Glarat, who has been running around all year round, is not an inexperienced person. He raised his head and looked at the visitor's clothes and crown, and then guessed her identity. He held the ring in both hands and said to the fire prevention girl.

I need to return to the Undead Settlement and hand over something. My kind lord, can you release me and leave?

If you want to leave from here, lying is not a good choice.

It was obvious that he couldn't see the fire-proof girl's eyes, but the moment the oppressive gaze fell on him, it was as if he had seen through him. Under the gaze of the fire-proof girl, Glarat finally straightened up in embarrassment. After taking a posture, he admitted.

... Although I don't know if you can see my costume - I'm sorry to say it, but I am a thief, but I steal things from dead people and ghosts.

Why did you leave the Undead Settlement and come to the High Wall of Lothric?

The fire-proof woman didn't quite understand. After Lothrik ascended, it was obviously difficult to enter Lothrik from beneath the earth. What were these thieves doing up there when they were full and had nothing to do?

Since Lothric lost contact with the undead settlement, the mentors responsible for managing it relied on the new faith established by the ancient trees in the town. We were sent to the high wall by the mentors to collect resources and intelligence in exchange for living in the undead. A chance to survive in the settlement.”

Glarat didn't dare to hide anything from the fire-proof girl anymore, so she told everything.

Rebellious ministers and traitors support their own troops.

Eight words immediately popped into the fireproof girl's head. The faces of Luo Qi and Black Knight beside her were not very good-looking either. This civil war has just ended not long ago, and the ancient contracts are still there. You are independent and don't treat Luo Qi at all. Ke Fang's eyes.

What, you mean fire girl? My fire-preventing daughter is the orthodox Sun royal family. Now the demon king has lost his virtue, the people are in dire straits, the government has no honest ministers, and there are traitors and rebels in the country. We must raise troops to punish them to clear away the evil of the emperor. How can we call the traitors and traitors?

I see, but I can't release you now. You have committed the crime of theft after all, and you just tried to deceive me. I ask you to work on the high wall until you pay off your crime. Can you accept it?

A thief is a thief after all. You can't let him go just because you have a good impression of him. He must be punished if he deserves it.

I accept, sir. I wonder if you will go to the Undead Settlement in the future?

Glarat nodded in resignation. He did not expect that these soldiers, who had been mentally disordered before, returned to normal, and ended up being caught stealing.


In the Immortal Settlement, there is an old woman named Loretta. She has been holding a bone fragment in her hand. Can you please give her the ring? I am willing to dedicate everything I have to you.

Galatte held the ring and carefully handed it to the fireproof girl, begging.

Blue tearstone ring.

A large precious gemstone ring named after the tear stone will greatly reduce the damage suffered by the wearer when the vitality is greatly reduced.

Legend has it that they were the tears of mourning shed by Quat, the goddess believed in by the Kalim Church, and it is precisely because of their connection with death that the tears appear beautiful.

Easy to do.

After taking the blue tearstone ring, the fireproof girl signaled Luo Qi to open the door, took Glarat to the city wall to help, and left a message.

Please inform the current commander of the team to come see me.

Back at the top of the Kingdom Avenue, the fire prevention girl waited quietly for the person in charge to arrive. Unexpectedly, the person who arrived turned out to be the Lothric flag-bearing knight she had saved.

Your Highness, you are looking for me.

The knight's equipment was in tatters, and there was still blood on his face, but his spirit was much better. After performing the knight's salute, he stood in front of the fire-proof woman, waiting for orders.

What do you call it?

The fireproof girl smiled and asked kindly.


How many soldiers are still conscious today, and how many residents of the high wall have not yet turned into zombies?

As soon as the fire-proof girl finished asking, Richard handed over a roster. Fortunately, the fire-proof girl had studied hard since she came to this world, so she wouldn't be able to understand Lothric's words.

The Lothric knights could only gather a team of more than twenty people, but the remaining number of servants was large, more than five hundred, which was enough to maintain the patrol of the high wall and still have a surplus.

Among the soldiers, the members of the Lothrik Knights have relatively intact consciousness and a stable mental state. Most of the servants have turned into zombies, but they can still accept orders.

There are also nearly a thousand civilians who, although infected with the immortal curse, are still able to do simple jobs.

