Chapter 16: Arms as a car

Southern domain.

“what is that!?”

“What happened, how did the sky become like this?”

“Good hallucination brilliance!”


A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The emergence of the change, let the people of the entire southern region look up all the time, staring at the sky. At this moment, the color of the sky is completely changed. It should have been the night of the night, but it is illuminated by the bright light, forming a halcucation brilliance with transparent flashing.

Ten separate odd!

Martial Artists are amazed at this strange change, whispering and talking.

People have come out of the house, and the quiet night has become extremely lively at this time, but no one knows what happened.

The discovery of change has stopped these ordinary people.

The true shield zero-defense appearance, the first sense to the Saint King Level is expert, this is the strength of the Saint King level, including the popular king, including the King of the new promoted Saint King expert are found strange, Taoyuan Zhongzhong Expert eyes, very surprised.

Sōu! sōu! sōu!

The public experts are all going up the air, and there is no hesitation.

Although I don’t know what this strange luster shines, no one is too timid. It is prepared to fight with the demon army and prepare for sacrifice. The expert complexion is dignified, and there must be a demon in the abnormal situation. The sudden appearance of the sky vision is in their view –

Ten out of ten, related to the Yaozu.

“A strong strength.” The King of Fire was suspended in the air, the flame burned in his hands, and the body seemed to be on fire.

“You can feel a deep pressure when you are close.” Water graze gaze as if a torch ,said softly.

“This light has some effect on the mind.” Blade mad complexion changes slightly, the body is slightly tremble lightly, clenching his teeth. “The closer you get to it, the more phantoms there are in your head.” The war blade, the blade mad has a paranoia on the blade, which has its own advantages and disadvantages. It can make the Saint King Level a breakthrough. It is undoubtedly his blessing. edge. However, his mind is much less than the expert such as Yan Wang Shui Mu.

“It should be no malicious.” The voice was clear and clear, and it was a youth like a big boy, with a smile in the sun. Wu Cong, the second batch of the gods plan was born, the Saint King Level existed, and later came to the fore, and now the strength is directly chasing the king of the water.

“Yes.” Wan Mozhen also appeared. The sound is calm, and there is a strange scent in the eyelids.

Among the people, only his strongest strength, with the spirit spirit of the supreme ranking of the fifth “Ling Zen Bell”, Wan Mozhen is able to occupy a place in the Imperial City. Other people may not be clear. But he felt a bit familiar from the aura gloss.

“The real shield.” Wan Mozhen light mumble, although surprised, but aura sense is not wrong.

Not long ago, he had studied with Lin Feng, and the true shield of strength more than his ‘Ling Zen Bell’ was memorable.

“The real shield?” The public expert watched Wan Mozhen, with amazed eyes, many even open their mouths to reveal incredible colors. Maybe they didn’t talk to Lin Feng like Wan Mozhen, but these Saint King Level’s expert. Almost all of them are breakthroughs in a ‘Land of Cultivation’.

The Land of Cultivation is the world that extends from the ‘True Shield’!

Astonished, shocked, unbelievable.

Everyone you watched me, I watched you, and the expression is quite rich.

Just at this time –

“哗~~” comes with a powerful aura that instantly breaks the atmosphere of this suffocating solidification. An unpretentious black martial clothes, with the imperial power of the superior, his appearance is like a new star, so that everyone’s eyes gather.

Lin Feng !

“Lin Di!” “Lin Di!”…

Seen Lin Feng appeared. Everyone is happy and excited.

Lin Feng’s appearance is like a set-up, leaving only a little bit of tension and worry disappeared. For the confidant to die, Lin Feng is not only Bole for them, but also for the same. For the most respected people, especially the water expert, Wu Cong and other young experts, it is a great tribute to Lin Feng. Without the cultivation of Lin Feng, there will be no tyranny of them now!

“You don’t have to worry, this is my star treasure.” Lin Feng spoke quietly and dispelled doubts in the hearts of the people.

The public is turning to worry, and seeing this kind of brilliance, with a strong defensive treasure, confidence is definitely more than one point. They are Saint King Level, and they can feel how strong this ‘defense’ is!

Also belongs to other levels of Saint King Level.

“How much can you block?” Wan Mo looked at Lin Feng and looked bright.

Lin Feng vision gaze towards Wan Mozhen, smiling, full of confidence: “Under the Saint King Level, you can get rid of it.”

哗~~ Everyone is awkward, and they are not happy.

What does this mean?

The demon army, can you resist it?

“It’s not all right.” Lin Feng looked up, looked up and watched the sky. The implementation of zero-defense, supplemented by the ability to change, should have been the top-level defense of Saint King Level, but strength has limits and defenses.

The larger the defense area, the weaker the defense.

At the moment, the zero-defense is applied, and the might is far worse than the normal state. It is like a thick dough that has been stretched, and it has become ‘thin’. After all, the zero defense is close to the Starry Sky level of defense strength, even if it is thin, it will not be weaker than the Saint King Level.

