The fourth episode of the second episode of the disaster!

Black fog envelopes a piece of pitch-black color.

I can’t see it at all, but in the sense, aura is far better than Dense Fog Beast!

A pair of bright light sly bus pupils, shining in the dark.


Lin Feng clench one’s teeth, right hand ‘Aurora Cone ‘ suddenly silvery light blooms, swaying, making a ‘鍡炲棡’ intense tearing sound. As if cutting this pitch-black color fog, forming a huge vacuum qi flow, facing the unprecedented challenges, Lin Feng’s state of mind is very clear, and even the control of ‘Aurora Cone’ has reached the peak!

At this time, Lin Feng’s eyes are shining under the silvery light, it is clear to see the ‘monster’ in front of you!

As you can see, it is a huge lion-like head, and the proportion of the body is extremely uncoordinated –

It is Dense Fog Beast.

No, it’s Dense Fog Beast King!

The iron-like body, with two dark auras, is a bit more sturdy, and it is much stronger than Dense Fog Beast.

The most important thing is its booth eyes, cold light, like a terrifying beast!

Extremely violent!

“Aurora Arc !” Lin Feng shouted.

The silvery light appeared, and the arc made a harsh roar, flying to the Dense Fog Beast King.

Hey! ! !

Silver arc ring limit expansion!

Ten meters, a hundred meters, extremely crazy rotation, cut the pitch-black fog into two pieces!

Huge discs squint over the entire sky, such as the flashing startling fire, Aurora Cone’s might, in an instant –

Suddenly burst!


“Peng!” Severe hit.

Lin Feng only felt the Soul Core sway, and the Aurora Cone controlled seemed to hit an indestructible iron, and the reaction was enormous.

boom! !

The body trembled, and after a while, Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

鈥淐loud Shuttle!鈥?flashes in the sky. Lin Feng grabbed the Cloud Shuttle with one hand and jumped up. Time to break through the sky.


Within the sky , astonishing sounds of dragon roaring.

The battle just now, finally ‘stunned’ the overlord of Heavenly Treasure World –

Black Fog Demon Dragon !

The huge body covered the sky tightly, Black Fog Demon Dragon extremely angry and awkward, astonishing sounds with a strong arrogance, and the black fog was a mess. The aura of the stunned Lin Feng gave a glimpse of the heart, all the hearts are completely condensed, Soul Core sudden turn!

Heaven and Earth Energy aura, condensed black fog qi flow, such as spiral-shaped bind body all around.

鈥渕ind!鈥?Lin Feng鈥檚 eyes are shining.

P膩 ! !

It is like a spread of spider webs. Mind’s bloom quickly sense. In the mind. One spot is like a star cover densely sky, Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, eyes full of sharp light, walking on the Cloud Shuttle, like a blast.

In an instant. Turn into a flowing light!

A mess!

The raging dragon roar constantly, one after another, such as thundering exploding cry.

Black Fog Demon Dragon group, clanging violent!

In the eyes of the lover, there is no sand in the eyes. In the eyes of Black Fog Demon Dragon, no one can accommodate any human! Demon beast is inherently hostile to human beings, you live and die. Especially the King in the demon beast, Dragon Race, is more like a human being, how can it coexist!

Land of Dragon Race Habitat. Break into humanity?

Dead end one!

“Never die here!” Lin Feng both eyes flickering.

At this point, the Dense Fog Beast King behind him was chasing after him, but the distance was constantly being pulled away.

And the distant within the sky, terrifying black shadow issued the dragon dragon roaring start fire, but it is approaching the speed!

True Dragon Race !

strength. Far from the existence of Lin Feng!

“This is trouble!” Lin Feng gritted his teeth and looked calm.

Dense Fog Beast King is not afraid of himself, although the strongest attack ‘Aurora Arc’ can’t break its defense, but its strength is far better than it.

The trouble is…

Terrifying Black Fog Demon Dragon group!

Once caught up, there are a few lives that are not enough to die.

鈥淵ou must hide aura as soon as possible and hide!鈥?Lin Feng focused heavily, but behind Dense Fog Beast King was not easy to get rid of. With black fog as the source, Dense Fog Beast King’s ‘sense force’ is far stronger than himself. To get rid of it, there is only one way –

Exceed its sense area!

But at that time, the Black Fog Demon Dragon group is probably coming!

Dense Fog Beast King, like Black Fog Demon Dragon’s ‘watchdog’, is very difficult!

Not too late?

“No!” Lin Feng both eyes.

How can I be here, lost my life!

In a blink of time, Lin Feng Soul Core sharply rotates, bringing up a spiral qi flow convergence.

鈥淒eceleration Space!鈥?Lin Feng pupil flash, at this moment of the most danger, the unique skill completely broke out. Between, Dense Fog Beast King’s body is like a muddy, full of pressure in all directions, so that its speed is reduced to the freezing point.

鈥淗ey!鈥?The Cloud Shuttle exploded and flowed into the thick black fog like a meteor.

And at this time –

Lin Feng mind sense, the nearest Black Fog Demon Dragon, is almost able to see the horrifying ‘contour’.

“Distance, only five seconds!” Lin Feng’s non-stop calculation.

In the face of extreme danger, Lin Feng’s mind is completely concentrated!

