Chapter 12—Phoenix’s ‘treasure’

Blistering hot cave, still burning.

But for Lin Feng, which has a ‘Heart of Source’, there is no obstacle.

The body spontaneously absorbs the Fire Element in the air, which is equivalent to drinking water, easy and freehand.

40,000 meters, 50,000 meters…

The speed of Lin Feng is gradually getting faster, and the eyelids are bright clear. In this dark cave, it is as dazzling as the stars in the sky, shining and moving.

“It feels stronger and stronger!”

“A kind of fluctuation from the heart.”

Secretly pondered in one’s heart, Lin Feng is more curious. Let yourself be so excited, let the ‘Heart of Source’ feel like a heart, this Divine Beast ‘Phoenix ‘… What kind of astonishing ‘treasure ‘?

“Rebirth from the Ashes?”

“Hu~~ ”

Lin Feng exhaled a heavy breath, think of father’s words, more rough and obscure difficult to understand.

I haven’t even seen the Five Great Top Grade Bloodline, let alone the ‘Divine Beast’ of the exclusive demon beast category…

Not at the same level.

“When you get there, you know!” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

Speeding up again and galloping forward, Lin Feng is looking forward to it.

This feeling, whether it is Aurora Cone also good, Slaying Dragon Spear also good, has never been seen before.

70,000 meters.

80,000 meters.


The temperature has risen to a level that is quite terrifying.

Rao is Lin Feng who has ‘Heart of Source’ and is also a heavy burden and pressure.

Just like breathing the air normally, it doesn’t feel difficult, but if it is on the extreme high peak, breathing becomes much more difficult.

The brow is lightly twisted, and Lin Feng’s footsteps are nothing more than non-stop.

The sense of the heart is very strong. Now that I have come here, how can I give up?

That obviously isn’t his own character.

90,000, ninety-four, ninety-seven…

Step by step, Lin Feng’s speed is hindered by the burning temperature, which has gradually slowed down a lot, but is still approaching quickly. Very fast, the eyes are flashing red light, Lin Feng clenched his teeth, exhausted the final strength sprint!

100,000 meters!

“It’s there!” Lin Feng suddenly had a bend.

Instant, shining!

“si~~” Lin Feng stands on the ‘cliff’ and grows took a deep breath.

Looking down, it was a huge red sea of ​​fire, standing as if standing on a huge cliff. The powerful Flame Energy puff like catharsis, the depths of the ground seem to be burning, and the temperature of the entire cave is transmitted by the ‘sea of ​​fire’.

That is the end of the ‘ocean’.

Great, very broad, and less than a few hundred thousand meters long and wide.

It is hard to imagine that in such a small cave, there will be such a presence…

“Oh, I forgot, in fact, I have gone down ‘100,000 meters’.” Lin Feng suddenly smile, can not feel the gallop in the cave, but in fact, it is really isn’t go forward, but ‘ Go down and go deep into the ground. There is such a presence in the vast underground, what is strange?

“Before I heard that there is the existence of earth’s core flame, it seems to be true.” Lin Feng lightly said.

Legend has it that the real powerful flames are all from the heart of the earth.

“Phoenix’s treasure…” Lin Feng a thought flashed through the mind.

Eyes overlooking the sea of ​​fire, sense this hot temperature, Lin Feng eyelids like a sharp arrow. Thought time a thought flashed through the mind, stayed watched that piece of red sea of ​​fire, seems to have a little flash, as if condensed into a huge ‘demon beast’. Dressed in a pair of feather wings, a slender neck, the tail forked like a fish, very vivid.

“That is Phoenix?” Lin Feng was shocked.

Watched that pair of phoenix eyes, although not half-minded, but his heart is inexplicable beating.

Extremely severe!

“A strong strength.” Lin Feng exceptionally scared, although it was just an impression, although it was just a glance, but the incitement in the heart is dazed, it is hard to imagine the ‘Phoenix’ deity, what kind of astonishing terrifying presence.

“Divine Beast, it’s really different.” Lin Feng sighed.

“This should be what the ‘Rebirth from the Ashes’ is left behind?”

“However, where is the treasure?”

Lin Feng lightly exclaimed, can not help but look around, but it was for a long time, there is no kind of ‘similar’ existence.

“Oh?” Lin Feng eyes flashing, thoughtfully, “is it possible in this ‘sea of ​​fire’?” lightly thought in one’s heart, Lin Feng also thinks it is very likely, that Phoenix’s virtual light Point, just pure cover densely outside the sea of ​​fire, in the sea of ​​fire –

There is a mystery!

“Go and see!” Lin Feng secretly thought.

However, the artist was daring, and Lin Feng jumped gently.

The feeling of control is like a shadow. Lin Feng controls the body to fall slowly. This ‘abyss’ is deeper than I imagined. The heart is moving, and getting closer and closer to ‘sea of ​​fire’, Heart of Source’s beating will increase the severe.

Ten meters.

One hundred meters.



“my god!” Lin Feng was shocked.

“This ‘sea of ​​fire’…” Lin Feng is incredibly watched, muttered, “is it a phantom?”

