Chapter Twelve Guess

After a year, Lin Feng returned to Heavenly Martial Continent again.

Although small, although it is only a small existence that is inaccessible in the boundless sea, but…

Here, very warm.

“There is a kind of warmth.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

I was born in Lin Clan, the land of Jiuzhou.

But there is no sense of belonging to Battle Spirit World. From the beginning of memory, I have been living in Heavenly Martial Continent, living in Lin Family Village, and now I think of a cave that is so ‘broken’. Very warm, although bitter but bitter.


“The responsibility is great.” Lin Feng said lightly.

Nowadays, it is already the ‘Sacred Lord’ of Heavenly Martial Continent, shouldering the safety of these hundreds of millions of people.

First, Heavenly Dog was chaotic, and then there were thousands of snakes raging. Heavenly Martial Continent never seemed to have been ‘safe’ for a while. Before the establishment of the country of hunting, many civilizations have existed and destroyed, leaving many energy equipment, various ancient ruins.

With his own strength, there are still two ‘four great places’ that have not entered.

“Heavenly Martial Continent, there is a secret.” Lin Feng looked bright.

“I also have this feeling, brother.” Lin Yun nodded in agreement. “Since you and I said about Battle Spirit World.”

Lin Feng nodded.

Indeed, there is no such four great places in the land of Jiuzhou.

You know, Heavenly Martial Continent is a ‘continental’, but its area is only the size of the Ganro area where Lin Clan is located.

“Twice and twice, maybe it can be said that it is accidental, but there have been so many things, it is impossible to do nothing else.” Lin Feng complexion dignified, slowly said, “as I estimate. The catastrophe after half a year may not be with me.” Related, very likely…”

“It’s about Heavenly Martial Continent!”

Lin Feng knows very well that he is now connected to Heavenly Martial Continent.

Holocaust may not necessarily be directed at oneself. If it is directed at Heavenly Martial Continent, it is equal to falling on itself. It’s like the little Heavenly Dog of the day. It is a responsibility because you can never let Heavenly Martial Continent be destroyed.

“You mean, brother?” Lin Yun’s eyebrows twisted.

“Not sure, the Senior of Bai Waterfall did not say anything, but no matter what…” Lin Feng looked at his eyes and his face was dignified. “Senior has sent a notice to me to inform me that this matter is definitely not the same, and will never be targeted.”

For the master of Fang Ning. I don’t doubt it.

With his strength, the authenticity is absolutely above 90%.

He said that he will have a catastrophe after half a year, and that will happen!

Moreover, I am afraid it is never ordinary.

“That brother, what are your plans?” Lin Yun’s brows are clustered and he feels a bit worried.

“cultivating.” Lin Feng said indifferently, without hesitation, “must be cultivating. And it must be quite improved in half a year to be able to face the catastrophe after half a year. Whether it is for me personally. Or It is against Heavenly Martial Continent, and it is the most correct and most positive practice to enhance my strength.”

“My brother said very much.” Lin Yun nodded.

For Big Brother, he has always been obedient.

What’s more, Lin Feng said that it is really reasonable, Lin Yun has a slight meal. Said resolutely, “Then we split up, brother. I will send enough manpower to explore the secrets of Heavenly Martial Continent and see if there is a chance to solve the disaster in advance. Hope is small, but better than not trying.”

“Good.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

indeed. A’Yun said everything.

Sometimes, the so-called ‘robbery’ can really be solved in advance.

For example, the first small Heavenly Dog riot, if you can kill the little Heavenly Dog when it has not yet grown, will there be some terrifying turmoil later?

However, this depends on luck.

“For A’Yun, star glow Dan, what are you going to do?” Lin Feng asked casually.

This time, I brought tens of thousands of star glow dan, quite abundant, top grade star glow dan, high grade star glow dan, medium star glow dan, inferior star glow dan. It can almost be said that the largest ‘Roche Chamber of Commerce’ stock in Vermilion Bird is empty.

It costs a lot of money.

“I have a proposal, brother.” Lin Yun looked away.

“Talk about it.” Lin Feng is quite curious.

“You’ve planned the ‘elite policy’ is good, but…” Lin Yun looked at Lin Feng, said resolutely, “I think this is really isn’t the best way to use ‘star glow Dan’, pick Heavenly Martial Continent The most aptitude Martial Artist takes star glow Dan, but the effect is good in the short term, then what should I do?”

“I know that you are not short of money, but I hope that the country of hunting can ‘self-reliance’.”

“Even if we are missing us in the future, we can have a stable cycle, and experts will come out, not always attached to your wing.”

Lin Feng nodded, said with a slight smile, “Yes, continue.”

