Chapter 19 is reborn

Even Lin Feng has a lot of perseverance.

Can not bear it!

The ending will still not change.

The pain did not faint Lin Feng, but it persisted until the end.

The will is almost vague, and the mind is completely blurred, but Lin Feng has always heard a voice praying, crying for himself. That is a kind of strength, a kind of belief that supports itself and can’t give up, never fall!

“Even if there is only one hope, I will not give up!”

“Hey, Zi Yao, Duo Duo… Niang, younger brother, younger sister, thousands…”

“They are waiting for me, how can I die!”

“How can I die!!!”

Lin Feng’s heart, crazy shouting.

Desperate, can force a person to play the biggest strength.

Faith, more likely to make the impossible possible, even –

create a miracle!

鈥減eng!!鈥?The mind seems to burst.

Lin Feng’s strong perseverance, the sense of forcible maintenance, has changed dramatically.

Instead of his own ruined body, he came to a mighty Starry Sky.

The stars are shining, emitting endless light.


They are just supporting roles.

The bright cry sounds, it is a huge Phoenix, like King of Starry Sky, full of noble and proud. Huge feather wings, the ultimate feathers, and the portal pupils that seem to be able to see everything, she dominates everything.

Time, as if it were still.

It is very short, but it seems to be as long as tens of millions of years.

“Boom!!~” is like a thunderous sensation.

P膩 ! Lin Feng’s eyes were suddenly opened, and the severe light was shining, and it was full of sparkling light.

In the body, there is an inexplicable strength.

A familiar and powerful strength is far superior to the strength of the elite strength.

I don’t know where it came from, but it is there!

It seems to be hidden in the depths of my heart.

If the potential is awakened!

“Hey!” The essence is instantly controlled.

Large fish eating a small fish, small fish eating a small shrimp, the essence is like a naughty child caught, and then dare not have a half impudent.


That mysterious strength wraps the essence. Blooms bright colors. The blink of an eye changes, like a fusion of transformation, all the violent aura disappeared without a trace, replaced by a warm energy, as if from a violent tornado suddenly turned into a bright spring.

change. great.

It is developing in a good direction.

The strength of the essence is like a flower of the sky. Spread the whole body.

“Ah?!” Lin Feng was inexplicably afraid.

But what I expected was that the essence of the strength had come up with a big turn, as if it were changed, not only did it destroy any part of the body. Instead, like a fertilizer that moisturizes flowers, it repairs your body with the Blood of the Phoenix.

Feeling, quite ‘weird’.


The effect is extremely good.

“My skin?!” Lin Feng is very startled.

Newborn skin is completely different from before. Full of resilience, full of strength.

Not only does the resilience have not diminished, but the strength, explosiveness, and resilience have greatly improved.

It feels like it is like the body of a witch.

“I understand!”

“It must be a combination of the strength of the essence!”

Lin Feng is happy and worried. Her favorite is that his body is blessed in disguise. It seems to be transformation, bring it up a level.

Worrying, I am afraid that there will be any side effects of this essence, such as my own ‘face’, I don鈥檛 know if it will be like the witches, so…

It will become quite troublesome.


“That’s great!”

Qin Qianqian鈥檚 tears broke down again, but this time it was so happy.

Looking at Lin Feng, the skin gradually healed. The injury slowly recovered, and the heart could not tell the happiness.

The most important thing is that Aura of Lin Feng is slowly getting stronger.


“It’s really good.” Qin Qianqian folded his hands together and sincerely thanked him.

As long as Big Brother Lin can recover safely. No matter what the price, she is willing.

This time, her prayers finally moved to heaven.

Will the appearance change Lin Feng, I don鈥檛 know.

But the changes in the body are significantly more effective.

Strong essence of strength. Nourish every inch of your skin.

The meridians are not only repaired but also extremely dilated, and the bones are strong and powerful. The cells become more active and the body is as full of strength as the witch. Inside the body, Lin Feng feels his transformation completely, it is a change from beginning to end, and the whole person is completely new.

Second time !

Last time, it was fusing with the blood of the Phoenix.

“Sion loses his horse and knows what is not good.”

“The energy contained in this fine element is really powerful.”

Lin Feng was amazed that in just a few moments, the transferee of the peak circuit was unbelievable.

Jing Yuan鈥檚 ‘returning evil and rectifying’ has brought great benefits to himself.

Not to mention the complete transformation of the body, this strong energy alone is enough to absorb for a long time.

“si~” “si~~”

缂曠紩 Energy aura, wandering to every corner of the body.

Enron absorbed the essence, Lin Feng, the physical injury is now full.

The rest is just constantly strengthening itself.

“What is the strong strength of the control of the elite?”

“The ‘Phoenix’ I saw should be the key, but… Where did it come from and where did it go?”

鈥淲ill it be related to my bloodline?鈥?/p>

Lin Feng has a lot of doubts in his heart, but there is no answer.

But no matter what, it is an unchangeable fact that you benefit from it.

“One day, when I am strong enough…”

“The answer will be unveiled!”

