Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 2 astonishing corpse

In front of me, ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’ is broken everywhere?

It blooms everywhere, and it seems to have experienced a cruel battle compared to the ‘print mark’ left by the blade qi.

The deep sword mark and the blade are interlaced, and the ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’ is very badly destroyed. It is unbelievable what kind of battle it will be.

The most shocking thing is a huge ‘hole’.

a funnel shaped hole.

A golden tip is deeply penetrated into the ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’, which is ten meters deep. The surrounding ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’ was strongly affected, and the deep golden color was shining with a ray of light, as if no matter how many years passed, it was such a golden glow.

“Heaven, what is this weapon?” Lin Feng extremely shaken in one’s heart .

The sword mark and the blade are printed in the ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’, but the Golden Pointed Cone is surrounded by the surrounding, and the cracked ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’ is several meters deep.

The gap is obvious! ?

“Hurricane heartbeat accelerates.

With a strong curiosity, Lin Feng gently touched the golden tip and the tentacles were cool. The chassis is a unique octagonal diamond-shaped, the golden light is full of fierce light, the right hand is just inadvertently rubbed, and it is a long bloody mouth.

“Heaven, good sharp.” Lin Feng heart startedled.

Your current body is not the same as before, at least Beginning Star Level ‘5th rank ‘.

But just just so crossed…?

“Hey!” The scratched skin heals quickly and is reinforced by the Blood of the Phoenix, which has a strong ability to regenerate. Lin Feng’s resilience is quite strong. The shining, Lin Feng take care pinch in the flat part of the Golden Pointed Cone, gently exhaled.

“I don’t know if I can pull it out?” If the heart is in the middle, Lin Feng suddenly comes up with this idea.

The right hand gently uses a force, and inadvertently the finger is scratched a few holes. However, Lin Feng was completely unconcerned. At this time, if the tofu was cut, the right hand actually took out the ‘Golden Pointed Cone’. The tip is shimmering with a shining bright cold glow, and there is no half-winding wear. The golden glare illuminates the eye.

“my god.” Lin Feng didn’t think it would be that easy.

But in an instant –

“Hey!” Jin Guangyu.

A powerful strength emerges from ‘Golden Pointed Cone’.

Lin Feng between complexion greatly change, that is a strong resistance. As if I have deep hostility towards myself.

“pā !” Golden Pointed Cone fell to the ground.

“The weapon is spiritual.” Lin Feng suddenly remembered what Father said to himself, his face changed slightly, and he was deeply exhaled. “It’s a pity, but I don’t even have this ‘Golden Pointed Cone’?” Lin Feng sneered. Just like a baby getting a weapon of heaven defying, with its own strength, it can’t be manipulated at all.

After finishing ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal ‘fine powder, Lin Feng continues to move forward.

Even if you don’t give up, it’s not your own. Even if it is strong, it is not intended.

Looking around, there are traces of fighting in front of the pieces. It’s just not like ‘severe’ just now. Subtle flaw covers densely on the large ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’, forming a unique landscape, Lin Feng tsk’ed and sigh, but not as amazing as the original.


No, it should be ‘numb’.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lin Feng snorted.

The passage of the surroundings slowly shrinks, forming a trapezoidal structure, and the sense of vibration in the heart is getting stronger and stronger. Lin Feng looked forward. There is a hint of subtle radiance, and my heart is more curious.

Getting closer! ?

Close again! ?

“That is……”?

“si~” Lin Feng pours took a deep breath, heartbeat is extremely fast.

Seeing through the eyes –

It is a corpse, a huge corpse! ?

Green skin, huge pores, the strange face is full of a minute, and at first glance it is known that it is human. Corpse’s body is wearing a thick armor. Above the armor, it depicts a complex dense pattern, the structure is extremely fine.

The bloody bone eyes are still roaring, as if dying with a grievance! ?

“heavens!” Lin Feng feels suffocated.

Watched the eyes of the corpse. As if watched a bloody hell, heartbeat is almost going to break.

Very awful feeling! ?

I am like a humble ants, facing the powerful Dragon Race. This corpse Even if I don’t know how many years of death, the eyes are no longer in the original edge… but the remaining lingering power is still letting Lin Feng back-backbone ice-cold, cold sweat non-stop oozing.

“This, what level of expert is it? It is too terrifying.” Lin Feng feels suffocated.


“Cannot be affected by it.

Lin Feng bit his teeth and didn’t dare to look at the eyes of corpse. Even if my mind is concentrated again, as long as I fall into the empty blood of the eyes, I can’t control my heart and feel deep fear. It’s a Life Level’s pressure, even if your temperament is strong, it’s useless.

“this corpse, seems to have been dead for a long time.” Lin Feng looked at the environment of surroundings.

The green skin is covered with a thick layer of dust, but this corpse is not even a bit rot and dry.

As if still living.


But there is no life aura?

“Who is it, can you kill this expert?” Lin Feng felt amazed.

After observing for a long time, Lin Feng shook his head slowly. “Look inside.