When Lin Feng didn’t object, Lin Yun smiled and felt more confident. “It’s such a brother. I want to keep some of the elite policy. The ‘top grade’ star glow will be reserved for the Martial Artist with the top aptitude. However, all the top, middle and bottom star glow Dan, I intend to use it uniformly.”

“Unified use?” Lin Feng watched Lin Yun, eye-opening, “Do you mean to use all Martial Artists in the country of hunting?”

Lin Yun shook his head, said resolutely, “is all ordinary people, brother.”

Lin Feng both eyes Floodlight, thoughtful.

Lin Yun explained, “Long Shenglong, Feng Shengfeng. The children of expert and expert parents, aptitude will be better than ordinary people, I have read many books, this is the book mentioned in the book ‘bloodline’. bloodline It should be able to inheritance, just like the ‘basic’ that martial arts said.”

“The more solid the foundation, the higher the future achievements will be.” Lin Yun Kaikai talked, seeing Lin Feng indecisive, not talking, but there is a snack.

“You said, brother?” Lin Yun’s voice was weak, and this was just his wishful thinking, not sure.

After all, there is a difference between plan and reality.

“Very good, A’Yun.” Lin Feng blinked and smiled slightly.

The younger brother is really amazing, and he never thought so long.

His own ‘thought’ stayed in the Martial Artist stage, and it was recognized in the words ‘Saint Level, all of them are ants’. But the younger brother is standing in the position of the ‘national’, looking at the whole country of hunting, looking at the future of the country of hunting.

On the governance of the country, he is indeed not as good as him.

“Really, brother, do you think so?” Lin Yun was surprised to say.

On experience, on experience, he knows that he is still far worse than Big Brother, and he can get the affirmation of Big Brother.

“It should be no problem.” Lin Feng said with a smile, “But the implementation is really isn’t ten years can be completed, although the bloodline will inherit, but after all, it is a ratio, a magnitude, will be diluted. The two experts may not give birth to a certain It is a superior child of aptitude, there is too much uncertainty, but ‘bloodline’ does exist.”

“The road is right, greatly improving the physical fitness of ordinary people, and has many advantages and no disadvantages for the country of hunting.”

“But this is a big project and it needs to step up ‘boost’ the bloodline.”

“It’s not enough for two generations, but I believe that as long as you can stick to it, people of Heavenly Martial Continent will get better and better with aptitude and foundation.” Lin Feng slightly smile, patted Lin Yun’s shoulder. “Let’s go do it, A’Yun, natural resources, you don’t have to worry about it, you need to tell me directly.”

“This time, in addition to star glow Dan, I also brought a lot of energy equipment, and enough star crystal.”

“You are right, the more solid the foundation, the higher the future will be!”

Lin Feng’s eyelids burned and he settled.

To change, you should change from the most basic place.

Supplemented by the cultivating method of Jiuzhou, slowly, people in the country of hunting will get closer and closer to Jiuzhou. Although there is a limit to people’s aptitude and bloodline, the people in the country of hunting are far weaker than the standard of Jiuzhou.

Among them, there is still a long gap that can be improved.

The change of foundation is better than everything!

“Okay, brother.” Lin Yun smiled and nodded. “I know what to do.”

“Speak up, brother, these diluted star glow Dan is really wonderful. Not only Shui’er can absorb perfectly, even the weak and poor body of the mother can slowly repair and strengthen the strength!” Lin Yun blinked, Said with a smile, “You don’t know, my mother officially became ‘Martial Artist’ yesterday.”

Lin Feng smiled.

I remember that I used to be a ‘Martial Artist’.

But nowadays, even her mother is so weak and weak, she can easily improve when her age is even difficult to cultivating. Have no choice says that there are many things that you can’t seem to do before, but after you put them in the distant future, it is not necessarily difficult.

“This is just the beginning, A’Yun.” Lin Feng blinked. “As long as the foundation is solid and the cells are active enough, the mother’s body will get better and better.”

“Then, the absorption will be more and more.”

“Form a stable cycle, just like Shui’er.”

Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

I am grateful to Shui’er for the excitement of these days.

短短数日,Shui’er 已然breakthrough 再breakthrough ,如今的实力在Heavenly Martial Continent 中来说,已然相当于‘Martial Emperor ’级别,距离Titled Martial God 亦不过一步之遥。或许,这种填鸭子式的提升,对真正的Martial Artist 来说有百害而无一弊。

但对mother 和Shui’er 这样,只是志在‘强身健体’,延长寿命保持青春来说,却再好不过。

“haha ,说起来,这小丫头还到处找人挑战!”Lin Yun said while loudly laughing 。

“真的假的?”Lin Feng 感到一分didn’t know whether to cry or laugh 。


“haha !~”

Three days later.

经过短暂的休息,交代处理完一些事务,Lin Feng 再次启程。





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