Open the door to cultivating

The red Star Force ball is slowly spinning.

It seems to be a mini planet, but in fact, just a spot of light condenses the Star Force gas, forming a spinning like a gyro.

“Star Force, first layer.” Lin Feng eyelid flickering.

Without any doubt, this is the Star Force first layer form.

Star Force only reaches the fourth weight, the Star Force ball will really condense into a solid state, but…

For myself, it is still too early and too early.

“Condensing into a Star Force ball means that Star Force reaches the first layer.”

“And Star Force reaches the first layer, which means you can really control Star Force!”

Lin Feng’s eyes are bright, with a joy of color.

Can control Star Force, burst out of strong strength, this is the real Star Sea Level expert.

Now, I am finally entering this level.

“But… the skills of controlling Star Force can be cultivating at any time.”

“Now there is such a high grade ‘starship’, there is such a good condition for Insight Star Force, if it is not cultivating…”

“That is really violent.”

Lin Feng slightly smile, the heart can distinguish between scorn and weight.

Despite mastering the ‘Star Control’, when you reach the first gear, your strength will be greatly improved.

But for now, this is not too important.

“Hurry up every minute.” Lin Feng eyes shining.

“cultivating! Constant cultivating!!”

Lin Feng long exhales one breath saying, looks a bit right.

The excitement of just the Insight Star Force has long since dissipated, and the results are not what you should do now.

“Starry.” Lin Feng lightly said.

In the mind, the scene of the handwriting, insight that the familiar Starry Sky strength, insight that shiny light point, as if close at hand, set up a bridge. Star Force is constantly coming from the distant Starry Sky to form a red silk thread. Bind is outside the body.

Energy, very powerful, far from the power of Qi of Heaven and Earth!

Lin Feng held back the excitement, driving Star Force and absorbing Star Force.

Circulate in the various meridians of the body, non-stop circulation. Enhance the body.

Insight !

Absorbed while cultivating.

Immerse yourself in the cultivating world at a unique rhythm.

“si~” “si~~” Star Force tightly bind.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and looked like deep like. The body is shrouded in a red light, which is extremely sacred and full of strength. If the fine thread’s Star Force penetrates into the body, it enters the Human Soul and spreads into every inch of the Meridians, forming a tributary and constantly improving the strength rank.

This is the Star Sea Level expert. The real cultivating way!

Strengthened with Star Force.

Lin Feng, open the door to cultivating.

In this Star Force intensive land, cultivating speed is extremely astonishing.

Star Force is promoted from the first layer to the second layer for just eighteen days.

The second layer to the third layer takes thirty-seven days.

Star Force reached the third layer, and the Star Force ball in Human Soul has changed dramatically. The size of the red ball of light has not changed, but the condensed red qi mist has become more and more solid and more and more powerful. At first glance, it looks like a real star. Can’t see a little bit of clues.

In fact, the Star Force ball is still centered on the Star Force non-stop rotation.

Just spinning is too fast. Therefore, this illusion is only present.

As for War God’s strength rank, it has already broken through the 3rd rank bottleneck and entered the Star Sea Level 4th rank.

“On the promotion of the body, the astrology is not as good as “Zhu Huangce”?” Lin Feng was slightly surprised, even if it was relieved.

One is in the last secret, Qi of Heaven and Earth is ten times thicker; the second is “The Emperor” is indeed a classic. Cultivating is extremely fast. In this mystery, although the astrology is stronger, it is not as precious as the “Emperor”. What is important is that the speed of the Star Force is far less intensive than the Qi of Heaven and Earth.

“If you are in the outside world, it will be a quick one.”

“Provided that……”

“The astrology rank is enough.”

Lin Feng secretly thought, but I have not thought too much about this aspect.

After all, Star Sea Level’s cultivating is ‘must’ cultivating with Star Force, if not…

Star Force has not reached 10-layer, how to promote Star King Level?

Absorbing Qi of Heaven and Earth, the growth of Star Force is almost negligible.

“There are still sixty-five days.” Lin Feng was awkward.

“I don’t know if it is possible to break through the Star Force third layer and make the Star Force ball condense.”

Lin Feng is dark mumbled inwardly, but he also knows that the possibility is minimal. However, for myself, every minute of time here is extremely valuable. Saving a day here is equivalent to a lot of days outside, which is a cultivating efficiency issue.

The closer you are to cultivating, the closer you are to the fourth force of Star Force. When you go out, the faster you get to the fourth, the more you save.

“Fight!” Lin Feng eyelid burning.

Heart condensed, crazy cultivating, continue!

Another cultivating environment.

“haha!” “Hahahaha!!”

If the mad laughter sounds like a madman, the tiger is lying on the ground, Fang Tianhuai throws it to the side, and the look is full of excitement.

The red star glow flashes on the body, but if it is a shadow, it is not the qi mist form before, but it seems that light generally exists and has an entity.

“Four gears, this is the fourth gear!!” The tiger’s eyes flashed.


