Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 5 is not a brother and sister!

Look at each other, Lin Feng looks calm.

I have already told Lin Biao through the mouth of Guan Zhong.

He knows that if he has no logical ability in this sense, Lin Biao is definitely not in the position of Patriarch. Unlike his sub-forest war, Lin Biao looks bold and straightforward, but it is thick and meticulous. This can be seen from what happens at this time.

Lin Feng smiled lightly. “Patriarch doesn’t think there is a lot of problem with this. Is it possible that I am your illegitimate child?”

“Cough.” Lin Biao’s old face was red, but he had doubts for a while.

In a small sentence, the dignified atmosphere will be eased.

Lin Biao looked at Lin Feng and nodded slowly. “In fact, I have always doubted it, but I have never been able to confirm it.” Stopped, Lin Biao purse one’s lip, hesitantly asked, “Lin Feng, your father and your mother… they also Okay?”

“Not good.” Lin Feng shook his head decisively.

The fist was suddenly held, and then slowly loosened. Lin Biao sighed. “Actually, I guessed it. I arranged my father to leave, but the ancients came after all. It was not long after the departure of your father.” He left, and he should have discovered the clues.”

“He?” Lin Feng looked down and the bright light flashed.

“Yes, the ancient saints.” Lin Biao’s voice is extremely helpless.

Ancient saints!

Lin Feng complexion is cold, but it is the first time I heard this shocking news.

At that time, the Holy One was chased and killed. It is no wonder that he would be distressed and escaped to Heavenly Martial Continent. The injury would be so serious. As far as I know, father was the star of hope for the family. Both strength and tool refining were 1st grade. The ordinary Star Territory Level Martial Artist couldn’t help father.

“pā !” Lin Feng clenched his fists and flashed a severe light between his eyebrows. “What is his name?”

The family was dismantled and the father was seriously injured. Mother has not been named yet.

How can you swallow this breath!

One day, if there is an opportunity, you must be an enemy.

“I don’t know.” Lin Biao shook his head and looked up slightly. Thinking about it, “He is a person, and very fast is leaving, oh right!” Lin Biao suddenly seemed to think of something, shouted, “I remember his right index finger with a faucet ring, and the right hand The wrist seems to have been hurt and has a deep scar.”

Faucet ring? Scar on the right hand wrist?

Lin Feng blinked, and my heart suddenly remembered. Although people are sea otters, there are always clues better than nothing.

“But it’s weird. How can the saint’s body regain its ability? How can it leave scars?” Lin Biao muttered, talking to himself, and then shaking his head, but the level of Saint Level is really isn’t he can see. Watched Lin Feng, Lin Xin gratified nod. “If Xiaotian sees such a wonderful son in the Spirit of Heaven, he will feel deeply comforted.”

Lin Feng shook his head. “Hey, I haven’t died yet.”

“What?!” Lin Biao’s eyes widened. “Then you just didn’t say…”

“This is a long story.” Lin Feng did not continue this topic, and the emotions gradually calmed down, looking at Lin Biao, said resolutely, “Patriarch. I want to know what happened in the past, please tell me one by one. As you just promised me.”

Lin Biao nodded lightly. “I don’t care about you. You really have the power to know about this.”

The chest is slightly ups and downs. Lin Feng, listen carefully.

The things of the year, for yourself –

Quite important!

Lin Biao’s eyes flashed, immersed in the memories, and he said, “Twenty years ago…”

After a quarter of an hour.

“Probably, that’s it.” Lin Biao sighed, and the secret was hidden in his heart for twenty years.

Lin Feng clenched his fists at this time, and his blue veins were exposed, feeling a deep anger.

As I have guessed, on the same day, Yan and Niang were really beaten by the stick. As the ancient saints descended, Patriarch Lin Biao arranged for the two to enter the secret passage and leave the Jiuzhou land to run away, and then nothing was known.

But in fact, what happened, I can imagine.

It is quite difficult to maintain a disability in the hands of the ancient saints.

“My mother…she is called ‘Ja Ya Zhu’?” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

“Yes, your mother should be the clansman of the ancient phoenix, but the specific identity is only known to your father.” Lin Biao shook his head with a smile. “When my father brought your mother back to the family, I was deeply scared.” One jump, no one has ever been so daring in Vermilion Bird, your father…”

“It is a precedent.”

Lin Feng’s look is constantly changing.

From beginning to end, I heard Lin Biao tell the story of what happened that year, and the doubts in my heart finally unraveled.


“Why do the ancients know about this and why do they know that my mother is hiding in Lin Clan?” Lin Feng asked, straight watched Lin Biao.

“I have been confused about this matter.” Lin Biao slightly wrinkle, slowly opened, “When you father took your mother back to the family, there is no wedding, but everything is simple. Besides me, there should be no one. It’s only to know your mother’s identity, and no one is boring to explore the identity of a woman’s identity.”

