Chapter 12 Chess opponents!

No. 10 Wudouchang.

It is still so crowded and lively.

Despite the third round of the preliminaries, there are fewer and fewer events in each of the battles. After all, the elimination of the round, number of people is almost halved and then halved, but the fare has doubled and doubled! Unstoppable enthusiasm, whether it is Shiluo County or Vermilion Bird Island, or even the entire Jiuzhou.

Wu is always the same theme.

The battle of Saint Level, let alone the ordinary people, is rarely seen by the Star Territory Level Martial Artist.

Most people can see the most ‘top grade’ battle, which is the Star Territory Level test, especially this kind of life-and-death killing, even more exciting! In the third round of the preliminaries, the Star King Level is almost empty, and the Star Territory Level battles abound, and it is expected.

In the Martial Artist lounge.

The number of people is not too much, only three hundred people.

Many Martial Artists are wounded. After all, this preliminaries are too ‘brutal’ and not many Martial Artists can enter the third round without any injury. Bai Bai had already arrived at the lounge early, and the meditation disk sat in the corner, emitting a 粼粼aura.

“Is it felt?”

“A very awful battle intent, but fortunately my opponent is not white, or directly accept the loss.”

“Do you think that these three months… white seems to be a lot stronger?”

“right, right, the momentum is completely different!”


Everyone said a word to me, whispering and discussing.

The strong whiteness is well known, and today it is even better.

The original whiteness gives people a feeling of free and easy, but the momentum is completely changed. It is like a sleeping tiger, gradually revealing fangs, white hair is slightly messy, and the white body is more delicate. The lines are perfect.

“When!~” The crisp bell rang.

Suddenly, the white light opened the eyes, bright light radiate all around.

Surroundings, everyone is stunned, and the sense is so strong that the surrounding space is completely suppressed and quite uncomfortable.

“A strong space is oppressed!”

“Heavens. Is this the real strength of white!”

“It’s a monster, and his opponent’s opponent today is afraid to scare his cock.”


Now I can still stand here, and there is nothing better than the leader of Shiluo County. This is still there.

Bai Family, which is the largest family in Shiluo County, is now one of the nine Great Giants, and is one of the nine Great Giants in the Yunjian District. Family inheritance ‘Tianyan Constellation’, the way of War God, with a rare ‘special bones’. Different from special eyelids. All special bones

Have a strong fighting ability!

Lin Clan, of course, has two kinds of eyelids, but one bloodline is weak, and the other is no matter whether it is a star or a star, and it is not too strong in combat. The ability of the star sky is ‘simulation’; and the ability of the star is ‘comprehend’.

But Bai Family’s first muscle is ‘White Swallow’. The ability is ‘the body of Yunyan’!

Quite sly.

For more than a month, I received the ‘White Madam’ training of the Holy One. White is not the same as before.

The sound of the bell meant that the third round of the preliminaries was about to open, but there was no plan to enter the stadium, but the eyes were watching the light gate of the Martial Artist lounge. He is waiting, waiting for a person, an opponent who can really mobilize all his combat power!

time. Suddenly passed.

The shouts in the battlefield are thunderous and passionate.

In the Martial Artist lounge, the atmosphere is like a solid, white is not squinting, and the body is like a pine. The surroundings of the people seem to suffocate.

“The Lin Feng won’t come?”

“Who knows, I have also hid, I am joking, how to lose how to play on the white.”

“Also, the trifling Star King Level Martial Artist is still not good at scams. At least there is an excuse to preserve the reputation and dignity.”


With their own people, the ideas of the people are naturally estimated by their own minds.

However, the white is not moving, although the bell has been ringing for a long time, but he did not shake.

He knows clearly, Lin Feng, will definitely come!

In an instant

“Hey!~” The light gate flashes, in the eyes of everyone.

A black figure came slowly.

Still so calm, calm, with a faint smile on his face.

“Sorry, something has been delayed.” Lin Feng slightly smile, looking straight ahead, just at the moment I entered, I have already felt this powerful pressure. It’s totally different from the previous white, the whiteness in front of you, feels like you…

Quite danger.

There are a lot of arguments around the world.

Lin Feng, still without a star, is quite big.

“Are you injured?” The white brows were slightly clustered and felt a little disappointing.

With his strength, he realized the difference between Lin Feng aura. Maybe other people are too late to know that their opponents have been hurt, but they are really isn’t so, he struggled to cultivating under the saint ‘White Madam’, and after suffering, it was with Lin Feng. !

What he wants to fight is Lin Feng who is at the peak!

Just like him at the moment.

“Small injury, it doesn’t matter.” Lin Feng faintly opened.

This discourse, let the Martial Artist who just said that Lin Feng ‘scared’ did not dare to participate, suddenly became a red face.

