Chapter 20 is robbing!

“I still look at the demon emperor.” Lin Feng nodded.

The sound is not humble, but the slightest evasive half-points give the foot to Kui Tianyuan.

Nowadays, the result is far more than expected. In my own imagination, perhaps they will fight each other until you die, and the trump card will be exhausted, even on the verge of death. However, at this moment, it is already equivalent to ‘Bing is not bloody blade’, and the effect is surprisingly good.

Judging from the look of Kuitian, he is obviously shocked by his own strength.

How do you know that your strength is far less powerful than what he has seen? If you fight once again, you can’t play ten times the limit speed, and the situation is only going to turn around. Kuitian’s strength is also stronger than he imagined.

The four demon emperors are well-deserved.

First is the bear storm, then Kuitian Yuan, one is stronger than one.

“Okay, I will believe you once again.” Kuitian long eyes burned, watched Lin Feng.

In fact, for him, what Lin Feng said at the moment is true or false. It doesn’t matter anymore. There is no need to say too much between them, and a ‘consensus’ has already formed. Moreover, at this moment, he was seriously injured, and there was no advantage in going to war.

Even if the face is damaged, retreat is only his only choice.

It is the most important thing to save your life.

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and there was a faint joy in the eyes of the humans behind him. The current situation is better for the Southern Region. A war of disparity in strength, but the southern domain not only has the advantage, but the most important thing is that the loss is almost zero! With the exception of several Saint King Level expert injuries, no half of Martial Artist died.

On the contrary, the demon’s damage is quite heavy, and there are more than 20 Saint King Level expert corpse on the ground.

“Let’s go!” Kui Tianyuan loudly shouted, complexion ugly.

Suddenly turning around, I want to go back with the demons expert, and the ominous light disappears.

The hero does not eat before the loss, this hatred of course to report, Lin Feng is to kill, but now it is time to go back to the long-term plan, then it is not too late to lead the army.


and many more!

The sound that suddenly sounded behind him made Kuitian’s eyes cold and biting his teeth.

Not someone else, it is Lin Feng!

“Do you want to leave the demon?” Lin Feng said quietly, the smile was hidden under the plain smile, and the hand behind it quietly extended a finger. The light of the thousand-eyed eyes blinked. I understand the meaning of Lin Feng.

“If not, how are you going?” Kuitian turned and looked cold.

Although it is cold, with bright light, it is difficult to conceal the guilty guilt.

“The demon emperor laughed.” Lin Feng’s voice was calm, but the tone was not allowed at all. The killing intent slowly emerged, but it was a slap in the face, and naturally it would not be counted. If you let Kuitian Yuan leave like this and then lead the troops again, then you are really a joke.

“If I sneak into the demon Tribe, and finally come back with a misunderstanding, ask the demon king whether you swallow this breath?” Lin Feng both pupils bright light radiate all around, “even if I am willing to swallow, my southern domain public expert may not willing!”

There is sound on the ground, such as a thunder.

In the meantime, the humans, led by the King of Fire, echoed together, and the cooperation was extremely tacit.

Battle intent Suddenly, even if you are faced with a demonic expert known for its fierceness, there is no fear of concession. Today’s human beings are no different from the past. They are no longer the weak races of the witches, but they have the backbone of their own hearts and have their own beliefs and heroes!

It will not make people feel small.

Shua! ~ Kui Tianyuan complexion suddenly pale.

The fear hidden under the fierce expression has slowly emerged from the bottom of my heart. Facing thousands of human experts, Lin Feng, who is stronger than him, is tightly clench one’s teeth. Very tangled, like the meat on the cutting board.

Not only him, but only the remaining six demons are also afraid of the bottom of their hearts.

The demon’s most important expert, Lin Feng’s strength is in front of them, how can they not fear, not afraid?

“What do you want to do!” The voice was hoarse, Kui Tianyuan almost screamed, although the voice was heavy, but he could not feel the domineering spirit of the demon, but there was a kind of pleading and temperament. Falling in Lin Feng’s ear, he smiled.

“Not very good.” Lin Feng said awkwardly, his eyes swept over the demons, and finally fell on Kuitianyuan, slowly said, “Although it was a misunderstanding, but my southern domain suffered a great disaster, the damage was heavy. This matter is up to the Yaozu, should the demon be a bit?”

Naked robbery!

Kui Tianyuan complexion is even more ugly, and his heart is full of anger.

He understood the meaning of Lin Feng, but he squinted and said nothing. He did not see the loss of the southern half of the hair. Instead, the demon lost a lot. But what Lin Feng said is not unreasonable. Obviously he wants to go and must pay a ‘cost’.

“What do you want?” Kuitian looked cold.

“treasure.” Lin Feng said indifferently, “First heavenly treasure, it should be of little use to the demon.”

