The fourth episode of the catastrophe Chapter 15 barrier

Direction, very well recognized.

As long as the move towards black fog becomes a ‘thin’ area.

This is the right way.

“It’s convenient to have ‘Urgent Fire Shuttle’ and ‘Concealed Fog Talisman’.” Lin Feng’s gaze, despite the need to evade the search for the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon Group’ carriage type, the speed is real, compared to the day. The speed of escape in the ‘river’ is not a little bit faster.

Galloping for three hours.

There are many Black Fog Demon Dragons all the way, but they are easy to avoid.

“Hey, Black Fog Crystal Stone is a lot here.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

Pā ! Pā ! Two more Shining Black Fog Crystal Stones were used in his hands, and Lin Feng was thrown into the ‘Gui Purple Ring’.

The farther away from the Stalactite Cave, the more Black Fog Crystal Stone, although the ‘head’ is much smaller, but the number is quite impressive.

Unfortunately, it is not very useful for myself.

“It should be a ‘black fog’ relatively thin relationship.” Lin Feng nodded, it was easy to figure it out. After all, Black Fog Crystal Stone is actually a ‘black fog’ that accumulates over the years. “According to the heavenly treasure points, there are almost five or sixty.” Lin Feng smiled lightly. “It is better than nothing.”

In the mind, there was a Black Fog Crystal Stone in front of him, and Lin Feng took it away.

Here Lin Feng 捡Black Fog Crystal Stone is broken, the other side of the Heavenly Treasure World outer layer, those Titled Martial God are staring at the world, looking for Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone. Even if you spend a day and a night, you can only find a ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’ with five or six heavenly treasure points.

The gap in strength determines the gap in thought.

It is three hours. Very fast past.

Heavenly Treasure World is extremely broad, and the inner layer is several times larger than the outer layer.

But Lin Feng’s speed at this time is also a huge improvement compared to a month ago.

“It should be faster.” Lin Feng thought.

From the concentration of ‘black fog’, the black fog in front of you is getting thinner and thinner, just as you just entered ‘Heavenly Treasure World’. Although there is fog, it is faintly able to see the scenery nearby. Today, it is also very similar.

“I hope everything goes well.” Lin Feng looked bright.

Leave here and return to Heavenly Martial Continent. It is my biggest wish now.

To complete this wish, now it seems that there is only one way, and that is —

Go back to ‘Heavenly Treasure World ‘outer layer !



Lin Feng in the gallop. Telewatched in the distance, the bone eyes are shiny.

It was a bright place, with two layers of mirror-like parallel light walls, sparkling with white transparent luster.

Quite huge!

Looking at it, the huge light wall enveloped the entire area, just like the gate that fell from the sky, and the two worlds were isolated. Looking through the wall, the outer layer’s ‘Heavenly Treasure World’ is unobstructed, and the thick white mist is in the eye, making Lin Feng excited.

Almost at your fingertips!

“Finally…” Lin Feng felt a lot in his heart.

Unspeakable sweet and sour. It is very difficult to survive in this ‘Dragon Valley’.

Gently touch the wall with a strong hope.


Lin Feng is suddenly startled.

Like a thick mirror panel, it is an entity rather than an imaginary body, and it is completely sense to get that lightness. With the strange Heaven and Earth Energy. Lin Feng’s eyes are bright, and the ‘energy’ contained in the two walls of light is obviously the source of the maintenance.

“Is this?” Lin Feng’s brow suddenly rolled up.

Seeing it can leave here and return to the outer layer, but it is –

There is also a layer of barrier!

“No gaps!”

“There is no sky!”

Galloping the ‘Urgent Fire Shuttle’. Lin Feng was in a hurry and was anxious.

However, no matter the up and down or left and right, this huge wall of light is hard to intercept in the middle, becoming a huge barrier. There are no half-divided gaps and passages, just like the locked gates, which are strong and airtight.

“How come out?!”

Lin Feng is close to clear one’s teeth, and his eyes are full of urgency.

It seems that thousands of ants are climbing, and Lin Feng is anxious.

In this ‘Dragon Valley’, I tried my best to struggle, and I managed to find a way to survive.


The scenery of Heavenly Treasure World ‘outer layer ‘ is fully visible.

Just one step away!

However, it was blocked by hard!

“Don’t want to stop me!” Lin Feng’s eyes burst into flames.

The body galloped and pulled back, Lin Feng pedaled Urgent Fire Shuttle,between ——

On the right hand, Aurora Cone silvery light is on the scene!

Soul Core sudden turn, Lin Feng’s eyes are like a shining star. At this moment, the indignation caused by the heart makes Lin Feng’s mind very concentrated. “嗞嗞” Aurora Cone’s rotation, never had a fast, terrifying and sharp voice, just rotated, it has already bloomed ten meters. Long silver aperture.

“pā !”

“pā pā !!”

Split twice in a row and four aurora puff like lights up.

Irregular rotation of the strong, four bright silver light whistling, forming a huge ‘diamond-shaped’, astonishing vacuum qi flow all over, condensing the aperture, the strength intertwined, making the diamond-shaped light more awkward, In the center of the diamond-shaped, the energy is completely concentrated.

