Ding'an rubbed his eyes to make sure he had seen the right person. He rubbed his face again and turned his silly smile into a formulaic soft smile. Then he came forward.

She remembered that Mr. Otto was still looking depressed before she left. The fire-proof girl and Yixian were talking and laughing, and then she quietly ran around the booth, and now her mood changed?

Co-authored: Depression doesn't go away, it just moves around, right?

These children are like flowers in a greenhouse. They were born in a peaceful era. Naturally, they cannot feel the horror of the deep sea, so they take peace as a matter of course.

Yixian was so worried that she looked at the rest area not far away, where there were boys and girls dressed up as their enemies.

The area cleanup published in the news every year is called a seasonal activity like a game. It takes a lot of risks. The operation of going to the core area of ​​​​the deep sea to recover the Mind Cube is jokingly called fishing up, hehe~

Speaking of this, Yixian sighed again. It is a good thing that people can get out of the darkness and no longer be afraid of the deep sea, but...

But for us, that tragic and tragic end seems like yesterday.

They have almost lost all sense of reality about war and the enemy.

Yixian's face has always been worried, but also revealed a hint of happiness. She is worried about the current situation of Donghuang today, and worried about whether the hatred will be forgotten when fewer and fewer people survive from that era, and what her future will be like. They are never afraid of suffering, but they are afraid that everything in the past will be forgotten, and how tragic the disaster will be when it happens.

Fortunately, I was glad that I had the ability to reverse all of this before it happened.

The disaster will be real, and the warning will be real, but it will not become a scar, but a further pillar of civilization.


In the future, will all this be forgotten again, and at that time, will we have the ability to survive the disaster safely?

This time there is a fire prevention girl and a group of friends, but what about next time, and what about the next time, until a disaster occurs that they cannot escape alone?

Then Yixian became even more depressed.


The fireproof girl didn't choose to reply. She didn't have the energy to be a spiritual mentor again. She knew that the above was a normal development situation in human society. Yixian just needed to talk, and now she just wanted to be together for a while and balance. A feeling about the future.

Ding'an on the side felt very uncomfortable listening to Yixian's words. He opened his eyes and glared fiercely at the guy in the cosplay not far away, planning to ask his superiors to pay attention to such incidents during the next meeting, and Strengthen relevant education.


Ding'an was organizing her words and didn't know what to say. She was only five years old and had no life experience to persuade the elderly.

But it’s not easy to let Otto on the side persuade them. After all, this one seems to have just recovered. If all three of them are depressed after trying to persuade them, then it will be her turn to be depressed too.

Well, yes...

Looking at the sun that had reached the middle of the sky, Ding'an's eyes lit up, he thought of a way, and said.

Uh, how about we go eat first?

Although I don't know why the brightness of the sun is much lower, it is obviously not something that should be thought about now.

Let’s test it first. If you can still eat, it means the depression is not serious. If you can’t eat, then you will take the person to see a psychiatrist in the afternoon.

It just so happened that the best psychiatrist in Donghuang was in the same fleet as her.


The fingers that subconsciously manipulated the character to fight monsters stopped, and his consciousness withdrew from the chat group. He looked at the time and saw that it was already a little late. Otto politely replied to Ding'an.


Waiting for Ding'an to wake up the lost fire girl and Yixian,

Hey, Uncle Otto, do you know where Miss Yixian is? Miss Yixian can't be contacted. I just contacted Brother Doujiao. Brother Doujiu didn't have enough money, and Sister Su'er didn't answer.

What came from the opposite side was Qianhua's iconic lively voice, telling her purpose.

‘It’s weird to be able to get in touch. ’

Otto, who didn't know whether to be happy or sad about the fact that the third Daqianhua reminded him of him when he was a child, looked at the low pressure that almost materialized in front of him and thought so.

Both of them are by my side. What's wrong? What happened?

Otto asked in a soft voice.

Can Miss Yixian send some funds?

All the money has been spent?

He remembered that Yixian gave everyone activity funds. Although Yixian paid for it out of his own pocket due to his status, it was not a small amount.

It's Mr. Zhongli.

In the restaurant, Qianhua, who was dressed in a walnut outfit, was putting her mobile phone to her ear and pretending to be on the phone, whispering. She glanced at the old master Zheng who was sitting at the head table and was giving a careful evaluation to the serious-looking chef. Zhongli looked at the bill in his hand speechlessly.

This is what she asked the waiter to print. Currently, only the dishes have been served, and two-thirds of the dishes have not been served.

Oh, got it.

Otto understood.

If you are that person, it is normal for you not to have enough money.

After all, it is really difficult for Zhongli, a guy who was once responsible for printing money, to have any concept of money. Such a person cares more about the value of the object itself, and money is difficult to quantify.

It's my fault for making everyone laugh.

After pulling Yixian into the connection and explaining the current situation to her, Yixian, who calmed down, said apologetically: Please ask Miss Qianhua where you are.

No. 88, Fengming Road South Street, Wangjiang Pavilion.


After receiving the news, Yixian's eyes turned strange for a moment.

Can you actually find that?

Ah, it's nothing, just a little unexpected.

Yixian shook his head and added: Mr. Zhongli has a very good taste.

Then leave. I've also informed Ashes and Faded Ones.

Otto noticed that Yixian's condition was still not very good, and the fire-prevention girl was still in Yuyu, so he seemed to answer on Yixian's behalf.

Do you mind sharing a table?

Of course I don't mind.

Seeing that many people were coming, Chika Fujiwara smiled happily.



The group of people got out of the car and came to an alley with ancient Donghuang style.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mr. Zhongli is still looking for a place to eat as always.

Walking along the stone steps with a sense of time, a signboard that looked like the work of a famous master was hung on the door beam. The faded person looked at the stylish decoration inside and couldn't help but sigh at Zhongli's vision.

Hello sir, do you have an appointment?

Otto, who was dressed casually, came to the door, and there came a waitress with lively eyes in a cheongsam.

Let's find our friend, Lingjiang Fang.

Otto's expression was gentle as he looked at the somewhat casual waiter. With an elegance that was ingrained in his bones, he unhurriedly told the room where Zhongli was.

The waitress raised her beautiful and slender eyebrows, and then chuckled.

I thought it would be Mr. Dadalia coming, but I didn't expect it would be His Excellency the Archbishop of Destiny.

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