Chapter V is a happy cooperation

Mirror space.

This is the product of Energy Civilization, the advanced presence of the communication compass.

In the grid-like virtual space, numerous lines of vertical and horizontal lines intersect, and a figure of Tsing Yi gathers slowly like pieces. There is a pair of gold and silver corners on the forehead. The Qilin arm flashes the explosive terrifying strength.

Extremely imperial, emperor!

In this mirror space, there has been another figure.

A black clothed cloak cloak, dressed in a dress, a light expression hides that deep boring, it is invisible. The human appearance, the human aura, let the emperor’s eyes blink slightly, with a pleasant color, the corner of the mouth cold stroke: “Human?”

“Extremely emperor.” Lin Biao opened his mouth and his eyes were deep.

Today, he is also a lot more change than Lin Clan’s deputy Patriarch.

He no longer needs to humble his knees to please others, but has his own real ‘strength’, really isn’t strength, but the strength to stand in Battle Spirit World. Lin Feng is making progress, and Lin Biao is also making progress, but only in different directions.

“Is you want to see me?” The Emperor’s words are scornful.

As one of Heavenly Spirit’s people, as one of the most powerful powers of neutrality, the Emperor is very sorry for human beings. However, Lin Biaodi did not care, and his expression did not change a bit. In fact, he never cares how others see him. What other people think, he can’t control it.

“How is the ultimate imperial?” Lin Biao slowly said, open the door.

“haha, Hahahaha!~” The emperor smirked with disdain and laughed in his eyes. “Trifling Saint King Level human, with the word of the Emperor?”

“Why are you!” The emperor blinked and Qilin’s arms glared.

momentum. Extremely atmospheric.

Even in the mirror space, the imperial power of the king is also clear and present, and the strength is extremely tyrannical. In contrast, Lin Biaodi is like an ant in front of him. Faced with this huge momentum pressure. Perhaps it’s hard to bear in the Battle Spirit World, but in the mirror space. It’s just a ‘virtual image’.

No change in color, Lin Biaodi did not even change his expression, and said quietly, “I am the sergeant of the Yaozu.”

Just eight words. But in the middle of the bull’s eye.

The emperor’s eyes are deep, and the huge momentum of pressure disappears and recovers as usual.

Negotiations require skills for negotiation. If he really despise Lin Biaodi and really does not want to cooperate, then he will not enter here. Seeing the humanity in front of the human mountain, the landslide in front of the face does not change color, the emperor 露出 first revealed deep like a smile. The eyes are shining, “interesting.”

“Say, how do you want to cooperate?”

“I want half.” Lin Biao’s voice was calm.

“Half? Do you want it?” The emperor sneered, and watched Lin Biao. “Change the conditions for humans, what do you want to do, do you use it? I can give you enough money, give you a reputation, and even give you the strength of the Saint King Level, how?”

In the mirror space, the imperial sound of the madness is three feet, and it is still endless.

However, Lin Biaodi only stood high and steep and did not answer.

The laughter gradually fell flat, and the eyes of the emperor flashed clanging light, angered: “Human, you are too expensive to offer! People, I am out; things, I do; you move your mouth, you only close your eyes It’s too easy to split in half, it’s too easy!”

“June 4th.” Lin Shudi’s voice was calm. “I am six of you.”

“Bold!” The emperor 甫aura 蓬 blooms out, complexion fierce.

As a super-premium, Heavenly Spirit has a number of super-experts. He even dared to challenge the emperor Jiang. He was so provocative.

“You can choose to refuse.” Lin Biao did not move for it, his face was calm, watched the murderous aura in the eyes of the emperor, Lin Biao slowly said, “But I think, the Lich two fast fast will Point at you, don’t blame me for not reminding you in advance.”

In the eyes of the emperor, the cool glow shot: “Are you threatening me?”

Two sneer, the emperor said: “Human, I don’t seem to understand how powerful the ‘pole’ is, even if things are exposed, what the lichs have to dare to turn spearhead to deal with the pole! It is you, I want to kill you as easily as pinching an ant.”

Lin Biaosai said indifferently: “I am just a broken brick.”

“Oh! Giggle!” Grinding the teeth, the emperor complexion is extremely ugly.

Lin Biao said that it is not wrong, ‘Polar’ is a porcelain, quite expensive porcelain. Once the matter is exposed, with the strength of Heavenly Spirit, with the ‘extreme’ strength, there is no fear of the Lich and the two, but his ambition is that his plan is completely exposed, and then it will become a haircut and will even be cleaned up. Expel the Heavenly Spirit.

By then, he will be enemies on all sides!

Even if the Emperor is unwilling to admit it, he also knows that the situation is now being controlled by this human.

Correctly speaking, it should be that his ‘trump card’ is already known.

