We are old friends after all.

He didn't have any objection to having his head touched, but after enjoying it for a while, Hutao shook his head and distanced himself, walking outside.

I'm going to go out to do some business first. I just have a lot of free time these two days. Hey, every year when the ceremony of inviting immortals approaches, those people would rather wait until the emperor issues the policy before dying. They really lose money.

While lamenting the lack of business during this period, Hutao walked out of the door, then poked half of his head out of the door frame and waved his hand.

Zhongli, remember to take good care of your 'old friend'. I wish you have a good time in Liyue.

This kid.

Zhongli shook his head, he was making fun of their age.

After getting along day and night for so long, he was not surprised that Hu Tao could see the clues, but the child was also very measured and never exposed it.

I quite like her.

For such a sensible and lively girl, it would be strange not to like her.

Fireproof Girl doesn't care about age. As long as her mental age is young enough, she can say that she is still in the teenage stage (confirmed).

And you see, the Sun God Clan of my age is already in teenagers, so she is definitely not an old woman.

By the way, I have nothing to do these days, so just let me go outside for a walk.

The fire prevention girl meant to deal with the demon fragments scattered throughout Liyue first.

Aren't you going to play more in Liyue?

Work is more important.

After receiving remuneration from others, you naturally have to do your best.

Okay, I'll give you the coordinates in my memory later.

Zhongli agreed.

Hey, Soul, have you forgotten us?

The faded man suddenly made a sound, hooked his arms around the fire-proof girl's neck, and pressed his whole body on the fire-proof girl's back.

They were considered insiders of the Fireproof Girl and Zhongli's plan, and they did not avoid them from the beginning of their transactions.

Are you going to clean up the demon fragments too?

Can you just give us a little fire?

Ashes took it for granted that fighting against the so-called Demonic God fragments was not just about fighting, this was what they were best at.

When the time comes, I'll switch shifts with the faded one, and we'll go one day each. I believe we can handle it before I invite the Immortal Ceremony.

How to say?

That's okay too.

The fire prevention girl had no choice but to refuse. She quickly divided the Liyue map marked by Zhongli into areas, then sent it to the two of them, and asked: Who will go first today?

I'll go first. Didn't you promise to take Ah Tui to taste delicious food?

Ashes cast a teasing look at the faded one who was hesitant to speak, and took the initiative to take over the responsibility.


'so good. ’

Zhong Li looked at the fire-prevention girls and the others. Once upon a time, he had such friends by his side. Unfortunately, now they are either separated from each other or turned against each other.

Let's go out and take a look.

After picking up the birdcage, Zhongli took the lead in leaving the pavilion.

Then I'll trouble you.

As Zhongli, the person who enjoys the most in Liyue, goes out, the fireproof girl's life in Liyue also begins.

Liyue Travel Notes.

On the first day, I went shopping and ate with Hui Jin.

Zhongli is really knowledgeable and can tell the story behind every dish. Every time he eats the food in his mouth, it feels like he is savoring history. But why did Zhongli ask me to pay the bill? Oh, I just remembered that Zhongli gave me Mora.

The next day, I went shopping and had dinner with the faded person.

I heard from Zhongli that the chef of Wanmintang is back. I must check it out. The charcoal-grilled slime feels so strange, but the faded ones eat it very well.

On the third day, go shopping and eat.

Fire-prevention girl, fire-prevention girl, you must not just eat tomorrow, you have work to do, you can't go on like this tomorrow, there's so much to do.

On the fourth day, I went shopping and ate with the faded person.

On the eighth day, no, my mother is going to cross the border to beat someone. I have to work today no matter what.

Is this why you three came to my store to occupy seats?

The girl with thick eyebrows put her hands on her hips and tilted her head to look at the three people who were working on documents during the meal.

Xiang Ling had some doubts about whether these three people had taken up their jobs under Yu Hengxing. How could they come to the store during the morning meal and stay until the afternoon? Or they were working non-stop, so they had to sleep next to her at night. ah?

It was originally planned to be alone.

After sorting out the travel diary of another world in her mind, the fireproof girl glanced at Otto on the opposite side and Tallulah on the left.

I just didn’t expect that there were two people with the same problem.

And this processing work is like an author coding. One person coding is going to jail, but three people are team building, and the motivation comes all of a sudden.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be bad actors.

While the fireproof girl was comforting the fried Xiangling, she glanced at a certain golden retriever who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

It's you, Otto.

Compared to Tallulah, who was frowning, wagging her tail, and seriously thinking about how to deal with it, Otto was a perfect showman. He played with his mobile phone for a while, picked up the paper document and signed a few words, and then started playing with his mobile phone again. .

Is Genshin Impact so fun?

Hey, I just hope you can restrain yourself. If you don't know, you would think that Wanmin Hall is some kind of after-dinner work place.

Xiangling sighed and looked helplessly at the diners pointing around. There were many people gathered outside, all waiting to eat. The reason was because it was rumored that four foreigners in strange clothes were performing performance art in Wanmin Hall.

Liyue people are like this. They are very curious about things that go beyond the rules, and then they will come over to them. Word of mouth will become more and more exaggerated, and everyone will join in the fun. Those who don't know think that Wanmintang has closed down and is giving away guests. .

