Lin Huo?

Lin Feng is in awe.

Desolation –

“pā!” only saw the ice cloud flashing through the right hand.

In the meantime, the broken person is squeezed into pieces, and the so-called ‘iron certificate’ will disappear forever. Pupil enlarged, Lin Feng watched The ice cloud is a bit stunned, but I don’t know what the high-powered ‘patrol’ is in front of me.

“Remember, owe me a favor.” The ice cloud sounds clear and the beautiful eyes flash.

Did not say the second sentence, the ice cloud is turned away and left, leaving only a touch of fragrant fragrance, Lin Feng is completely stunned.

She, just to be a favor?

Lin Feng always couldn’t understand, but it was okay to change to other people.

But the ice cloud is the patrol, and the role of the 10,000 people under the release of Shiro County. What can she not get?

What is the use of a favor?

“It’s weird.” Lin Feng shook his head silently.

But then he smiled and left this behind.

No matter what, the current assassination of the flood, the turn around, is finally a ‘perfect’ solution.

In the night sky.

The ice cloud is flying fast, and the look is light.

The so-called ‘law’ is originally set by the saints, and is really isn’t. There are countless deaths of Martial Artists in Shiro County every day. There is not much more than one, and one less. This kind of thing she can manage can be ignored, after all, not her responsibility, why not close one eye?

In exchange for other people, Hong Yi helped her to catch it, but Lin Feng…

However, he has a great relationship with the master.

Moreover, Lin Feng has a life-saving grace for her heart, and she can’t be ungrateful.

To be a favor, this is to push the boat, as Lin Feng guessed, as the status of the ice cloud, what is there? Star Territory Level Martial Artist’s favor. There is no use at all. However, if it is a saint, it is different, and the favor of the saint is invaluable.

“It’s so important for the master to value it, the chance of a little brat in the future, there should be three to 40%.”

“With this favor, there may be unexpected gains in the future.”

The ice cloud smiled lightly. Not too concerned.

This is like an ‘investment’ for her.

At the moment, Lin Feng’s favor is worthless, but the future…

No one can say no.

Lin Clan.

“Breaking?” Lin Biao fell into thoughts, suddenly shot the thigh, complexion ugly, “Well, how I forgot this!”

“Whoever has negligence.” Lin Feng smiled softly and shook his head.

In fact, he is also negligent. Before the flood found that his lurking was already very strange, but he still did not care. In the end, the killing of the flood, but also because of the arrival of the ice cloud, panic, did not carefully look at what left after the death of Hong Yu.

Obviously, I made a big mistake.

“If you change to ‘Zeng Blade’ to assassinate, you will certainly not make this kind of low-level mistake.” Lin Feng blinked.

I still remember that you, who played against Oz in the Wizard of Oz, was cold-blooded and ruthless. Definitely a top assassin.

Assassination, strength is important. But many details can’t be ignored.

“Lin Feng, you said that the inspection will help me to help you, and then personally destroy this ‘destructor’ in front of you, just to discuss a favor?” Lin Biao was a little worried.

“It’s true, righteous father.” Lin Feng nodded.

This point, I don’t want to understand it.

Lin Biao laughed. “You really have a big face. Even the inspector asks you to favor.”

Lin Feng shrugged, helplessly said, “I don’t know what medicine to sell in the gourd.” Paused, Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly bright, “But anyway. Father, things finally come to an end, just spend the next One month, basically the flood of things will end here.”

Lin Biao nodded. “That’s the case, but Lin Biao will not give up.”

Lin Feng frowned, said resolutely, “This person does not remove, such as the bones of the bones, sleepless food.”

“But he is cunning insidious, it is not easy to remove him.” Lin Biao sighed. “The matter of your identity will inevitably be made a fuss by him. Right now we are clear that he is in the dark, the situation is very unfavorable, who I can’t guess how he will go next.”

Lin Feng nodded. “At least he has broken his path now. There should be peace for a while.”

“Also.” Lin Biao smiled. “It’s useless to think so much. Take care of him! The soldiers will stop, the water will cover the soil, and he will be afraid of him!”

Lin Feng said with a smile, “I guess he should be angry now.”

Lin Biao is also laughing, “I guess too.”


“I’m furious!”

“Lin Zhen, Lin Feng two son of a bitch !!!”

In the basement, a sound of ‘噼里pāāā’, many expensive porcelain jade, are crushed. Lin Biao’s face was full of iron and blue, and the gas was trembled. If the last time lost to Lin Feng was just a bad luck, then this time, he was really defeated!

The plan is completely cracked!

“Don’t think that you can get away with it.”

“It’s not that easy to beat me Lin Biao!”

Clenched double fists, exposed to blue veins, and the complexion of Lin Biao was chilly to the extreme.

The starry sky flashes with a cold killing intent, the ugly face, distorted by the fierce.