“It seems that… not a minor injury.” White began to sink, hesitated, and slowly said, “Would you like me to ask the conference, can you choose another day?”

Lin Feng smiled and knew that it was white.

But the game is the game, there are no rules for it to destroy.

After all, the Martial Artist is not only injured by himself.

“No.” Lin Feng shook his head indifferently. In the ear, there was a loud bell, but the second time bell rang and prompted to enter the Martial Artist. Lin Feng looked bright, looking straight up, said with a smile, “Don’t be hurt because of my injury, when I terrifying you lost an excuse.”

“Good!” White-eyed, nodded, “Lin brother opened, I don’t think I can’t do my best.”

The two eyes look at each other, flashing a thick battle intent.

It is the chess opponent!

“Tread!” “Tread!” Lin Feng and Bai Qi successively fell on the battlefield.

Surrounding thunder, because of the white number, the two were the first in the third round of the preliminaries!

The attention of the public!

“Oh?” Sitting in the upper position of Huayi Blade, his eyes are light and clear, and his strength is as if he can see the two people at a glance. The original white strength is slightly inferior to its son Hua Wei. But nowadays…aura is completely transformed, it seems to be broken into butterflies, and it feels very different.

“It seems that it is the guidance of the Holy One ‘White Madam’.” Hua Yi Blade is lightly said, faintly sighed.

Even the Yuehua Blade door is famous in the northern region of the creek, but it is worse than the Bai Family. The lack of a ‘sacred person’ is the most deadly injury.

There are backgrounds and no backgrounds, which are completely different.

“But Lin Feng… What is going on?” Huayi Blade is a bit confusing.

He vaguely remembered that Lin Feng, the second round of the preliminaries, was the winner of Lin Fan, but he was inexplicably suffering from ‘severe injuries’.

Huayi blade sense is quite clear.

In fact, Lin Feng ‘severely hurt’ is the soul.

The soul, regardless of the Life of God’s Heavenly God Cultivator also good, the Master’s Heavenly Martial Cultivator, is fundamental. The aura that Martial Artist can sense is mainly the strength of ‘soul’. In addition, as well as the feeling brought by the strength rank, Lin Feng is seriously injured and does not mention, the star of the sky connected with Life Soul is now ‘weak’ is a fact.

Just after the ‘Lob of Soul’ and soon, how can it not be weak?

The recovery pool of the bloodline inheritance is good, but most of it is the repair of the body, and the repair of the ‘soul’ is rather weak.

In fact, in the entire human Jiuzhou land, the star soul can restore the ‘soul’. Extremely rare, all precious to the extreme. On the same day, Lin Feng’s ‘Resurrection Fruit’ seen in the Bai Waterfall was quite valuable in the land of Jiuzhou.

but. This really isn’t an excuse.

“Although the star cannot be used, the star sky is also greatly limited…”

“But my body is recovering more than half.”

Lin Feng is lightly said.

With a fist, the sense of strength is restored, and confidence is strong.

At least, the white in front is really isn’t Heavenly Soul Master. They don’t have to compete with Life Soul, so they are disadvantaged, but they are essentially the disadvantages. When you are in Yanling, the spear technique is what you rely on. It is martial artist’s strength!

Today, still have a good might!

In the battlefield, the shouts are like thunder.

He was filled with people and looked forward to the ‘opening battle’ of the 10th Fighting Field.

“Come on, white! I will buy you all the money!”

“Me too, haha, kill Lin Feng, let him take a look at the strength of our Bai Family in the Yunjian District!”

“That is, what Lin Feng is, trifling Star King Level, Martial Artist, how to hang his teeth! Kill him, white!”


Roar, roar, mixed together.

The crowd watching the voice was noisy, but it clearly supported the majority of the white.

Only a small number of Martial Artists support Lin Feng, most of them are holding the unpopular mentality. After all, Lin Feng’s odds are already low. Compared with the strengths announced before the game, the strength of the white is the Star Territory Level 3rd rank, and Lin Feng

It’s just the peak of the Star King Level.

Not only three levels are as simple as that.

It is a full difference!

White, the advantage is huge!

“Lin Feng will definitely win, you say yes, mouse?” In the crowd, a enchanting beautiful girl pouting small mouth, crystal earrings flashing, it is faint.

“Of course, Lin Feng boss is invincible!” Li Hao smiled.

“Lin Feng can win? Haha, it’s a joke.” “That is, a tool refining the teacher family out, how much can it be?” The surroundings burst into a sneer voice, then the time complexion is white, just grab the white happy, In an instant, it was surrounded by a group of Martial Artists. It was a secluded guard.

“Hmph!” Jing secluded a mouthful, ignored a little, the eyes stared at the battlefield.

And at this time…

In the crowd, a man in a black clothed cloak is looking at the stadium.

The eyes are blinking, and the bright light is flashing.

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