Constantly increasing, accumulating terrifying strength!

Terrifying the strength, igniting an air severe shock.

Since there is no road, use strength to make a road!

“Trapa Light Flash!” Lin Feng gnawed his teeth.

All the strengths are condensed in this attack. Lin Feng’s eyes are full of hope and hope. The complete concentration of the mind makes the attack break out. The ‘Trapa Light Flash”s might is almost 80%, and the performance is perfect. .

And at this time –

A huge ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon ‘puff like in the distance opens his eyes.

The sleepy expression was awakened in a flash, and the cold cold glow was filled with extreme extreme cold.

There is a 10,000-meter-long body to let go, astonishing momentum rises. Compared to 3rd rank’s ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’, it’s ten times bigger!

Black Fog Demon Dragon, 3rd rank is five kilometers long, 4th rank is six kilometers long, although the length difference is one kilometer, but the body gap is more than double. And the length of 10,000 meters. In the Tribe of Black Fog Demon Dragon, it is already quite powerful –

Sovereign Level 6th rank !

Once the 7th rank is broken, there is a chance to comprehend ‘Dao’ and change form.

“Peng. Peng.” Huge wings bring up a wind sighing and cranes calling, this Black Fog Demon Dragon is far away, and the eyelids flash sharply.

Oh, that. The huge body rushed out at an incredible speed.

Speed, better than Lin Feng!

The diamond-shaped aurora turns into a shadow.

Lin Feng’s eyes sparkled brightly, full of hope.

This is my strongest strike!


“Break for me Ah! !”

The light of severe is cracked, and the powerful aura energy brings out the sound of whistling, like lightning, and shoots at the boundless wall.

Hong long long ! ! !

Astonishing bursts and the entire wall of the wall vibrates sharply, and Aurora Cone’s might is quite terrifying. However, in the meantime, Lin Feng is a complexion greatly change. An incomparably powerful aura instilled with the body, the powerful Heaven and Earth Energy seemed to bounce back like a mirror, and his Soul Core severe vibrate.

“pū! !” Lin Feng violently spits blood.

The internal organs are overwhelming, and the Lin Feng complexion is incredibly pale.

However, the palest really isn’t face. It’s your own heart.

“No, it’s impossible!” Lin Feng both eyes. As I saw it, the light wall in front of me seemed to ‘break’ a hole, but under the glory of Heaven and Earth Energy, it was repaired by myself! In an instant, it will be restored to its original state. It seems as if nothing happened.

Your own attack is like hitting a spring.

Not only is it completely rebounded, but the spring is even more damaging.

Even Lin Feng can clearly feel that if this powerful Heaven and Earth Energy can attack, now, I am afraid it is not simply a simple injury!


Lin Feng’s heart is completely cool, as if it has been broken into two halves.

Hope to annihilate!

Biting one’s lips, Lin Feng looks changing.

The huge wall in front of you is like a giant standing, letting yourself look up and beyond.

Can’t penetrate, can’t break open!

Such as the copper wall iron wall.

How to do?

Lin Feng’s body is light tremble, a kind of powerlessness that makes the body weak. At the time, Lin Feng felt that her own smallness, but the facts could not be changed, and my heart sighed, Lin Feng’s head just ‘awake’, and suddenly –

Complexion greatly change !

“Not good!!” Lin Feng looked awkward.

Mind sense, a powerful energy aura that I have never been to sense, is fast approaching!

“my god, 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon !” Lin Feng backed backbone sends out coldness,largely shaken in one’s heart.

escape! !

There is no second thought, and there is no other choice.

Do not escape, only dead end one!

“sōu! !!”

The Urgent Fire Shuttle is fully open, and the fiery red shines. Lin Feng has even felt the terrifying aura coming from behind. Even if the speed of his flight reaches its apex, the distance from the 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon is still in the non-stop.

“This is troublesome.” Lin Feng is clenching one’s teeth.

I only blame myself for the emotional fluctuations that have caused me to lose my mind.

If this is not the case, mind must be able to feel the presence of this terrifying enemy and escape in time.

but now……

I completely expose the target!

Despite hiding aura, but close to it, I can see the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’ that is astonishing terrifying. How can Black Fog Demon Dragon not see himself?

“Speed, too fast!” Lin Feng cold sweat, the aura sense behind it is getting stronger and stronger.

The distance is shrinking with extreme fast speed!

A little, a little!

The Black Fog Demon Dragon is big, but the speed is not slow. Innate talent ‘Dao of Time ‘,Black Fog Demon Dragon is good at speed, plus the super strength of Sovereign Level 6th rank, completely better than Lin Feng’s Urgent Fire Shuttle, although the spirit treasure is strong, but the difference in strength is too big .

“How to do?”

“what should I do!!”

Lin Feng’s look is constantly changing.

At this point, in a deep crisis!

There is no doubt that once caught up by this terrifying monster, there is only one result.


(The third is more). . )

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