“It’s coming again!!” Lin Feng opened his eyes, eyes shining bright.

The Wuwei state is broken, but the strong heartbeat feels disconnected at the same time.

Lin Feng was deeply shocked. The last time he appeared, he still did not have Insight Star Force. The cultivating was “Mystery Kwai Star”.

This time, cultivating is “Yilong Xingjue”!

鈥淩eally isn’t astrology problem!鈥?/p>

“It’s my own reason.”

Lin Feng very fast made a judgment and doubted it on the day.

But the feeling of heartbeat is fleeting, no speculation, now, it appears again!

The same flash, this time…

Strong and much!

“Come back!” Lin Feng stabilized his mind and closed his eyes.

Insight that the far-reaching Starry Sky strength, insight that heaven’s might exist, fully enters the state of Wuwei.

The performance of the Yilong Star decided to evoke the heartbeat feeling again as a catalyst.

This time, Lin Feng felt deeply.

“It’s it!”

“No mistake, absolutely it!”

In the state of Wu Wei, Lin Feng felt like a touch of bright light, which was a slender wooden stick that shimmered with luster. At that moment, Lin Feng seemed to return to the ‘Hundred Waterfall’ Ancient Ruins and return to the past. In the scene of the gnome waterfall, it is very familiar.

This wooden stick was obtained at the gnome waterfall and finally the red gnome ‘head’.

I didn’t know what the stick was for the day, I tried the drop of blood recognizing Master, but the weird stick was obviously really isn’t spirit treasure.

Nothing to do. Therefore, the wooden stick has been ‘forgotten’ in the Gui Purple Ring.

“I thought it was the same ‘Soul User weapon’ as Aurora Cone.” Lin Feng looked, lightly mumble.

In the Gnomish Falls, when the game was against the red gnome, the stick was quite powerful, and the red gnome was using the ‘secret technique’. Therefore, I have always thought that this wooden stick can not play might. It is because there is no secret technique like [Aurora] that can’t be used.

But now…

鈥減膩 !鈥?opened the eyes, and Lin Feng鈥檚 eyes sparkled.

During the time, the wooden stick fell into the hand, about a meter long, with a unique texture. The width is narrower and wider, and the wooden stick has a feeling of strength.

However, leaving the ‘Wu Wei’ state, this stick is a change of ‘plain’, and there is no special point.

Pick up the wooden pole, Lin Feng brows slightly, look left and right, but…

I don’t see half of the special.

“Try again!” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

This time, hold the stick with both hands. Lin Feng entered the ‘Wu Wei’ state.

The strange feelings carry, the whole person is quiet and clear, the strong Star Force sense is in his mind, and Lin Feng鈥檚 heart is shocked.

Very strong!

Quite strong!

There was no heartbeat feeling. Through the body, Lin Feng saw the stick. Bright light is flashing at this time, as if the sun is seeing light again. The strange energy fluctuations condense on the wooden pole, similar to the picture in the dwarf waterfall. The difference is…

The day that condensed on the wooden pole was countless water droplets.

And now. It’s a piece of red star glow!

Completely gathered! ! !

The wooden stick is like a magnet, and its body, through the ‘intermediate’ of the wooden stick, Star Force sense is extremely strong.

Several times before!

鈥淭oo magical!鈥?Lin Feng was overjoyed.

The strong Star Force converges on the wooden stick and absorbs it again. Although this set of “Yilong Xingjue” is not as good as the astrology in the cultivating environment, it has the increase of this stick. The Star Force absorption is far more exceeding, it feels like it was originally using a washbasin in the water, now…

But it is watering in the bucket!

Star Force absorbs three to five times more!


“As long as there is this stick, my cultivating speed can be increased by about four times!” Lin Feng felt a little excited.

Perhaps this stick has no other effect, but it is just such a ‘utility’, which is invaluable to yourself now!

“With this, there is nothing to worry about!” Lin Feng is filled with joy.

鈥淓ven if the astrology is a bit worse, my cultivating speed is never worse than other Martial Artists!鈥?/p>

Strong confidence surged, and Lin Feng seemed to see the starlight in the distance.

Closed eyes, wholehearted, focused and cultivating.

When you are stunned, you are completely immersed in it.

Time, slowly passing.

In this ‘treasure environment’, each person is different.

Lin Feng was immersed in cultivating, and both ears didn’t smell the window and sprinted to the four Star Force.

White God searched around and explored the treasure in ‘treasure’. Qin Qianqian was anxiously searching for the trace of Lin Feng. The more she could not find it, the more worried she was. The little face is pale, for fear that he will kill Lin Feng, and Qin Qianqian is filled with remorse.

“This bad guy, where are you going!”

“Big bastard, come out, come out!!”

Qin Qianqian shouted loudly, and there was a tear in the beautiful eyes.

Guilt, regret, all kinds of complex emotions are mixed in Qin Qianqian’s heart, and my heart is worried about Lin Feng’s safety.


But I can’t find anyone.

