. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 3

“The seven major Corporeal Soul of War God.”

“Tianchong, Linghui is the scorpio, fine, English, qi, power, and the center are the mantle.”

“Every time you open a cellar, you can promote a War God rank.”

Lin Feng flipped through “The Discrimination” and looked at him.

The opening of the mantle requires a sense, with Qi of Heaven and Earth as the axis, forming a ‘sense route’ with the the body.

And this is the origin of the ‘魄引术’.

The higher the grade, the stronger the sense and the shorter the time.

But can you get the sense, but you can see how it is made.

“When I opened the Brave Corporeal Soul that day, it was not that complicated.” Lin Feng secretly thought, the memory of Nether Roar that day is still clear. Under the guidance of Duo Duo, first through the ‘Brave Corporeal Soul’ all meridians, then expand the meridians with the help of ‘Golden Wheel’ Infinite Heaven and Earth Energy, and finally…

Aurora illumination, force breakthrough Corporeal Soul !

“Sure enough, I didn’t know it at the time, now it is…” Lin Feng suddenly smile.

The gap is appeared.

The same rush, the difference is very different.

Moreover, with the help of Duo Duo, the opening of the five mantles, let yourself choose.

But now, you have to rely on sense to see which one is more ‘easy’.

“The cultivating system of Starry Sky Expert is really amazing.” Lin Feng lamented.

Right now, I have no help.

Only on your own!

“Hu~~ ” Lin Feng gently closes his eyes.

The body has countless meridians. The main veins and branch veins are like rivers. There are countless branches, and there are countless branches in the branches. The layers are stacked to form a complex flow graph. Ordinary meidians are simple. Simply supply the basics of the body, but the Martial Artist is different.

Cell strengthening, the body’s meridians are constantly strengthening, and those hidden, tiny meridians have long been opened.

The body looks like a complicated maze.

The Brave Corporeal Soul was launched on the same day, and tens of thousands of large-scale meridians were penetrated.

Can be imagined!

“Astral Qi!” Lin Feng lightly drink.

The familiar sense starts suddenly. The inspired Heaven and Earth Energy in a blink of time turned into Astral Qi, flowing inside the body, forming a tributary.

Lin Feng step by step to adapt to the route and branch of the 罡qi flow, constantly turning and developing in the body. The memory in the brain is very clear. Lin Feng doesn’t need to be backed up like a normal Martial Artist for a few days to remember. “The Discrimination” has been deeply imprinted in the mind.

Astral Qi, non-stop rogue.

Like a pathfinding, it flows away in the labyrinth of the body.

Lin Feng is very take care. But after all, everything can’t be perfect, and the first time there will always be a lot of mistakes.

After three hours…

Lin Feng put out a breath, experienced several mistakes, and finally, the first time.

“Wrong twice.” Lin Feng shook his head and was not satisfied.

If you are known by other War God, I am afraid I will feel a bit silent.

War God above 90%, the first cultivating ‘魄引术’. At least ten days and a half months.

Memory is already difficult, and it needs to be done in a minute. Which War God first cultivating ‘魄引术’ is a good dozens of times.

Success is built on countless failures.

With the first experience, Lin Feng very fast is the first step.

The second time, Astral Qi’s speed slowed down, but it didn’t make any mistakes, it took just one hour.

The third time. Be proficient and spend half an hour.

The fourth time…

Progressive times and again, slowly ripening makes perfect.

Lin Feng learns to be proficient in the speed of ‘魄引术’, quite astonishing.

In fact, War God is generally reached at Star River Level 7th rank. I started learning and proficient in the ‘魄引术’ very early on.

Time, slowly passing.

The speed of Lin Feng’s exhibition of “Discrimination” is getting faster and faster and more and more perfect.

Astral Qi flows through the body in a specific route, producing a peculiar energy resonance. It sounds like a sound, like a slight gong and drum roar, bit by bit, a drop, flowing between the bodies. The stronger the body, the stronger the meridians are, and the more Astral Qi they can hold.

When a certain value is reached, the boundaries are exceeding.

The resonance of energy will appear.

“I don’t know how long it will take.” Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart.

“This process is varying from person to person. In a few days, it will last for ten days and a half.”

There are also many people, because aptitude is too bad, even if all the conditions are met, the insight does not exist in the ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’, abound.

“According to Duo Duo, my War God aptitude is a fifth grade.”

“This aptitude is ‘medium’ in Battle Spirit World, and there is no problem with the Break Star Sea Level. It takes a bit of luck to break through the Star King Level.”

Lin Feng Wei Wei, War God aptitude is his weakest link.

But for now, it has become the most important part.


In the room, the girls are hotly talking.

Everything is available in the 7-star suite, including video recordings at every episode of the elite competition.

Although Lin Feng is already disqualified, this does not prevent the women from paying attention to the contest.

After all, this is the annual event of the Green Smoke City.

“The top ten came out.” Blushing eyes.

“Sure enough, a lot of familiar faces.” Yan Qing gently nodded.

