The twentyth chapter is Li Ming, dead!

“Lin Feng !!” The sound of gnashing teeth.

Lin Feng lightly ‘oh’, the vision gaze towards the distance.

When I saw the people in Fengyanggu, I was familiar with the faces, Ding Hong, Wei Hai, Ding Wei and…

Li Ming.

It’s just Li Ming who just shouted at himself.

“I thought we couldn’t recognize you by changing the name?” Li Ming shouted, “Killing Wang Feng, nephew, Qi Family brother and sister, you are the sinful executioner!”

The colorful sects who followed Lin Feng entered were all startled.

This sudden embarrassment made them a little overwhelmed and suddenly looked at Lin Feng.

I saw that he just smiled lightly, as if he didn’t hear it.

“Let’s go.” Lin Feng walked indifferently and smiled at the girls.

The lounge is large and the structure is very similar to the 2nd layer. At the end of the room, there are two closed doors, apparently into the passage of the martial field. The decor of the room is extremely gorgeous, with a touch of scent, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. The most unique is the independent ‘cultivation room’.

“Hey, dare to do what you can’t recognize.” Ding Wei said.

“The defeat of the army, I do not know what is going on.” Yan Hong suddenly came up with a sentence, the instant of Ding Yan face flushed, angrily said, “What do you say!”

“Tell you, ask for question a question, when already knows the answer.” Blushing hands with hands on hips, half a point does not make people, “forgot how to lose that day?”

“You!!” Ding Wei biting one’s lips, the body trembled.

“What about the elder sister and this mad dog lower oneself to somebody’s level?” 裴青轻然said with a slight smile.

“It’s also true.”

Speaking with a light groan, “coward hiding under the woman’s skirt.”

“What are you talking about!” Yanhong was furious.

It was just a slap in the face, but the wrist was caught by Lin Feng, and the blush was startled, but it was taken away by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who sees Li Ming, avoids himself, stopped and rises a little confidence, and shouted shouted. “You wait, Lin Feng, I will definitely avenge the dead brothers and sisters!”

however. Lin Feng didn’t seem to hear it, and took everyone into the independent ‘cultivation room’.

Li Ming’s face showed a confident smile.

“Senior Brother, let’s take a look at Lin Feng!” Ding Wei airway.

“Do not worry, hey.” Li Ming eyes bright and confident.

Ding Ding eyes. The language is long-lasting. “Remember not to kill Lin Feng, or you may be disqualified at any time and banned for life.”

“Yes, Great Elder.” Li Ming nodded and said.

“You have nothing to ask?” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

“There is nothing to ask. Big Brother Lin is not that kind of person.” Indigo beautiful eyes.

“That is, Big Brother Lin is a good person! Xiaolu likes Big Brother Lin~” Xiaolu sweetly smiled.

“Hey, at first glance, I know that the dog, the dog and the woman are the bad guys.”

“I believe too.” Ray Blade nodded and said.

Watched everyone, sense this heartfelt words, Lin Feng’s heart is warm.

I only met with the Caisong people for only a few days. They are so unreserved trust that they are very touched.

“Thank you.” Lin Feng nodded.

“Hey! Big Brother Lin is a real guest!” Xiaolu’s index finger is a small face, and is called with a smile.

“That is, we are not outsiders.” 裴青said with a faint smile.

“When you want to win, you can win!” The blush is like a female lion.

Lin Feng slightly smile, looking out through the brown glass, the appearance of everyone in the wind and the valley is clear. I don’t know what to say, and it’s obviously not a good word. Looking at that face, Lin Feng can’t help but think of Wang Feng’s tragic death, when he sees a little cold light in his eyes.

he. Damn it!

The reason why I participated in this elite competition, one for the strong reward of 32, the other is to scream.

Only here can you kill him with great brightness. Congratulations to the dead Brother Wang!

As for the rules of the contest, punishment…

Do you care?

The top floor, in the luxury box.

“Hey, I really don’t understand Senior Brother. Why do you pay attention to such an inconspicuous fellow?” Qin Qianqian said.

Sima Yi is sad with a smile. “Don’t believe it. You are born with a pair of blue eyes. It is very accurate to see people, but it is better than your master.”

