The second chapter is also favor

Rising winds, scudding clouds.

The greatness of the Yaozu is shocking the entire battle spirit continent.

In particular, the sound of the East hit the West, in the tactical General Wuzu completely played in the applause, even more chilling, in one fell swoop to subvert the demon family is not good, such as a cowardly like a brainless impression. Regardless of the Wu and the ancients, the ability of the Yaozu must be re-estimated.

The most shocking thing is that the Yaozu has already occupied the southern ancient domain at this moment.

This move is equivalent to a deep army in the hinterland of the Wu people, and the heavy troops will open the main road, so that the situation of the Yaozu is clear and open.

On the contrary, the witches are at stake.

However, just as everyone thinks that the Yaozu will take the heat to fight the iron, and then the next city, the Yaozu will be swaying, and there is no movement. It seems that I lost the will to fight in the night, just resting in the southern ancient domain, I do not know what to try.

Yu Yu Yuan.

“What kind of ghosts are the demon people doing?”

More than ten days have passed since the bloody incident occurred. Although the heart is still sorrowful, Feng Yu still came over and chose to accept the reality. Including the other elites of the ancient Feng dynasty at this moment, the elite anger is also a strength, cultivating to enhance the strength, hope that one day will be able to avenge the clansman, reproduce the peak of the ancient phoenix.

“This campaign, the Yaozu is not as beautiful as the surface.” Lin Feng spoke openly.

“Hey?” Feng Yan’s eyes are slightly bright.

Lin Feng smiled a little: “With the Wu people, it is considered as a sacrifice of the demon race. Not to mention, just attack the southern part of the ancient demon expert, the two demon kings one death and one serious injury, plus two The Sovereign Level is injured, and it is definitely a huge blow to the Yaozu.”

“King of the Emperor?” Feng Wei startled, “Is the message true? Who can hurt the Sovereign Level? Do not exist,” is Feng Wei vision gaze towards Lin Feng. Extremely shocking.

“Of course not me.” Lin Feng smiled.

I am really powerless, and with the bear violence that war, let yourself clearly understand how the other strength of the Sovereign Level is terrifying. With the strength of his own eyes, even if he is divided into strengths, he will not be able to compete with a bear storm, let alone two demons.

“That is…” Feng Wei was doubtedly said.

“It is the emperor.” Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly bright. Suddenly open.

“Witch Emperor Jiang?!” Feng Wei dumbfounded, startled and said, “Have he appeared in the southern ancient domain?”

Lin Feng nodded.

The emperor had appeared in the southern ancient domain and had two enemies. The content of this news is only known to himself. Although there are various depictions of the war in the Imperial City, no one has ever mentioned the Emperor of the Witch, and the grandfather naturally does not know.

The most shocking news at the moment is undoubtedly the reign of the Witch Emperor Jiang.

That day war, although I have not witnessed it. I have not seen two demon emperors injured, but by simply returning to the position of the emperor, the demon people will be able to guess seven or eight points. And according to their own estimates, although the Witch Emperor Jiang may not be able to kill the two demons, but at least invincible!

He has the strongest speed of the Battle Spirit World and the strongest Dao of Space.

Coupled with the help of the rare treasure of the sky, it is even more powerful. Even the demon strongest ‘Great St.’ was defeated in his hands, visible in general.

The two demons are strong. But it is still worse than the Written emperor Jiang 1st grade.

As a result, my guess is that it will be inseparable.

“It’s no wonder that the Yaozu is so safe in the near future.” Feng Xiao lightly mumble, thoughtful.


“Wrong.” A word of lightness sounded in the hall, making the Fengxi complexion slightly change. However, the comer was silent and scared him. Take his strength. The comer can not be found in such a close range, but the terrifying of strength can be imagined, even if it is to kill him.

“哗~” Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly bright and look out the door.

This voice is too familiar.

I watched a black shadow outside the gate and slowly stepped in. There is no mystery at this time, because I already know his identity clearly.

Witch Emperor River!

“The demon squad has a special insider.” The emperor’s voice was calm and his eyes were deep.

“You are…” Feng Brow slightly twisted.

“has seen the emperor.” Lin Feng got up and shook hands. “Many thanks the Witch to help the day, the life-saving grace is unforgettable.”

The phoenix 焯hearing this 愣, 倏 com complexion greatly change, Zhang Da mouth is very incomparable.

He never thought about it. His status is as noble as the Witch Emperor Jiang. He is now going to visit this place. What is even more surprising is that Lin Feng, the nephew, said that there is a fairly ‘secret’ connection between the two. For a time, Feng Xiao was a little worried, but he could not return.

“I naturally won’t save you in vain.” The emperor was light, but he did not make hypocrisy.

“I understand.” Lin Feng nodded. “Reassure, I will try my best to refine my ‘圂’ and hope that the success rate will be higher.”

The emperor nodded, no more words, a ring flashing bright light immediately thrown over, slowly said: “These materials you take first, I will come back ten days later. Although the demon has a little civil strife, But I believe that very fast will be settled and you must hurry.”

