Chapter 10 cultivating

“Time scale 10: 1.”

“Cultivating, defeat the guardian crystal man within half a year.”

“Only use War God strength.”

In the ear 霎 Time rang three words, let Lin Feng startled.

Responding to it, it is already clear, as if it is like a cloud.

But it is true.

“It turned out that this is the second secret cultivating environment.” Lin Feng nodded.

Danger, not terrifying, terrifying is a potential danger, unknown terrifying. At this moment, the mystery of this second mystery is full, and Lin Feng looks at it. At this time, it is a place of yellow crystal, and there are various crystals, icicles, ice walls and so on.

“si~” Lin Feng took a breath and burned.

“Good Qi of Heaven and Earth.” Surprised, Lin Feng watched all around.

Here, Qi of Heaven and Earth is far stronger than the outside world, even if it is more than the ‘hundred waterfalls’ where it was on the day.

If cultivating Astral Qi here, it will be half the results for twice the effort.


The Star Sea Level expert, the demand for Qi of Heaven and Earth, is far worse than Star Force.

Here, it is just the cultivating treasure land of Star River Level Martial Artist.

A unique palace.

I am currently at the entrance to the palace.

All sights are at a glance.

“Hey?” Lin Feng walked and watched, looking upled.

I saw a piece of crystal on the side of one of the crystal walls. There are many notes and unique nouns.

At the time, Lin Feng was attracted.

Eyelids gaze This crystal wall, looking straight into the eye. Lin Feng’s browsing line by line is very long and complicated, and there are countless essences and secrets. Lin Feng gaze. Very fast is immersed in it until

After half an hour.

“Good exploration cultivation technique.”

“This is an Astral Qi Heart Technique Cultivation.”

Lin Feng ‘Shua’ opened his eyes and the bright light was burning.

Perhaps this set of Heart Technique Cultivation is nothing compared to his own “Zhu Huang Ce”, but if it is placed in the Green Cigarette City, it is quite uncomfortable.

“As mentioned above. This Heart Technique should have seven layers, but here…”

“There are only two floors.”

Lin Feng’s brows are light and clustered, and he feels a bit strange.

Looking around, this crystal wall is solitary and there are no other specialities.

Light put out a breath, Lin Feng eyes stunned.

“Go look elsewhere.” Slightly ponder in one’s thought, Lin Feng is just around the corner.

For myself, Heart Technique does not help much in terms of strength, and is unique and refined. A copy of “The Emperor’s Policy” is enough.

Very fast

Lin Feng found another crystal wall, which was a rough browse, and it was another Heart Technique.

Compared with the previous one, it is not inferior.

What surprised Lin Feng was not only that, but as he continued to move forward, he found a total of twelve sets of Heart Technique in this circular palace. Each has its own special place and is different. But one thing is exactly the same, that is, these Heart Techniques have ‘defects’. Just a part of the full version.

There is no Heart Technique name, and there is no introduction to Heart Technique.

Yes, it is just the existence of a book ‘no name’.

Here, it is the cultivating environment.

“10: The time ratio of 1.”

“In other words, stay here for half a year, just equivalent to the outside 18 days.”

Lin Feng is contemptuous. This is no stranger to this.

As early as Heavenly Martial Continent, I have experienced such cultivating.

Moreover, the time ratio is still 1000: 1.

In contrast, 10: 1 is simply insignificant.

But for now, it is already a good cultivating condition.

“Guardian Crystal Man?” Lin Feng vision gaze towards the end of the palace. Slightly flickering.

Obviously, this guardian crystal person must be guarded at the exit and exist as the ‘test’ of this cultivating environment.

“More than half a year of cultivating time, why not.” Lin Feng lightly smiled. I don’t know how many mysteries of this green smoke mystery, but just like the first secret, it is better to grasp the unknown future than to look at the present. That is the last word.

“First cultivating Fire of Devour.” Lin Feng vision are bright.

I am waiting to enter the Phoenix world, but I am stunned, I found myself…

Sense Less than the existence of Phoenix Destiny Chart?

“This…” Lin Feng looked slightly changed, but suddenly remembered the words that came in the ear when he first entered, suddenly suddenly realized.

Only use War God strength!

“Other strength… is it sealed again?” Lin Feng bitter with a smile.

It was not the first time, but it was not too surprising.

Lightly purse one’s lip, Lin Feng is even a clear comprehension.

“Twelve sets of Heart Techniques of different shapes.”

“There is still ten times the density of the spiritual qi outside the world.”

“cultivating… this should be based on cultivating ‘Heart Technique’.”

Lin Feng settled in his heart, and even if he took out the “Zhu Huang Ce”, he settled down.

They come, the security.

I have “The Emperor’s Policy”, and I don’t need other Heart Techniques to assist myself. A single cultivating is more effective.

“It’s just right, I haven’t had time to comprehend, I’m a king, now…”

“It is an opportunity.”

Lin Feng slightly smile, War God’s strength, Astral Qi is the dominant, is the most important point of attack.

The stronger Astral Qi, the more you can play War God’s might. Regardless of the Fire of Rebirth, the Fire of Devour, staying at the Star River Level, will eventually be completely replaced by Astral Qi.

I am currently relying too much on Fire of Rebirth, which is the body of War God, the attack of Martial God.

And is not conducive to long-term development.

“Astral Qi, I am now cultivating to the 2nd layer third layer.” Lin Feng nodded.

