Chapter 25—The Devil’s Failure


Lin Feng, who suddenly made a sudden change, couldn’t help but startled, and his heart was upset.

The undead expert has always been a thorn in his heart. It has been clearly printed in the mind of the demon family forbidden land. The existence of death gas is unquestionable, and the ability to resurrect is more predictable. On the day of the forbidden land, some of the undead expert was almost “resurrected”, and only a small part of it was taken that day.

“I didn’t expect the demon’s undead army to wake up so quickly.” Lin Feng’s hearted inward shiver.

On the one day, I only took a small part of it. On the one hand, I took the Saint King Level corpse, which is not very good. On the other hand, it is also a jealous demon dened for the ‘death of the world’, but also does not want to be exposed. I have entered the demon family forbidden land.


Basically, Saint King Level corpse has been searched out by himself, leaving only Saint Level corpse.

Why are there so many Saint King Level unexperienced experts suddenly? Even if the Yaozu got a new corpse, and began to cultivate and absorb the death gas, it is not so fast. Lin Feng’s brows are clustered and his thoughts flash.

“Maybe the Saint King Level corpse I got is just a part of it.” Lin Feng nodded secretly.

The demon family forbidden land may have other hidden places, or these undead expert is already formed before, so not for the demon family forbidden land. There are many possibilities, and there are no such considerations at present. The attack of the Yaozu is one wave after another, and there is a tendency to extinguish the fire of humans and ancients.

“Fortunately, I also left a hand.” Lin Feng both pupils.

The real shield shines. Thirty undead expert shapes are different, like a pupa fan open, straight in all directions. Different from the previous undead expert. These are really powerful help for ‘fine selection’ –

Everyone is a Saint King Level.

The reason why I didn’t take it out before was that it was hidden as a trump card. I was also jealous of the undead expert of the Yaozu. Secondly, I started to control the undead expert. I was still in the stage of exploration, just like Xuewu, I was promoted to Intermediate by the primary. Then to advanced.

Today is the time!

More than 100 Saint King Level expert corpses on the day. Only one-third of them have recovered from the suffocation of death, and some of the first batch plus these 30 are all.

“sōu!” “sōu!” “sōu!” Thirty Saint King Level undead expert comes out. The situation was immediately mutated, and the Saint Level was really strong, but in front of the Saint King Level expert, I was afraid that a hundred Saint Level experts might not have competed for a Saint King Level.

Moreover. The ancient Heavenly God Cultivator has a small scope, and Lin Feng is the center of the human expert. It is able to control the 90% range, plus the new King’s Saint King Level…

The human defense line is instantly consolidated!

“Boom!~” The scale of the war, once again balanced.

Accurately speaking, it has begun to favor the human and the ancients. The killing is continuing, but the strength of the Yaozu…

It is slowly falling.

Everything is expected.

Lin Feng’s previous confidence was completely isn’t arrogant, but after having the super-alliance of the ancients. Human beings have indeed had the capital to compete with the Yaozu. The overwhelming advantage of this campaign is ironclad. Until now, the casualties of the ancients are still in single digits. This is a pretty impressive number.

It should be known that the ancient Heavenly God Cultivator is only a star source, but it has caused great damage to the demon. It can be said that the deceased 90% of the deceased originated from the ancient expert.

Less than 10% is the result of human expert.

“Win.” Lin Feng eyes is bright.

Star fruit swallowed in one by one, and the injury has long been no problem. However, it is still a little reluctant to resume the combat power immediately, but this has not caused the strength to drop too much. At most, 10%. If the injury is a pair of feet, it will have a big impact on the combat power. If the left hand is, the right hand will make spear, enough.

In the continuous battle, the Yaozu is exhausted.

The human expert plus thirty newly promoted Saint King Level joins, and the defense of the line is impenetrable, so that the ancient expert can fully play the powerful power of Heavenly God Cultivator on the battlefield.

The Yaozu, the dead and wounded.

Not only does the imposing manner fall into the wind, but the force is gradually reduced like rain. The only hope is probably the Yaozu Commander. However, nowadays the true and false Dasheng is still entangled, not winning. In the face of the true sacred entanglement of the heart, there is absolutely no way for the gray sacred to take him.

“Thank you.” Lin Feng watched The flexible figure in the demon army, a warmth in his heart.

Before the Great St. may have really come to win the fleshly body, but the first collision with the Gray Dasheng is likely to make him change his mind. The strength is not enough for him to capture the fleshly body, so he chose another method, that is Entangling the false sacred, perhaps this is not good for him, but for the human ancient alliance…

Too important!

If the gray is holy to go to war, and does not say whether he can win him, it will be very troublesome to be held alone.

Even if the human and the ancient alliances win, it is impossible to win so easily as it is now, and it can almost be said that the soldiers are not bloody. It is because of the sacrifice of the Great Sacred that this great victory, Lin Feng is grateful, and knows how his heart is, really isn’t good relationship with each other, just for the same day favor.

