. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 20 ‘inheritor’ Test

Painted a piece of demon beast army, the number is astonishing.

The huge pressure of the people can’t breathe, look at it, don’t say Sovereign level Demon Beast, just True Dragon Race, it is calculated in groups.

Azure Iron Ridge Dragon, Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon, Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon…

Each type of Dragon Race is at least hundreds of gathering, charging, under the leadership of the ‘Change Form Realm ‘Dragon Race, the invincible, imposing! Compared to the beast herd riot of Heavenly Martial Continent, it’s a little sorrowful, and it’s worse than a grade!

“Is this the real beast herd riot?” Lin Feng looked stunned.

The picture in front of me seems to have returned to the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley and returned to the army of Black Fog Demon Dragon.

I couldn’t resist myself that day.

but now……

Not the same!

The test of ‘inheritor’ can be as long as it lives.

There are two ways to accomplish life. One is Mingzhe, and the other is

Crush beast herd total attack!

Lin Feng looks bright, obviously, the choice is necessarily the latter.

In fact, there is nothing to consider, even if it is only Illusory Realm, but it is still alive.

Here, have your own loved ones, there is Zi Yao…

How can you watch them die?

“Fire of Devour !”

“Aurora Cone !”

In an instant, Lin Feng controlled both the ontology and the Secret Clone attack, and there was no dissonance. Every Soul Core is controlled freely, just like the instinct of the right and left hands, the skills of distraction have reached the limit.

“pā !” “pā !” One big and one small devour Fireball suddenly agglutinated.

Lin Feng looks flickering, after the body is fully advanced. Controlling the two devour Fireballs yourself has already been done.

Even if…

Mighing is greatly increased!

The presence of the Phoenix Heart of Source is like a line pulling two Fireballs, and the control of the flames is very easy.

“嗞~嗞!!” The sound of the explosion severe swayed.

Bringing a strong vacuum qi flow, Aurora Cone turns into a silvery light, 1 divided into 2, 2 divided into 4, 4 divided into 8… Each split makes the carrier smaller and the rotation speed doubles, as if A pair of invisible hands are in control.

Chi! ~


Sweeping the storm. Silver ray spreading vault of heaven.

The vacuum qi flow under constant collision, as if the magnets two extremes repel each other, but they complement each other.

Speed, reach the limit!

“Minute!” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright, and with the last touch of silvery light, Aurora Cone turns into 64, and it spins in the air, forming a super hurricane. The coverage is wide and the might is big. It’s shocking.


Loudly burst !

“The seventh form, Endless Aurora!” Lin Feng’s voice is quiet.

And this time. The two devour Fireballs that had been the first to roar had been hit, and they were swallowed up in the first two Dragon Races. The Dragon Race, which is two kilometers long and long, has reached the ‘Chang Form’ first realm world, but even the screams have not come out, it has turned into ashes.

Fire of Devour’s might is quite strong!

At the same moment, the sky was full of silver and light rain.

Each piece falls like a meteor, and the vast vacuum qi flow range is huge. 64 block chip. Condens a silver reticle with a roaring thunder. All range of demon beasts, regardless of King level Demon Beast, Sovereign level Demon Beast and even Dragon Race, are hard to escape.

Compared to ‘All Directions Nirvana’, the final form of Aurora Cone –

Mighty world-shaking!


Awkward attacks, astonishing strength.

Blocking the invasion of the beast herd army, Lin Feng never stepped back.

But beast herd. However, it is as insulting as the tide, one wave after another, the former servant is not afraid of death.

“Not good.” Lin Feng has a deep brow.

For the first time, I felt that I couldn’t help myself.

‘Endless Aurora’ is compared to ‘All Directions Nirvana’. It is true that the rise is more than one grade. Basically, the demon beast below the change form level, even the Dragon Race of the Sovereign Level 6th rank, can be seriously injured or even killed, but the same –

Consumption is also multiplied!

Although Heavenly God Cultivator’s strength reached the ‘Beginning Star Level’ 7th rank, Heaven and Earth Energy’s supplements were completely resistant to consumption.

On the verge of ‘depletion’!

“This time is in trouble.” Lin Feng gave a slight glimpse.

With my own strength, I really have more than enough protection. But the two fists are hard to beat, and once they get caught up in this intensive beast herd siege, they will be isolated and helpless, while other beast herd arms will advance aggressively into Heavenly Martial Continent, blood-washing human Tribe!


Lin Feng has taken this test of Illusory Realm into reality.

In fact, the beast herd riot attack in front of us is no different from the future of Heavenly Martial Continent!

“Never allow!” Lin Feng has a deep eye and flashes a strong unyielding.

On the same day, he made a vow to all humans on the Heavenly Screen. With his Lin Feng in one day, he would protect Heavenly Martial Continent for one day and protect the human Tribe from beast herd.

A man’s vows are as heavy as a thousand!

Even if this is just a scene of Illusory Realm, even if it is just a test of ‘inheritor’ –

The same!

“Get up!” Lin Feng’s hands, the Fire of Devour, swelled in front of him with a burning wall of fire. Phoenix Heart of Source sudden turn, the consumption and growth of the flames barely remained at one point, like a scorpio, blocking the beast herd army.