The eyes are scam.

The huge sea of ​​fire is simply a group of light and shadow, as if it were mapped by the huge Phoenix light and shadow.

Lin Feng, it is awe-inspiring.


But it caused a new question.

This sea of ​​fire is a phantom, then where is the temperature of the burning?

Instantly, Lin Feng’s eyes fell directly on the spot, as if he had painted a picture of the image, condensing the light of ‘Phoenix’.

L Time Lin Feng understands.

Very clear, understand.

“It turned out to be them?” Lin Feng secretly thought, the bright light spot, emitting the fiery red aura shine, like a star hanging in the night sky, the star covered densely. Even at close range, there are still only small invisible spots.

It is the light of the spread, only to feel that it is ‘big’.

In fact, the light spot is not even one thousandth of the rice grain…

“treasure ?!”

“Why, this is treasure?”

Lin Feng was in the same place and was shocked.

The heart feels the dependence of the severe, Heart of Source seems to return to the arms of mother, there is a sense of condensation in the bloodline.

The body moves instantly.

“pā !” Lin Feng fell down.

Bright gaze One of the light spots, the ghost makes a gentle touch…

In an instant –

“Peng!” A large cry.

Like Heavenly Thunder, hook up Earth Fire, Wind and Thunder occur at the same time!

The entire ‘Phoenix’ light spot emits a bright brilliance. The spot that Lin Feng touches is a strong energy aura. Lin Feng only feels the Heart of Source madly releasing energy, and at the same time, The extremely powerful energy aura of the stock rushed into the body with horror.

Crash startling fire!

“What is going on here?!” Lin Feng very astonished in one’s heart.

The body suddenly changes!

Heaven Breaking City, Deputy City Lord Mansion.

“Almost started?” Lin Xiaotian watched the window, said softly.

“Feng’er, from childhood, I have never done anything for you, this time…” Lin Xiaotian laugh indifferently, shouted, “Your innate talent is not as good as Yun’er, but your will will be your temperament, but It is a way to get out of your own path on the road of Martial Artist.”

“Some innate talents are born, but some innate talents -“

“It can be changed!”

Lin Xiaotian’s eyes flashed with the shining luster. “You can’t do much for you. It’s your chance to have this opportunity.”

Soul, Body, Heart of Source.

All three are ready!

City in the Sky.

Eastern region, Heavenly Martial Army range.

“my god, exactly the same!” Zhu Podi’s eyes are straight.

Standing next to Azure Flood Dragon is a beautiful woman who doesn’t give a little bit of powder, but it is like a fairy.

Oh, isn’t it Zi Yao?

“How could it be…” Zhu Podi was speechless and surprised.

“This ‘Form Changing Bead’ is the chance of Commander’s day, although it may not be of much use in the real blade of the true blade, but…” Azure Flood Dragon’s mouth reveals a gloomy smile, “In some ways, It is terrifying than any kind of ‘spirit treasure’.”

“’Form Changing Bead’ can not only copy the look perfectly, but even the aura and the strength can be copied!” Azure Flood Dragon smiled. “Of course, the strength is fake.”

Still, it is extremely embarrassing!

It’s true!

“Hahaha!” Zhu Podi laughed loudly, eyes watched that ‘Zi Yao’, the right fist is tightly gripped, “I can’t even see a half-point flaw, Lin Feng is hard to distinguish. Then match Azure Flood Dragon. Plan, it’s seamless, perfect!”

“That Azure Flood Dragon would like to marry Marshal.” Azure Flood Dragon smiled.

“Reassured.” Zhu Podi coldly smiled and confident.

“This time, Lin Feng is dead!”

Blistering hot cave.

At this time, Lin Feng is in the ‘deep water’.

“my god!” Lin Feng felt startled, but it was completely unmovable.

An extremely powerful strength wraps itself, as if it has touched the ban, and the surrounding light points are gathered together, each of which is filled with extremely astonishing energy. The rush of light points is constantly interlaced with the Heart of Source, and the time is with the body.

“This energy… is too terrifying.” Lin Feng had a bad heart attack.

At this time, the body’s severe energy is expanding, and the Heart of Source is like a heart beat.

The ‘small’ light spot, like Life Energy, is suspended in the body, and the powerful Life Energy vents out, with a real fire of strength, blending every cell, blending every inch of skin, Lin Feng’s breathing became so fast that he looked very surprised.

“My body…” Lin Feng looked stunned.

Rapid transformation, the body’s ‘energy’ is constantly increasing.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, the limit is lifted, the light spots are like hard work, and the Heart of Source is also ‘unwilling to be lonely’, the intertwined energy converges into a new existence, pervasive, with With more and more rush forth, the body’s transformation is getting faster and faster.

And Heart of Source’s surrounding, slowly, slowly…

It was actually penetrated by the light point of this layer of fiery red. The tiny light spots, like no space occupying, can be directly integrated into the Heart of Source, with a subtle change, slowly changing the ‘Heart of Source’ Composition, changes in energy intensity.

A little, a little.

Constantly changing!

(third more

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