Chapter 31—Jesus Survival

Time, one minute and one second.

At this time, the fog in the blood pool is getting weaker and thinner, and the energy fluctuations in the blood pool are gradually dissipating.

“Hey!” Lin Biao opened his eyes like a lion.

The corner of the mouth is markedly drawn, with a confidence still. He has already arranged it properly, and the ‘validation’ of the meeting is enough for everyone to believe that Lin Feng has the ancient family’s bloodline. As for the true identity of Lin Feng… he doesn’t care at all. What he wants is to avenge Lin Fan, and two…

Take the opportunity to pull down Lin Biao and sit in the Patriarch position.

On this day, he has been waiting for more than 20 years.

From the time he sold the Big Brother Lin Xiaotian and took the position of the Deputy Patriarch, he has been watching the position of Patriarch.

Life is alive, the pursuit is nothing more than –

Power and potential!

Close to his lips, Lin Biao was in a state of confusion.

It was a full ten hours, but he did not think of a half-point method, even if he could not even count the back of Lin Biao. But it is absolutely certain that the next situation will be extremely unfavorable to him. In all likelihood, Lin Feng will let everyone believe that Lin Feng really has an ancient bloodline!

Just like what he does now, let everyone believe that Lin Feng is the illegitimate son of his Lin Biao.

In the ‘conspiracy’ section, he is willing to go down the drain.

Lin Biao, it is extremely deep.

“Is there really no way?” Lin Biao complexion pale.

He can almost predict what will happen next, and Lin Feng is verified to prove that Lin Biaodi’s statement is true, and his Patriarch position will be difficult to protect.

“Not only that.” Lin Biao’s eyes are deep.

“With the help of Lin Biao’s land, I will betray the interests of the Gu Family and sell me out.”

“At that time. I am afraid that I will follow the footsteps of Lin Xiaoxiao, and the end will be even worse. My wife, son, daughter will be connected.”

“die without a burial site !”

Lin Biao’s cold sweat dripped down his forehead and his heart trembled.

How does Lin Biao’s means, he knows, but he has no means to achieve his goal.

“In that year, there were rumors that he betrayed Lin Xiaotian. I was only when someone was squatting at the position of the Deputy Patriarch, and was maliciously wounded.” Lin Biao blinked the deep pond and bit his teeth.

“But at the moment, it’s really done with his character.”

“And, the possibilities are great!”

Lin Biao was toroughly realized, but it was too late.

In addition to repenting of the wrong person, the wolf enters the room to raise the tiger. What else can he do?

Today, only wait for the results to be pronounced.

In the blood pool.

“hu,xi~ ~” Lin Feng takes a long deep breath.

The short and long ten hours have passed and the body has changed completely. The integration of the blood pool makes the bloodline fully awakened, which is a ‘basic’ improvement. Making cells change is the most fundamental structural change in the human body.

Every moment, the strength is rising.

It started to rise very fast, but then it slowed down a lot, but…

The awakening transformation of the stars and the stars is more important.

“Hybrid?” Lin Feng was sneered in his heart.

Although he is in the blood pool, everyone has said that it is in the ear, there is no half-word error. I was originally worried about whether I would blame the wrong place, but it was obviously a superfluous concern, just by the word ‘hybrid’. This shows how this person is in Lin Biao.

“It’s no wonder that father has nothing to say about him.”

Take a deep breath, Lin Feng slowly open his eyes, bright light radiate all around.

At the moment, this ‘battle’ centering on oneself is probably inevitable.

Here is the ‘bloodline inheritance’, with a peculiar energy guardian, and jade can’t be used at all.

And in fact. I am not going to go. If I go this way, the secret of twenty years ago will probably be buried in the soil. The most important thing is that Lin Biaodi’s ‘conspiracy’ is bound to succeed, and Patriarch Lin Biao will be in great trouble because of his departure.

Implicated innocent. Really isn’t what you want.

What’s more, when Patriarch was confrontation, it seemed to be good.

If you don’t care, you can hang up, but if you care about yourself, as a man –

Must bear the burden!

Hua la ! ~

Hong long long ! ! ~~

The blood pool mist completely dissipated, and after the whirl of the vortex, the blood pool severe shocked.

The bright red pool water is much lighter, and as the energy is absorbed, it gradually returns to calm. At this time, regardless of Lin Biao or Lin Biaodi, and even Lin Zhongxian, Lin Yan and others, complexion has gradually become calm. With Lin Feng ending the bloodline awakening, the infighting is about to end the water recedes, the rocks appear.

In fact, everyone wants to know too –

Lin Feng, what is the origin!

“Shua!” broke out and Lin Feng calmed down.

Steady in the center of the crowd, did not care at this time has become a target of public criticism.

“Lin Feng.” Lin Biao’s eyes were white and the light was shining. “I ask you, are you the son of the phoenix ancient woman ‘Ja Zhu’!” The crowd gathered and waited for Lin Feng’s answer. Lin Biao’s look is calm and calm. He is just a routine question and he is sure that Lin Feng will deny it.

