Chapter VII I don’t want to.

“Does something bring?” Eclipse nine like deep like opening.

“Shua!” A storage ring was immediately thrown away. Lin Feng looked calm, but the artist was daring, so the action of the decisive decision could not help but make the eclipse slightly faint, but before he was still considering trading How to proceed, but did not think Lin Feng is so bold.

Pā ! After taking over the storage ring, the eclipse looks slightly lighter.

Although it is a subtle change, it can’t escape Lin Feng’s observation, and it is all in the eyes.

Self, temptation!

The most direct response is the embodiment of the mind.

Sure enough, there are ghosts!

“No wonder I just took me around the circle.” Lin Feng’s heart of the ponder.

Looking around all around, a green field, looks like a fairyland, spiritual qi dense, but the space here is a closed blockade, it is not so easy to go out. With its own space sense ability, it can be clearly distinguished.

“I don’t care.”

“It’s no wonder, after all, if you have such a large number, you will be tempted to change.”


Lin Feng is in the heart.

I have thought about various possibilities long before I came here, and it is not unexpected now. Fortunately, the eclipse has not hit the killer from the time he enters. Obviously he is hesitant to put aside all considerations of face, or hesitate to do so if the benefits outweigh the disadvantages or do more harm than good.

There is still a easing zone between each other.

“Ninety?!” Eclipse nine eyes, a cold, aura puff like looking straight Lin Feng.

Nowadays, Lin Feng, the strength will be weaker than the eclipse, shining bright eyes are not inferior to the look, the momentum does not fall.

“First trade one-third, then trade one-third in three days, and then three days. Complete all transactions.” Lin Feng burning like gaze, faint opening, watched eclipse, slightly smile, “If the witch is interested, long-term trading Also.”

Although I really want to take the $3.2 billion in the money immediately, the risk is too great.

Divided into three. The amount of only one billion baht at a time is obviously greater for the ‘guarantee’ between each other. In particular, the value of Xingbao ‘圂’, the importance of the Wu people, I believe that eclipse should not do such stupid things, so that each other turned their faces.

One billion witch coins and three hundred and two billion witch coins are very different!

“Trouble!” Eclipse Jiuyin complexion sinks, looking at Lin Feng, “Why not all transactions are completed at one time.”

Lin Feng smiled and said: “I have waited for three months. Isn’t the Witch in such a few days?”

“Hmph!” Eclipse eclipse in the cold light micro-shot. Said solemnly, “I did not expect humans not only cunning, but also not keeping promises, and indeed the race is low.” The language is ironic, but it is the method of radicalization, Lin Feng smiles lightly, understand how the eclipse is intended.

There is no need to fight and fight, and there is no need to provoke the witches.

For the moment, I am forbearing. It is far better for ourselves than for the witches to put aside all considerations of face.

I need these 3,200,000 or more witch coins!

“If the Witch is not willing to do this business. Lin is not reluctant.” Lin Feng quietly opened his mouth and spread his palm, slightly smiled.

Either still store the ring, either pay or put aside all considerations of face.

At the moment, there are only three roads in front of the eclipse, complexion **. The eclipse of Jiuyin is doing the struggle of severe. Both pupils bright light flashing, eclipsed coldly snorted, then took out a storage ring and threw it at Lin Feng.

“One billion witch coins, click on it.” Eclipse nine Yin was coldy.

“pā !” Star source force to open. Lin Feng eyes, but there is a considerable amount of money, and then it is in the pocket, but smiles. “No, how can you believe the witch?” Lin Feng nodded, Lin Feng smiled and said: “Happy cooperation, witch Emperor, then we will see you three days later.”

No more words, no more words.

There is no need for a privilege between each other. This is the mutual benefit, there is no feeling at all.

The transaction was successfully completed.

However, the mood of the two is very different.

Turning his head, Lin Feng’s smile disappeared, his eyes blinked lightly, and the back of the watched Lin Feng eclipsed a point of killing intent, grinding his teeth, and holding the blue veins exposed, but it was In this transaction, he was completely superior to Lin Feng.

“Human, you have a kind.” Eclipse nine-ice voice.

Got out smoothly.

“Call! ~” long put out a breath, Lin Feng hands open slowly.

Finally, after a pass.

Recalling the whole process just now, the eclipse is already under the inescapable net, waiting for myself to get in. Once you hand over all the two hundred and seventy ‘圂’, waiting for yourself will be a big disaster, crazy killing, whether it is alive or not is still unknown.

“Even if he doesn’t personally make a move, he can ambush.” ​​Lin Feng’s bright light flashed, and the heart’s secret thought.

“So, success is good, even if he fails, he can shirk.”

“This time it is a tiger’s mouth.”


Micro smiles, Lin Feng’s tight nerves relax.

Leaving the Witchland, everything returned to normal.

With the first time there is a second time, at least before the two hundred and seventy pieces of ‘圂’ are not traded completely, the eclipse will not make a move to themselves. In his eyes, he is the value of exceedinging billions of money, but it is not bad to think about it.

