Chapter VII encounter

Lu Fu.

“Hey, I am not willing!” Lu Bao tight clench one’s teeth off, both eyes pain.

Losing the opportunity to enter the Yan Yanmen to become an inner disciple, it is a great blow to him.

It’s like finding a huge treasure, but it’s being taken away.

“Hey.” Lu Wei lightly sigh.

Looking at his son like this, what else can you say?

It’s just that Lu Bao is unwilling, he is not reconciled, but now that the wood has become a boat, what is the solution?

“Let’s cultivateiv.” Lu Wei’s eyes are deep. “You are still young, son, next year, the next year or even the next year…” Lu Wei did not say it, and the voice was silent. He knows that this thing is always isn’t common, and Sima Yi helped him once to not help second time.

Some things are lost when they are lost.

“It’s him, it’s all harmful!” Lubao looks like a goblin.

If it is not Lin Feng, he has already reached a wish, how can it be like this, like a dog.

“Hey, help me kill him!” Lu Bao clenched his fists and saw the cold light radiate all around.

Lv 聍 聍 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 聍 聍 聍 聍 聍 聍 聍 聍Falling down the stone.”

Green smoke city, it is like a scale, Lu and Fang are around Libra, no one dares to make mistakes.

Once it is slightly weightless, Libra will tilt and the situation will become very unfavorable.

“Don’t be afraid, hehe.” Lu Leopard said with a smile. “I know that someone hates Lin Feng more than us. The whole thing doesn’t require us to make a move. It only needs to be profitable. It is a smart person. Make a move.”

“Lin Feng?” Lu Wei was surprised.

“It’s that ‘Lin Wen’.” Lu Bao coldly said, “He once became a pseudonym ‘Lin Feng’ sneaked into the wind and the valley, as a spy. After being found murderous, and the wind and the valley is as deep as the sea, we just need to do this Promote it. At that time, everyone’s eyes will shift. Plus Lin Feng killing Li Ming this time, it is even worse!”

Lv Wei’s eyes lit up instantly and nodded.

“This is a good idea.” Lu Yi smiled.

“Hey, Lin Feng’s spirit treasure that can release the black qi mist can’t be cheaper.” Lubao said hurriedly.

The heart is very voyeuristic. In Lu Bao believes. If it weren’t for the spirit treasure, how could Lin Feng be his opponent.

“That is of course.” Lu Wei’s eye-catching killing intent is fleeting.


In the martial arts hall.

Lin Feng took the time to cultivating.

Star Force is temporarily a boulder that cannot move, but it does not mean that it cannot be cultivating.

The benefits from Star River Level to Star Sea Level are too great.

The body is improved in all directions. In particular, the expansion and strengthening of the Meridians made Astral Qi completely change. For War God, the body is the foundation and Astral Qi is the weapon! A true weapon that fundamentally affects the strength or weakness of War God’s strength.

“Astral Qi!” Lin Feng shouted.

The devil spear crossed a huge wave. Longyang spear art is displayed along the way.

Aura just to the sun, condensed with light white light, both cohesion and good, strength aura also good, are far better than before.

boom! !

The air severe vibrates.

Lin Feng’s eyes are bright, the footsteps are micro-stepping, and the time is the magic spear.

Like a silky bind, the devil spear seems to be a line of silk, and the fiery spear body is completely wrapped in pale white light. Astral Qi’s original transparent color arrogance has changed dramatically, as if it were changed from a building to a villa, and like the Human Soul, it has become a fundamental step.

Chi! Chi! Chi!

Like a sensitive snake, the spear speed is much faster than before.

Lin Feng looks flickering. Spear intent comes out, the sharp speed does not affect the spear intent, but the ‘wrap’ word is perfect.

“Hey!” Crazy squeezing the air, forming a low-pressure storm.

Storm spear art!

“Finally. Master the 2nd layer Third Layer Heaven.” Lin Feng deeply exhaled.

Stop cultivating, Lin Feng gulping water. There was a bit of joy in his eyes, and Astral Qi was much stronger than he imagined.

2nd layer First Layer Heaven, the best wins over 1st layer Seventh Layer Heaven, and 2nd layer Third Layer Heaven, which is multiplied by multiples, far from being comparable.

“It’s no wonder that “The Emperor’s Policy” mentions that every time you fire a ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’, you can cultivating one more layer.” Lin Feng secretly thought. Inspires the Corporeal Soul of War God, which is intended to enhance the strength of the rank, the meridians are more expanded, strengthened, and accommodate more and stronger Astral Qi, and…

The meridians of their own left hand are completely penetrated.

“Gentle open, my left hand attack power, now better than the right hand.” Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Although there is no integration of any Corporeal Soul Artifact, the increase in left-hand strength is not to be questioned.

“Duo Duo once said that Corporeal Soul Artifact is not free to blend.”

“It’s not appropriate, you can’t play the strongest strength, it’s better to leave it empty, waiting for the opportunity.”

Lin Feng inwardly ponder, the heart has already decided.

Ning is lacking!

Although the Corporeal Soul Artifact is replaceable, it has only one impact on the ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’.

Besides, without the help of Duo Duo, even if you want to change the Corporeal Soul Artifact, you are also powerless.