I don't want this kind of business.

Xiangling is the chef of Wanmintang. She has blue hair and thick eyebrows. She is very cute. She is also good at shooting guns. On weekdays, she carries a bear named Guoba that can breathe fire.

After some observation, the fireproof girl also discovered that this thing seemed to be a demon god. She went to ask Zhongli about it and found out that it was his old friend and left it alone.

Breathing fire on Xiangling's stove every day makes her feel like a Stove Lord.

It won't be after today's processing.

Okay, I'm going to cook first. The rice cooker will burst into flames.

Wiping the sweat on his face and looking at the faded man who had finished the dishes, Xiang Ling twitched the corner of his mouth and walked into the kitchen with a sigh.

Who made her a chef?

The fireproof girl and her friends have been eating here for seven days, and they have become familiar with each other as soon as they go back and forth. She is also a very easy to get along with, and her cooking skills are also top-notch.

What, you ask the fire prevention girl, isn’t she planning to eat all over Liyue? Why did you stay in Wanmin Hall for so long?

Wow, God knew there were so many cuisines in Liyue.

Eight days, eight days, the fireproof girl hasn't even finished half of the menu. This still makes Xiangling cook three meals a day. If Xian Dianyi extends it for another half month, she won't be able to finish it.

She made a fragrant and glutinous fish ball with a bamboo skewer and chewed it.

She can rely on time to speed up her stomach emptying, but she can't speed up her time to catch Xiang Ling just for the sake of her appetite. Wouldn't that mean she is worse than a capitalist?


Chapter 152 Tallulah: Why are all the friends starting to touch each other?

Ah, so tired.

After reviewing the last piece of information, Talu stretched his waist, and his tail behind him was stretched straight at this moment.

I do know that Sister Suer has broken the shackles of fate.

Looking at Otto who was fishing, and the fireproof girl who looked very leisurely because she had the time miracle guarantee, Tallulah couldn't help but ask.

Uncle Otto, what have you been doing lately?

You can’t just play games all the time, right?

Tallulah studied in Tianming for a period of time and made many good friends. Naturally, she was more interested in Otto.


Otto, who had become a super senior for no reason, twitched his lips. He joined the group a little early. Tallulah was still an underage girl at that time, so the title has been maintained ever since.

I have made some optimizations for the future layout based on the data, so I need to make many decisions.

There’s nothing wrong with sharing your plans with your group friends.

He is not worried that the leakage of information about the future world line of the Honkai Impact will change the group's perception of him. Everyone can play if they like. Anyway, he has never concealed his purpose and person after entering the chat group. Product issues.

Otto is a pure person who does not hesitate to cross time and space. Everything he has done for hundreds of years is just to create a world line where his lover can live, even if it means becoming the enemy of the entire world.

This kind of person is actually the best to deal with when there is no conflict of interest between them.

Many people in the group actually envied Otto. There was nothing else but the feeling that he could do anything, knew how to do it, was willing to do it, and could keep doing it.

Deal with some small forces, prevent them from researching powers that should not be touched, collect the scattered God Keys, fix the loopholes, and judge the progress.

In Otto's view, apart from the possibility of being olived in the future, the rest is indeed not a big deal. After he knew the Herrscher's nature, he had given up on relying on the Herrscher to resurrect his lover.

At present, everyone in the chat group is exchanging knowledge and completing each other's technical complements. The so-called inhumane experiments are no longer necessary. The outcome is already determined. All that is left is to follow the script.

If conditions permit, Otto doesn't mind saving more lives in the process, because that's what his lover wants.

This is also the reason why Otto made Destiny take up the fight against Honkai.

All I have to do is wait for the moment I want to arrive.

There was nothing important in the current process, and all the power was left to his secretary Amber. Otto confidently became the hands-off shopkeeper, since the game was not as important anyway.

Seeing Otto's appearance of being addicted to games, Tallulah couldn't help but curl her lips and said with a pinched voice: Sir Otto, stop playing games. The intelligence sent from all continents is piled up so high.

Otto's hands shook, and the character fell directly off the cliff. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at Tallulah.

It looked quite similar, which shocked him.

I wish I had a secretary like Amber sometime.

Glancing at Otto rather enviously, the fireproof girl sighed.

Both the leader's work and life can be arranged in an orderly manner, and all affairs on all continents are completed by his hands. All he has to do is wait for the leader's signature. He is simply a perfect secretary and a perfect waste-making machine.

Remember to let me catch you when the time comes.

He kindly reminded Otto to take him with him when he went to attack the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, so as not to lose his life.

Even though Otto is usually very sinister and has a lot of clones, if the time comes to save his lover by sacrificing himself, this guy will definitely do it without hesitation.


Otto put down his phone, nodded solemnly, and then went to resurrect the character.

I always feel that everyone in our chat group is getting closer to Mr. Merlin.

Tallulah looked at Otto's appearance and thought of Zhongli and the others. The figures of these people overlapped each other, and finally turned into the appearance of a certain flower magician.

At least I am sure about fishing and having fun.

Isn't this nice?

The fire prevention girl picked up the milk tea and took a sip.

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