The twenty-second chapter does not understand!

?What will it be?

After the channel, will it be a new situation?

Lin Feng’s eyes are clear, the chest is slightly ups and downs, and the reason why he became a ‘war snake’, which is the majority of the reasons…

It is for the existence of this ‘door’.

leave here!

Right now, there is only this way left.

“hope everything is fine.”

“Let me return to the country of hunting.”

Lin Feng eyes bright light flashing.

I have no time, only the final day.

The catastrophe will come!

“Tread!~” stepped out, Lin Feng looked right.

In front of the eyes, a shining bright light flashed, as if the space was twisted, and the consciousness took time into a huge whirlpool, non-stop rotation. The surroundings became blurred, and they seemed to be in the dark, but in an instant they returned to bright colors and came to a new area.

“Here is…” Lin Feng was amazed.

Own, it seems to enter a interstellar space.

The purpose is a starlight 璀璨, a huge statue of 10,000 high.

The snake constellation!

The surroundings starlight points are embellished and feel as close to the distance as you can. The most astonishing is that this is a completely new world, and all the buildings are ‘miracle’ suspended in the air, and it feels weird. But if you don’t care about the Starry Sky environment here, then look around and it’s like…

“A town like.” Lin Feng eyes bright.

“It’s the same as ‘War-Snake Town’. If I expected it to be correct, it should be the 2nd layer of the Thousand Snake Caves -“

“War of Snake Town!”

Lin Feng eyes 粼粼, very fast judgment.

Because this is too ‘easy’ to distinguish, just the skill in the blink of an eye, I have already felt dozens of aura flows, most of which are peaks of the Star Territory Level, but have a full 20% ‘aura’. It is a sky-like aura that can’t be seen!

Saint Level !

It is exactly the same as the one-horned strange person who had seen in the palace before, the Tauren aura!

“Oh.” Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, feeling deeply shocked.

In the vast Battle Spirit World, he only has seen a ‘sage’.

But for now, but in the blink of an eye skill. I saw several of myself, and some of the saint’s aura are much stronger than the ‘Shijia Luo’ that they have seen!

Here, it seems to be a world of ‘Saints’.

“The four great Jedi, really remarkable.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

I thought that the ancient ruins of the waterfall was very bad, but compared with the thousand snakes, it was a small witch!

In the Thousand Snake Caves, the Holy One is too ‘ordinary’.

“Call!~” Long put out a breath, Lin Feng brows slightly.

I thought this ‘space channel’. There will be a chance to return to the country of hunting, but at the moment it seems…

It is hope that the soup.

The problem is still not solved.

“There is still a day, maybe there is a way.” Lin Feng nodded and did not give up.

Not at the last moment, never give up!

“Let’s look around.” Lin Feng lightly said.

Battle snake town?

No, it is called ‘War of the Snake City’.

On the scale, it is a hundred times more than the war snake town. In the endless Starry Sky area, all kinds of buildings are suspended. Obviously. Here is the gathering place of the 2nd layer ‘War of the Snakes’. Although I don’t know it, it should be similar to the War Snake Town.

“There are so many saints, it doesn’t seem to be anything here.” Lin Feng inwardly ponder, feeling deeply startled.

The more you see, the more you feel ‘sparse.’

This time the skill. I have seen dozens of holy people!


Here, the Star Territory Level Martial Artist, seeing the Holy One is not a gift, as if this is a peer. Gazing all around, all kinds of Martial Artist can say everything here, thousands of snakes come and refuse. There is not only one channel.

1st layer With nine hundred battle snake halls, you can open a full nine hundred doors and connect 900 different areas.

Here Martial Artist is strange and self-contained.

“Unfortunately, I don’t understand the language of the Ophiuchus. If not, I might ask.

“If Xiao Jian is here.”

Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart, quite a bit helpless.

At this time, in the mind, it seems that the root pointer is turning, and the time limit from the final day is getting tighter and tighter.

You must find a way to leave.

But what is the solution?

Purse one’s lip, Lin Feng’s brow tightened and leaned down.

Desolation –

“pā !” The body is tight, and the ultimate strength will wrap itself, Lin Feng heart suddenly shocked.

That’s a strength like heaven’s might.

Saint Level expert !

“This?!” Lin Feng feels bad.

“Well, is it because I am really isn’t ‘snake constellation’, here to provoke a murder?”

Lin Feng clench one’s teeth, it was a surprise when he looked up instantly.

It’s him! ?

At the moment, in front of my own eyes, is a familiar face, once had a side. It is a ‘human’ that is taller than oneself. The slender body is naked and the eight abdominal muscles are extremely clear. Carrying his hands, a pair of goldfish-like cathedral pupils are crystal clear, just like laughing and laughing.

Unicorn strange person!

The powerful saint you met when you first entered the palace!

Seeing my own eyes, the one-legged strange person’s mouth twitched, it seemed to smile, and opened his mouth but did not know what to say.

