Chapter 24 Spike

Sōu! Just like a sharp arrow shuttle.

The first to enter the battlefield is Lin Fan!

Like a wolf-like eye, a white light shone, and a faintly discernable smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. Gazing at the eyes, with a provocation and killing intent, Lin Feng galloped, his heart flicked, but not revealed in the look of his face.

“Tread.” Steady landing, Lin Feng’s appearance makes the surroundings a scream, including Lin Fan is also slightly startled.

No star!

Still, I didn’t wear any star armor.

At the beginning of the Martial Artist lounge, Lin Fan thought that Lin Feng was a Tibetan mastiff, but now it seems to be really isn’t. At this time, there was a bang in the audience, everyone pointed to Lin Feng, and even more ruined, flustered and exasperated.

“Holy shit, no one will participate in the preliminaries without even wearing a star!”

“This is dead, I am so stupid on this big upset, finished, my money…”

“damn it, this Lin Feng wants to admit defeat!”


The voice was very noisy and messy, and the eyes of everyone watched Lin Feng were completely wrong.

Because this is a civil war!

The Vermilion Bird Challenge is a rare civil war.

Lin Feng and Lin Fan are both Lin Clan and the battle between the same people. The strength of both sides is very clear. The result of the match is likely to have been doomed. In the eyes of everyone, Lin Feng has not even worn a star, and it is very likely that he will admit defeat at the beginning.

In the same room, it is extremely unnecessary in the eyes of everyone.

In fact, such a precedent is not without. After all, the preliminaries are lottery. Many big families, the Martial Artist of the big door, participate in the number of people and often encounter ‘bad luck’. But Lin Clan is such a ‘small’ family can be massacre one another, this luck is obviously too back.

Everywhere, the sound of the noise is passed into the ears. Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Admit defeat?

How can you admit defeat?

The failure to fight the first words is never your own style, let alone the strength of Lin Fan, want to beat yourself…

Too bad.

“Star King Level’s star armor doesn’t make much difference.”

“Star Territory Level star, I can’t get equipment right now.”

Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought.

Star A problem. Not so important, especially if your body defense is strong enough.

Now I have learned the mystery ‘岚云步’ second layer, step by step, on the ability to evade, is that the strong heart can not hurt yourself, what is the use of the star? The most important thing is that I will buy the Stars at all, and forget about them.

In the audience.

“haha, it’s really lively.” Lin Biao smiled openly.

“I almost didn’t squeeze my old bones.” Lin Yan caressed the long beard. Micro smiles.

“It’s not as good as coming early, just to catch up with the main event.” Lin Zhongxian did not have a deep smile.

“Yeah, luck is good.” Lin Yiran said, “I and Yan Lao finished watching the feather-and-mouse game and immediately rushed over the horse non-stop hoof, but there were too many people at the entrance, and they squeezed for a long time.” To the battlefield, Lin Biao flashed a bright light, “Good to catch up in time.”

“Yeah. It is a glance to see more.” Lin Biao sat next to Lin Zhongxian and spoke openly.

“It’s right to say it.” Lin Biao did not hear the ambiguity in Lin Biao’s words. Nodded and laughed, “It’s rare that my Lin Clan can also meet the ‘civil war’. It’s a pity if I miss it.”

“I don’t know who will win?” Lin Yan’s dim blood pupils shimmered.

“haha.” Lin Zhongxian said while loudly laughing, “Old Yan you tool refining has a hand, but the vision is not good. Lin Feng this child strength is good, but only the Star King Level peak. Compared with Lin Fan is not a little bit I just hope that it’s too ugly to lose.”

“Is it?” Lin Yan smiled clearly and did not refute.

“That is of course.” Lin Zhongxian’s mouth is sloppy, surprisedly said, “I don’t think Lin Feng will win? Look at the odds. 1: 1.008, this odds is second only to the white ones. Field. Hey, still falling, maybe it will break the record.”

Indeed, the odds are still falling.

As Lin Feng entered the battlefield, even the star was not worn, and everyone lost confidence in him.

“Who is strong and who is weak, only know when he hits.” Lin Biao blinked and looked at the battlefield.

“Patriarch said very much, but it is really spear actual combat, I am afraid that I can’t hold my hand for a while.” Lin Biao’s eyes with a bright light, a smile of watched Lin Biao.

This battle will be the first step in his removal of Lin Biaozi!

Whistling, loud noises, one after another.

The people supported Lin Fan almost one-sidedly, and the voices of all kinds of insults continued.

However, Lin Feng turned a deaf ear and did not suffer any influence. Once in Heavenly Martial Continent, one person who loves hundreds of millions of demon beasts does not change color; once in Yancheng, facing the great fire between millions of Martial Artists is still calm; now, these little **, What is it?

Strength is not based on saying it.

“Ready?” The hosted Martial Artist glanced over Lin Fan and Lin Feng.

“Okay.” Lin Feng and Lin Fan jumped back and entered their respective ‘regions’.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides must be separated, and the distance is not small. If the distance is so close, it is unfair to the Heavenly Spirit Master who is not good at fighting. Four eyes are opposite, Lin Fan hands clenched, fierce and strong killing intent, can not stop venting.

