Reversal of the wheel of fortune

Bone and eyelids.

It is two different qualities.

There is no difference in the level, but all the special bones have a strong fighting ability!

Bai Family in Yunjian District, a ‘White Swallow’!

The white eyes are shining brightly, and there is a flood of fire in front. The full-fledged Fireball is like a dense fire, and it is inevitable. However, at this moment, the changes in the body, the self-sufficiency of the Dao of Space, the white shackles stop the retreat, the body is like a soft illusion, and it becomes confusing.

Xiu! xiu! xiu! The afterimage is heavy.

In the audience, everyone saw a glimpse of suffocation.

“This is the ‘special eyelids’?” Lin Feng eyes flashed, slightly surprised.

I naturally heard the existence of ‘special bones and bones’, but I did not expect that it would still contain such strength.

“His body seems to be getting smaller?”

“No, it’s more ‘soft’, and…”

Lin Feng’s right eye is slightly bright, but the star sky is safe and sound, but it is quite weak.

However, the complete sense gets a white body, and it drives the space energy to operate. The whole person is like a butterfly dance surrounded by a dense Fireball, but it is unscathed. It looks like a Fireball pierces the white body, but…

It’s just an afterimage.

“The speed and flexibility of very awful.” Lin Feng was shocked.

The physical fitness of white has improved a lot in a blink of an eye, compared to oneself and even worse!

Of course, there is no time to be in a daze.

“sōu!” Passed through the heavy Fireball, and the white body appeared like lightning.

“break!” Lin Feng vision are bright, shouted.

In the hand, the amethyst spear glows brightly, and it bursts quickly.

Under the lock of the star sky, I can completely ‘foresee’ the next move.


“Sorry, Lin Feng.” The white voice came quietly. A cold glow gallops. The white figure that was originally flying is actually incredible rotation, changing direction, it is like a leaf suddenly changed direction by the wind, abnormal astonishing!

“chi!” white cold light transmission.

It was the white light wu ‘snake, and spit out the fierce letter.

White Swallow ability. Yunyan’s body!

Originally, Bai Qi did not want to use this move, after all, Lin Feng was injured.

But I didn’t expect Lin Feng to be so strong. Even though he was seriously injured, he was still terrifying to the extreme.

Forced he has no choice!

“xiu!” The sound of the air, the feeling of space is extremely strong.

The white body is like a cloud swallow, blending with the space of the surroundings, and the ‘soft’ realm is the ultimate. not only that. It was already an abnormally terrifying speed, and suddenly it broke out. Completely over the Lin Feng, with the absolute advantage of taking a move in the soft sword, the sword technique whistling out of the mood, shrouded.

“Fire of Rebirth !” Lin Feng has a brow.

However, this time I was completely wrong in predicting this, and the attack was close at hand, only with Fire of Rebirth.

“Explosion!” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

The intense Fire of Rebirth bursts out and vents.

The ‘quality’ may not match the Fire of Devour. But today’s Fire of Rebirth is also the way to comprehend double star technology. Completely compensated for the ‘quantity’. What’s more, the sole view defense, Fire of Rebirth is much stronger than the Fire of Devour!

Of course, the white attack is terrifying!

The “xiu!” soft sword is like a needle piercing, playing the strongest might with the smallest force.

Lin Feng complexion suddenly changed, and the chest was awkward. But the soft sword is already the defense of the Fire of Rebirth. Groaned, Lin Feng squatted, but the white as if it was expected, the space of the surroundings is turned into a twist, Lin Feng heart suddenly startled.

“It’s bad. It’s Dao of Space.”

Lin Feng eyes shining bright, familiar.

Every attack from the white, with a deep ‘Dao of Space’, strength and his own star sky is not much different, compared to Linfen’s fifth-grade ‘Star Cangwu’ is far away. But at the moment, I want to resist but I am powerless.

“Peng!” Severe’s exploding cry.

Lin Feng rushed back in an instant, and blood leaked from the corners of his mouth.

Wound again!

But this time, really isn’t Life Soul, but the body is hit!

In the frontal battle, the situation was completely controlled by the white, and the word ‘soft’ was played to the fullest, and now the white is indeed not an ignorant person.

“岚云步,second layer!” Lin Feng burning like gaze, can not hide the strength.

The play of the ‘special bones’ strength, the strength of today is quite strong, it is difficult to predict.

Sōu! sōu! The body is like a power shuttle, Lin Feng uses the Aries mystery ‘岚云步’ to avoid the battle. But just as I have just used my own strengths to overcome the weakness of Shangbai; at the moment, it is based on its own weakness and the advantage of Shanghai.

It is the reversal of the wheel of fortune.

“it is good!”


“That’s how it works!”


In the audience, cheers.