Bright light radiate all around, the fierce tiger turned up, Fang Tian paintings appeared in the hands like a shape, with a sharp cold glow. ‘Peng! ‘Red star glow is spread all over the square, and the tiger’s eyes are filled with enamel. As the eyelids are right, the red star glow disappears.

Control freely!


“Four gears, but that’s it.”

The corner of the mouth is cold and smiling, and the tiger is full of confidence.

“Lu Long, now you and I are on the same level.” The tiger is flying.

“The same is Star Sea Level 5th rank, the same four files, even if you want to win me, it is not so easy!” Lie Tiger clasped Fang Tianhuai, cross-handed, arrogant astonishing, “even if you upgrade to Star Sea Level 6th rank, I will definitely surpass you in three years and become the real strongest of Lu Family!”

“I am a tiger, there is no limit to the future!”

Looking up, the tiger is full of blazing flames.

From the beginning to the end, his imaginary enemy is just Lu Long, Lin Feng…

Who is that?

Time, day by day.

Cultivating I don’t know the time. In a blink of an eye, the cultivating situation is already one hundred and twenty days in the past.

Lin Feng didn’t know, but other Martial Artists had already prepared for it, defeated the guardian crystal man and left the second secret.

Formally entering the third secret state is also the last secret of the green smoke secret.

“si~” “si~~” Star Force bind.

Lin Feng was wrapped in a faint red glow. Completely immersed in cultivating.

Even if Star Force breaks through, even if the strength rank increases, Lin Feng has not moved more than half.

It is like a hundred years of pines, deeply rooted in this crystal temple.

Grab all the time cultivating!

“The distance from the fourth is not too far.” Lin Feng closed his eyes, filled with faint joy.

It would be like seeing the end of the feeling, with the body Star Force ball is completely condensed, almost no gaps.

From the gaseous state, to the solid state. It is a big breakthrough for the Star Force ball.


Time is not enough.

“Hey!” Like a string, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

Cultivating is interrupted in an instant, it is a shudder from the heart, this strength is too powerful!

There is no maliciousness, but it seems to be a reminder, a kind of indication.

Hey! Lin Feng stood up and his eyes groaned.

“Hey!~” is another voice.

Swing in my heart. As if the residual sound vibrates, the beam is three feet.

The artistic conception contained therein. Expressed completely with sound, Lin Feng nodded lightly, and it was already clear.

“It seems that the second secret time is coming.” Lin Feng purse one’s lip, I feel a pity. The increase in physical strength, the 4th rank is more than half, there is still a long way to go; but the heavy number of Star Force. I have already seen the fourth heavy edge, and in ten days, I can breakthrough.

However, there is no way.

The end is still over.

“Go out.”

“If not, the third secret may not enter.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly and didn’t care too much. He, this time, has already gained a lot.

Before entering the realm of green smoke, I have thought that there will be such a huge improvement in strength. The current time of reality is only forty days, but my own strength…

Ten times more promotion!

“The same is Star Sea Level 4th rank, if you are on the upper summer…”

“I should be able to win easily.”

Lin Feng shook his right fist and felt confident.

Looking at the eye, with a bright arrogance, Lin Feng walked to the end of the crystal temple.

There is also a guardian crystal man.

“Storm spear art!” Lin Feng shouted.

The violent arrogance, with a flexible hurricane, the condensation of black fog, shrouded that there is a five-meter-high guardian crystal person.

Only the strength of 80% is quite powerful.

Star Sea Level Eightth Order?

Indeed, it is twice as strong as the first guardian of the crystal.


Your own strength has also more than doubled!

At that time, Star Sea Level 3rd rank himself, who could beat Star Sea Level 7th rank’s guardian crystal man. Now Star Sea Level 4th rank himself, against Star Sea Level 8th-order guardian crystal man, naturally with no difficulty. The demon spear’s might be astonishing, and the milky white Astral Qi is full of devastating strength.

A strong storm eye whizzed past.

The terrifying arsenal erupted with the devil spear.

“break!” Lin Feng’s eyes are like shining stars.

The sorcerer spear crossed a white trajectory, such as a meteor, and instantly bloomed.

“Peng!~” guardian crystal people are divided.

Just a move, it will be defeated, and there is no resistance at all.

These have no physical body and energy body, even if the strength is doubled, it is like a puppet, no effect.

Pā ! Pā ! ~ The shattered water chip floats in front of the eyes, and the faint red light slowly disappears. The red radiance is dazzling, and Lin Feng is stunned by spear and looks calm. At this point, the surroundings were bright, and the head seemed to whisper, as if it had been gently bounced.

At this time, I left the cultivating environment.

What is presented in front of you is another very different world.

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes widened and he was curious and slightly surprised.

“Here is the third secret?”

(Second more ~ ​​~ continue! Thank you for your support, thank you for your support, thank you for your monthly ticket, recommended ticket ~ Thank you for your continued commitment! ~ Little loyal thanks.)

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