“The master said it is heavy.” Ji Xia said, “The disciples don’t know why. They always feel that this ‘Lin Wen’ is a threat.”

Sima Yi’s eyes flickering, “is more threatening than last year’s champion ‘White God’?”

Ji Xia hesitated and nodded, “Yes.”

“Really fake.” Qin Qianqian muttered.

“very fast knows.” Sima 酆 light light screen, said with a slight smile, “the game, it’s about to start.”


A short break, very fast is the past.

As the identity card in the arms shines, the two closed doors at the end of the room are opened.

Lin Feng blinked brightly and stood up.

“Come on, Big Brother Lin!”

“Must win!” Xiaolu nodded hard and cheered Lin Feng.

“Don’t worry, wait for me to come back.” Lin Feng smiled and watched these ‘friends’ and felt the warmth in his heart.

Pushing open the door to the cultivation room, Lin Feng immediately entered the passage.

In the audience, people are overcrowded.

Everyone has wide eyes and stares at the huge martial field.

As the bell rang, everyone was quiet and waiting for the arrival of two Martial Artists.

Lin Feng, a huge black horse, although the Star River Level 7th rank, continues to beat the Star River Level and even the Star Sea Level 1st rank expert.

Li Ming, also defeated a Star Sea Level 1st rank Martial Artist, all the way through the thorns, the means extremely ruthless.

The match is quite!

One second, two seconds, three seconds.


“Hey!” With a white light appearing, Li Ming first marched.

In an instant, Lin Feng also appeared.

The entire audience was full of boiling, the wolf screamed again and again, with the entry of the contestants, the entire martial field roar was deafening, as if to shake the sky.

Extremely lively!

“Who do you say who will win?”

“I guess Lin Wen, I saw it in the last game. He is amazing!”

“Whoever said, that Li Ming is very powerful, and he dares to start. It is much better than Lu Xing, who is also a Star Sea Level 1st rank.”


Arguing endlessly, this kind of ‘competitive’ battle is the most anticipated and relished.

Everyone wants to know, in the end two people. Which one is stronger!

“Lin Feng!” Li Ming tightly clench one’s teeth. The suffocation is exhausted.

The opponent in front of him is both familiar and unfamiliar. For him, this is a battle that cannot be avoided.

In fact, Li Ming absolutely believes. Today, he can beat Lin Feng!

Xiao Xiao smiled, and Li Feng was watched.

No need to talk, eyes are on behalf of everything.

The faint killing intent leaked out through the eyes, and Lin Feng’s smile looked like a death-like smile. It’s creepy.

If you don’t fight, the momentum will be spelled first.

“pā !” Both of them settled and entered the preparation area.

And at this time –

“dang!” With a crisp bell ringing, ring the main theme of the battle.

“Accept death, Lin Feng!!” Li Ming complexion fierce, violently drunk, dressed in ‘sacred fire coat’, Li Ming fearless. Long sword 嗡咛, with a loud humming sound. It seems to cut through the sky. The same is the meaning of the sword, Li Ming is better than Lu Bao!

The speed is extremely fast, and Li Ming is full of power, and the left foot is fine. His speed is better than Lin Feng.

Lin Feng moved. With the black fog condensation, the instantaneous double speed, which is weaker than the speed of the sharp one, is close to many.

The exact same battle!

On the same day, I played against Lubao. The same is true.

Only when the black fog shrouded the sound, the wind vortex broke open. You can take the absolute advantage!


Fighting is always changing.

“Hey!” Li Ming’s long sword seems to have come alive, with great brilliance and radiance all around.

Faced with the black fog, Li Ming did not panic, the left knee was in a blink of time, and the screaming eyes were like a star, like a star, deep like and drink, “unique!” Shrouded, it will completely surround the sound, forming a separate area.

Isolated space!

Unique domain!

The black fog wraps, but can’t enter this strange area.

As Ding Hong said, it is completely unaffected!

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes were slightly brighter, and he felt a bit assonished.

The movement was not slow, and the emergence of the wind vortex was accompanied by the agglutination of Astral Qi, and the attack of Lin Feng blinked.