“Emperor”, each time you inspire a Corporeal Soul of War God, you can cultivating a layer. When you cultivating to the 2nd layer first layer on the same day, the might is better than the 1st layer. Every triple is a step. It is completely conceivable that when the Astral Qi cultivating to the 2nd layer is more than the seventh, there will be a might!

“Perhaps… can surpass Fire of Rebirth.” Lin Feng looks bright.

My own cultivating, not step by step, but drinking and quenching thirst, which aspect of strength is faster cultivating which aspect.

Therefore, knowing the importance of “Zhuo Ting”, it still prefers Fire of Rebirth cultivating.

In the final analysis. Still not enough time.

Since entering Battle Spirit World, there is really not much time to really cultivating.

For now, it is a good opportunity.

“Qi here of Heaven and Earth is so dense and comprehend whether or cultivating” Shunhuang policy “given half the results for twice the effort.” Lin Feng gently nodded.

Right now, there are two ways in front of you. The first road. Cultivating “舜皇策”, with the cultivating effect of 2nd layer third layer, enhances the physical enhancement of War God rank. To this and other strong Qi of Heaven and Earth, even if he was not insight Star Force, but half a year, to enhance the Star Sea Level 3rd rank that is more than enough.

The second one is comprehend “舜皇策”. Comprehend is different from cultivating, and comprehend is a kind of ‘enlightenment’, which does not have a significant effect on the improvement of strength.

But once it is realized. Astral Qi’s ‘quality’ upgrade, War God strength naturally bry it up a level.

Two roads, each with pros and cons!

If it is unusual, naturally choose the second road.

But for now, Qi of Heaven and Earth is so strong, if not cultivating, not violent things?

What’s more, up from Star Sea Level 1st rank to Star Sea Level 2nd rank, own within the body ‘original Star Force’ will be doubled; and if more elevated to Star Sea Level 3rd rank. The ‘Original Star Force’ is doubled again, and the Insight Star Force will undoubtedly be more natural.


“Go ahead of the second road.” Lin Feng looked bright. Very fast to make a decision.

The comprehend of “Zhu Huang Ce” is imperative, even if it is put aside now, it will be picked up in the future.

Instead of this, it would be better to first comprehend first. Especially the improvement of War God rank, the strengthening of the body. Really depends on… or Star Force.

Strengthening with Qi of Heaven and Earth is just a matter of expediency.

“Wait until the 2nd layer Astral Qi cultivating to a certain extent, then take the first road.”

“Better results!”

The deeper the comprehend of “舜皇策”, the higher the weight of Astral Qi, the faster the cultivating speed.

This. Is the real best of both worlds!

“let’s start.”

“Half-year cultivating!”

Lin Feng slightly smile, and immediately opened the “舜皇策”.

The second secret, other cultivating circumstances.

“Boom!” “Boom!!” The fierce tiger waved Fang Tian’s painting, looking clanging.

The shredding of world-shaking, Fang Tianhuan in his hands is like a light dagger, control of whatever he wants.

Cozy astonishing, full of domineering mountains and seas.

But it seems that there is a little less feeling, and the look of the tiger is hesitant.

The whole set of shackles, as if lacking the most fundamental ‘Soul’, can’t play the strongest might.

Very fast, a set of methods is completed. The intense tiger eye is staring at a huge crystal sculpture, and the eyes are radiant. The brows are compact from time to time, and the paintings in the hands of the sky are constantly scribbling. It seems to be cross-cutting and straightforward, but it is always wrong.

“Boom!” Fang Tian’s painting slammed into the ground and made a severe shock.

The tiger looks stunned, gnashing teeth, “Damn, what’s worse!”

“Damn Lin Wen, I am uneasy about it.” Lie Tiger is angry and angry, looking up angrily roared. 霎 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 方 ast ast ast ast ast ast ast ast ast ast ast ast ast ast ast Flying sand and stone, roaring, but just venting.

“hu, hu~” The tiger sighed a few times and calmed down.

“I can’t be disturbed by that Lin Wen again.” Lie Tiger said with a frown, “The opportunity once a year is hard to come by, and he has been wasted ninety days, so he must hurry!”

10: 1’s time ratio, indeed, nine days in the first secret, equivalent to ninety days in the second secret.

But it is no wonder that the tiger was so annoyed at the time.

After all, in the second secret, even if only one day, it is extremely valuable!

Not to mention the full 90 days.

Another cultivating environment.

Qin Qianqian closed his eyes, and the beautiful eyelashes trembled slightly, and the thick Star Force was condensed outside the body.

Insight Every Star Force, insight is the source of this strength, Qin Qianqian is completely immersed in the cultivating world. Although she is fun, here, there is nothing else to do except cultivating. If Sima Yi sees it, I feel very gratified.

On aptitude, Qin Qianqian is not inferior to Jixia, but it lacks hard work and hard work.


“si~~” Star Force gradually weakened, and Qin Qianqian slowly opened his eyes.

“The master really didn’t lie to me, it is indeed cultivating treasure land.” Qin Qianqian was joyfully said, “Star Force’s cultivating effect is far better than the outside world.”

“Unfortunately, the Senior Brother can’t come.” Qin Qianqian tossed the little mouth, suddenly remembered Lin Feng, said with a light groan, “It’s all bad guys, hey, after this cultivating, go out and I will be the Senior Brother. Take revenge, and ‘learn’ the bad guy. If the Senior Brother is injured, if you can’t show it, how can you lose it to him!”

“The mad man.” Qin Qianqian shouted.

(first more ~) (.)

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