“If you want to save my life, help me for three months, wholeheartedly refining, can you?” Dijiang eyes swayed, really isn’t command but asked.

Lin Feng watched Dijiang, four eyes relative, although I do not know the demon family what happened, but the identity of the emperor is both a cheeky and made a request, in love, he has to return him this favor. Nodded slightly, Lin Feng said: “Yes, after three months, you and I don’t owe each other.”

“Good.” The emperor’s voice was calm and ambiguous.

Then he turned and walked away, like a cloud of smoke disappearing instantly.

Leaving a shocking Phoenix, and Lin Feng, whose eyes are shining, I have a thoughtful thought.

Quite ample material!

As a true witch, Emperor Jiang controls the vast wealth and treasures that are unknown. Lin Feng is also shocked by the opening of this storage ring. The quantity of this batch of materials has been exceeding the number of ‘圂’ that it refines in front of itself, and this is only the first batch.

After that, there are coming one after another.

“It’s no wonder that he spends his money to look at it, and the original financial resources are astonishing.”

“Also, after all, after the second time of the Lich War, mastering the pulse of the entire Terran, the emperor has its own heritage, and it is definitely not comparable to Jiuyin.”


Lin Feng is amazed.

Just rely on this. You can judge the depth of the Witch Emperor’s river, far exceeding your own imagination.

I am afraid this is just the tip of the iceberg.

“Sure enough, it’s the strongest man in Battle Spirit World, the backbone of the witches.”

“The witches he led, if supplemented with enough ‘圂’, can indeed get a wrench with the demon. Although the situation is not good at the moment, it is really an end of the road, and there is an opportunity.”

“Helping him, helping the witches, is equal to helping the southern ancient domain.”

Lin Feng pondered in one’s heart.

At the moment, the light of the Yaozu is too strong.

The human geography is swept in minutes, especially in the southern part of the country. It is quite close to the southern region, and it is the first to bear the brunt. What you have to do is balance the strength of the witch and the demon. Let yourself have a breathing time, so that the southern region can survive between black and white.

In addition…

I myself must also pay a favor to the emperor.

All the way back.

“I sold his 20% ‘圂’ now, sell him 30%.”

“With this batch of ‘圂’, can the Witch regain a city in three months?” Lin Feng looked flickering, and his heart was curious.

Although I need enough money, I still have 4.7 billion yuan. If you have enough materials to sell ‘圂’, you can do it, but grow the witch. It is not the hope of the behemoths to drop the bottomless abyss. The demon is of course poor character, but the witches are not good people.

The rabbit died and the dog was cooked.

The human race is to survive in Battle Spirit World. It cannot rely on the rest of the for the air one breathes.

“Three months. Very suitable.”

“Only the body and the body need to have enough rest, especially the avatar, which consumes too much, is very badly hurt, and still has not recovered.”

Lin Feng nodded secretly.


Experience a world war. Lin Feng is also exhausted.

Moreover, now there are more phoenixes and daughters, everything is changing. At the moment, I concentrate on doing my own thing, refining the star treasure ‘圂’, spare time to accompany Huang Xi, look at my newborn daughter, the day is really innocent, my heart is full of warmth.


This is the feeling of home.

On one’s own body, there is one more responsibility, and two more people who need to guard with life.

Phoenix, and daughter ‘Lin Feng’.

“Feng children grow very fast.” Lin Feng eyes, lightly said.

“En, she was born with Phoenix fire, Divine Beast Phoenix shelter, innate talent aptitude, no one can look at the ancients.” Huang Xiaoxiao smiled, adding a maternal aura to the mother, more beautiful, then Lin Feng knows that his heart is actually not good.

When the father died, Tribe was destroyed, and even the hometown from the small accomplishment was occupied by the Yaozu.

Fortunately, the phoenix is ​​strong enough, and other people may not be able to accept this cruel reality. However, he has seen phoenix secretly shed tears several times. Fortunately, Feng Er accompanied her, flesh and blood, and slowly let Huang Lan through the most difficult stage.

The name of the daughter is taken from the phoenix. I understand that in her heart, the Phoenix family is quite important, as well as the father ‘邬凤古神’, the Senior Brother sister…

“Hey, come back to the country with me.” Lin Feng blinked and slammed.

I haven’t mentioned it before because it is still necessary to get along with Huang Yu for a while, and Huang also needs to calm down. At the moment, everything has come to fruition. Although there is no husband and wife in the name of the husband and wife, there are already couples. This is how it will not change.

“Ah?” Huang Yu was amazed, and the eyes flashed with a slight luster.

“Marry me, let me take care of you, protect you, be your loved one.” Lin Feng said softly.

Lightly purse one’s lip, the face flashed a little red, the phoenix bowed and snorted, it seems a bit shy, but the heart knows that this day will come sooner or later, she and Lin Feng already have a consensus There was a bit of feeling when I got along, and the dagger nodded gently.

Watched the beautiful woman’s expression, Lin Feng showed a smile, my heart was warm.

Then they got together and gently held the phoenix in their arms, and the last gap between them was also disappeared.

The exchange of contact between the heart and the heart is better than the vows.

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