Chapter 17 Goodbye to the Holy One

Sharp space changes!

As if twisted, the whole battle of the snakes became a hallucination.

Lin Feng bright’s gaze looks straight ahead, like a shining star. Under self-state, 4th rank top grade is quite clear. All the space energy is gathered in one place, condensing one point of aura, forming a huge space crack.

“Zi! Zizi!~” is like a current, like a snake.

A huge constellation illusion condenses on the space crack, transmitting a powerful aura energy.

鐩 綋 綋 terrifying 锛

“The constellation of the constellation?” Lin Feng looked at the constellation.

“A strong spatial energy level is coming from the other side of the crack.”

“This really isn’t a messy space crack, it should be a delivery exit, I am afraid…”

“Quite danger.”

In the heart, Lin Feng is indecisive.

Sense, very clear, the space crack in front of the inexplicable, is not ordinary.

Dangerous and machine coexist!

Can’t enter?

In an instant, Lin Feng makes a decision!

“Since this ‘space crack’ was created by the ninth war snake temple, it means…”

“It must be separated from the ‘Battle of the Snake’.”

“Worth a try!”

With a firm mind, Lin Feng immediately stepped out.

I have no reason to back down, not to enter the tiger hole –

Get a tiger!

Yaozu, Blood Shadow Island.

This is one of the four giant islands in the boundless sea area, the size of which is almost close to the 10% of all land in Battle Spirit World.

Quite vast!

But on the island of Blood Shadow, it is quite empty.

Because here, the residence is the ‘blood tiger family’ of one of the four demons. With Supreme Bloodline, adulthood is the blood tiger family of the Star Territory Level. Innate talent ‘Dao of Space ‘, is the top force of the Yaozu, and the two Lich wars have played a huge role.

One of the four emperors of the Yaozu!

“Hey, hey!” Kui Kun broke into the door and was short of breath. The look of the gods is extremely stunned.

“What are you doing back?” He was talking about a middle-aged man who was not angry and self-confident. His thick eyebrows were twisted, and his cold eyes looked straight toward Quinquin. “The period of experience is not full, don’t tell me your escape.” Come back!”

A tiger eyes seems to be able to see through the heart, and there is a strong force on the body.

Blood tiger family. Saint ‘Que’!

“No, no, hehe.” Quinquin complexion turn to green, even the explanation, he does not want to provoke father angry.

The consequences are quite heavy!

“say.” Kuitun hearing this aura a little bit. Close your eyes.

Quinkun is relieved, the right arm is wiped out of the cold sweat on the forehead, and the tiger eye bright light is fierce. “It is such awkwardness, child found a big secret on this journey! Because of the big body, child does not I dare to deal with it alone. Therefore, I will rush back to tell you.”

“Hey?” Kuitun’s booth eyes stunned, showing a bit of curiosity. “Speak and listen.”

Quinquin’s eyes were filled with sorrow and fear, and the voice was depressed: “Hey, child… saw the ‘ancestor’.”

“The ancestor?” Kuitun said with a doubt.

Quakun shook his body, and the fierce terrifying face suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if to tear everything into pieces. “Yes, yes, hey. It is the ancestor recorded in the genealogy-“

“Devil’ Kui Tu”!”

“Impossible!” Kuitun’s eyes are flooded. Suddenly stood up, “Kui Tu was dead in the second time Lich battle!”

“It’s true, hehe.” Kui Kun complexion blue, urgency, “child not only sees it with his own eyes. It is the personal sense to the terrifying aura, and my ‘blood tiger family’ with the lineage. Even, even…” Kui Kun swallowed his mouth and his eyes were full of fear. “The ancestors are still alive, and I have spoken.”

“What?!” Kui’s eyes wide open.

tread! Lin Feng is down to earth.

Startled watched all around, feeling a distraction.

“Where is this?” Lin Feng gazing all around, her brows are deep.

From the space crack, I came to this quite strange place.

At this point, I stepped into a Starry Sky, and the surroundings flashed with dazzling stars, but the feeling was uncomfortable.

“It is oppression.” Lin Feng both pupils bright clear.

“It feels so depressed here, and the heart is heavy.”

“The level of the domain is quite high. It is difficult to escape the control of ‘He’ in the starry sky under my own state.”

Lin Feng very fast is to understand, eyes burning.

The stars and the shining spots are shining, but there is only a huge palace suspended in the sky. As if it were stone, the structure is quite old, but it transmits a mysterious and terrifying aura charm. At the forefront of the palace, the astrological statue of the constellation of the snake constellation clanging.

“This palace is…” Lin Feng’s heart was alarming, and the chest continued to undulate.

Feeling, abnormal terrifying!

That is like a heavenly might, so I can’t resist it.


“Since it is here, it makes no sense to force it back.”

“It will come soon after the disaster, and it will be better to fight at the moment than to be frustrated!”