The atmosphere is silent and suffocating.

Lin Biao did not speak, and he met with the smart people. He knew what the other party would do.

Emperor 甫 甫 甫 甫 身 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The two sides are just dangling on a scale and waiting for the final balance.

“Five or five points.” Emperor 甫 complexion ugly, watched Lin Biaodi, “You better do it!”

“Cooperation is pleasant.” Lin Biao smiled lightly.

Step into the Star House.

Time, day by day.

However, for Lin Feng, it only seems to have only passed a short moment. Holding the end spear, not yet able to cultivating the end spear ability, but it has been deeply immersed in the comprehend of Spear Technique Realm from the beginning, it is difficult to extricate itself.

Treasure ability, spear move, are all virtual.

With the advancement of strength, these will be eliminated, only Spear Technique Realm is the most practical, is the embodiment of its own strength.

This is the road that has passed through the cultivating road and will never be wasted.

“Belongs to my spear.”

“The unique, completely belongs to my spear way, killing, guarding, as I have been walking.”

“But how can this be brokenthrough?”

“Starry Sky realm, what about?”


At the end of the world, Lin Feng was light and standing.

The aura flow of the star source force emerges in the lasting spear’s surroundings, the terrifying aura is supplemented by the energy of the spear itself, the blue light dazzling, but Lin Feng’s eyes always present a doubt. Inexplicable color.

Comprehend, hard.

Breakthrough is even harder.

One month, that’s it.

Spear Technique Realm is quite pure essence, but stays at the peak of Saint King Level.

The road has come to an end.

Taking another step, it is the Starry Sky hierarchy.

But how does this step cross, how to cross, this month has been done many times, trial many times, still failed to advance. This is also expected, in the three-month period, this third road itself has great risks, comprehend breakthrough strength, and not comprehend is wasted.

Fortunately, I chose the second road before, so I can do everything.

At least, the strength of these three months has improved.

“Call ~ ~” Lin Feng light put out a breath, the eyes of the confused slowly shining bright.

The last spear flashed a brilliance, and the blue light disappeared into the hands, and the three months had ended. It didn’t make much sense to race against time. There is no effect for comprehend for more than a month. Is it possible this time will change?

Your own chance, the fire, not yet.

“Sure enough, for the spear technique, practice is the best cultivating.” Lin Feng burning like gaze.

On the same day, I continued to kill the eight major leagues expert, the eye-eye expert, and the comprehend of spear was much improved in just a few moments. Compared to this one-month painstaking cultivation, the rate of improvement was really ‘quick’.

Of course, this is not a waste of money for more than a month.

“At least, the compatibility with the end spear is deeper.”

“For the new physique, the adaptation of the strength, the spear move is also more flexible, and perfectly combined with the avatar.”

“Spear Technique Realm is more stable, and the comprehend of Saint King Level is never in vain, but now I have to break through the spear technique Starry Sky level, still one less ‘fulcrum’, a powerful fulcrum that can provoke the whole change, change it all. ”


In my heart, Lin Feng is thoughtful.

Not too disappointed, there will always be a return, and not seeing at the moment does not mean that it does not exist.

Thick and thin hair!

“Shua! ~” lightly stepped out of the Star House, Lin Feng eyes.

Regardless of the process, these three months of cultivating results, I am very satisfied.

Although the spear technique has not improved too much, at least the physical growth rate, the green dragon ruler fusion, the mystery ‘star dance’ epiphany, their strength does not say to increase several times, doubled but not much problem. Especially the mystery ‘Star Dance’, widely used, is very helpful for the battle, whether it is with spear move also good, demon locks, there are good might.

As for the Green Dragon Ruler, it can also make up for the lack of long-range attacks. In the face of the Heavenly Spirit Master’s bondage attack, you can start with a strong attack.

Even if you fail to grab the first opportunity, you can at least create a lot of trouble for the enemy and pave the way for melee.

“First settle the southern region.”

“Then, go to the Witchland, the ancestral temple!”

Lin Feng has a deep look.

The peace of mind is calm and the pace is stable.

How strong is the strength, how much confidence there is.

The ancestral temple.

“Ready?” Eclipse nine bright eyes bright.

“Second brother can rest assured that this matter will be handed over to me to guarantee that you have no sequelae.” Kui Tuo flashed a thick killing intent.

The eclipse nodded, “I don’t want to do it. This person will be able to refine the star treasure ‘圂’. If it is good to make a good relationship, it must not be rushed to kill.” Stopped, eclipse nine yin to Kui Tu, said Solemnly, “The most important thing is to do it cleanly, I have to drag me down.”

“Reassured, I will see the machine acting.” Kui Tu said resolutely.

“Good.” Eclipse nine points nodded.

The flash of light in the eyes is indeed ambitious.

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