Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 6 Situation Reversal

The Vietnam War, the more impetuous.

Little Heavenly Dog is desperately attacking.

Lin Feng, however, falls into the wind, non-stop dodge.

Despite the extremely fast attack of Little Heavenly Dog, Lin Feng, with the help of innate talent ‘black fog ‘, fully played the ‘movement technique’ exercised in Megrez Hall. Light as a feather, the body is like a cloud, and the attack of Little Heavenly Dog is fierce, but…

Attack frequency, but not comparable to Megrez Hall third layer!

“Can’t stop!” Lin Feng’s eyes are right.

“It’s attack has become a rush, and the pace is turbulent.”

Lin Feng knows very well, because it is easy to find the flaws of Little Heavenly Dog.


Unable to use.

These seemingly flawed flaws, because of the speed of the Little Heavenly Dog, the frequency of attacks, become a ‘trap’ after another.

If you launch an attack, the rhythm is chaotic, waiting for yourself –

It will be the attack of Little Heavenly Dog Thunder!

Perhaps, he can ‘injury’ to Little Heavenly Dog; but the same, Little Heavenly Dog can hurt himself even more. With the strength of Heavenly Martial Cultivator ‘Star River Level 6th rank ‘, every attack of Little Heavenly Dog is exceeding to bear the scope.

Hard touch, not worthwhile.

His own defense is far less than the little Heavenly Dog.

“Only waiting, slowly…”

“The real flaws will definitely come out!”

Lin Feng’s eyes are deep and evasive in the black fog envelope, without a little bit of strength.

In the past few months, I have been fighting for three hundred hours in ‘Megrez Hall’ every day. Even at the last hour, there will be no distractions. On the long-lasting battle, Lin Feng has absolute confidence in himself.

Wait, consume!

Patience competition.

Lin Feng does have patience, but it doesn’t mean that Little Heavenly Dog also has it.

With a long time to attack, Little Heavenly Dog was completely hysterical and angry, and the huge Fireball in the mouth condensed and screamed around. As Lin Feng repeated again and again, the little Heavenly Dog blinked a thick red blood. Finally, the unique skill of the bottom of the pressure box –

“Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog !” Severe’s roar resounded vault of heaven.

Like a huge black hole, the madness releases the suction and squeezes everything.

Exceeding a three-level terrifying attack!

“Not good, make a big move!” Blue screamed.

“He damn it, come again this move!” Huang Peng yelled.

Martial Gods all complexion dignified. Heartbeat speeds up.

I have seen the strength of Little Heavenly Dog. Everyone knows its attack and might.

This move ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’ has almost no solution, terrifying suction can’t resist it completely. The little Heavenly Dog’s belly seems to have endless space, and more things can be absorbed. This overbearing attack. It made everyone feel guilty, and all eyes widened on the light curtain.

Zi Yao beautiful eyes flashing, grasping the light of the skirt and lightly tremble.

Say no worry, it is scam.

“Come on, Big Brother Lin…” Zi Yao prayed in his heart. Heartbeat is extremely fast.

As if I heard her prayers, the picture in front of me suddenly changed.

Everyone pours aok a deep breath, in a blink of time, a loud and brisk voice, relieved. I saw that Lin Feng was as stable as Taishan, and it was far away, and there was a faint shadow around the body, which was against the suction and did not fall into the wind.


“This time, thanks to Duo Duo.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Counter-rotating armor!

The collision of two layers of space energy. Form a repulsive.

The weird lines release extreme energy, completely blocking the terrifying move of ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’. The whirlpool, which is rotating in the opposite direction, seems to have vitality, and it seems to be alive. Lin Feng suddenly senses a kind of heart.

“No fear!” Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

What I am most worried about is that this move has no difference attack ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog’.

And now, completely blocked!

“sōu!” The body crossed the shadow, and Lin Feng stood in the void. Instantaneous flash changes in the eyelids. Life Soul’s control makes the ‘Qilin Fire Zither’ on his left hand burn, and the dragon eye is bright. A very powerful Fire of Devour crashed.

Hey! Hey~~

“Get up!” Lin Feng drank.

The Fire of Devour turned into a Fireball, which is not inferior to the Little Heavenly Dog.

With Divine Beast Star Chart, control the Phoenix flame, Lin Feng’s control of ‘Fire’…

Equally good!

Fireball, it’s like a blast!

I only heard the little hoarse roar of the little Heavenly Dog, the blue flaming flame, condensed in the Fire of Devour, in an instant –

Completely broke out!

“peng!!” The cracking sound of the heart and lungs.

All Martial God, all people have big eyes, watching the light curtain with a breath. Heartbeat seems to stop as the sound bursts. The ‘咕噜’ sounded swallowed, and people prayed in their hearts, hoping that this shocking move would destroy the ‘devil’.


“Aura has not weakened.” Lin Feng looked calm.

Suspended in the air, watched the area covered by the fire, Lin Feng is clear.

Self, just let it be ‘injured’.


“Hey!!” The angry roar resounded vault of heaven.

Under the glare of the fire, a monster with his hair standing upright rushed out.

Crazy to attack Lin Feng!

“It’s good.” Lin Feng wasn’t surprised, and the little Heavenly Dog’s movement technique was completely messed up and stunned by anger. Although its attack is fierce, it does not allow itself to be half-divided. On the contrary, because of the rapid attack, the physical strength is consumed more quickly, and the flaws appear…



“Boom! Boom!!”