Lin Feng looked at it, the light was still in the distance, and it seemed to be much brighter. Stepping forward, Lin Feng eyes are constantly changing. The deeper the depth of this strange space, the more I feel a heartbeat, myself, as if to ‘excavate’ some unimaginable secrets.

Slowly, slowly…?

at last–

“my god.” Lin Feng was shocked.

In front of me, it is a huge circular mask, shining with a hint of luster.

In front of the reticle, it is a terrible area. The surrounding ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’ was ruined, blade shadow, sword mark, spear print, and even a huge trace of 100 meters long. It seems to have been whizzed by a long whip.

“A lot!” Lin Feng vision are bright.

The ‘Golden Pointed Cone’ that I saw just now, there are dozens of them here.

The damage of Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall is extremely serious. The biggest crack is 100 meters deep. It is hard to imagine what kind of attack can destroy this tough 7-star crystal stone into such a shape! ?

“Hu~~” long put out a breath, Lin Feng did not dare to look at the corpse.

Each one seems to have a strong strength, and the preservation of the fleshly body is quite intact.

Armor, weapons, vertical and horizontal. Two of the corpse chest broke the big hole. Touching the eyes; a ‘strange person’ with a long corner on his head, a long hair straight into another earthen-yellow skin, a strange person chest; another blue glamorous woman like a ghost, Zhang Da Mouth, but I don’t even know how to die.


A strange shape! ?

The eyes fell to the depths, Lin Feng eyes instantaneously.

It was a huge long spear, the silver spear was smashed, and the tip of the spear was transmitted through the cold light. It seems to be bland, but the long spear is transmitted by a point of ashining aura, as if it is independent of space. Forming self in general.

“Amazing spear.” Lin Feng couldn’t help but praise.

From childhood spear, there has always been a special ‘preference’ for spear Lin Feng.


“Not what I can use.” Lin Feng lightly sigh. I understand very well in my heart.

This long spear’s aura is more terrifying than the Golden Pointed Cone. With its own strength, let alone control, I am afraid that the weight alone will have an exclusive load.

“Here, what the hell?”?

“Will you die so many experts…”?

Lin Feng feels breathless, a dozen corpse, no matter which one has a fearful aura. The ‘monster’ that I had just encountered in Illusory Realm was in front of these dead experts. Just like a puppy and a kitten.

It is impossible to compare them at the same time! ?


“It seems to have come to an unacceptable place.

Lin Feng chest is constantly ups and downs, heartbeat is extremely fast and difficult to calm down.

Long exhales one breath saying , watched the white aperture in front of him, Lin Feng both eyes bright .

It seems that this is the only way.

“No hurry.” Lin Feng inwardly ponder, his eyes sweeping around. The ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’ scattered here is many times more than the one you just smashed. The largest of them, even one palm size, is stated in [Ore Encyclopedia]. That is already worth the day.

“Into the treasure mountain, can you go back empty-handed?” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Very fast ——

Like As the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves, Lin Feng suddenly ‘cleans up’ this messy place, and the scattered ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’ is in the pocket. If it weren’t for those weapons, the armor couldn’t move, and I’m afraid it would be impossible to escape Lin Feng’s mopping.

“Almost.” Lin Feng satisfied with the closing.

Vision gaze towards One of the big armor fragments, shook his head.

It’s just such a small piece, but it’s as heavy as a mountain, and you can’t get it.

“Exceeding my strength load.” Lin Feng did not care, it was useless for such a small piece, it was too heavy to put on the body. It is exactly what happens in the heart. Suddenly Lin Feng looks at the sword and looks at the sword of the human expert in the distance. It seems…?

“Fragment?” Lin Feng startled.

The faint elite luster, a thin layer, is like a flap.

But it has a dazzling light and powerful energy.

“Hey!” The body moved.

Lin Feng bent down, eyes gaze the sword.

Indeed, there is a subtle break in the sword blade, the shape is exactly the same as the flap-like pieces! ?

“Oh?” In the heart, Lin Feng immediately picked up the tiny ‘sword blade’, and the bright light looked sharp. Even if you don’t need to try Lin Feng, you know how strong the attack power of this ‘sword blade fragment’ will be.

“Sword of the mysterious expert, tsk tsk.” Lin Feng’s mouth smacked a smile.

This ‘sword blade fragment’ is small, but if it is controlled by Life Soul, it is absolutely impossible to use as a hidden weapon! ?

“Yes, take it.” Lin Feng slightly smiled, nature is coming.

Once again, sweeping through the entire messy ‘battlefield’ until there was no omission, Lin Feng re-visioned the gaze towards the white aperture. The faint luster flickers like the feeling of losing energy, but it seems that something is attracting yourself.

Lin Feng hesitated a little, very careful take care.

I have come here inexplicably, there must be some reason.

“In any case, I have only one way to go.” Lin Feng lightly said.

Behind it is the dead end.

I only have to cross this white aperture.

“Go.” Lin Feng smiled and walked in.

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