Can’t understand!

Lin Feng was bitter and bitter, and at this moment she regretted not learning the language of the Ophiuchus. Even if I only know a little, at the moment, at least I can solve my eyebrows. A Saint Level expert is talking to myself, but it seems to talk about ‘important’ things, but I can’t understand!

How sad.

Zhang opened his mouth and said a few words. Lin Feng pointed to the ear and shook his head. He spread his hands and made helplessness.

Although the language is unreasonable, at least it can be expressed by gestures.

The singular strange person complexion was slightly condensed, nodded stunnedly, the handsome face was slightly indulged, smirked and patted on the shoulder. “He is this?” Lin Feng was amazed, although he still didn’t understand what the meaning of the one-legged strange person, but obviously he was not malicious, and the smile was the best ‘communication’.

“En, where are you going to take me?” Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought, his eyes flickering.

However, it does not resist. Follow the one-legged strange person to the front. The 2nd layer of the Thousand Snakes, and the 1st layer seem to be slightly different. There can only be one battle snake in a war snake temple in the 1st layer. But here, the War Snake Temple is surrounded by twelve stars, and it feels like a ‘parent’, the relationship between each war snake. Not necessarily hostile.

They come, the security.

“I don’t know what to do next, anyway.” Lin Feng laughed bitterly.

Since I don’t know where the road is, then I will follow the tide. Anyone with this one-horned strange person will lead the way.

Maybe, there will be help and it will not be said.

Very fast, Lin Feng came to a quiet area.

“Good familiar aura.” Lin Feng was amazed, looking forward along the aura sense, and the eyes suddenly burned. It was a huge stone sculpture, which was a far cry from the stone sculpture of the Snake Constellation that I had seen before. But the ‘He’ in front of him is more familiar with one point!


Unusually familiar aura, give yourself a kind feeling.

a thought flashed through the mind, Lin Feng looked at his wrist, when the ‘branded crystal’ was flashing, and at this time, feeling the shoulder sinking, Lin Feng suddenly looked up, and saw the one-horned strange person smiling In front of the finger. Lin Feng lightly slammed. Looking around, it is a huge crystal palace. Beautiful.

“This is…” Lin Feng looked at the unicorn strange person, saw him pointing to the crystal palace, pointing to himself, and Lin Feng nodded.

The unicorn strange person seems to be saying that this is his ‘residence’.

What about yourself?

As soon as the mind began, Lin Feng saw the one-legged strange person and pointed to another crystal palace not far away. Almost exactly the same. “It turns out.” Lin Feng between reacted, shown a smile. Then gazing all around, a crystal palace like a fairyland surrounds the surrounding giants of the indigo giant snake, feeling abnormally clear.

Same as ten 2-star chen.

“many thanks.” Lin Feng smiled and said to the one-horned strange person. Nod to show your gratitude.

The unicorn strange person smiled, grabbed Lin Feng’s wrist, pointed to ‘branded crystal’, and pointed to the door.

“I know.” Lin Feng nodded in confusion.

The one-sided strange person means to enter the residence, it depends on this ‘branded crystal’.

It seems to be quite satisfied with his ‘attitude’, the one-degree strange person touches his head, proudly raises his head, pats the chest, and Lin Feng can’t help but smile. This means that I understand very well that the one-degree strange person is saying that if someone bullies himself, just look for him.

Dare to please, treat yourself as a little brother.

It is also a fate.

“Good.” Lin Feng said with a smile, although the one-horned strange person could not understand, but still very grateful.

Although it is a Saint Level expert, but the one-legged strange person is not a little shelf, it feels like his brother.

“Hey!~” The unicorn strange person smiled and smiled as if he had thought of something. He took out a crystal booklet from his body and handed it over. Lin Feng was scornful and took it. Although I don’t know what this crystal booklet is, it is a good intention of the one-legged strange person.

Short-term communication, although the language is impassable, but gestures and expressions are the best bridge.

Watching the one-degree strange person enter the residence, Lin Feng immediately galloped into his crystal palace.

Here, Starry Sky’s ‘pressure’ is a bit bigger.


“How is this door open?”

Lin Feng stepped down in front of the Crystal Palace, laughed bitterly.

Secretly thought I was stupid, but I just didn’t see the palace where the one-way strange person entered.

It’s a glimpse of time, and you don’t need to make a move at all. Just close to the Crystal Palace, the ‘branded crystal’ on your wrist is already lit. The sound of the sound is moving, and a crystal door is slowly opened, which is quite simple.

“So convenient?” Lin Feng astonished smiled.

This is the case, but it does not delay, it is stepping into.

It used to be the residence of the ‘green man’, so the one-degree strange person recognized it. Entering it, a clear and transparent color, the beauty of the feeling is fascinating, compared with the simple and unadorned stone house of 1st layer, the gap is not a bit.

The central part of the Crystal Palace…

“That is?!” Lin Feng eyes suddenly dawned.


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