The popularity of the changes is extremely fast, just a rainy weather for a while, but the time is to open the sun, can not help. Just now everyone thought that Bai Qi will be suppressed all the time, and finally lost the battle, but did not expect the situation to reverse so fast!

Today, the absolute advantage is white.

“Peng!” “Peng!” “Peng!” Lin Feng was hit hard and the complexion was pale.

And the war and retreat, completely unable to stop the white offensive attack, it is like a plaster tightly glued.

“It’s amazing.”

“The second layer of ‘岚云步’ was actually broken.”

Lin Feng was shocked and shocked. Although it was not completely broken, it was similar.

I have a complete footwork on my foot, but it is a very strong one, but it feels like I am getting the next move. The most troublesome thing at the moment is that your speed is not as good as white, playing the ‘special bones’ of the might, the speed and sensitivity of the white, is completely better than yourself!

In a blink of time, the white cold light rises again.

The serpent confided the fierce’s letter and continually launched an attack!

“Peng!” The hard-blocked white attack, Lin Feng complexion white, chest severe pain.

After a series of blows, even if you have a strong resilience, it is useless. Moreover, the stars are now weak. It is difficult to fully develop your own strength. If it is the speed under normal conditions, you can’t get rid of the white, but at least the ‘岚云步法’ will not be so distressed.

“not good !” Lin Feng brows up.

The energy of space feels abnormally depressed.

Your own star sky is completely controlled, facing the same level of space strength. Star Cangwu succumbed to the wind. And this is the key to being at a disadvantage today. Just like two people who are equally strong, one is sick and the other is alive and kicking.

See you high!

“Re-displaying ‘Lob of Soul’?” Lin Feng lightly sigh in one’s heart, a momentary veto.

If you are in life and death, you may be desperate, but now it is just a duel.

In a short period of time, the continuous implementation of ‘Lob Soul’, the blow to your Life Soul, I am afraid it will worse. This really isn’t the best policy.

Really… no way?

The figure that retire is a bit tired.

However, Lin Feng’s eyes are still bright light, with a firm belief.

Not at the last moment, I will never give up!

“Kill him!”

“Come on, white!”

“Okay, just like this, won!”


In the audience, the roar was one after another.

See you get the upper hand. The situation was completely reversed and everyone was very happy. Excited. Jing Youyou and Li Hao are complexion ugly, clenching their fists and feeling the same. Despite this, the two eyes are still burning and watching Lin Feng, refused to miss a second.

Even if the hope is already very meager, the situation has fallen. But they still believe in Lin Feng.

Just then, Lin Feng worked wonders again and again!

This time, will there be?

“It’s almost over.” Huayi Blade nodded slowly.

The situation on the court, he sees the most understand, although marveling at Lin Feng’s physical strength. The ability to include that ‘resistance’ is also terrifying. However, the weak is the weak, and after the display of ‘the body of Yunyan’, the whites will be completely restrained by Lin Feng.

“This mystery of the footsteps is really mysterious, but it is a pity.” Huayi blade lightly sigh.

“The space energy is locked. Although it can’t directly break the footwork in white, it can be changed in the sense space, with faster speed and flexibility…”

“Break the situation in another situation.”

Nodded, Huayi Blade blinked.

“The two are good seedlings. If you can get into the race together, you will be fine.”

“But always have to decide a winner.”

Hua Yi Blade’s heart in the micro path, watching the field.

At this time, because of the continuous damage, Lin Feng is difficult to maintain the footwork, body squat, footwork

Has been broken!

And in front, white will let such a good opportunity.

In the hands of the ‘snake’ with a strong wind and wind, covering the entire space, with the momentum of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, stabbed Lin Feng. The might of Yunyan’s body, playing the utmost, the strength of the Star Territory Level 3rd rank, which broke out in this one.

“White has won.” Huayi blade lightly said.

There is no suspense in this sword.

Many people in the audience have stood up.

Hold the fists, hold your breath, wait for that moment, waiting for the moment when Lin Feng splashes the battlefield.

Quite expecting!

White, the final victory

Just one step!

“It is actually stabbing to the right chest.” Lin Biao’s eyes were cold and dark.

He can’t wait to kill Lin Feng with a sword, but obviously, Bai Qi did not have this plan. The injury to the flesh is easier to recover than the injury of the ‘soul’. Which Martial Artist has not suffered from the flesh and blood, it is not uncommon to get hurt in the discussion.

As long as the vital point is not injured, it will be restored for a few days and months.

“It seems that I have to kill the brat, I have to rely on myself.” Stealthy in the black cloak, Lin Biao sighed.

Hey! It is just standing up and wanting to leave.

Daddy, Lin Biao’s eyes fell on Lin Feng, and his eyes suddenly widened.

“No, impossible!”

“How could this be?!”

Lin Biao’s forehead is exposed on the forehead, and the star sky is like a starlight bloom.

Gnashing teeth, body tremble.

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