“Unconsciously, it has been three days.” Lin Feng has a deep gaze. “The new body, the bits and pieces that I have adapted, even if it is not 100%, can at least play 90%. Nine tomorrow, this war will be able to play.” A bit of a pain.” Lin Feng suddenly smile, do not seek to win or lose, but seek that kind of chess on the opponent’s pleasure.

I also want to go with Ji Xia war.

Take a look at your own strength and what level you will reach!

“There is still one day, hehe…” Lin Feng was slightly indulged and his eyes were bright and clear. “Go to the Green Smoke City and walk around, look for it, buy this ‘Stars’ first.”

Starry is indispensable.

No matter how good or bad, at least you can do it right now.

“Really, Big Brother Lin?” Xiaolu stared at the stars.

“I look like a joke?” Lin Feng smiled lightly, watched the color of the sorcerer, and felt a warm heart, Lin Feng nodded gently. “It’s a good relationship, since tomorrow will be different, today I Doing the East, everyone has a good time, have a good time, buy a good one!”

The elite competition is over. The Caisong people had to leave three days ago.

But because of myself, I stayed for another three days.

In the words of blush, if you don’t read this ‘final decisive battle’, your heart will be intolerable, and you will not be able to go back.

“The rich man is doing the East. Then we are welcome.” Yan Qing said with a slight smile.

“Hey. Take some blackmail.” Blush ‘sinful’.

“Let’s go, Senior Sisters.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.


One man and three women, strolling in the green smoke city.

Laughter and laughter, and jokes from time to time. It is very eye-catching. ”

Lin Feng, indeed, is a rare and easy time.

“Senior Sister, a lot of people are watching us!” Xiaolu looked around from time to time with a take care.

“That’s still used to say, thanks to this ‘Junior Brother’. Our color 翡 翡 this time is a hit.” blushing eyes slanted.

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and all the way, there was such a gaze everywhere, mixed with curiosity and deep interest, but also with awe and envy. After experiencing the elite competition, my reputation has risen. Although it is not known to the city, it is also a small name.

As for the color 翡 宗, it has long since deviated from the name of ‘cripple 宗’.

“Right. Rayblae is not coming?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

“Don’t worry about him, that little brat is a martial art, not interested in the other.” Blush said.

Lin Feng nodded as if he had heard it, and the aptitude of Ray Blade was quite powerful. It is the greatest hope for the future of Choi.

Indeed, he has this potential and ability.

“Where are we going now?” Lin Feng looked at the blush.

My own understanding of the Green Smoke City is limited to An Ying’s introduction, and it is really on the ground. It is only the ‘Kowloon Fighting martial field’.

“Ask me to do so much, just follow it!” A smile of crafty.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. Laughed bitterly.

I seem to have made a wrong decision.

Sure enough.

Was strolled around one shop after another, clothing store, jewelry shop, Lin Feng was speechless.

It’s not a lot of money. It doesn’t add up to 1battle spirit coins before and after. It’s like pulling a hair on your body.


Not appetite.

“Hey?” A lightly surprised voice came from a luxury women’s clothing store.

Lin Feng went back and saw a charming, short-haired girl, staring at herself with her eyes wide open, showing a very surprised expression. Both eyes are slightly light, and Lin Feng immediately thinks about it. The girl in front of me is buying 3-star Immortal Fruit on her own day.

Qin Qianqian!

Ji Xia’s Junior Sister!

“How come you are here? Lin Wen!” Qin Qianqian started and said.

Vision地vision gaze towards 裴红三女, Qin Qianqian suddenly realized, watched Lin Feng’s look transient, “Hey, it is really leisurely.” Qin Qianqian mouth cold and cold, with a slap in the face This game, closed behind the cultivation, but I can not think of his opponent is completely inappropriate.”

“Take a beautiful tour, very happy!” Qin Qianqian taunted.

Lin Feng laugh indifferently, Zhiqin thousand misunderstanding, but…

There is no need to explain it.

This situation will only be more and more black.

What’s more, what do you need to explain to yourself?

“I really don’t know how Senior Brother will treat you as an opponent.” Qin Qianqian disdained said, “In my opinion, this kind of person is no different from that of Lulu, and a little bit of performance is smug and smug.”

“What are you talking about!” The blush complexion turned red and ran over.

The voice of Qin Qianqian is so great that it is difficult for the three women to pay attention.

However, Lin Feng extended his right hand and blocked the blush. There is no need to let the misunderstanding expand.

“As you are like this, I still want to win my Senior Brother, dream!” Qin Qianqian is facing Lin Feng coldly snorted. The beautiful face is very beautiful. “Tomorrow, I want to take a good look, you are defeated.” How will it look like?”

Stopped talking, Qin Qianqian is leaving.

It’s a little emotionally disturbed to leave a sullen blush, as well as indigo and Xiaolu.

However, Lin Feng is unusual, and complexion has no half-change.

It has not been a day or two since I was misunderstood.

Is it related?

For people to live, as long as they are worthy of their own hearts, then it is enough.

(Exactly three points, the efficiency is very slow, the little is still too late to code three chapters ~)

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