“Patriarch, the identity of the mother, is it told you?” Lin Feng looked straight at Lin Biao, and there was a god.

“Yes.” Lin Biao nodded, not avoiding Lin Feng’s gaze.

The atmosphere seems to solidify at this moment.

After three seconds –

“I believe in you.” Lin Feng’s eyes returned to normal. From Lin Biao’s gaze, he couldn’t see any lies. He also had a star, and as long as it was a change of one, he could feel it, but Lin Biao’s The eyes are calm like a lake.

Most importantly, I can tell Patriarch Lin Biao about this news, showing his trust in Patriarch.

On the same day, Lin Biao arranged the father into the tunnel to escape and run away. It is also true.

The authenticity of the family is known only to Patriarch.

“Some words, I don’t know if I should say it.” Lin Biao said with hesitation.

“Patriarch, but it doesn’t matter.” Lin Feng started talking.

“Although it is said that there is some disrespect for the dead, but the identity of your mother on that day, except for me, your Uncle, the brother of your father, ‘Lin Xiaodi’ should also know.” Lin Biao watched Lin Feng,said heavily “Later, there have been rumors that Lin Biao deliberately betrayed your father for the position of the Deputy Patriarch.”

Lin Feng nodded, indeed, this kind of thing should not hide the close relatives.

The same is true for changing yourself.


“Apart from Lin Biao, do you have another brother, Lin Whale?” Lin Feng asked.

“Another brother? Lin Whale?” Lin Biao gawked, not recovered for a long time, squinting and wide-eyed, surprisedly said, “What you said, but Lin Yumo’s father, Lin Whale?”

“Exactly.” Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Biao laughed and shook his head. “Who told you?”

Lin Feng is also startled, “Is it?”

Lin Feng was surprised when his brow wrinkled.

“Nature is not.” Lin Biao smiled lightly. “But the relationship between your father and Lin Whale is really good. The two even married Jinlan and the belly is married. In the same year, your mother and Lin Yumo’s mother-in-law are pregnant. On the child, the two families agreed that if they were a man and a woman, they would get married in the future and kiss them.”

“Ah?!” Lin Feng’s eyes wide open and completely stunned.

I didn’t think of it, the story would be like this, then myself and Yumo…

Not a brother and sister!

Day, put a big mishap.

Lin Feng has been exhales one breath saying for a long time, and I feel exceptionally scared, unbelievable. I remembered that I knew each other and Yumo, from the indifference of the relationship to the breaking of the ice. Today, Yumo and myself are like relatives. After going through so many things, the relationship between them seems to be…

Not good !

Lin Feng complexion stop and change, tight watched Lin Biao, “Is this thing, Yumo know?”

Lin Biao’s incomprehensible watched Lin Feng, “You are like glue, the feelings are so good at the moment, do you think that feathers will not know?” Lin Yizhong long-distance, “Lin Feng, listen, don’t let down the feathers, for your dolls Dear, Yumo has suffered too much and she can accept you. In fact, we all feel a bit surprised.”


Lin Feng’s head was in a mess.

However, I did not expect that this time it was a ‘burst’.

I thought that the two were brothers and sisters, so they were unscrupulous and did not have any avoidance. But now I jump out of the circle and look closely at the relationship between the two. I am a feather-like artist like a younger sister, but what about feathers?

“Trouble!~” Lin Feng sighed.

I now have two wives, Zi Yao and thousands, and I also know a little about this man and female.

Obviously, as Patriarch said, Yumo is on his own…

It is already a deep root of love.

Being implicated by his own family, it should be implicated by himself, and Yu Mo will be in the family. From childhood, he has suffered so much. If this is not the marriage, how can the family of Yumo be implicated, and now she should live a happy life, instead of leaving one after another, almost desperate.

When I think of it, my sufferings and feathers are nothing worth mentioning.

If you fail her, are you still a person?


Purse one’s lip , Lin Feng slightly sigh in one’s heart.

A lot of things, in fact, you must not make too many choices yourself. For the enemy, you may be able to clean and decisively kill. But what about the love of one’s own loved ones and the one who is wholeheartedly for himself?

“I have a chance to talk to Yu Mo.” Lin Feng snorted.

In any case, the matter needs to be resolved.

But for now, there is one more important thing!

Since the forest whale is really isn’t own Uncle, in other words, Patriarch is likely to be true, Lin Biao is really likely to betrayed! Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, and my heart was clear. Looking at Lin Shudi’s person, it was a savvy figure, and it was unscrupulous for the purpose. At that time, he was the only candidate for the Deputy Patriarch, and Lin Biaodi was only the second candidate!

motivation. It is already there.

It’s really hard to believe that for the sake of power and status, Lin Biao can make such a devastating thing!

But as I have calculated, in Father’s letter, I don’t mention the younger brother Lin Biao.

What does it mean?

“Father, I doubt him.” Lin Feng blinked.

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