The destitute is flying in the mountains, passing through a Mountain Range, Qin Qianqian listless, can not afford half spirit. Thinking of the scene when she stabbed Lin Feng that day, her heart was a pain, and she could not wait to slap her two ears.

Why was it so impulsive at the time!

The eyes glanced at all around, and Qin Qianqian lightly sighed his breath.


“Hey? That’s…” Qin Qianqian’s body suddenly stopped and fall, and the eyes eyes were a little worried.

Looking into the distance, in the far center of a huge Mountain Range group, there is a deep valley, and at this time, there is a thick green fog.

This is strange!

The small mouth is slightly enlarged and enlarged.

“Ah!” Qin Qianqian shouted with amazement, and stunned his lips.

At this point she finally reacted, her eyes filled with startled, “I…received treasure?”

Unlike Lin Feng, Qin Qianqian and Bai Shen are quite familiar with the green smoke secret, and the ‘special’ of the third secret is known early. In this ‘treasure situation’, as long as you can find the green fog, it means that you have encountered treasure


It is accidentally.

Qin Qianqian never thought about finding treasure. But a lot of things…

This is no coincidence.

鈥渟艒u!鈥?Qin Qianqian鈥檚 eyes burned and flew to the green fog.

Since it is encountered, it is her ‘Fuyuan’. If it is missed, is it not a violent thing?

No matter what treasure, I will say it again!

“It has been almost a month. Treasure should have been unearthed.” White god brows lightly, galloping around.

Treasure’s ‘rules’ He is very clear that every three days, the treasure will be ‘unearthed’ once, just want to meet, not so easy.

This requires a certain ‘luck’.

And once the one-month time limit is reached, no one has found the treasure, indicating

Treasure was not unearthed.

By then, everyone will be kicked out of the treasure.

“4-star treasure. It would be a shame if you missed it.” White God lightly sighed.

Galloping in the hustle and bustle of the Mountain Range, the white god with a ray of light, feels helpless. After all, this kind of thing depends on heaven’s will, really isn’t he wants to be sure. His luck is not so good, even…

This nearly a month, he did not even see a ghost here!

“It’s a strange thing, five keys. Not even one person.” White God shook his head.

Suddenly, the fierce tiger and Lubao, who have obtained two keys, have already vanished. Lin Feng ‘hidden’ cave.

A big treasure, only him and Qin Qianqian, can’t touch it.

鈥淭he closer the month is, the longer the treasure will be unearthed.鈥?/p>

“The best opportunity at the moment, you must not miss it!”

The white god’s eyes are bright clear, and the transmission is strong and firm.

The year before, he got a 5-star Spirit Treasure by chance. The strength has increased greatly.

Spirit treasure’s might is more determined by his thoughts. Strength is important, but the assistance of foreign objects is also indispensable.

“If I get a Control Type 4-star Spirit Treasure, my strength will skyrocket!”

” Losing to Ji Xia, in fact, just a difference!”

The bright light in the eyes of the white god is fleeting. Although the surface is a smile, he is really concerned about it.

It鈥檚 in-between pondered in one’s thought


“hong long long !~”

In the distance, an earthquake-like sound was looming.

White God time stopped at the place, eyes wide open, look startled, instant ecstasy!


鈥淭reasure is finally unearthed!!鈥?/p>


White god suddenly turned back, with a burning light in his eyes.

Time is like a sharp arrow piercing, flying to the earthquake mountain.

In the cave.

Long! rumble! ~

The gravel fell and fell on top of Lin Feng’s head and was suddenly crushed into a fine powder.

The red star glow converges, with the wooden stick as the ‘intermediate’, Lin Feng non-stop absorbs the cultivating Star Force, but has maintained this position for almost a month.


“what happened?”

The red star glow dissipates and the light of the stick is also gone.

Lin Feng ‘Shua”s eyes open, the sense of surroundings are different, and the eyes are full of curiosity.

The gravel continued to fall from the top of the cave rock, and the wave was very severe. This small cave seemed to be cracking.

“Headache.” Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

Time, turn into a flowing light, galloping out of the hole.

I will not go away again. After a while, I am afraid I will be buried alive.

Seeing that the breakthrough Star Force is fourfold, but God is just joking with himself, come here.

鈥淗ey!鈥?Lin Feng appeared in the hole at the time.

At this time, there was a loud bang in the cave, and the gravel at the hole in the blink of an eye blocked the entire cave.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. “It seems that I have to find a hidden Land of Cultivation again.”

It is self-sufficiency, and the earthquake in the distance does not stop at half point, as if there is a tendency to ‘intensify’. Lin Feng’s brows were slightly twisted, and his eyes revealed a curiosity, a flash of light. “Where… seems to have happened?”

“En, anyway, come out and have a look.” Lin Feng nodded.

S艒u! Like a whirlwind, Lin Feng swiftly crossed.

(Today only these two more ~ 鈥嬧€媬 code does not move, tomorrow morning code again)

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