All the way to the battle, switching to the Human Soul Core state, the presence of black fog makes Lin Feng more comfortable.

Despite the intricate spear move, the cultivating results at Advanced Cultivation Space have been fully demonstrated over the past few months. Eighteen Style Foundation Spear Move, with a condensed ‘Fire of Devour’, has repeatedly hurt Little Heavenly Dog.

If the water drops are worn, the accumulation is less.

“Opportunity, come.” Lin Feng knew very well.

If the situation at the moment is evolving, it will be more and more beneficial to oneself.


“Peng!” With a severe screaming, Little Heavenly Dog stopped.

The chest is constantly undulating, the body is continually traumatized, and the little Heavenly Dog’s eyes are bloody glow spreading.

It, to restore calm.

“Not good.” Lin Feng took a look.

In the faint, I felt a kind of danger.

This Heavenly Dog is full of terrifying aura.

Can stop in such a fierce battle, control their brutality and bloodthirsty…

It is never ordinary!

Little Heavenly Dog watched Lin Feng. The undulating chest slowly calmed down. Many injuries on his body, bloody, but only a little superficial wound. Little Heavenly Dog’s eyes are constantly changing, full of deep hatred, but it seems that ‘comprehend’ has arrived in the battle.

Suddenly ——

“pā lā !pā lā !” The body is rapidly shrinking.

Change Form Fourth Realm. Little Heavenly Dog controls the body. It is already coming.

“Not good.” Lin Feng looks like a giant.

Others don’t know, but they are very clear, the body shrinks, what it stands for! !

Originally irritated Little Heavenly Dog. But I don’t want it to return to normal!

“xiu!” Little Heavenly Dog moved.

As fast as lightning, it is only one meter long, and the body is condensed to the extreme.

Speed, several times more than the original enhancement!

“Hurry!” Lin Feng looked shocked.

The speed of Little Heavenly Dog is completely exceeding unexpectedly, penetrating black fog. The light and shadow in front of the eyes flashed.

“Grasping Keen Cape!” The right foot vortex illuminates and Lin Feng slams back. In just over the rest of the time, the devil in the hands spears into a red light, casting a strong defense. But… the little Heavenly Dog attack came too fast, too fierce, too terrifying!

“Peng!” A claw fell.

Spear body uploaded a huge strength, let Lin Feng instantly numb.

The terrifying strength penetrates the defense of the demon spear, penetrating the reversal of the armor, such as strike hitting the heart.

“my god!” Lin Feng complexion is white. Retreat quickly.

And the moment –

That terrifying cold light, reappear!

“Deceleration Space!” Lin Feng eyes like deep like, the surviving Qi of Heaven and Earth is released in a crazy way, wrapped in a little Heavenly Dog, making it a slow attack. Holding a short gap. Lin Feng figure flashed, re-controlled, and got a chance to breathe.

“The speed of very awful!” Lin Feng shocked. “It’s completely unstoppable.”

“Strength is weakened a lot. But…”

“It’s still not what I can afford!” Lin Feng clenched his teeth and stepped back and forth. As mentioned in [Change Form Secret Record], Change Form Fourth Realm can be condensed to a length of one meter, and the speed is greatly improved, but the attack and defense are weakened.”

The heart is right, the little Heavenly Dog is squatting again.

Speed, very fast!

Attack, become extremely fierce, decisive!

Don’t give Lin Feng a chance to breathe.

Lin Feng was exhausted and used Deceleration Space and Wind Vortex. Although the Little Heavenly Dog defense weakened, there was no chance of attack at the moment. Some, only unable to dodge, forced to helpless hard touch, resulting in physical damage.

The situation is completely reversed!

The little Heavenly Dog attack that has the upper hand is more and more fierce, while Lin Feng is crumbling!

“not good !”

“This is a big problem.”

Everyone’s complexion, the blue, flashed a lot of worry.

Lin Feng is already exhausted and very distressed. Although everyone is very confident about the strength of Lin Feng, it is not as blind as the people of the Four Great King City. Looking at Lin Feng, it is completely at a disadvantage, and there is only the power of parry. The heartbeat is accelerating and the brows are tightened.

If Lin Feng loses, the consequences –


“Ah!” As Tian Qing shouted, everyone’s eyes suddenly widened.

Deep took a deep breath, everyone feels the back is cool, and Zi Yao is complexion pale, crumbling.

At this time, the people of the Four Great King City are completely quiet. Everyone’s face is full of horror and incredulity.

Lin Feng, injured!

Under the waves of Little Heavenly Dog, Lin Feng couldn’t keep up, and the left chest was ‘wiped’. Just wiped out a little bit, but broke the defense of the reversal armor, blood DC, terrifying three claw shadows!

Long time will be lost!

“not good.” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth.

Your body has been exceeding the load.

Injury, more affects the movement of the movement technique, avoiding.

The scales of the battle began to tilt, and the eyes of the little Heavenly Dog fierce were cold, and the offensive was even more fierce. It seemed to be intended…

Lin Feng, is about to be defeated!

(The whole word is full, there will be four more 12000 tomorrow, and the little one is as hard as Lin Feng!)

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