“Low-race race?” Lin Feng smiled lightly, and the cold light in his eyes condensed.

“It’s never a good thing for you to put aside all considerations of face.”

“really isn’t I don’t dare, just…”

“I don’t want to.”

The witchcraft.

“Second brother!” Kui Tuo brows tightly.

“I know what you want to say, but it is not worth it for a billion dollars.” Eclipse Jiyin said solemnly, “not to mention killing him, where is the rest of the ‘圂’ where to look for? Compared to this trifling human life, witch The throne of the throne, the situation of the Lich battle is more important!”

“You can second brother, are you enough money?” Kui Tu worried.

Eclipse Jiuyin shook his head: “Three months, only in the early 20 billion, clansman has been complaining, can not be imposed.”

Kui Tu’s eyelids are slightly bright, “So?”

“Twice.” Eclipse Jiyin did not hesitate this time, slowly said, “Complete two transactions, solve him again in the third time!” in one’s eyes revealed an extreme killing intent, this time eclipse nine yin no longer need to consider too much Even Lin Feng has more ‘圂’. He also has no money to buy. Even if he and Lin Feng have no interest, they must be removed. If they fall into the hands of the demon, the trouble will be great.

“Good!” Kui Tu clenched his fists. “Let him live a few more Heavens!”

The transaction went smoothly.

As Lin Feng expected. The first billion-dollar currency transaction was completed, and the second billion-dollar currency transaction was also completed without a shock. Today’s Lin Feng, worth 3.8 billion yuan, is more than ‘terrifying’.

The number of unusual shocks.

Three days, three days.

Time flies, and the blink of an eye is the time of the last transaction.

In the Wuzu Kingdom, in the ancestral temple, eclipse Jiuyin and Kui Tu have already conspired for everything, and shy. The eclipse of Jiuyin forcibly levied taxes, all of which were purchased by Xingbao, and now they cannot afford it. Lin Feng, who was introduced this time, made all the preparations.

No need to leave any feelings, a word


Originally, there was some kindness to Lin Feng, but it was a love talent. However, it was clear that several times of contact with the eclipse, he could not control this human. It would be harmful to him to go out with Lin Feng. It is better to kill the Witch than to kill it.

As for you. With these two hundred and seventy-day blue-level ‘圂’, enough!

The strength of the witches will have a huge increase.

But do all the preparations for the eclipse, but I can’t think of it…

A pigeon will be released by Lin Feng.

In fact, Lin Feng did not think of it.

“Who are you?” Watched the shadow in front, Lin Feng gaze as if a torch.

Can enter the Yuyuan Court silently and without interest. Terrifying of these strengths is enough. Close at hand, but his sense is not less than any of his aura, the strength of the ratio is more than himself. The black clothed cloak, hanging in front of itself. Mysterious and weird.

“You don’t need to know.” The shadow of the shadow is low, hoarsely said, “I am coming, it is to save you.”

“Save me?” Lin Feng’s bright light flashed, but he was just preparing to go out and enter the witchcraft.

In other words, the meaning of this shadow is…

“You should know that this trip is a life of nine, not necessarily as expected.” The shadow is called heavily.

Lin Feng watched This black shadow is not talking, but the curiosity is more prosperous.

I can’t see the depth of my strength, and I can’t see why I can tell myself. The most weird thing is that this shadow seems to know everything. I naturally understand that this trip has a life of dying, and eclipse has been able to see from its first killing intent that it has become more significant after two transactions.

The third transaction, must be big danger!

But what is the solution?

In the midst of wealthy insurance, I am quite eager for the remaining 1.2 billion yuan, even if the danger is to be tried.

“Get it.” The shadow of the black shadow flashed, and something flew out.

Pā ! Lin Feng reached out and the vision was bright.

It is a storage ring.

“Oh?” Suddenly, Lin Feng instantly opened the storage ring, and the heart of the earthquake, but it was a long moth, which was more than the previous two eclipses.

“Here is 1.2 billion yuan, and the remaining 90 pieces are ‘圂’ to me.” The shadow of the shadow is calm.

Quite bizarre!

This shadow, as if I know everything.

The transaction between himself and the eclipse should be a secret, especially the ‘amount’ part, the price of 3.2 billion, the eclipse is one billion, the billion is given twice, and the last one is 1.2 billion, really isn’ t Average given each time, not in line with the routine. But this is the little detail, and this shadow is clearly known.

Who is he?

Now that I am intercepting myself, I am dealing with myself. Why?

What is this tricky?

and many more!

Lin Feng looked deep and looked at the shadows instantly, with doubts and taboos.

“Reassured, I am not a demon, this batch will never fall in the hands of the demon.” The black shadow seems to be able to see through the heart, and the sound of the voice, directly to Lin Feng the last trace of doubts, “How, money you have Get it, what about the goods?”

Lin Feng deep watched this black shadow, mixed feelings.

But what happened is too sudden!


For yourself, there are no disadvantages!

“Good.” Lin Feng looked deep. “I trade with you.”


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