The twelfth episode of Heavenly Treasure World

Baiyun Tower.

“Boom!” “Boom!!”

In the martial arts room in the tower, a golden starlight is dazzling. One big, one small and two figures are intertwined, only to see that the small face is full of positive expressions. As the hands change constantly, a starlight energy flies out and strikes straight ahead.

Roaring astonishing!

However, it is a failure.

“pā !” “pā !” is like a phantom, just like a teleport, just a simple body swing, but a unique rhythm. If Lin Feng sees that it is a big eye, the evasive footwork is very similar to the ‘Qian Yun Bu’ he practiced.

Only the amplitude is smaller and the speed is faster!

this is? !

“Nebula Light Bomb!” The release of the heart does not admit defeat, eyes shining,

From the starlight wall in front of it, a light bullet is emitted, which is integrated into a ray of light, which is like a slap in the face, but it is an extreme fast speed exploded towards the front. This move, in the Wizard of Oz, is an enemy, and the Martial Artist is playing, but at this time…

It is completely useless.

Hey! ~The figure in front suddenly disappeared.

“Peng!” “Peng!” The nebula light bullets are all lost.

Released heart startled, 倏 com complexion change, as if the sense to what, suddenly turned back.

However, it is too late.

“Hey!” A palm, will release the heart and fly.

At the back, the indifferent figure flashed slowly, and the look was calm and self-sufficient. It was the Holy One’s ‘Shijia Luo’.

“You lie, oh!” Released the heart and stood up, tossing the small mouth.

“I didn’t say that I just kept offensive.” Shakya slightly smiled, a pair of stars with a satisfaction, “Look, I am worried that your injury is the recovered bits and pieces.”

“The people have long since recovered. Yes, you worry too much.” Released heart lightly said.

“take care to sail for thousands of years.” Shakya Luo nodded, said resolutely, “I am worried that this time you are hurt too much, I am afraid of causing permanent damage to your body, have no choice take care. If Otherwise, the future will be lost. It is a pity that the path of martial artist is stopped.”

Spit a little tongue, relieved my heart and a red face, but I also know that father is good for her, even the topic of transfer, “Yes, what about Lin Feng?”

“The second layer is still in the comprehend cloud.” Shakyaruo slowly opened his mouth. “But it is still very far away. It is impossible to comprehend within two days. Enter the third layer.”

“Ah.” Shi Yan was shocked. “Can you give him more time?”

Shakya shook his head. “He is not a Martian artist, aptitude is good, but you are still worse than 1st grade. Even if you give him three months, I am afraid it will not be comprehend second layer.” Watched In the eyes of Shakya, there is a kindness in love. “If it is not for you, you don’t need to give him a favor. The mystery of Aries, you can learn by ordinary people who want to learn.”

If it is the ordinary people, the cloud. Has been bombarded for a long time.

Where is the Baiyun Tower?

The release of heart is good surprisingly, “Lin Feng aptitude is just good?”

“And your Junior Brother Warwick is in the middle of the room.” Shakya Luo calmly commented, squinting at the heart, and flashed a flash of light in his eyes. “In fact, I am very curious. His strength is good, but after all, it is only Star King. Level, how did you get the Star Territory Level’s 9th-order Heavenly Dog Clan expert, save your life?”

The release of the heart snorted, “I don’t know Lin Feng has a trick?”

Shakya Slightly startled. “Special eyelids?”

The relief eyes nodded, beautiful eyes scorned: “With the Star King Level strength, you can shake the Star Territory Level 9th-order Martial Artist, at least one eyelid, maybe even…top grade eyelid!”

The eyes of Shakya are flashing, and the brows are gently clustered.

According to his monthly experience, Lin Feng has never used a martial art.

“little brat, the Tibetan is quite deep.” Shakya Luo smiled, revealing the color of love.

He seems to be too small to see Lin Feng.

The array of clouds.

Lin Feng is experimenting again and again, cultivating.

Do your best!

Countless times of failure, but countless times to climb and fight again, Lin Feng is very clear, there is no shortcut to the cultivating of footwork. Nowadays, having ‘land profit’ can assist cultivating, and efficiency is extremely high. If you leave here and then cultivating, I am afraid it is not so easy.

Just the ‘accuracy’ of the footwork can’t be grasped.

The difference is a thousand miles.

Such a good cultivating opportunity, can you miss it?

Lin Feng knew very well, so he moved the plan that had gone to Bai Waterfall. After all, the hundred waterfalls can be accessed at any time, but this ‘maze of the labyrinth’ may turn off when it is used. Naturally, one point is one point.

“sōu! ” “sōu!” Lin Feng is as sick.

But the sweat on his forehead oozes, and the more he feels, the more he feels powerless.

The feeling of space is getting weaker and weaker. The first five hundred steps are completely mastered by the hard work of a month. But after five hundred steps, it is getting more and more difficult. The space changes very fast, and the meticulousness is meticulous, even if the reaction speed Keep up, but the ‘Space’ sense ability can’t keep up.