In any case, the result is very good.

“Shua!” A sharp bright light shot, Lin Feng instant sense.

Four eyes are opposite, from the distant demon army, clearly see a pair of cold pillar pupils, it is the Yaozu Commander, is the gray great saint. There are countless messages in the eyes, there are anger, hatred, and deep killing.

“Good and clear sense.” Lin Feng’s dark shock.

For the first time, the campaign was anxious with the gray sacred eyes, and the first time clear sense to his ‘thoughts’.

This opponent is not easy!

The last time I saw him was like a demon king. It was just a jealousy; but this time, he could already feel his consciousness and felt that he was no longer embarrassed, like a first heavenly treasure with tool spirit, with independent consciousness. Form, complete wisdom.

He has changed a lot.

Not just strength, but all aspects.

but. That’s it. The results of this battle will no longer change.

The Yaozu will definitely lose!


In the void. There was a loud roar, and there was a lot of anger. It was the voice of the Great Grey.

The demon army has a low morale, and it has been lifted by the human and the ancients. It has long been without war. With the gray sacred order, the blood tiger, Huang Kui, and Tianyuan led the demon army to retreat. The scene is extremely spectacular.

The Yaozu, just retreat.

It is the total attack of the demon’s exciting 50%. But even the face of the gods can not see, it is retreat. Leaving the endless corpse and the bones of the earth, the demon expert kills the ashangishing and finally chooses to escape. Choose defeat.

To be precise, they have no choice.

Although the left of the ancient Heavenly God Cultivator is almost less than 10%, the attack of the late demonic expert has been weakened too much. The ancient Heavenly God Cultivator took turns to rest, attack, and the strong defense of the human expert. The family expert has no chance to turn over at all.

The defeat is because the Yaozu is too arrogant.

The defeat is due to the alliance of humans and ancients. Really strong.

The demon’s defeat is quite heavy, not only the devil’s countless Saint Level, Saint King Level expert. Including the two big demon stars, the demon emperor Yunlei, the deputy Commander, the demon king, is their morale, their confidence.

The demon warfare loss, exceeding 30%!

The human casualties in this campaign are only minor. Although the Saint Level expert has a lot of deaths and injuries, the small gatherings can be made up in a short time. As for the death and injury of the Saint King Level expert, it is one hair from nine oxen. Most importantly, one of the most powerful weapons of the Alliance, the ancient Heavenly God Cultivator, is only in single digits!

Proud record!

“we won!”

“haha, retreat the demon!!”

“Long live Lin Di! Lin Di is absolutely true!”



“Too his mother is cool!!”

“What are the fears of the Yaozu, we human being is the most powerful!!”


In the human camp, cheers are everywhere.

Crazy celebration, crazy shouting, every human expert is excited, excited shouting, venting the heart. They defeated the invisible demons; they created a myth, created a miracle, and completed a mission that was almost impossible!

How can I not be excited!

Not only the human expert, the ancient expert is also a big joy at the moment.

Normally, the proud ancient Heavenly God Cultivator, excitedly hugging each other at the moment, venting their hearts. They waited for this moment for too long and too long. They were oppressed by the Yaozu and abandoned by the Wus. They were like soulless bodies. They saw that their homes were lost one by one, but they could do nothing.

But today, they won!

Everything that happened was like a dream, but it was so real, so that their hearts were full of energy, the body trembled, and the tears in the eyes of countless ancient Heavenly God Cultivator, including too many emotions, could not be controlled. Own, even the eyes of the ancient gods are moist.

They did it.

They finally avenged their dead compatriots.

Today’s great victory, the eye-catching people have seen the demon’s general trend has gone, on the contrary, the human and ancient alliances are just waiting for labor, the strength is not lost. Only after recovering the strength of the month can return to the peak, even stronger than now, and the demon is badly hurt.

The situation of the Lich War will be officially rewritten!

Every ancient Heavenly God Cultivator is fortunate, and fortunately made the right decision.

Human beings not only have great strength, but also a fairly reliable alliance. They are far more reliable and powerful than the witches! Although they lost the domain, they believe that they will be able to recapture other ancient areas occupied by the Yaozu and rebuild the order of the ancients.

In contrast, what you get is much more than you pay.

Excitement, joy, and flooding on the face of every human and ancient expert.

Including the ancient gods, ancient ancestors, humans expert, Lin Feng, faces are filled with smiles, enjoying the joy of victory. The victory of this war is irreplaceable to the human and ancient alliances. It is an epic victory and a reversal of the Lich battle.


Excitement and joy did not last long.

At the time of the celebration, Lin Feng’s complexion changed abruptly, and the smile on his face stopped. Suddenly turned his head to look far away, and the pupil was instantly enlarged.

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