Chapter VII Kiss of the Feelings

Qin Qianqian licked his lips and lightened the sound of mosquitoes.

Looking down on Lin Feng, Qin Qianqian felt a bit shy and embarrassed.

Very fast, Lin Feng is a simple statement.

Qin Qianqian looks startled, and his eyes are full of incredulousness. Her memory has long been blurred, and she can’t remember everything that happened before. What is going on in the end? However, with the explanation of Lin Feng’s words, Qin Qianqian’s memory is pieced together and restored.

As a result, she was shocked and unbelievable.

“Yes, is he?” Qin Qianqian biting one’s lips, watched not far away is already a dead white god.

I never thought that he would do this kind of thing!

“This is his storage ring.” Lin Feng looked indifferently and handed the purple vial to Qin Qianqian. “And this bottle of poison powder is found from his storage ring. If I didn’t guess wrong. You are poisoned by taking this powder.”

Qin Qianqian lightly tremble with a small hand, took the storage ring and purple vial.

Open the cap, a familiar scent, and squat time into the tip of the nose, Qin Qianqian complexion greatly change.

“It’s it!”

“This is the taste!”

Qin Qianqian biting one’s lips, eyes full of shame.

At that time, she thought that it was a ‘monster’ toxin, but did not expect that it was the white god who killed her.

According to Lin Feng, the white god is simply deliberate, and there is a plan approaching her. First, help her to make her weaken, and then use the monsters to cross the sea to create this ‘accident’. She is still stupid and completely falls into the trap. If Lin Feng is not saved, I am afraid that she will be in this life…

Being sold, you have to help the number of people!

It’s just a face!

Qin Qianqian’s face was red and white, but he was even less eager to look at Lin Feng.

“In fact, this does not blame you. You are too simple, kind hearted.” Lin Feng started talking.

On the same day, Qin Qianqian was moved by Lu Bao’s words and words, and heart hearted pleaded for him.

It is the character.


This white god’s mind is indeed terrifying, let alone Qin Qianqian, who is simply hearted, and will be fooled by other Martial Artists.

“This drug is strong, but Martial Artist is generally able to withstand it.” Lin Feng lightly said. “At the time, you were trapped in the dying strike of the Flood Dragon, and all the strengths were concentrated. Plus the white god borrowed strength and attacked with another monster, so you will be concealed.”

Indeed, this powder is powerful, but not terrifying.

Qin Qianqian is blushing, and the more he thinks, the more he feels awkward.

The chest is slightly ups and downs, and in the mind is the scene of his unsightly appearance, like a slut. Qin Qianqian only felt two hot, his eyes turned to the white god not far away, all the grievances suddenly gathered, like a whirlwind, Qin Qianqian figure flashed.

“The coat of arms!”

“Sven scum!!”

“I hate you!!!”

Qin Qianqian hands Astral Qi crazy outbreak, a single Astral Qi bomb suddenly blasted from the hands.

The little face is red, and Qin Qianqian’s eyes are streaming with tears, but I don’t know if it’s shameful or regrets. Once and for all, the attack continued to vent, and I wished to kill the white god a thousand times 10,000 times.

indeed. For the daughter, the most important thing…

Nothing is innocent.

Lightly light sigh, Lin Feng stands faintly.

The eyes of the watched Qin Qianqian vented like an attack, the heart is actually much better than her.

Although Qin Qianqian did not blame himself, but…

It is true that my conscience is uneasy.

The whole thing, of course, is because of the ‘wing’. But the mistake is wrong, this is really isn’t reason.

“Let her let her vent her emotions first.” Lin Feng pondered in one’s heart, watching Qin Qianqian look like this, but also feel a bit.

boom! boom! !

The strong Astral Qi constantly bombarded the ground.

The huge potholes condensed, and the white gods at this time had already been bombarded with no dust left.

But Qin Qianqian did not stop. Eyes are tearful and suspended in the air. The little hand madly released the Astral Qi ball, again and again, over and over again, until all the effort was exhausted, as if it were collapsed and sat down on the ground. Look at that huge semi-circular pothole, watching this desolate, remembering the grievances that he suffered, and time, Qin Qianqian burst into tears.

Anyway, she is still just a little girl after all.

Eye watched crying into tears Qin Qianqian, Lin Feng heart mixed feelings mixed.

This time, Qin Qianqian may have a bit of a vague memory, but he himself…

But it is clear that it is clear.

It is true that under the influence of the efficacy of the drug, I have seen it all over, touched it, and kissed every thousand inches of skin. Even now I can smell the faint scent of my body, which belongs to Qin Qianqian. Just now, I really experienced a storm of madness and love.

It can be said that nothing has been done except the last step.

On the contrary, the white god who started as a singer, but blinked, just took a black pot and did nothing.

“Qin Qianqian’s innocence is actually being ‘stained’ by me.”

“This is an undeniable fact, no matter what the cause, as a man…”

“I have to be responsible.”

Lin Feng closed his eyes and sighed softly.

Perhaps he has no feelings for Qin Qianqian, but in many things, responsibility is more serious than feelings.

I can’t escape myself.