Thanks to the miracle of the Fireproof Woman, many soldiers were brought back from the edge of living corpses. Richard and the others were able to reorganize the military structure and quickly calculate these data.

It's been quite unexpected.

With such a force, it will be much easier to deal with undead settlements, including future security issues.

Excuse me, Richard.

The fire girl expressed her approval for the job Richard had done.

Don't dare.

Richard leaned over quickly.

After cleaning up the high wall, quickly arrange patrols and defense changes. I will leave a spiral sword here, and the warriors who have shared their souls can use it to teleport outside the sacrificial site.

What the fire girl meant was that if there was a problem with the high wall, she would be teleported directly to the sacrificial site to give a warning. After all, the high wall was the frontline base for the undead settlement. She also planned to rebuild the bridge to the undead settlement. The upper limit of teleportation was too low after all.

After completing the above tasks, organize the remaining knights and rest and wait for orders. Richard, after you complete the arrangements, come with us to the sacrificial site.

Since she planned to recruit the Knights of Lothric to join her gang, the Fireproof Girl naturally wanted to take them to see the King's Soul, and at least let them know that she was not with the wrong person.

Chapter 20 Fire-proof girls are not just good-looking

Sir, there's an emergency.

Just as the fire prevention woman was arranging her work, a soldier holding a crossbow hurried over. Seeing that the fire prevention woman was there, he quickly knelt down on one knee.

What happened? There's no need to be formal.

Well, Your Highness, we found a black-armored knight in the tower prison. He seems to have lost his mind, and the aura on his body is also very scary. Although he is in prison now, he will always be a hidden danger there. .”

The crossbowman replied that they had just checked the situation there and judged that it was only a matter of time before the black-armored knight came out, so they came to report.

Lead the way.

As commanded.

Under the leadership of the crossbowman, the group came to another prison. Compared to the relatively clean and tidy area they were in just now, the situation here seemed much dilapidated, and the walls were covered with scratches from swords.

The passage was littered with corpses of Lothric knights. Their deaths were miserable, with dark cuts on their bodies, and their exposed expressions were abnormally distorted, showing that they had been tortured before death.

Here we are.

We followed the road to the deepest part of the prison, where two knights were stationed in front of the re-reinforced door. In a prison filled with corpses, they were standing in unfamiliar full-proof armor and holding exquisite and peculiar broad-bladed swords.

Your Highness, this is Little Lund's standard armor.

Elton recognized what this man was wearing at a glance. This was the equipment worn by the knights of Little Londe, a country that had long been destroyed. However, he did not quite understand why the ancient country that had been destroyed for a long time still had its inheritance in the world.

The soul-sucking ghost appeared in Fran Fortress. He was corrupted by the abyss. He will hunt the undead and seize humanity.

Another black knight added.

Very strong!

The corruption of the abyss has begun to spread.

Twisted things have spread under the Black Knight's feet, and the corpses inside have been contaminated. If not dealt with in time, the high wall will suffer sooner or later.

Your Highness, let us go.

Elton asked for instructions. They were still somewhat confident about whether they could kill a soul-sucking ghost.

Forget it, I'll do it.

The fireproof girl shook her head. Soul-suckers are creatures of the abyss. The spread of the abyss after being killed is very likely to cause the surrounding life to be infected with the abyss. There are only a few black knights. If they are really infected, she will have no place to cry.

It’s stuck~

The arm wrapped in black arm armor with exquisite patterns stretched out and stopped Richard who wanted to step forward to stop him.

Don't worry, His Highness is not just good-looking.

Facing Richard's puzzled look, Elton said that compared to Richard, who knew nothing about the Fireproof Girl's strength, they had seen the Fireproof Girl take action when they first met her outside the sacrificial hall.


A time and space calibration was placed on the spot, which can transport itself to the calibration position and restore the body state during the calibration period. To prevent overturning, the fireproof woman casually pulled out a Lothric sword on the ground, and with a touch of the sword blade, brilliance was given to it. .

Open the door!

The knights followed the order and opened the iron door, and the fireproof woman stepped in and entered this space that had been eroded by darkness.

Like a shark that smelled the smell of blood, the soul-sucking ghost who was standing stiffly just a second ago turned his head away, red light flashed in the skull mask, and flicked the sword blade, shaking off the broken limbs hanging on it. crumbs, and slashed hard at the fire prevention girl.

His movements were wide open and close, brutal and direct, and the dark sword flowed with deep light.


