Everyone, please be patient and please listen to what I have to say.

The emperor was killed. Now the people involved have been arrested, but the scene will also be sealed off. Qixing will be fully responsible for the next matters. We will give you an answer as soon as possible.

I also ask everyone present to follow Qianyan Army's command and leave in an orderly manner. After you leave, please do not spread rumors or create panic. If it causes adverse effects, you can only invite him to come to Yujing Terrace.

Ning Guang's reputation was still sufficient. Now that the suspect had been captured, no one would question their decision and slowly left the square.

It's just that most of the back figures looked lost, and many people turned their heads to glance at the emperor's body from time to time, obviously unable to accept the future without the Rock King Emperor.

Where will Liyue go from here?

it's over.

The fireproof girl watched it all end, turned her eyes and looked at Zhongli who was silent.

Hahahaha, wonderful show.

Gilgamesh clapped his hands when he saw that this dramatic ceremony of inviting immortals came to an end.

From the perspective of the group of friends who know all the reasons, this is all a drama directed and acted by Zhongli, and they really cannot sympathize with the people of Liyue today.


Gilgamesh looked at Zhongli who was deep in thought, and as a king, he was proud to compare himself with him unconsciously.

'I will do better than the gods. ’

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, Gilgamesh couldn't help but feel a surge of pride again in his tired heart, and then he said goodbye.

Although I really want to see what kind of grace the humans in this world can show when facing adversity, I am busy with official duties, so I should say goodbye.

With a wave of his hand, Gilgamesh turned into light particles and disappeared, leaving only a set of wine cups placed on the stone table, which was his gift to Zhongli.

It's really resolute.

Staring below, Zhongli said nothing and drank the wine pretending to be calm, but the slight rippling of the wine still showed that his heart was not as calm as it appeared.

The child would eventually grow up, but looking at the scene below, Zhongli suddenly doubted whether his approach was too radical.

However, after taking a deep look at Ying, Zhongli also knew that at this moment, a new era should begin.

The time to say goodbye has come and he should let go.


After bidding farewell to Gilgamesh, Zhongli stood high and thought for a long time. It wasn't until the people below dispersed that he looked at the three fireproof women sitting in a row on the top of the mountain, sucking milk.

Because waiting for Zhongli, a person with extremely terrifying qi-raising skills, was really time-consuming. The three of them were holding a glass of milk and a straw with three openings, and they were competing to see who could suck more.


Seeing this warm and harmonious scene, Zhongli couldn't help but smile, and his mood improved a lot.

If his evening sun is waiting for the day it falls, then the fire prevention girl is like the rising sun, full of vitality.

We still have to rely on people like them in the future.

Are you ready? Zhongli.

Seeing Zhongli turn around, the fireproof girl raised her eyebrows.

Yes, let's go.

With a slight nod, Zhongli took the lead on the path down the mountain.

That blow just now was very strong.

Walking on the mountain path, Zhongli recalled the blow he had just received with his body.

Extremely fast, extremely powerful to crush.

Not to mention that Zhongli had no intention of resisting, even if he had the intention, he probably wouldn't be able to take this move.

Recalling the scene back then, perhaps heaven treats them the same way it does now.

Hehe, that's right. As long as I can hit it, there won't be many beings that can handle it.

Wiping the milk stains around her mouth, the fireproof girl raised her chin proudly. Her strength was affirmed. She was naturally happy. She was keenly aware that Zhongli didn't seem to want to talk more about Liyue, so she naturally followed him. The opening words continued.

The four of them walked down the mountain together, walking on the empty road, chatting with each other about interesting things in life.

This time, the topic finally stopped turning to Liyue.

The light from the sky was split by the mountain peaks, shining on the road and falling on the backs of the two groups of people.

It seems to separate morning and evening.

Um? Little Wood (Vision).jpg

Chapter 158 Hutao: How about we have a banquet first?


The sea breeze blew by, lifting a lantern hanging in front of the store.

The lantern fell to the ground, but it had not been taken care of for a long time. One end was propped between the cracks of the bricks, whirling in the wind.

After a while, someone finally stepped onto the deserted street and picked up the lantern on the ground.


Jumping up and hanging the lantern back, Hutao clapped his hands and waved to the fireproof girl behind him who had changed into another outfit.

Sister Su'er, this way.

Slow down~

Following behind the happy Hu Tao, the fire girl looked at the sky.

The sun was shining brightly, shining on the bright red grapefruit of the tile-roofed house, and the cool sea breeze poured into Liyue Harbor, dispelling some of the dullness.

The sky is clear, which is a good time to go out and work, but the atmosphere in Liyue at the moment is exactly the opposite of this bright weather.

There were only a few ships setting sail in the port that was supposed to be bustling with traffic.

On the boat were tourists from other countries.

This is also the last wave of tourists.

After catching the people involved, in order to prevent the backlog of population from causing chaos, Qixing drove away tourists to prevent greater trouble for the Liyue Port that was about to be shut down.

After undergoing numerous reviews, these tourists boarded the ship back home. They did not expect that this trip would actually witness history.

After returning to China, they would have something to brag about with others.

Turning to the city, there were not many people left in the neighborhood market that was very lively just a few days ago. Most of the people in Liyue were hanging out in the restaurants, drinking high-alcohol liquor in silence, trying to numb their nerves.


The seat turned sideways, and a man who had been working at the port for many years fell to the ground. The wine bowl also fell over and poured water on his face.

Emperor! Lord Emperor, why did you just leave like this, wuwuwu.

His muscular arms were touching his face, wine and tears were mixed together. The waiter hurriedly brought a towel to wipe his face, but the man ignored him and pushed the thin waiter away with his arms dancing back and forth, crying until he burst into tears. Bring rain.