With a fist, Lin Feng’s eyes were firm.

Although I am now making great progress compared with the half year, I always feel the unknown danger, abnormal terrifying.

It seems that I am still unable to resist myself!

“There are still ten days.”

“Should be enough!”

Lin Feng clench one’s teeth, the figure flashes, it is to relax forward.

The stress of the surroundings has a suffocating feeling that is greater than the “restrictive power” of Battle Spirit World.

Speed, slow down a lot.

The palace, which is close at hand, took a full ten seconds to arrive.

“so big.”

“Good majestic.”

“This momentum, really terrifying.”

Lin Feng was shocked and looked up.

Just a thousand miles away, I can feel the power and power of this ancient palace. Nowadays, I really enter the palace and feel a different kind of taste. This feeling is familiar, Lin Feng is burning, and the chest is non-stop.

That was the feeling of facing the saint’s ‘Shijia Luo’ when I went to find my heart.

A kind of ‘small little’ taste. A feeling of looking up.

“Call!~” Lin Feng put put out a breath.

“I seem to have come to an unacceptable place.”

“Sure enough, there is no ordinary in the four great places, and there are hundreds of waterfalls. The same is true of the thousand snakes.”

Lightly tremble, Lin Feng watched There is a statue of 10,000 high in front of the palace. Looking up and beyond.

The statue is vivid, depicting the astrology of the ‘Snake Constellation’, the detached existence of a snake. The statue seems to be alive, and it feels very anomalous, like every movement of his own, and every thought is under the control of ‘He’.

“Good is astonishing.” Lin Feng was scornful.

This time. I deeply felt my own smallness.

In the presence of this heaven’s might exist, it is like an ant.

This huge palace is completely different from the 900 palaces in the past, and it is so many times that it is magnificent and majestic. The old architecture feels like it has been a long time since centuries, but it does not hurt the appearance. Obviously this is really isn’t ordinary stone.

“They come, the security.”

“Go in and see.”

Lin Feng’s heart is light and his eyes are bright.

Breathing deeply, suppressing the feeling of the light tremble in your heart.

Although I am very small here, it does not mean that I will shrink back and admit defeat.

As a Martial Artist, why fear the danger!

Eyes bright light radiate all around. Lin Feng is waiting for a step forward.

Suddenly ——

“Peng!” The shock of the heart, the Lin Feng complexion suddenly changed, and the pace of the step stopped at that moment.

Only in the depths of the palace, in the presence of a piece of pitch-black, a slender figure is like a teleport, a step, and shrinks into inches. The seemingly slow pace is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye it is in front of you, overlooking yourself.

“Boom!” Lin Feng instantaneous spirally recovers, with a double fist. But the body seems to be rigid and can’t move at half.

It is a ‘human’ that is taller than oneself. The slender body is red and the upper body is clear. With his hands on his back, a pair of goldfish-like cathedrals are crystal clear, as if you are looking through yourself.

But the most astonishing. It’s his forehead…

There is a sharp horn like a rhinoceros.

Really isn’t human!

“The Holy One.”

“He is a saint!”

Lin Feng complexion was a little pale and felt weak.

I am completely “controlled”, and a spirit-like strength wraps myself in a semi-transfer. That strength is far from being able to compete with it. The strength of the true ‘Saint Level’ is felt in its own way, even more than the Holy One’s ‘Shijia Luo’.

In front of this one-horned strange person, if you want to kill yourself, it is easy.


“Hey!!~” laughed twice, the laughter of the one-degree strange person was crisp and loud.

Circling in this seemingly endless void, the one-degree strange person turns his head and the figure is disappearing.

No, it’s flying away!

“pā !” The pressure on the body disappeared.

With the departure of the one-degree strange person, Lin Feng returned to normal.

“very awful strength.” said with a thought in one’s heart, Lin Feng chest slightly undulating, looking in the direction of the one-way strange person, still can see a touch of shadow, enter one of the palace weeks shining In the stars, it disappears like a meteor, and aura is empty.

“That… is his residence?” Lin Feng watched, staring at the stars, alarmed.

Gazing all around, with as many as twelve stars, around the entire palace, seems to be slowly turning.

Each star has a ‘unique’ aura feel.

“It won’t…”

“In this star, there is a ‘Saint” existence?”

Lin Feng smiled again and again, but his eyes flashed with luster.

He grasped the fist and felt a deep unwillingness. In a blink of time, it became a strong power.

In front of the saints, they have no power to fight back!

“Sure enough, as the release of the heart said on the day…”

“Under the Holy One, they are all ants.”

Lin Feng’s heart is more determined.

Cultivating, really isn’t the process of comparing with others, but a way of self-transformation.

Eyes The watched front of the piece of pitch-black, deeply exhaled, Lin Feng to clean up the mood, and immediately headed in.


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