“In fact, I have a lot of responsibility for the whole thing.”

Lin Feng suddenly spoke, watched Qin Qianqian, and said calmly.

Qin Qianqian, who was crying tired, looked up and looked at Lin Feng with doubts in his eyes.

Lightly purse one’s lip Lips, Lin Feng eyes, looking directly at Qin thousand thousand bone pupils, “In fact, I just wanted to find antidote, but…” Lin Feng voiced a meal, hesitated, and immediately concealed the ‘wing’ The matter, “Because you don’t take care to inhale the purple vial powder, so…there is something behind.”

Qin Qianqian’s pretty face is reddish, and seems to be afraid of Lin Feng’s gaze, bowing his head.

Lin Feng’s brow is lightly twisted. It is not only hesitating to take this step.

“It is a white god, but in fact, he has not been able to make any squatting action, it has been killed by me.”

“It’s me who insults you to be innocent. All the responsibilities of the whole thing are in me.”

Lin Feng burning like gaze, stepping toward Qin Qianqian, with a point of determination and perseverance.

Qin Qianqian suddenly became shocked. Watched Lin Feng, who came to her, was inexplicably nervous, and her hands were kneaded, I don’t know where to put it.

“Tread!” Lin Feng’s footsteps settled.

Looking at Qin Qianqian sitting on the ground, Lin Feng’s eyes light bright flickering, and immediately extended his right hand. Said softly, “If you want, I hope to be responsible for you.”

The sound is not heavy, but it is awkward and there is no hesitation.

Gaze In front of the poor Qin Qianqian, Lin Feng has a pity in his heart.

The whole thing is caused by oneself.

“You!” Qin Qianqian complexion instantaneous red.

Tightly lowering his head, he did not dare to look at Lin Feng, and his heart was like a deer. Pu tōng pu tōng Jump a non-stop.

Lin Feng means she can’t understand, remembering the memory of ‘the unsightly’ in the mind, Qin Qianqian suddenly blushes to the root of the neck. Although the memory is very vague, the patchwork memories are gathered together, and the two are intertwined and bare.

Caress, kiss!

Thinking of that scene, Qin Qianqian felt inexplicably feeling hot.

It has been treasured for 16 years and has never been touched by other men. But it was completely given to him…

At this point, the impression of Lin Feng. Qin Qianqian has completely changed.

She is really isn’t stupid, she knows the whole thing clearly, and Lin Feng is not responsible at all, but he still has no hesitation.

It is really moving.

Watched The look of the beautiful woman in front of her eyes, Lin Feng eyes.

He knew very well that the whole incident had too much impact on Qin Qianqian. not to mention. Discussed now

Is a lifetime major event.

It really takes a little time to think about it.


Whether Qin Qianqian accepts or refuses, she will be responsible for her.

Because this is a man’s promise.

Waiting quietly, Lin Feng’s right hand stretched out like a spreading and soaring on the cliff. Waiting for Qin Qianqian under the cliff to catch. The atmosphere seemed a bit nervous, Qin Qianqian was lowering his head and couldn’t look at Lin Feng.

Time, slowly passing.

Very short, but very long.


The soft, boneless little hand touched gently.

Like the feeling of electric shock, Lin Feng’s mouth smirked a smile, sensing that little trembling little hand, and immediately clenched her tightly.

Gently pull up Qin Qianqian, the soft beauty like a delicate flower in front of her eyes, her head is low, her face is completely red and transparent. Lin Feng’s eyes were stunned, and when he was right-handed, he tried hard. In Qin Qianqian’s screaming voice, she pulled her exquisitely lovable body and hugged it in her arms.

The lovable body in the arms is nervous, non-stop lightly tremble.

Sensing that heartbeat ‘怦怦’ voice, Lin Feng knows how Qin Qianqian feels at this time.

Slightly licking a soft short hair, Lin Feng calmed her emotions.

Qin Qianqian needs a little ‘psychological’ change.

Very long hug.

It seems as if the land is old and the sea is dry.

Until the lovable body in his arms stopped shaking, Lin Feng’s mouth was a touch of radiance.

At this time, Qin Qianqian really accepted himself.

“In the future, I will take care of you.”

“Never inflict any harm on you.”

Lin Feng gently started talking, Sensing the voice of the lovable body in the arms, Lin Feng loosened his arms.

Qin Qianqian micro-azine with a small head, pretty face Red 彤彤 煞 is cute, the loose clothes on the body shows the relationship between the two.

Watched The beautiful woman in front of her eyes, Lin Feng has a deep pity in her heart.

Although I met with Qin Qianqian and soon, I couldn’t say more about each other’s deep feelings.


Later, she is her own person.

Although it is a make-up, but this is not a fate?

Tilting down, Lin Feng is holding Qin Qianqian, looking for the soft lips and gently touching. Sensing that the warm aura, with a bit of light sweet, Qin Qianqian’s response, the little hand holding Lin Feng, tightly closed eyes. This time, it is true that you love me, sense each other’s temperature and burning.

In this faint dense fog, brand a kiss.

(Can’t stop, close it.) (.)

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