It's hard to imagine that a nine-foot-tall man was crying like a child at this moment.


The boss who was busy in front of the stage noticed the commotion there, but didn't say anything. He let out a long sigh and silently refilled the empty wine glass.

Behind him, there was a pile of empty wine bottles that had not yet been taken care of.

In the past, if he could have this business, he would wake up laughing in his dreams, but now, as the inventory is reduced little by little, he can't laugh at all.

On the day of the accident at the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, the news of the Emperor's murder had already spread throughout the streets and alleys. As long as everyone is still in Liyue Port, no one does not know that the Emperor has passed away.

Although Ning Guang had already warned everyone present, in front of everyone, it was already a fact that the emperor was attacked and died. It was impossible to hide it, and it was impossible for Qixing to arrest everyone.

In Liyue, Emperor Yanwang is like everyone's parent.

On this memorable day of the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, the news that his parents passed away due to an accident suddenly came. It was undoubtedly a wake-up call for the people of Liyue, and no one could accept this.

Qixing spent a lot of effort, and then gradually stabilized the situation in a short period of time. The society was still stable, but everyone felt a sigh of relief in their hearts.

The entire Liyue Port is immersed in a sad atmosphere.

Fireproof Girl followed Hu Tao, but the joyful atmosphere between the two seemed very out of tune with the surroundings.

Don't you seem very sad?

Turning her gaze away from the restaurant where the commotion had calmed down, the fire prevention girl looked at Hu Tao. In order to avoid suspicion these days, she followed Hu Tao from Liyue Port to Jueyunjian. Everyone she met was greatly affected by the emperor's departure. The spirit is sluggish.

This little girl is still the same as usual.

Sad, of course I am sad. The passing of the emperor is a huge blow to all Liyue people.

Hu Tao paused for a moment, then turned around, still with that lively smile.

......can not tell.

The fireproof girl shook her head. She didn't know where Hutao, a girl at such a young age, had developed her endurance.

Hey, separation between life and death is a common thing. As the master of the Past Life Hall, I deal with dead people every day. I have seen this kind of thing a lot.

With his hands clasped behind his back, Hu Tao led the way, and there was really nothing unusual about him.

‘The consciousness is quite high. ’

When the fire-proof girl was autistic in the Fire Sacrifice, she cried every day. In the end, she found that crying was useless. The more she cried, the more ruthless they were. Mr. Gwen would not rush out from the initial furnace to kill these people. In the end, he still You have to rely on yourself.

After that, the fire girl stopped crying.

This lively little girl may have had an unspeakable experience.

In Liyue, Emperor Yanwang is the belief of all the people of Liyue. Now that his soul has returned to the high platform, every household is crying heart-breakingly, almost making the sky collapse with tears.

After all, you are the master of the same class, so you can't cry every day like them, right?

Crying day and night, can you cry so hard that the Rock King can be resurrected?

Hu Tao asked with a smile, picking up a pot of flowers that had fallen on the street and putting it back.

The dead are gone, and the living should live well. I understand their feelings, but if everyone goes to a restaurant to get drunk and loses their thoughts about the emperor, I'm afraid the emperor doesn't want to see such a thing. ?”

Indeed, this is Liyue where the people of Liyue live. We cannot lose prosperity without the emperor.

Nodding sincerely and agreeing with Hu Tao's evaluation, the fireproof girl slowly followed Hu Tao without any awareness of being the culprit of all these incidents.

Hopefully they can take up their responsibilities again and bring the city back to life sooner.

That's right, that's what I think. We can't live without the emperor. The deeds of other countries have already told us that God will leave one day, but now, it just happened to happen to us.

Hu Tao pointed at herself.

Just like me, when a person dies, he has to send it off. Now that an immortal has passed away, he naturally has to send it off. Instead of showing a sad face every day, it is better to prepare the ceremony to send the immortal seriously and send the Lord God off on his last journey.

It seems that Zhongli likes this little girl for a reason.

Liyue has an ancient tradition. Whenever an immortal leaves, Liyue will organize a vigorous ceremony to commemorate the return of the immortal. The ceremony is no worse than the ceremony to invite the immortal.

Now Liyue is in a mess, either wallowing in sadness, protecting Liyue's safety in this chaotic moment, or thinking about how to deal with the immortals who may come after hearing the news, but no one thinks of giving any advice. The emperor held a ceremony to send immortals.

Perhaps the human body does not have enough energy, but this is not a reason to ignore such important matters.

Some time ago, Hutao went out to deal with the innocent souls who died because the emperor passed away and could not breathe. Zhongli was a little worried, so he asked the fireproof girl to accompany him.

The journey went smoothly. When we passed by Wuwang Slope, we actually didn't encounter the ghosts that were refreshed every day. The mission was completed much earlier than expected.

When she came back from working outside, she found that Liyue still looked so lifeless. To be honest, she was very unhappy.

Afterwards, I went to ask the ceremonial steward and found that Qixing had not come to discuss the ceremony of inviting the immortal, which made him even more unhappy.

Let's go, let's go to Yujingtai first.

Seeing that the person behind him was still walking leisurely, Hutao frowned, took the fireproof girl's hand, and trotted up the steps.

Okay, okay~

Fireproof Girl also allowed herself to be pulled by Hutao. It’s okay for such a good child to be lively, so just pamper her.

On this trip, the two of them went to meet Qixing to discuss matters related to the ceremony of sending immortals.

After all, Shengshengtang is only engaged in the funeral industry. The resources, manpower, and venue required for the ceremony of sending immortals must be coordinated by Liyue Qixing. Otherwise, Shengshengtang alone will not be able to hold the ceremony of sending immortals.

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