Very special strength!

Fine elements not only enhance physical strength, but also have ample Star Force.

Absorption, no half-point obstacles.

Everything seems to be assimilated and integrated by the ‘mysterious strength’.

Change to the strength that your body can absorb.

The fine elements, along with absorbing and refining, slowly diminish as time goes by. And that is hidden in the deepest part of it, the blue-yellow color becomes brighter and more transparent. A faint aura, as if it has a charming aroma. Go into your nose.

It is a feeling, a strength that relaxes the mind.

“it’s wired.”

“How does this fine element have this strength?”

Lin Feng is suspicious that this strength is as general as Immortal Fruit.

Just too much energy is too much, far exceeding yourself to have seen the best quality Immortal Fruit.

“It鈥檚 weird.”

“But it’s so much!”

Since I can’t figure it out, why bother to think about it.

Anyway, just wait for the ‘fine element’ to exhaust the strength. The blue-yellow color contained in this inside will be ‘breaking out’.

I will know when I get there.

one day. Another day.

In a blink of an eye, it is ten days.

For Qin Qianqian, every day is like torture.

Although it is clear that Lin Feng has no problem, the physical injury has already recovered. but鈥︹€?/p>

Still worried.

This is a kind of fear, but also a concern.

At this time, Lin Feng, has absorbed the bits and pieces of the essence, and the strengthening of the body has reached an astonishing level. Most importantly, the blue-yellow color is completely transparent. As the refining absorbs, the thin surface can no longer resist the blue-yellow energy.

Time –

Crazy venting.

“It’s so rich!”

“What is this strength!”

Lin Feng was shocked and only felt heartbroken.

It feels like taking a lot of Immortal Fruit grass, the body is full of spiritual qi full of strength.

There is an inexhaustible energy.

“It doesn’t fit in with the energy of Jing Yuan.”

鈥淭his energy is more pure, more essence, and warmer.鈥?/p>

Lin Feng Clear sense This blue-yellow color, although equally powerful, is quite ‘docile’, like a little daughter-in-law. Be nice and obedient. Incorporating into the body cells, blending into every inch of the skin, so that this is a saturated body, and then begins to absorb.

“It’s a more pure essence of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi.” Lin Feng’s heart is twilight.

This is the same as most Immortal Fruit, except that the ‘density’ of spiritual qi is different. More pure and more refined.

“Accumulate this pure essence spiritual qi, the strength rank should be very fast.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Time –

“Astral Qi.” Lin Feng looks agglutinated, milky white qi flow turns the whole body.

Absorb this pure essence to the ultimate Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which translates into the energy that every part of the body can absorb. Lin Feng’s strength rank, advanced by leaps and bounds.

Lin Feng doesn’t know. This is the nine-star Immortal Fruit ‘Mystery’ that the squad is looking for but can’t find.

It is only a ten-day distance from sublimation.

On the same day, the Wu Wuzu leader knew that the danger had come, and he would rather be tempted than to be cheap, which would have made Lin Feng. In fact, this nine-star Immortal Fruit ‘Mystery Color’ if it really sublimates, Lin Feng’s current strength can not be absorbed, not to mention, but it is not his turn.

Unlike now…

The endless end has a big bargain.

Time-consuming, more than half a month.

“Hu~~” long spits out a mouthful of impure air, and as the last drop of energy is absorbed, Lin Feng opens his eyes.

Bright light Oh, with a touch of joy.

This time, I can be said to be blessed in disguise.

Although I turned a big circle on the edge of the cliff, the experience was quite unforgettable, but the result was gratifying. Not only the body’s complete transformation, evolution, like the combination of the witch and the ancients; the strength of rank, more breakthrough through a large level.

The number of stars is increased from four to five.

Strength rank, from Star Sea Level 5th rank , breakthrough to 6th rank !

Completely reborn!

Fighting strength, that is a rise and then rise!

“According to the previous promotion, simply absorb the ‘blood essence’ of the Wuwu witch, my body base value will increase by about 60%.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

“And if you count on the transformation of the body to the body, it is more than doubled in exceeding!”

Lin Feng was very surprised, his body, originally fusing with the blood of the Phoenix is 鈥嬧€媏nough metamorphosis.

Today, it is bring it up a level !

Star Sea Level 6th rank, but has a body that is comparable to the Star Sea Level.

Even if it is more than the Witch, it is even worse!

鈥淰ery good!鈥?Lin Feng was quite satisfied.

And at this time –

Hey! Qin Qianqian in cultivating opened his eyes.

The two are opposite each other, and all are full of joy and miss.

“Big Brother Lin!” Qin Qianqian time tears like rain, flew over, tightly holding Lin Feng, for fear of losing him.

“Sorry, I am worried.” Lin Feng caressed Qin Qianqian’s hair, softly.

In the most difficult time of his own, thousands of people have been supporting themselves, and the sound of crying and prayer has been deeply enclosed in the heart.

That is his most valuable asset.

It is rare to have a lover.

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