And then…

Lin Biao’s eyes blinked, but it was the loudest abacus.

But sometimes, plan can’t keep up with change.

Lin Feng smiled at Lin Biao’s dense, and took time to look back, staring at Lin Biao. The four eyes are opposite, the communication between the eyes, Lin Biao sees Lin Feng blinking, the luster and energy in his left eye are very similar to him, it is in-between pondered in one’s thought, squatting –

“Hey, we have no way to go.” Lin Feng’s voice is light, but it makes everyone shocked.

The first to bear the brunt is Lin Biao!

Completely stunned.

Zhang dazzled, Lin was very incomparable.

Did he not hear it wrong? Lin Feng actually called him… for ‘爹’? ! With wide eyes,udlyly Lin Biao from Lin Feng’s flashing portal pupils, I saw a chilly killing intent. In an instant, Lin Biao’s back is like a cold wind, and the body trembles, fully understand!

No need to say anything extra, just a look, a murderous aura.

Everything is in the heart!

Jedi survive!

“Seven canes!” Lin Feng drank.

When he was awkward, a white light of a severe light shone.

When the people have not been recovered, a huge hundred poisonous scent appeared in an instant. Once in the Wizard of Oz, he made a great contribution. However, he was seriously injured by Chi Yan. Now he absorbs enough energy in the Thousand Snake Caves. The poisonous scorpion is completely resurrected. Not only that, but the strength is even better!

“peng!!” Like a fireworks burst.

Everyone in the moment withdraw and scatter all around ,complexion.

The presence of the experience is not old, the murderous name of the poisonous cockroach is unknown, the terrifying toxicity is under the Saint Level Martial Artist. A natural enemy of Martial Artist! The fastest response is undoubtedly Lin Biaodi, an instant violent shout, “Everyone killed this evil creature together, and won Lin Biao two fathers!”

Lin Biao complexion is ugly, but feels bad luck.

Lin Feng’s phrase “爹” broke all his retreats and tied him to the same boat.

But have no choice to say. Lin Feng, this move is bottoming out –

There is no way to do it.

“Hey!” Baixie Cai fell to the only entrance to the blood pool.

Here, it is the depth of the bloodline inheritance. There is only one entrance. Although the entrance is large, the shape of the poisonous color is larger. Lin Clan’s complexion is extremely ugly, and a Star Territory Level is at the entrance, and they obviously can’t leave.

Even using a star character is useless. Because it is simply not available in the land of bloodline inheritance.

“Sorry, I want everyone to stay here.” Lin Feng stood above the huge head of the poisonous cockroach, which is not a tall body, but gives a feeling of aloof and remote. “This is for us and Lin.” I personally hope that you will not be involved.”

“Yes, hey?” Lin Feng vision gaze towards Lin Biao.

Lin Biao startedled, then I remembered my identity, but helplessly sigh.

But at the moment, he is not allowed to choose.

环视众人。林臻咬了咬牙,也是豁了出去,冷watched 林烮地,“事已至此我无话可说,但我告诉你林烮地,你不要开心太早。我林臻虽非一个坏人,但也不是什么good person ,Lin Clan Patriarch 之位。不是你想坐就能坐得了!”

冷冷环视all around ,林臻星穹瞳闪亮,猛一拍chest ,痞气尽露。“想要和我林臻作对的,尽可站在林烮地一边,但我告诉你们莫要后悔。宁为玉碎,不为瓦全,今日谁想陪林烮地一起死的,我成全你们!”

aura ,完全爆发。


Lin Clan 众人完全dumbfounded ,却是从未见林臻如此一面。

一直来,林臻给人的感觉都是豪气直爽的Patriarch ,数百年来都是如此,他们几乎已经忘了……

眼前这个粗犷的big person ,是Lin Clan strongest !

none of them.

Naked threat.

So what?


和Lin Feng 绑在一条船上,一旦被林烮地阴谋得逞,等待他的将是株连九族的大罪,届时谁会可怜他?




“强出头,不是一个聪明的决定。”Lin Feng 眼眸闪烁。


Lin Feng 淡然一笑,“那我无话可说。”


“倘若今日最后赢的,是我和爹……”Lin Feng 冷冷环视all around ,in one’s eyes revealed an extreme killing intent ,“那么谁站在林烮地这一边,我们决不会以德报怨。到时候,别怪我们心狠手辣!”

声音,宛如从冰窖中传出,dreary cold 之至。

祸及妻儿之事,Lin Feng 自是做不出来,但眼下必要的威胁却还是免不得。


林臻目光瞥过Lin Feng ,inwardly tremble in one’s heart ,“好狠的little brat 。”


People are not for themselves, and they are destroyed!

更何况,Lin Feng 此言一出,surroundings 那些长老,太长老虽然complexion 铁青,身体不住颤抖,但眼中却露出了犹豫。正如Lin Feng 所言,站错边,后果相当严重。为了‘正义感’,值得么?

此时,林烮地complexion 一片惨白。

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