Chapter III Behind the Scenes

Green Smoke City, Lu Fu.

“What do you say?!” Lu Wei’s eyes.

“Patriarch, you are underestimated.” The voice is not humble, it is a one-eyed man, his cheeks are thin, with a gloomy face.

“Lu Long, I don’t need your lesson!” Lu Wei complexion turn to green, gnashing teeth.

The one-eyed man named Lu Long, who is the brother of Lu Wei, looked at it carefully, but the two were similar.

Lu Long said, “If I am a tyrannosaur squad,” I want to kill that Lin Wen with no difficulty.” Paused, shaking one’s head and said, “Although the “Glam Leopard Death Corps” is flat, but after all I have been training for many years and can handle many small things. This time… it’s a pity.”

Lv Wei complexion a burst of green and white, indeed, the madness of the death of the Leopard squad has a great impact on Lu Family.

In the Green Smoke City, Fang and Lu both fought for many years, each of them secretly cultivated the influence. Among them, Lu Family has three major death corps, named after the ‘dragon and tiger leopard’. The dragon is the strongest and the leopard is the weakest.

Although the “Glam Leopard Death Corps” is at the bottom of the three major squad, it also costs Lu Family considerable money to develop.

To know that you can enter the ‘dead corps’, the minimum requirements must be completely loyal to Lu Family!

“How could Lin Wenwen be so powerful!” Lu Wei was trembled.

“With his power alone, it’s not so powerful.” Lu Long said, “But Patriarch, you didn’t think about it, maybe there is something about the influence behind Lin Wen. Not according to me, that Lin Wen is the secret of Fang Family. The cultivated killer, join, is only confused, if not, how can trifling cripple cultivate such a talent?”

Lv Wei squeezed his right fist. “It makes sense. In the past few days, Lin Wen had been to the Fang’s business district. If it wasn’t for the Fang Family, he couldn’t go to the top with his yellow hair brat!”

Lu Long is said and said. “Patriarch, you are put together by the old fox of Fang Tiansheng.”

Lu Yiqiang endured anger, suddenly

“not good!” Lu Wei complexion transient.

“What happened?” Lu Long brows slightly.

“If that Lin Wen is a person of Fang Family, he will definitely have a share in the green smoke secret!”

“I still have something to say.” Lu Long suddenly said with a smile, “Big Brother, you are really scared by that Lin Wen, you don’t forget. Fang Family is the same as coward every year, just dare to sneak people into the green The secret of the smoke.” Lu dragon eye 眸 亮 亮, “What is Lin Wenwen, there are fierce tigers, keep that Lin Wen has no way out!”

“Yes, I forgot.” Lu Yi clap his hands and only worried about his son, but he forgot this.

“A’Long, give me a pass.” Lu Wei’s eyes are killing intent. “Let the tiger and the tiger cub, see Lin Wen, kill without mercy!”

“Good!” Lu Long answered.

Reflection Building, 7-star Suite.

“I can’t think of a turn around, but I’m back.” 裴红苦said with a smile.

“I thought I was dead this time.” Yan Qing said softly.

“Fortunately, there is Big Brother Lin.” Xiaolu sweetly smiled.

Lin Feng lightly sigh in one’s heart, shook his head. “In fact, I am tired of everyone, if not me. You don’t have to suffer this kind of sin.”

The group of Feng Yang Gu also has the mysterious influence in the mouth of the Sea Senior, the goal is himself.

“Don’t say that. Big Brother Lin.”

“Yeah, Big Brother Lin, it has nothing to do with you.”

The girls are hurriedly, no matter who is involved, Lin Feng can risk the life of the danger to save them.

The meaning of this itself has exceeded everything.

“It’s a pity that everything has been taken away.” Yan Qing’s eyes showed a bit of disappointment.

“Yeah. The value is full 1200battle spirit coins!” The blush was only sad.

I also thought about how to use this huge amount to revitalize the color pipa, but did not expect that the teacher did not die before the death, the treasure has not lost the heat has been lost.

Lin Feng lightly smiled, immediately took out two storage rings from his arms and threw them in the past. “Hey.”

The blush reached out and was surprised. “This is…”

Lin Feng said with a smile, “Things should be inside, look for it.”

Everyone was overjoyed, and the blush was eager to find it. When he took out, he took out a bright red long whip and transmitted it with a brilliance, like a Flood Dragon. “Yes, there is.” Yan Hongxi is not self-satisfied, she is the most tightly equipped with this 3-star weapon, now lost and recovered, suddenly laughed and closed.

Indigo, Xiaolu and Rayblade very fast are also found to belong to their respective treasures.

In addition, the people also found more than a hundred battle spirit coins, I can’t believe it.

“Lin Feng this…” 裴红said with a shock.

“Nothing, take it.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

For yourself, these hundreds of battle spirit coins are simply insignificant.

But for the ladies, it is a great asset.

“Wow, great!” Xiaolu shouted.

All the girls laughed happily, but it was the death of the Sayong. Although this ‘journey’ was frightened and injured, but the property is not only half-small, but also a lot of ‘accidental wealth’, but it is all happy.

Watched everyone happy, Lin Feng smiled lightly.

However, there is a bit of worry in the smile, and the bright light in the eye is fleeting.