“Kill!” Slaying Dragon Spear is unsheathed and the red glow is bright.

Along with the surge of Qi of Heaven and Earth, the strong black fog permeated.

The right foot ‘Wheel of Martial God’ is lightly lit, and the golden dragon shadow fills the body all around and hovering out.

Golden Dragon Astral Qi !

At this time, a pitch-black Spirit Beast Ball was thrown, along with the appearance of a ‘Black Skeleton’ in black fog, and Secret Clone’s Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

“Hey!” Lin Feng controls Life Soul, and the secret skill is displayed.

The black shiny brilliance shines, bringing a life aura. In the black fog envelope, Lin Feng turned into a ghost, and instantly overlapped with the ‘Black Skeleton’ figure and disappeared in place. Aura is fully integrated. Perfectly possessed!

Sōu! sōu!

Two black figures broke into the huge beast herd.

Like two fine needles, entering the boundless ocean, so small, unremarkable.

Billions of billions, hundreds of billions of beast herd, when and how can we kill it?


Lin Feng did not hesitate.

This is a firm, an attitude, even a commitment to pay for life. If you retreat yourself today, you will always have a flaw in your heart. There are root thorns, such as the beam suspension leaving a deep imprint, becoming the regret of the impossible to get rid of.

People, do their best.

Do your best!

Ten days and ten nights.

Killing numbness, killing hands soft.

A stream of blood flows into the river, but the number of beast herd arms is increasing.

Manpower is ultimately limited!

Lin Feng is close to clear one’s teeth, no half gives up. Although the spirit is already exhausted, it is already insensitive. But my heart is still full of deep attachment, and the firm belief and will have never been shaken.

This. It is your mission!


“Kill Kill”

Lin Feng turned into a Shura, which was only slaughtered and covered with blood.

Blood red eyes are like crazy demons, no mercy, no hesitation.

Surroundings, only the enemy!

Hong long long ~~

The demon beast army is still close.

At the time, the sky glowed deep red glow, and the entire vault of heaven seemed to be illuminated, and the terrifying extreme aura broke out in an instant.

“Boom!!” A huge Fireball. It is like a meteorite falling from the sky.

“my god!” Lin Feng was shocked.

Heartbeat’s extremely fast, complexion has changed, with the body’s Phoenix Heart of Source constantly turning, sense that the flames of the sky, Lin Feng is sharply surprised. This huge Fireball, on the ‘quality’ may not be able to keep up with the Fire of Devour, but on the amount… but better than its own Fire of Devour!

Destroying heaven and exterminating the earth attack.

“Peng ~!” completely burst.

Noisy battlefield. Between is quiet.

Lin Feng’s all around, no more demon beast, awkward aura shrouded the body, Lin Feng and Black Skeleton straight watched in front.

That’s a singular demon beast that I have never seen.

It is 100 meters long. It is covered with a burning flame.

Like a dog like a lion, the rolling hair flutters slightly in the flame, the eyes of the bright light radiate all around flashing a coercive cold glow, the whistling sounds, all the demon beasts are retreating, the astonishing flame aura pervades the sky. Cover the battlefield.

Heavenly Dog !

One of the Five Great Top Grade Bloodline.

“Good brutality.” Lin Feng looked bright.

The thoughts in my heart just started, and Heavenly Dog has launched an attack.

Dreary cold eyes bright light, fierce is open mouth, powerful Qi of Heaven and Earth suddenly rapid rush forth.

Astonishing The huge Fireball condenses again, and the speed is amazing!

“Hurry!” Lin Feng complexion greatly change.

The body is transiently resisted, so the astonishing Fireball is much smaller than just now, but the strength is more concentrated and more cohesive!

At the foot of the Urgent Fire Shuttle, Lin Feng’s reaction speed is fast enough to avoid the sprinting terrifying speed of the Fireball. But in front of you, in a blink of time is a Fireball coming, it is inevitable, and the offensive is fierce.

“Deceleration Space !” black fog is accompanied by the powerful Heaven and Earth Energy rush forth.

The Fireball suddenly slowed down a bit, as if it had been strongly suppressed, and Heavenly Dog was roaring.

Lin Feng avoided it by a few milliseconds, and the intensive Fireball offensive allowed him to leave nothing behind him. He thought that ‘Black Skeleton’ was on the fast track.

Take two to one!


What Lin Feng didn’t expect was that at this time, Heavenly Dog was coming!

It’s like slamming in the air, and the speed is unaffected.

Like a king, the huge body is full of strong sense of pressure, and it suddenly becomes ten times louder in a moment. The horrified Flame Energy rises to the sky, Heavenly Dog opens his mouth, and there is a fascinating suction. Falling from the sky.

It looks like a huge black hole!

“No!” Lin Feng of Secret Clone only felt that the body was completely out of control.

The body that is a little farther away can’t resist it. In almost a moment, the body doesn’t seem to be your own.

Such as falling abyss!

Astonishing fear and darkness, drowning Lin Feng in an instant, at this moment, this moment…

Everything is over.

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