Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 9 Heavenly Fire

Distant Battle Spirit World.

“Meng, I just felt a heartache, will it be ‘Qiong’er’ accident?” Red woman ‘Chi Yan ‘worriedly said.

“You are a child, Mada.” The middle-aged man ‘Chi Meng’ sat on the edge of the bed, gently patted the red woman’s shoulder, and comforted. “Do not worry, Qiong’er is Heavenly Dog Clan. A rare wizard, he was born with ‘Heavenly Fire’. When Zhu Feng couldn’t kill him, how could it happen?”

Red woman ‘Chi Yan ‘purse one’s lip, “There is always some peace of mind, I don’t know when I can find Qiong’er.”

“Hey.” Middle-aged man ‘Chi Meng ‘lightly sighed, “The islands outside the country, the ocean wants to find Qiong’er, it is not an easy task. Now you can only take a step and wait until Qiong’er grows After the big, the mind is strong and it is much easier.”

“I hope so.” The red woman ‘Chi Yan’ nodded.


Nether Roar.

“I am dead?”

The mind slowly recovered, clear, and Lin Feng felt a headache, and suddenly-

“Hey!” Open your eyes.

“Where is this?” Lin Feng looked bright.

I took the semi-elliptical mask away and sensed my body. Lin Feng looked at the instrument that was inserted in the body, and felt it in my heart.

“Hu~~” Lin Feng puts out a breath, and the body is slightly shocked, and the mechanical arms are freed. The right foot is gently pressed out of the blue pool, and the strange energy is absorbed by the body in the blink of an eye. The body feels full.

Lin Feng’s eyes fell to the front, and in front of him, Duo Duo watched himself with a smile and threw a set of black martial clothes.

Very fast Put on, Lin Feng clenched his fist and his eyes were right.

“Oh?” Lin Feng was amazed.

Does the body seem to be enhanced?


“How are you feeling?” Duo Duo looks flickering.

“Not bad.” Lin Feng moved make a move arm and foot, and he vaguely remembered that he was seriously injured and used all his strength to return to Nether Roar, and then there was no memory. obviously. It was Duo Duo who saved himself, Lin Feng nodded and said, “many thanks, Duo Duo.”

“It’s just a little effort.” Duo Duo slightly smile.

“But…” Lin Feng shook his head and felt dizzy. “The head is still a little painful.”

“That’s because your Life Soul is seriously injured in a coma.” Duo Duo shrugged. Started talking, “You brat is really bold, dare to gamble with your Life Soul, you know it. Your Life Soul will be torn by the Heavenly Dog?”

Lin Feng shook his head. “There was no other way at the time.”

“I can’t think of surviving.” Lin Feng smiled slyly, feeling the rest of his life.

I remember the last that spear, comprehend breakthrough realm, killing the Heavenly Dog before the flame broke out. But don’t want to…

Inexplicable occurrence of the severe explosion!

Almost, it is death.

“Good luck.” Duo Duo said, “If you don’t condense Phoenix Destiny Chart, you have Fire of Devour, and the violent Heavenly Fire will probably burn you into nothingness.” Stopped, Duo Duo slightly sighed, “Unfortunately, just kill the head.” Heavenly Dog is already the best chance. But…”

Lin Feng’s brows were tight, and the heart suddenly burst into a bad feeling.

“It’s not dead yet?” Lin Feng bit his lip and watched Duo Duo straight.

Sure enough, Duo Duo met and nodded, and Lin Feng’s heart was ‘squeaky’. The double fists are not consciously clenched, and the blood is flowing rapidly.

Battle intent!

“What the hell is going on, Duo Duo?” Lin Feng’s eyes were deep.

“Look at it yourself.” Duo Duo’s white arm pointed at a blink of time. Forming a mirror-like aperture in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng looks straight, the booth pupils suddenly zoom in –

In an open space. The Heavenly Dog was curled up.

The fiery red’s fur burned like a fire, and the little Heavenly Dog’s forehead had a flaming glow on his forehead, with a glimmer of light.

The complexion looked a bit stunned, her eyes closed, and the little Heavenly Dog’s chest was faintly visible, and it was slowly healing.

The most horrifying thing is that the outside of the body is wrapped in the blaze of flames, and Lin Feng seems to be able to hear the sound of ‘Zizi’, which is very powerful. Perched in the flames, the little Heavenly Dog is slowly recovering, and the body energy becomes more and more fulfilling.

“This is…” Lin Feng eyes.

“Heavenly Fire.” Duo Duo is right, “Controlling the ‘Fire Way’, Heavenly Dog Clan is the darling of the flame, Five Great Top Grade Bloodline really isn’t vain. Every tens of thousands of years, Heavenly Dog Clan There will be an innate talent’s ‘genius expert’ born with Heavenly Fire, from childhood protected by ‘Heavenly Fire’.”

“Unexpectedly, this Heavenly Dog would be one of them.” Duo Duo sighs sigh, “If not, Lin Feng, you finally have struck its life.”

That spear, dumping all the strengths of Lin Feng, at the last minute of the breakthrough, Lin Feng spear technique reaches the fifth realm ——

Back to Basics!

Indeed, enough to kill the weakened Heavenly Dog.


But it is helpless.

“Heavenly Fire.” Lin Feng lightly thought in one’s heart.