He waited for this day and has been waiting for a long time!

He wants to prove to everyone that Lin Fanyuan is much stronger than Lin Feng!

Lin Yumo, I got the wrong person!

“I announced…” The voice of the Martial Artist, who was in charge of the ministry, suddenly increased, and there was a deafening shout in the audience.

“The game, officially started!”

“Boom!!” astonishing aura, an instant burst.

It is a terrifying and powerful Star Territory Level strength, accompanied by Lin Fan’s face fierce, in the extreme.

“Accept death, Lin Feng!” Lin Fan gnawed his teeth, his eyes sparkled with terrifying light, and the white light seemed to destroy everything and destroy everything!

“White 瞳? annihilation!” Terrifying aura, completely broke out.

Lin Fan’s shot is the strongest unique skill.

He, no skill and Lin Feng leisure time.

As Father said, a lion pouncing on a hare also needs to be fully active.

With the strongest strength to exert the strongest strength, the blood pupils are dazzling. Arrived at the 3rd layer top grade. Showing the ultimate destruction of strength, although far away, but Lin Fan is full of confidence, with his now cultivation base, even if it is a little bit lower, the same –

Can play a strong effect!

Lin Feng?

Trifling Star King Level. Can he stop it!

The answer is revealed in an instant.

“Sure enough.” Lin Feng blinked, and the body that was galloping immediately felt a terrifying strength. That was the most direct attack, just like a sharp spear piercing his own eyes and piercing himself into the depths of Life Soul.

If the star sky is still asleep, Lin Fan, this strike, I am afraid it is difficult to resist.

Even if it is so far apart, if the miigh is reduced by more than 80%, the strength is still deeply penetrated by its defense.

But it is nothing more than that.

“Star celestial.” Lin Feng blinked when his eyes narrowed.

There is no evasion. Star Cang’s attack ability is not inferior. Even without the help of a star, the star of the transformation is now more than enough to deal with Lin Fan. What’s more, Lin Fan’s attack is too big. How far can he play?

It’s too small to be yourself!

“Peng!” The contest of the soul, the direct collision of the scorpion.

White light, in the middle of the puff like scattered, let the audience in the auditorium suddenly change. in contrast. Lin Biao, who was sitting across Lin Zhongxian, was blind and bright. The two undoubtedly can understand the changes in the situation.

“Not good!” Lin Biao’s right fist is not consciously clenched, and his hands are full of sweat.

However, the whip is beyond the reach!

“hōng lóng!” Lin Fan complexion pale, his mind roared.

Not only did not gain any advantage under the strike, but it was cracked by Lin Feng and suffered a white backlash.

The stronger the attack. The more the backlash force is terrifying!

“Damn!” The situation was unexpected. Lin Fan bite his tongue and the whole person was intently stunned. Although he couldn’t break Lin Feng like plan, he had absolute confidence. Fighting in front, with the strength of his Star Territory Level, there is no problem in killing Lin Feng.

What’s more, the most direct collision of the soul, he is affected by the force, Lin Feng can avoid it!

“Hey!!” The flame, instantly appeared in Lin Fan’s hands.

Extremely extreme, red light is full of heaven, have no choice to say that Lin Fan’s reaction ability is quite fast.

On the ability to fight, on the strength of rank, he does have pride in capital.

However, what he encountered was a more terrifying Lin Feng.

“What about people?!” Lin Fan stayed.

In just the moment, there is no figure in front.

Just now, his white scorpion still locked Lin Feng, and now it seems that suddenly humans are evaporating and completely invisible. Surroundings are empty, in the ear, it seems that there is a noisy voice, and it seems like a sudden silence in an instant.

The heart is shaking.

Time –

“Hey!!” The back of the spine is cold and creepy.

Lin Fan complexion greatly change, at this moment he finally felt the aura of Lin Feng.

The unobtrusive but terrifying ultimate aura is close at hand. The flames of the sky, as if Phoenix were there, at this moment, Lin Fan in the mind appeared a picture of Phoenix wings, overwhelming, overwhelming, especially the cluster of fierce and terrifying flames surrounding the Phoenix body.

Like devouring everything!

“No!!!” Lin Fan’s face was distorted, and the flame in his hand blasted wildly, trying to stop Lin Feng’s attack.

However, it is already too late.

“Dead.” The cold voice confided from Lin Feng’s mouth.

Without half-feeling, it is like the aperof and remote Emperor, who pronounced Lin Fan’s death sentence.

The black figure appeared behind Lin Fan, the terrifying of the mystery ‘岚云步’, and in the second round of this Vermilion Bird Challenge preliminaries, the first time showed an unparalleled might. Lin Feng’s hands, the Fire of Devour, shimmered, directly drowning the flames of Lin Fan’s hands and smashing all his defenses.

“Boom!!!” astonishing flame burst, resounding in the fighting arena.

Let everyone be stunned.


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