Never die here!




S艒u! Cloud Shuttle rushed across.

Lin Feng’s aura disappeared in an instant.

鈥渁ooooo!!鈥?The 鍢秗oar of the earth shook.

The huge body exudes a terrifying aura, and the angry roar screams vault of heaven, as if venting emotions, here, at Heavenly Treasure World –

Black Fog Demon Dragon is the absolute King!

Like a tiny ant, Lin Feng held his breath.

Take control of his own aura, hidden under the thick black fog, Lin Feng hides in the weeds.

A gallop of galloping, the sense of direction is completely confused, but this is not important.

The important thing is that you –

Still alive!

“It seems to be a hill here.” Lin Feng secretly thought, in the ear From time to time, the rough dragon roar came, I can imagine the anger of the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’, the vibration of the earth severe, and the astonishing aura shrouded the area. .

Obviously. Black Fog Demon Dragon is not going to let go of himself.

鈥淒ense Fog Beast King Don鈥檛 show up again!鈥?Lin Feng secretly worried.

In front of me, I am not afraid of ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’. Because of the presence of thick black fog, Black Fog Demon Dragon has a huge body and wants to find himself out of this large area, unless there is a large number of Black Fog Demon Dragons, sweeping the entire area.

If not, the existence of such a ‘humble’ is like a stone on the ground.

Not at all blind.

What is really troublesome is the incarnation of the black fog –

Dense Fog Beast King !

“Can’t sit still!” Lin Feng knew very well.

If you have been hiding here, the danger is even greater!

Not to mention the increasing number of Black Fog Demon Dragon, in case Dense Fog Beast King reappears. That is really no cure.

Dead end one!

鈥淥h?鈥?Lin Feng bent down. Touching the land of the hills, the eyes flashed. “It seems a bit wet, really isn’t the damp of the rain, but…”

鈥淭here is water nearby!鈥?/p>

From childhood grows in Lin Family Village. A little understanding of the geography Lin Feng.

It is this inconspicuous knowledge that works at the most critical time.

鈥淚t鈥檚 not a creek, it鈥檚 a river or a lake.鈥?Lin Feng鈥檚 heart is dark and swaying in the direction of the dampness of the land, keeping it at the most subtle speed. In the ear severe dragon roar like thunder piercing the ear, the shaking of the earth makes the black fog constantly changing.

I can imagine it completely –

Black Fog Demon Dragon, how hysterical anger!

“Speed 鈥嬧€媔s getting faster!” in the ear. The Black Fog Demon Dragon seems to be mad as it destroys the area.

In order to catch yourself, Black Fog Demon Dragon is desperate!

boom! !

Hong long long !

The severe violent cry sounded, world-shaking, and the black hole cloud seemed to devour the entire hill. Lin Feng complexion slightly changed, secretly thought, escaped, if you still hide there. I am afraid that together with the hills, it will be destroyed by madness.

鈥渟艒u! !鈥?Lin Feng鈥檚 figure is like lightning.

Although it is impossible to sense, but listening to the dragon roar, I know Black Fog Demon Dragon, more and more!

The terrifying aura envelopes the entire area, leaving everything to be trembling.

This is really powerful Dragon Race!

鈥淲ater Sound!鈥?Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

Seeing from the gaze, the black mist seemed to fade, and the land under the feet was a bit damp.


Lin Feng’s eyes are very bright and rushing, although the black fog is too heavy to see the existence of the river, and the mind is even more unusable. But experience and intuition tell yourself that it is not far from the front, at your fingertips!

Very, very close!


Danger, always coming instantly!

The earth is shaking.

Unlike the black Fog Demon Dragon’s severe vibration, it is a ‘slight’ vibration.

In the back, in the dark black fog, there is a figure that seems to have met before, and it seems to gradually become clear.

“Sure enough!” Lin Feng eyed cold light.

Dense Fog Beast King !

Black Fog Demon Dragon’s watchdog, the most difficult existence.

Such as the bones of the bones!


“Goodbye.” Lin Feng’s mouth smudged a faint arc, and as the black mist in front of him became lighter and thinner, the clear, huge river was in the eye, and Lin Feng flew like a flying bird. At the time, ‘pu t艒ng’ is entering the water.

At the rear, a Dense Fog Beast King bare one’s fang, the eyes are full of violent ominous light.

The three black halos were incomparably bright, but Dense Fog Beast King watched as Lin Feng jumped into the water and couldn’t move.

There is no black mist in the water.

Sense, abruptly stopped.


鈥淕ood insurance.鈥?Lin Feng took a deep breath.

The world in the water, and the world outside, are like two heavens and the earth.

With ‘water’ as the diaphragm, Lin Feng is no longer afraid of the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’ sense.

Mind puff like spread out, everything in the river goes into the mind, although the sense is less than everything above the river, but the same, Black Fog Demon Dragon is also less sense than ‘water’. Air and water are completely different media.

“There seems to be no danger.” Lin Feng put out a long breath.

What I am most worried about is that there will be any danger in this river, so it is really not good.

This is quite ordinary and there is no special river at all.

However, this is the safest and most reliable.

Excellent sanctuary.

(Second to the Brothers, the recommended ticket should not be less and less…_). . )

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