Although it is a pity, it is not too concerned. Many things have already been doomed.

“Heavenly Fire was the most protected when he was born,” Duo Duo said slowly. “The Heavenly Dog at that time didn’t say Star River Level, it’s the Star Sea Level and even the Martial Artist of Star King Level. It’s all right. With Heavenly When Dog was born and absorbed Qi of Heaven and Earth, the protection of Heavenly Fire gradually weakened, guarding the most important inner core of Heavenly Dog.”

“Because the body is shrinking, Lin Feng, you spear, just stabbed its inner core and completely detonated Heavenly Fire.”

“Fortunately, there is the Blood of the Phoenix guardian, but it is a fluke.”

Duo Duo sighed and watched the Heavenly Dog wrapped in Heavenly Fire, shaking one’s head and said, “but it’s not so easy to kill it next time.”

Lin Feng looked around and understood what Duo Duo said.

In order to kill this Heavenly Dog, even Life Soul was hit hard.

Opportunity, only once.

If you want to kill it, it’s harder than going to Heavens!

“Where is it?” Lin Feng burning like eyes.

Duo Duo looked at him for a few seconds, saying, “It’s just a huge blow from the Heavenly Fire, and it’s 100,000 meters east of Fengzhou County.” A little bit of watch, the watched look is Lin Feng. , Duo Duo started talking, “Determined?”

“Yes.” Lin Feng’s voice was firm and he did not hesitate.

“Even if you pay for the sacrifice of your life?” Duo Duo asked.

Watched Duo Duo, Lin Feng smiled. “I have to do it, Duo Duo.” There was a soft light in his eyes, Lin Feng said softly. “There are my family, my compatriots. Maybe I can take this family away from the disaster. But…”

“Heavenly Martial Continent is destroyed. Humans are dying for this.”

“In my life, I can’t lift my head and I can’t afford my back.”

“he-man, when you are inferior to heaven and earth. This is my responsibility. My vows, maybe you think I am stupid, but…”

“I have to do it!”

Lin Feng’s voice is powerful and deep like landing.

The look in the eyelids has not changed in half, and the sentence comes from the lungs.

Yourself. Will never escape.

“Go.” Duo Duo slightly smiled, “Your Teacher will be proud of having a discipline like you.”

Lin Feng nodded, said with a smile. “In fact, there is no chance, at least my spear technique reaches the fifth realm, and it has a chance to win. And…” The sound was a bit, Lin Feng shook his fist and suddenly sensed To that abundant strength. “I don’t know how, my body seems to have improved one more layer after this recovery.”

“Oh?” Duo Duo startled.

“Body, raised a layer?” Duo Duo is a bit unclear.

In a blink of time ——

Duo Duo’s eyes are shining, as if thinking of something. Excitedly said, “Lin Feng, fast, control Fire of Devour!”

Lin Feng has an eyebrow. Time seems to understand a little. The heart is free to move, a cluster of astonishing strong flames emerge. Burning, it seems to have vitality. Sensing that shares are several times stronger than the original strength, sensing that shares burning and devour strength, Lin Feng is shocked.

“my god, this…” Lin Feng looked slightly changed.

Your own Fire of Devour has actually improved a grade!

“The twenty-second weight.” Duo Duo eyes floodlight, “Lin Feng Your Fire of Devour advanced three times!”

Lin Feng took a breath and was pleasantly surprised. It took a month or more, and my Fire of Devour could be promoted to the second 10-layer, but I don’t want to upgrade to the 22nd now. The progress is fast, and the expected is far! !

The most important improvement is the 19th upgrade to the second 10-layer.

A whole step increase!

For the present self, the stronger the Fire of Devour, the stronger the strength!

Absolute increase in attack power!

“Heavens, what’s going on?” Lin Feng joyfully said.

“Blessed in disguise.” Duo Duo put a smile on his face and pointed a cylindrical equipartment not far away. “Go, go in and test.”

Lin Feng eyes bright clear, instantaneous stepping in.

Very fast ——

“War God, Star River Level 4th rank !”

“Martial God, Star River Level 5th rank !!”

Lin Feng stepped out of the cylindrical equipment, and the excitement in his heart was difficult to calm down.

Originally his own strength rank, War God and Martial God are in the ‘Star River Level 3rd rank’, but now it is a whole upgrade.

Especially the Martial God rank!

Lin Feng curious watched Duo Duo, the latter smiling, explained, “Because of ‘Heavenly Fire’, the explosion of Heavenly Fire protects the Heavenly Dog, but it also fulfills you. Concentrate Phoenix Destiny Chart with Fire of Devour, Lin Feng, you absorbed a lot of pure Heavenly Fire energy, so…”

“So my Fire of Devour is improved and my body strength is improved!” Lin Feng blinks bright light.

But it is a blessing in disguise, it is not necessary to kill!

“Yes, the main improvement is the Fire of Devour. The body just has a slight boost, but…” Duo Duo said with a slight smile. “This is a huge change, not to mention the other, War God Star River Level 4th Rank is twice as fast as 3rd rank!”

Lin Feng shook his fist and his mouth intent was boiling.

I thought I was fighting Heavenly Dog again. The chance of winning was almost zero, but I didn’t expect…

Liu dark flowers and another village!

(third more! Next more 0: 00!)

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