Li Ming is coming faster, more fierce and more fierce!

“Yaoguang Sword!” Li Ming shouted, the speed is just better than Lin Feng.

In the eyes of ominous light Bi Lu, Li Ming’s strength is fully exerted at this moment, taking advantage of the attack.

“I’m afraid you won’t come!” Lin Feng’s expression was light.

What is the speed of a weak point?

What about losing the fighting opportunity?

Strength is not comparable to Li Ming?

I have the same, but Li Ming does not have it at all.

“Storm spear art!” Lin Feng eyelids in a blink of time shining, a night of painstaking cultivation, has long been spear art cultivating to perfection. Lin Feng’s right foot suddenly stepped out, the wind vortex condensed light spots, and the devil spear in his hand was like a silk-like continuous bind, and the airborne shadows were heavy, and the devil spear seemed to become a spiral shape.

“This is?!” Ding Hong complexion in the battle.

“Impossible!” Great Elder Ding Ding’s eyes are huge.

Entangled, completely broke out.

Spear intent 凛然, both offensive and defensive.

Li Ming only felt that the long sword felt extremely soft, as if he was trapped in a whirlpool.

And at this time –

“Storm eye!” The continuous vibration of the devil spear, forming a low pressure of the severe, very compressed air, so that the long sword seems to enter a vacuum zone.


On spear intent, Lin Feng is better than Li Mingjian.

If it is not the strength of Li Ming, this majestic sword will break Lin Feng’s spear, just like Lin Feng broke the blushing whip that day.

“Do you think you can win?” Li Ming violent shout, look fierce.

“Xiong Lili!!” The right hand unfolds tremendous destructive power and the elbow joint is completely shining.

Li Ming, the presence of the Star Sea Level, the Corporeal Soul of War God, has two openings. One is fine, the other is power!

This is the strength that beats Lin Feng, and now it is more terrifying.

Extend the advantages to great!

But… useful?

Lin Feng didn’t even think about restraining the screaming with strength.

“Fire of Rebirth!” Eyes clear clear, a strong presence of flaming, in a blink of time from the heart. Through the spear body of the spear spear, straight into the tip of the spear, condensing the astonishing destructive power. At the beginning, it was the fire of Rebirth that was born, and Ding Hong, who was hit hard, now –


“Boom!” The fire is burning.

However, Li Ming is a strange smile, not afraid.

The scorpion spear stalks, and the Fire of Rebirth seems to encounter a layer to the wall, completely unable to break the slamming defense.

Lin Feng’s heart is ‘squeaky’ startled, and I feel a powerful Fire Element strength, and my heart suddenly becomes clear. It would look like a layer of fireproof armor, and isolate your Fire of Rebirth. In front of him, Li Ming’s long sword is close at hand, and it’s about strike fall.


“Fire of Devour!” Lin Feng eyes is shining.

The devil spear flashed a glimpse of ‘呻吟’, as if he could not bear such a strength.

But in the meantime, the Fire of Devour converges the spearhead, saying that the time is slow, almost instantaneously, the two unusually strong flames are combined in an instant violent cry, the astonishing terrifying Fire Element in this black fog spreading and soaring Crazy fusion, instant puff like bursting.

Just like Heavenly Thunder hooking Earth Fire, it’s like thunder and lightning.

“Death!” Lin Feng in one’s eyes full of killing intent.

“No!!!” Li Ming looked terrified and full of fear.

This terrifying strength makes him sense to the threat of death.

The whole person completely collapsed. At this moment, he felt deeply regretted. This person in front of him… is a demon! ! !

How can I get rid of him? !


I regret it, and it’s too late.

Everything is already late.

In an instant –

“Boom!!!” world-shaking exploding cry.

Severe blasting, frying everything. The range spreads widely, covering the entire martial field range, and the bursting of the remaining light on the edge of the film, giving a ‘sweet’ sound, is actually to break this layer of terrifying light film!

Just the rest of the effort, there is such a might.

Can you imagine how it would be in the center of this blast?

Everyone is stunned and watched all this, as if suffocating.

Everything is quiet.

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