“You won’t be able to do it for a long time.”

“Next time, I want you to be defeated!”

“Wait, then!!!”

Shiro County, a major earthquake.

Hong Yi helped the three lords, the honorary elders of the Stars of the Union, and the death of the flooding astonishing heart.

In fact, in Shilo County, Martial Artists are ‘disappearing’ or being killed all the time, or being expelled for not paying huge taxes, but these are not of concern because they lack a ‘famous’ And the flood is different.

His identity is enough to attract attention!

Especially the Stars of the Union, the death of the honorary elders, for them, the blow is not inferior to Hong Yi.

This is a naked slap! For a time, wind sighing and cranes calling, the star constellation alliance surveyed the whole thing. As for Hong Yibang, the reputation is even more than a night’s fall, and it is a shame to be directly assassinated in the gang of the gang and in the house of his own!

Of course. The evidence is gone.

The Star Fuss Alliance spreads the net and analyzes each of the people who have been in contact with Hong Yu. The time has even passed until a few years ago.

But, is it so easy to find the culprit?

After all, Lin Feng, even the first time I saw ‘Hong Yu’.

As for the motivation, it is more known. The only thing that is known is Lin Biao. But what is the use of Lin Feng? Does he have evidence? There is no evidence who will believe him, and Lin Feng will take a bite out of his communiques, and use the Starfighter Alliance, but he is himself.

At this time, Lin Feng is comfortable.

As time goes by, the security grasp will increase day by day.

“A few days later, it will be a month.”

“XmurX% is still safe in the past month.”

Lin Feng was contemptuous and didn’t care too much.

The only evidence has been inspected to destroy the ice cloud.

In addition to Lin Biao. I don’t have any jealousy, even if the Starfighter Alliance is supernatural, I don’t think I will do it myself. It’s been two months before the fourth round of the preliminaries. I didn’t return to Heavenly Martial Continent. It’s not the right time.

In addition, the four-round preliminaries are completely over, and a thousand quotas from Shiro County will be selected to participate in the race. There will be a one-year window.

I have enough time to cultivating breakthrough and I am not in a hurry.

the most important is. Breakthrough Star Territory Level, for yourself now…

Is it important?

“Domain comprehend and application. I have basically mastered this month.”

“The stars and the stars are also completely stabilized in the 3rd layer, and the might is powerful enough in the self state.”

“No matter the body or the Star Force, or the ‘domain’, I have more than the ordinary Star Territory Level expert.”

Lin Feng burning like gaze. Full of confidence.

Now I will encounter Lin Biao again, never like the last time.

With today’s strength, if you want to beat him, you have a full grasp!

“But always have to beware.” Lin Feng inwardly tremble in one’s heart.

This feeling is very uncomfortable. It is as if an invisible enemy has been behind.

Maybe it will happen at any time, stinging yourself a blade, and then trying to save the way, it is too late.

“Put the snake out of the hole?”

“Searching the entire Shiro County?”


Lin Feng’s brows are tight and very troublesome. Lin Biaodi is not so good, although this time he broke his game, but this is only a fluke, but can not be repeated. Really talk about intrigues, such as the city government, and you can’t take a picture of yourself.

“The righteous father has nothing to do.”

“A Zhong, he…” Lin Feng shook his head.

Although he is very trustworthy to the Guanjia Guanzhong, he never wants to drag this ‘family thing’ to him.

“Maybe, you can find a feather to discuss.”

“With her snow and ice, maybe it will give me some inspiration.”

Lin Feng nodded, slightly smile.

Since the last time Yu Yu saved himself, the relationship between them has been quite frank.

Many times, a relationship begins with a ‘misunderstanding’. What’s more, she and her are just married, because this family member will kill the family of the feathers, and have nothing. If they want to hurt her again, then it will become a man.

Yumo House.

“Oh? Feather is not in the air?” Lin Feng was amazed.

“Yes, Lin Feng Young Master.” Wu Guanjia respected with a smile, “Miss my family along with Lin Yan master seclusion.”

“Lin Yan Master?” Lin Feng is a bit puzzled. Now, the second round of the preliminaries is still two months. The feathers don’t improve the strength, but they are cultivating ‘tool refining’.

It is too unbelievable.

“Young Master doesn’t know.” Wu Guanjia said resolutely, “Miss’s opponent in the fourth round, is the southern region of the sacred fairy goddess ‘Orange Dream”, the first three rounds of the preliminaries, now the Star Territory Level 5th rank. Don’t say three months, even if you cultivating for three years, the lady may not be her opponent.”

“The sacred woman of the sect of the sacred fairy, ‘Orange is like a dream’?” Lin Feng’s eyes were slightly bright.

The ‘Saints’ of the Miluo Sect, who knew a little about it, appeared in the materials when investigating the flood.

And her name seems to be exactly –

Orange is like a dream!

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