“One of the quotas should be Big Brother Lin.” Xiaolu pouting small mouth, still feels uncomfortable.

Blush and indigo were naturally took a glance and shook their heads.

The result is already doomed, is there any way?

“You estimate that if Lin Feng can continue to participate, can he win the championship?” Yan Hong suddenly asked.

“This…” Heqing hesitated, and he only said softly for a long time. “It’s hard to say.”

Lin Feng’s strength makes her completely incomprehensible, like a well.

Deep bottom!

“Of course! Big Brother Lin is the best!” Xiaolu raised his head, from the channel.

“You little girl.” Blushingly scolded, but the eyes are suddenly bright, since muttered, “I don’t know how, although it is incredible, but I also believe that if Lin Feng continues to participate, it is really possible to create miracles. Get the championship.”

Indigo eyes flickering. Smile and smile.

At this time

“Hey, hey, hey.” The crisp and rhythmic knock on the door sounded.

The three women looked at each other and felt a bit surprised, because Lin Feng had already screened all the waiters and services.

The blush goes up and gently opens the door.

“Ah!” The girls were lightly surprised.

“Hello.” A light voice. Very polite.

What you are talking about is a person who is almost the same as Lin Feng. The blue pupils are stunned.

“You are…” Blushing eyes wide open.

“Zi Xia, one of the top ten!” Xiaolu startled and said.

“It’s me.” Ji Xia nodded and said politely, “Excuse me, may I ask Lin Wen?”

The three women were physically took a glance, and Ji Xia’s eyes were clear, started talking, “Reassured. I have no malicious.”

“Is there something?” Yan Qing smiled and stepped forward.

Ji Xia hesitated for a moment, his brows were light and clustered. “Is it troublesome, can you pass it through?”

Return politeness for politeness, from the performance of Ji Xia, I really can’t see any malicious, blushing one’s head and said, “Sorry. I have just been seclusion.”

“This way,” Ji Xia nodded. Immediately and again, “I don’t know how long to crack?”

“I don’t know.” blush replied, “It’s almost a few days, and a slow time is ten days.”

“Oh?” Ji Xia’s eyes burned.

裴青said with a slight smile, “If there is something important, leave a message, etc. Junior Brother left seclusion, we will inform him immediately.”

Ji Xia nodded. Immediately, he took out a piece of copper-sized green-green stone from his arms and gave off a strange luster. “Trouble this to him.”

“Is this?” Yan Qing took over, with doubts.

“The key to enter the ‘green smoke secret’.” Ji Xia ignored the expression of the woman’s surprise, just as it sounds. “Maybe this is useless to him, but I think this is what he deserves. In addition, the trouble is to tell Lin Wen, ten days later, until the end of the elite competition, I will come back to him.”

“At that time, I will offer the identity token of ‘Yan Yu Zun Fu’ and wait for him.” Ji Xia’s blue pillar pupils flashed instantly.

“Continue the top ten war!”

The sound is falling and the words are chiseled.

The female complexion has been changed, completely dumbfounded, and waited until the reaction came.

People, but already long gone.


In the martial arts hall, the mind is completely concentrated, Lin Feng does not know the arrival of Ji Xia.

The application of “Discrimination” is completely skilled, and the energy resonance over and over again is very weak, but it is like a drop of stone, igniting ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’.

Very slow, but it is a necessary process.

“The efficiency is too low.”

“Heaven and Earth Energy are not surging.”

Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart, slamming the eyes and shining.

“wait a minute!” Lin Feng suddenly stopped the action, secretly thought, “Since the exhibition “Astral Qi” is too slow, why not use the purest Heaven and Earth Energy directly?”

Use Immortal Fruit instead!

Think of it.

In an instant, Lin Feng took out an 3-star Immortal Fruit, which was fragrant, but it instantly fell into the stomach. Lin Feng closed his eyes and once again gathered the center god. A pure qi flow flashed instantly, filled with the huge Heaven and Earth Energy. Take care controls this qi flow, Lin Feng quickly began to display “discrimination.”

The first time, the second time, the third time!

“No problem at all!” Lin Feng was excited in his heart.

There is no difference in substitution, and efficiency is much faster.

The resonance of energy is ten times stronger!

“This time, you should be able to save a lot of time.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

In fact, it is only the luxury of Lin Feng.

Not only can Immortal Fruit be replaced, but it can be used with ‘Alone Crystal’, just a waste.

But for Lin Feng, ‘wasting’ a little 3-star Immortal Fruit is nothing, the most important thing is


An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.


On average, one 3-star Immortal Fruit is consumed.

But as long as it can speed up, Lin Feng is not half-hearted.

Effort pays back.

After five consecutive hours of “Ganzi”, Lin Feng finally felt that the body was inexplicable.

Heartbeat, puff like speed up.

The flow of blood seems to be very slow.

Time seems to have stopped.

In an instant

As if I felt something, Lin Feng was suddenly startled.

“this is?!”

(Third more ~~ Sorry everyone, there is something in the house, a little more late.) (.)

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