The Yaozu, more relying on their own innate talent to fight, has little dependence on the first heavenly treasure. Although they can also be competibility first heavenly treasure, but they are slower than the witch, the ancients, and even the human compatibility, the comprehend mastery is even worse, which is not the strength of the demon.

The demon’s large-scale attack, sweeping the land, and even the southern ancient domain is destroyed, the ‘heavy’ of the first heavenly treasure must be quite a lot.

This is very clear to myself.

“Okay, good.” Kuitian Yuan nodded his teeth, and the killing intent flashed.

Why not give it!

Sooner or later, he will get it back!

Did not hesitate for too long, Kui Tianyuan immediately took out a diamond ring and flew straight to Lin Feng.

“Pā !” Lin Feng reached out and took a pass, a star source penetrated, and the booth pupils slammed. Sense, in which the first heavenly treasure is no less than ten pieces, although the grade is not so high, but now the southern field has many experts, the most lacking is the first heavenly treasure, to know the perfect heavenly treasure of perfect compatibility, to Martial The improvement of Artist’s strength is several times more!

“That’s it!” Kuitian was so angry that he turned and left.

Of course…

Behind it, the rich killing intent did not disappear, but it increased sharply.

Didn’t talk, but the meaning of Lin Feng is obviously very clear, as long as he dares to take a step, the thunderous attack will come, no words at all!

“Lin Feng, you don’t want to bully too much!” Kuitian’s forehead is full of black lines, trembled, and the gas is shivering.

“How is it.” Lin Feng is now smiling, his face is also very fast, his eyes are lightly watched Kui Tianyuan, said solemnly, “The demon emperor knows, if I want to leave you today, you have no one here. Going out of the South.”

The tone is calm and reveals a strong threat, and Lin Feng is unscrupulous.

In the face of the Yaozu, it is necessary to show the enemy weak, they do not eat this set at all, the Yaozu has always eat hard and not soft. I saw the squeaking of the bite of the teeth in the eyes of Kui Tianyuan. It was completely observable to suppress the anger. He was like a prisoner under the order, and there was a little bit of a demon.

“But…” Lin Feng turned his voice and slammed his mouth. “I will give you the face of the demon emperor today. Everyone will count this. In the future, the well water will not make a river.”

Kui Tianyuan’s face was stunned and suddenly ledled, but I don’t know what kind of trick Lin Feng played.

“But, I don’t have to give the face of other demons.” Lin Feng both pupils killing intent. “Don’t want to give it!”

“You can go, but they…” Lin Feng glanced over the remaining six Saint King Level experts, said solemnly, “all left for me!”

what! ?

Kui Tianyuan complexion suddenly changed.

The remaining six Saint King Level demons are also the tremors of the heart, revealing the color of panic.

Staying here means what they know very well –

Dead end one!

The eyes of the demons are all concentrated on Kui Tianyuan, but the latter looks like a change at the moment, considering the gains and losses. Lin Feng’s condition is not really ‘bad’ for him. Even if he leaves here, Kui Tianyuan will secretly execute these monsters.

Face first!

He is so sloppy, and he is not self-respected by the trifling human ‘trafficking’, how can he be known by other demon people.

Who can guarantee that these few demons will be tight-lipped today?

The best way is to kill them!

“哗~~” Kui Tianyuan’s changes in the eyes are cold and clear, flashing a thick bright light, the ‘King’ word on the forehead is completely shining. Suddenly loudly shouted, terrifying Qi strength 霎 甩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter ter

boom! boom! ~

Severe exploding cry, the remaining six demons expert look stunned, but did not think that Kui Tianyuan will shoot them.

First and foremost, the two demon experts at the forefront were suddenly killed, despite being seriously injured, but the strength of Kui Tianyuan is also the resistance of these demons. The other four demon experts are struggling to resist, but the terrifying strength is whistling, it is also at stake.


“Peng!” A 澎湃Qi strength instantly appeared, and the roaring tiger in the void was broken like a lens.

The four demons expert stunned their eyes wide, watched over the black clothed, and the long spear human expert, chest severe ups and downs, completely unknown.

what’s the problem?

“He is gone.” Lin Feng spoke openly and looked forward.

The ontology is already transmitting accurate information, and Kuitian Yuan just left the real shield defense.

Quite selfish.

However, it is the nature of the Yaozu.

The big troubles are flying around, and in order to survive, Kui Tianyuan completely throws his face to the topmost clouds.

“Swallowing such a bitter fruit, shameful shame, he will not be willing to give up.” Qianshuanghuang faintly standing beside him, his hands sparkling with a strange color.

Lin Feng’s eyes fell on the hands of Qian’s Emperor, and smiled lightly. “Copy this image video for one point and hand it to him. I believe that as long as he is in the position of the demon, I will not need to taboo the demon in the southern region until …the end of the Lich battle.”

Four eyes are opposite, smiling at each other.

Kuitian Yuan, this time the loss is quite heavy.

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