Although the threat of Fengyang Valley goes, but the mysterious influence, the black hand behind the scenes is still lurking in the dark, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

“I am not afraid, but…” Lin Feng frowned slightly, fearing that the color scorpion would be hurt again. The first time I can escape, but second time, what will happen for the third time? The god of luck will not love himself every time. If the girls have something to do, it will be too late to regret it.

“Look at the blushing whether they are willing to stay here for a while.”

“Otherwise, I can only give up the trip to the green smoke secrets, first send them to the Enron.”

Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought, the matter is prioritized, perhaps the loss of the green smoke secrets is a huge loss, but…

As long as the color can be safe, it is worth it!

“The black hand behind the scenes… Who is it?” Lin Feng has a deep eye.

“The death squad did not leave any clues, but perhaps, what information can be obtained from the manor in the secluded valley.”

Lin Feng nodded lightly, and suddenly thought of a person.

“Maybe… she can give me some useful information.” Lin Feng looked awkward.


“Mr. Lin Wen wants to know the master of the manor in the quiet valley?” An Ying said with a slight smile.

“Yes, I don’t know if you know the manager?” Lin Feng looked bright.

“These secrets are what the little girl can know.” An Ying’s voice fell in the ear, and Lin Feng was slightly disappointed. The only clue available is broken, and the black hand behind it is so deep. People can’t catch any handles.

However, An Ying’s voice is a slamming turn.

“But there is one person, she should be able to help Mr. Lin Wen.” An Ying mysterious smile.

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

“See you again, Lin Wen.” Ming Hao big eyes, smile and pleasant, this mature and enchanting woman. Enough to make all men tempted.

“The original Annmanage said…I am Miss Fang Ni.” Lin Feng’s eyes are shimmering, and each other is already seen, and it is no stranger. This time, from Fang Ni’s eyes, I can’t see the kind of noble people, but like an ordinary neighbor’s big elder sister.

Lin Feng didn’t know that it was because of his rising status in Fang Nixin.

After Ji Jiana war, he has already made a name for himself. Known to everybody in the Green Smoke City.

Fang Tiansheng, the evaluation of Lin Feng is extremely high!

I can’t wait to recruit him.

“Can Miss Fang tell us… Who is the Master of the Manor in the Glendale Valley?” Lin Feng stared at the subject.

Indeed, with the status and power of Fang Family in the Green Smoke City, this matter must be known.

The key is that Fang Ni will not help herself.

“Of course.” Fang Ni said with a slight smile. “I came to see you, this is for this matter.”

“Hey?” Lin Feng lit up when he was blind, and he seemed to understand what was in the faint.

“Master of the manor in the secluded valley. On the bright side is the wealthy merchant in the city ‘Jiagu’, but…” Fang Ni paused. The eyelids are bright, “The real owner is Lu Wei, the Patriarch of the Lu family. And the secluded valley is the place where the “Lama Leopards” is one of the three major families of Lu Family. ”

Lin Feng hearing this eyes suddenly bright, tight watched Fang Ni.

“I know what you are thinking.” Fang Ni was said with a faint smile. Immediately take a piece of paper from his arms.

The wrist trembled, the paper roll spread out, and the face that was painted above the watched, Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

That face is exactly the same as the Star Sea Level 3rd rank Martial Artist that I killed!

“Crazy Leopard. The leader of the mad leopard squad.” Fang Ni’s eyes stunned. “Lu Family’s three dead corps, hidden deep, the tyrannosaurus and the captain of the squad, we are still unknown. Identity, only the weakest mad leopard squad, because they often perform tasks for Lu Family, they have their message.”

“In addition to my Fang Family, the entire Green Smoke City, no one else knows.” Fang Ni said.

Watched the pair of exquisite eyes, Lin Feng nodded lightly.

Fang Ni’s expression was not unnatural. From her eyes, she could not see any lies or deception.

“It turned out to be them!” Lin Feng flashed a severe light in his eyes.

I didn’t expect that I and Lu Bao were just a little bit of friction, which made them so resentful and killed themselves!

“Why help me?” Lin Feng watched Fang Ni, asked.

Fang Ni smiled. “Is there a saying that is not the case, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Although Lin Wen, you are not willing to join me, Fang Family, but at this moment we have a common enemy, at least standing on the same front. “”

Lin Feng sounded ‘light’, but there is still reservation about Fang Ni’s words, but his words are hard-working, but he also believes in 80%.

Fang Ni and others, how can you guess Lin Feng thought, micro said with a slight smile, “You will know the true and false when you enter the green smoke secret, Lu Family youth generation strongest, ‘Lee Tiger Death Corps’ captain The tiger will definitely enter the green smoke secret. If I don’t expect it, then he will definitely kill you, so take care.”

Paused, Fang Ni eyes flickering, “I say that you are really good at Lin Wen, that ‘the mad leopard squad’ has never lost his hand, I am very curious, how did you escape from their inescapable net?”

“It’s very simple, kill them.” Lin Feng looked up, his eyes bright, “many thanks for your message, Miss Fang, if it turns out that Lu Family is doing this, I will never give up on this matter.”

Stopped talking, Lin Feng turned around and left, leaving a face of dumbstruck’s Fang Ni, lightly curling his lips, his eyes full of incredulity.

Lu Family One of the three death squadrons of the “Large Leopard Death Corps”…


(third more ~) (.)

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