“pā !” The body moves, and one of Lin Feng’s hearts moves.

Stepping on the clouds, but the ‘feeling’ that has been maintained is disappearing.

Self, once again failed.

“Call!~” sighed, Lin Feng felt exhausted.

The more backward, the more obvious the ‘Dao’ of the constellation. If it is just a footwork, then it will be hard to practice, as long as the body reaches that level, it will be familiar, it is like the first time. But now that the maze has changed, the requirements for the ‘Dao’ of the constellation are getting higher and higher.

If you say the first time, the focus is on ‘shape’, which is the basis.

So now, the focus is on ‘meaning’, which is the grasp of ‘Dao’.

“Is this the constellation of the footwork?” Lin Feng’s brows are light and clustered.

Then he shook his head and Lin Feng wiped out the doubts in his heart.

“Since I can cultivating for the first time, why is second time cultivating not?”

“The same way of the constellation, it feels difficult, because the promotion of this constellation way makes me unable to grasp.”

“really isn’t for other reasons.”

Nodded, Lin Feng’s eyes were bright and determined.

Since I can complete the first cultivating, why can’t I complete the cultivating of the second time?

Since you can master the first five hundred steps. Why can’t you master the next five hundred steps?

“Don’t find any excuses for your failure!” Lin Feng made a fist.

The eyelids are burning and start cultivating again.


Fail again!

Still failed!

Every time you finish one step, you have to go through countless failures.

Every 100 steps is a bottleneck. Lin Feng is now stuck in the 600 step, more than one day. Countless failures have continued to fall in this hurdle. However, Lin Feng is more and more frustrated, and the light is still shining.

“Be sure to grasp this feeling.”

“It’s the feeling of space!”

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and his heart was firm.

From childhood The tempered willpower makes Lin Feng extremely powerful.

The failures of time and time, turning into power, turning into impulses, is like a wave of waves, constantly saving!

Once again, relax into the 600 cloud!

Lin Feng’s consciousness is completely concentrated.

At this time there is no other thought in the mind. Only the deep sense of this spatial position, this is the intersection with the original world. Everything in the surroundings seems to be completely lost, and disappears. There is only that shining spot in front of me, only the only existence.

Constellation energy!

“Boom!” The brain severed for a while.

At this time, a familiar energy bursts open instantly, just like a long drought, like the nectar, the original bitter feeling is very abundant at this moment. The whole person. Full of vitality, the right eye flashes the ultimate light. Dazzling blooms.

Like the irrigation of rain in the desert!

Make everything change completely differently.

“sōu!” “sōu!” “sōu!” Lin Feng is like a phantom, with a smile of joy and excitement.

The feeling of the surroundings is very clear, even if you don’t close your eyes, you can clearly feel the flow of each aura. The operation of each qi flow. The clearest, undoubtedly the ‘Space’ energy, is like the feeling of a bloodline connection!


“Finally home.”

Lin Feng was in a good mood and didn’t expect it. At the crucial moment, my star’s sky is ‘returned’.

Rest enough, sleep enough, and the stars will re-illuminate the eyes. The main body of Life Soul returns, and the star-shaped sky after the wake-up seems to be stronger, which seems to provoke the potential power ability, and the sense of space is far better than before.

“Curious feeling.”

“Good control.”

Lin Feng’s heart was stunned and galloped over a white cloud.

Originally, these footworkes that felt ‘difficult’ were extremely relaxed at this moment.

As if with no difficulty, you can catch it.

It is ‘feeling’!

The change of feeling, the pure essence of the constellation, is completely tight.

Stepping through the 600 white clouds, there is no stopping, and the time difference between each white cloud has already been deeply imprinted in my heart. I have been trapped before, only because the ‘comohend sense’ of ‘Dao’ is not enough, but now there is no limit, it is like a wild horse running wildly on the grassland, without any hindrance.

Step 630.

Step 660.

Step 699!

700 step! ! !

A complete explosion, from 600 to 700, is passed only once.

Lin Feng’s eyes are bright, and under the help of the stars, Life Soul embodies the strongest energy sensation. The blending with Phoenix Destiny Chart is like to surround thes. Everything is controlled and freely. At this moment, the original ‘Dao’ of the constellation has become extraordinarily clear, and the original fuzzy space feels close at hand.

Reach out and touch!

Lin Feng’s starry sky and starry scorpion, although suffering from severe infections, but taking so many stars, have already recovered the bits and pieces.

Especially the star sky, the energy is inferior to the stars, and it is faster to recover. In the past three months, it has been stimulated by space energy and absorbed energy by itself. The recovery of the star sky is one point faster than the star.

Even more than just wake up, more transformationation is refined!

Although it was accidentally, it was the insistence of Lin Feng and it paid off.

Skill pays off.


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