Therefore, I still have strong confidence.

The only worry is, what is the true Shield and the ‘lasting power’ of zero defense?

Although the real shield consumes the power of the heavens and the earth, it is the strength of the real Starry Sky world. Its own star power is only a kind of traction. After all, this is the first time for you to display it. Even if you can affirm 80%, you are not Be sure 1% is 100.

“However, the demon family needs war.” Lin Feng both pupils flashing, lightly mumble.

The dignity of the complexion drives the expert battle intent. The strength that has been accumulated in the southern domain is now extremely powerful. It is the Saint Level expert and the Saint King Level expert’s ‘圂’ that can create a huge killing for the demon.

However, the power of the Yaozu is never comparable to that of the Southern Region.

The only hope is…

The demon family can know how difficult it is to retreat.

And to let the demon family retreat, the first thing –

It is to show your strength!

Black pressed a piece.

The demon army is full of mightyness.

Not rushing to the road, under the Commander of the Emperor Kui Tianyuan, the Yaozu army slowly marched into the southern region. This time, from the preparations before the war to the agglutination of the forces, even the deployment of the target demon is undisguised, almost telling the witches, they want to attack the southern domain!

This is not only a temptation of the Yaozu, but also a provocation against the Wuzu.

The fiasco of the southern ancient domain, the Kui Tianyuan face lost, he can not wait to fight the Wu people immediately, a snow shame, then …

The witches, as if they were ignorant, did not have any movements.

The life and death of the southern region, they really do not care?

“If they come, they will be in our strategy.” Lin Biao’s bone pupils flashed, full of confidence.

“Hey, this time, my demon army is very powerful. The Wu people are not afraid of the genus. They are afraid of being in the witches, and they dare to show their heads.” Kuitian Yuan’s eyes are disdainful, and he likes it.

“Even if this is not a bad thing.” Lin Biao smiled indifferently. “The slaughter of the southern region will not only make our military morale soaring, but also make it worse, let the ancients and other humans worry, especially The ancients, as long as they can separate the trust between them and the witches, the Lich battle I can easily take the absolute advantage!”

“The military teacher said very much.” Kuitian farth pupils ambitions, “To destroy the witches, you must first lick their wings!”

Look at each other and laugh, just hit it off.

“It’s almost here.” Kui Tianyuan gaze as if a torch.

“The Wu people did not appear.” Lin Biao’s look calm, as if as expected.

“Will it be hidden in the southern domain?” Kuitian is slightly suspicious.

Lin Biao shook his head: “There is no need, it is also a war. If fighting takes place in the southern region, it is undoubtedly a great disaster for human beings. If you want to fight with my demon, the witch must make a move on the road. However, the Wu people did not appear, and nine out of ten will not appear again.”

Kuitian’s mouth is drawn, coldly snorted and said. “A good witch, it’s very cold-blooded.”

“No problem.” Lin Biaosai said indifferently, “I will follow the original plan, first destroy the southern domain, and then use the southern domain as the basis, step by step to eat the witch wings, it depends on when the witches can not help make a move To play slowly, this time, we must take the initiative in our hands.”

“Good!” Kuitian farth pupils are shining, holding both fists, aura.

But when it was time, as if I felt something, Kui Tian looked awkwardly, with a doubtful color in his eyes, looking into the distance.

“Hey?” Kui Tianyuan is astonished.

Looking at Kui Tianyuan’s gaze, Lin Biaodi was found to be wrong, but he smiled.

“The southern domain seems to be… not so reconciled.” Lin Biaosai said with a faint smile.

“The arm is a car, overestimate one’s capabilities.” Kuitian said with a high mark, the ‘King’ word on the forehead flashed a strong starlight. In his view, this kind of unnecessary resistance of human beings is like stepping on the ants, but the ants are still squirming.

Ignorance, ignorance!

“Starting the drums, passing me orders -” Kui Tianyuan was suddenly drunk, full of pride.

“Go into the South!”

Crazy, however, Kui Tianyuan complexion is unruly and arrogant.

For him, the occupation of the southern domain is only a trivial matter, how can trifling humans compete with the powerful demon. Even a region where the Saint King Level is lacking in the expert, the demon army is bound to be like a bamboo, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Dealing with human beings, using serious?

It is too much to lift them up.

“Long ~” “Rumble! ~ ~” war drums, wind sighing and cranes calling.


Hey! ! ! ~

The whistling sound of the demon army, echoing in all directions, echoes. Roar is full of pride and morale. For the Yaozu, it is like hunting games. It is very fun. In the face of the witches who are not inferior in strength, they may still have some taboos, but these small humans?

It’s too easy!

kill! ! !

“Boom!” “Boom!~”

The Yaozu, the army directly attacked the southern domain.

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