The solid sword blade cleverly hit the blade of the Dark Sword, making a crisp sound of iron, breaking the soul-sucking ghost's offensive posture. The fire-proof woman handed the sword to her, pursuing the victory. In her breath, the cold light triggered her, and every time she swung the sword It was like dancing, but this dance was elegant and deadly. The sword blade passed through the gaps in the armor, leaving several wounds on the soul-sucking ghost.

sulfuric acid!

The sword blades intersect, and the circular prison seems to have turned into a gladiatorial arena, where the two gladiators are constantly colliding. The lightsaber with strange artistic patterns collides with the twisted black sword, causing airflow to scrape a streak on the wall. Seeing this, the fireproof girl couldn't help but feel glad that she didn't make a hasty decision to use the dragon hunting miracle.

The sharp blade came through the air, and the sharp whistling prompted the soul-sucking ghost to raise his sword to resist. As the soul-sucking ghost subconsciously defended himself, the sword that was supposed to be swung suddenly withdrew its force, changed its trajectory, and pierced the soul-sucking ghost. Faceplate.


A harsh friction sound came from the gap where the armor was pierced. The fireproof woman naturally released the hilt of the sword and retreated. The dark sword's counterattack was in vain.


The soul-sucking ghost covered his face and retreated with a scream. He grabbed the straight sword that had faded and pulled it out. Black liquid sprayed out from the crack. Just looking at it made people feel sincerely disgusted.

Pulling out a spear, the fireproof girl lowered her body and stabbed away like an injured opponent. However, the moment she was about to touch it, the soul-sucking ghost disappeared from the place like a ghost.


The fire-proof girl stopped in surprise, swung the tail of her gun, and knocked away the scarlet hand that grabbed the fire-proof girl from the darkness.

The Orochi Kas gave the soul-sucking skill the ability to extract the soul and life force of creatures.

It's a pity that the soul-sucking ghost is not fast enough. No, to be precise, as long as the fire-proof woman cannot get out of the subjective slowdown, no matter how fast the speed is, it will be a crawl in her eyes.

The tip of the gun pierced the soul-sucker's chin, and it turned its head to avoid it. The fireproof girl swung the gun sideways, sending it flying out and hitting the iron fence.

He got up in embarrassment, and then was shot through the breastplate. The inertia moved it backwards, and was nailed to the wall. At the same time, the soul-sucking ghost felt a stinging pain in his neck, and the fire-proof woman stepped out in front of her. Emerging, the lightsaber tore through the defenses of the abyss, cutting through the armor like tofu.

There was a sudden spin, and the soul-sucking ghost disconnected.


The black material instinctively moved away, and the fireproof woman ignited a flame in her hand, and threw it on the body that was constantly spraying 'oil'. As the flames spread in the prison, the body continued to sound, and the body that had lost its attachment was The abyss eventually melted away in the flames, leaving behind a pair of armor corroded by time.


After purifying the abyss, the fireproof girl breathed a sigh of relief, and then called out to the rather incredible knight.


After arranging the high wall affairs, organize people to clean up the place, and then come to the Green Church to find me.

Most of the knights here were killed in one blow, and their equipment was not much damaged. After being repaired by the blacksmith, it was just enough to take it off and install it.

Your will, Your Highness.

After receiving the order, Richard left quickly, and the fireproof girl carried the captured dark sword and returned to the Green Church with the black knights, waiting for his return.

‘It’s finally come to an end. ’

Just like a certain Onion Knight likes to drink some wine and then sleep after a fight, the Fireproof Girl doesn't push herself too hard all the time.

After finishing all these things, I finally have some free time.

She opened the chat group.

Then a private message from Gilgamesh was discovered.

If you have free time, come and chat with me.

Chapter 21 The King’s Grand Invitation

Gilgamesh? What does this overtime maniac want to do with her?

When she has free time and is bored, the fireproof girl joins the group just to find someone to blow off her time with, but now she just wants to find someone to blow off on her own.

Leaning on the chair that originally belonged to Emma, ​​with the black knights dutifully guarding her, the fireproof girl put her chin in one hand and closed her eyes, immersed in the chat group.

Entering the private chat space, the fire-proof female biu came to a high tower in a flash, lifted up her long pale golden hair that was messed up by the wind, and looked at the simulated world curiously.

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