Chapter 25—Send it to yourself

The ranks of the eight major human alliances are vast.

Alliance lord left out of the ordinary is in front of it, but there is an extra person who is ‘squatting’

猊 Unparalleled!

Prince of the Eyes.

The status of honor is unparalleled, and it will not be placed behind the left out of the ordinary. In fact, it is enough to give the left out of the ordinary face. If it is not the main event of the war, he will be so moved. A face is proud of disdain, and then the unparalleled is indeed qualified to put on the shelf. What is human for him?

Even the race that the Saint King Level doesn’t have an expert, what is the difference with the garbage!

the most important is……

“Oh! slightly!” The teeth are grinding, and there is no killing intent in the eyes, with a dense cold light.

I remembered once and twice in the Imperial City, and was humiliated by the human Martial Artist named Lin Feng. He lost his face and he felt angry and did not fight. The last time I was killed by the two Saint King Level guards, I almost died in Lin Feng!

This hatred is imprinted in his heart as a brand.

How can I forget!

“Despicable humans!” 猊 Unparalleled hatred.

As a Prince, he was so insulted and let him face!

Promise to help the left out of the ordinary, not only because of beauty, but part of the reason.

He wants to vent, screaming for humans to vent, killing a fun! Including this time, there are five other guards of Saint King Level. One of them is the one of the most eye-catching expert ‘Ni Long’. It has just recently broken through and officially boarded the peak of Saint King Level.

These battle arrays are worthy of the word ‘luxury’.

Come here, no different from playing.

The southern human domain is said to have no other expert at the Saint King Level.

“Humans are no different from ants. If they are not raised, they will be extinct.” 猊 猊 pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon pon “One by one is ignorant, I think it is useful to occupy a huge land. I don’t know if these are waste land. How many experts have there been a large number of races?”

“Speaking back. The human woman is quite good. Hey.” He did not think about it, the soul is flying again.

In the mind The life of a drunken dream has emerged over the past few days. That one is as smooth as a milk, so that he wants to die.

I can’t wait to go back to the bath again, and I’m holding my left and right, and I’m happy.

“I haven’t arrived yet!”

The eyes are very strong. He doesn’t want to waste unnecessary time anymore.

Compared to Slaughter Field, he prefers gentle township.

“It’s just ahead.” Left out of the ordinary slightly smile, the color of the aunt is full, the eyes bright light flashes, but it is already clear that a looming powerful aura is not far ahead. However, there is only one aura.

Really a person?

Left out of the ordinary. However, there are many undercovers in the southern region, and it is clear what Lin Feng is doing.

All the time, this made him very confused.

Is Lin Feng so confident or has another plot?

Such as ambush. For example, a trap, or a so-called empty city plan?

“噢? Saint King Level expert.” 猊 猊 猊 这 这 这 这 这 Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint , said solemnly, “How?”

“Saint King Level, a person.” Ni Long looks cold and reveals a point of pride.

No one nodded, and didn’t care too much. For him, the trifling humans are even the Saint King Level, but not the Saint King Level. The most important thing is that Ni Long’s reaction tells him that there is nothing ‘danger’, a Saint King Level first-order human, Ni Long has 100% confidence to easily kill!

This time, he is ready to come.

“Hey! Humans are really not honest.” He did not bother to mutter a few words, but he was too lazy to care about the left out of the ordinary.

With a smile of apology, the left out of the ordinary did not dare to speak, but it was said that there were many mistakes, the bright light flickering in the eyes, the heart was choppy.

Southern Region, with Saint King Level expert?

who is it! ?

Hey, Yan Wang, Lu Wang, or maybe…

Lord of the Southern Region, Lin Feng?

Lightly purse one’s lip Lips, left out of the ordinary, a point in the heart, it seems to understand the meaning of Lin Feng dare to fight. However, looking to the unparalleled entire group, left out of the ordinary mouth corners, and instantly restore confidence. Fortunately, he was prepared, just in case, please help.

If not, this may be a bit of a hassle.

“Lin Feng, I am afraid that you can’t count on all the money, this time there will be an eye-catching expert coming along.”

“Wait to die, now even if you want to escape, there is no way to go!”

“Hahahaha !!!~”

Indeed, unexpectedly.

Lin Feng both eyes bright light flashing, but I never thought that I would be here again.

This is the so-called ‘Prince’!

On the same day, Toto guarded him and let him run again and again, this time…

“There is nothing but three. I see who else can protect you.” Lin Feng smiled lightly and looked dull.

Up to now, I have no power and no strength at the time when I first entered the Imperial City. On the same day, there was the Toto guardian who couldn’t kill him, but this time, even if Toto keeps his life, he will send him back to Huang Quan!

I always wanted to scribble the roots to avoid the aftermath.

I did not expect prey, I sent it to my door.

It could not be better!

“Come on!” Lin Feng calmed down, and the end of the spear blue light flashed in his hand, and the time was changing.

In front, the mighty team is all in the eye, the head of the self has not seen face to face, but has seen the information, is the eight major domain alliance’s alliance lord, the most powerful human’s left out of the twelve saints The ordinary ‘, and the three-eyed monster with a short clown beside him is exactly –

猊 Unparalleled!

“Peng!” Unparalleled shock.

With his eyes wide open, he was incredibly watched in front of this scene, this familiar face, the face that made him frightened.

Lin, Lin Feng?

猊 Uncomplexity 霎 霎 霎 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

How could it be him! ?

How can I meet him here! ! !

The previous two grievances with Lin Feng are undoubtedly fresh in one’s memory, which is the biggest humiliation he has ever encountered as a celestial family. It is thanks to this human expert, especially the second time. I almost fell into the Imperial City.

Because Lin Feng. So he hates humans!

But now…

“Tread!” The body is paralyzed, and the unparalleled complexion is pale and retreats a small step like a conditioned reflex.

“Prince, he is the owner of the southern domain. Lin Feng.” Left out of the ordinary both pupils cold light.

Lin Feng !

Sure enough, he.

猊 Unparalleled head instantly dumbfounded.

Southern domain.

Excess millions of Heavenly Screens. The same picture is shown at the moment.

Countless human Martial Artists gather under Heavenly Screen, everything that is mapped above the nervous watched. The owner of the Southern Region ‘Lindi’. At the moment, exactly the same as the three days, they stand proudly outside the southern region, and they stand alone in the barriers of the southern region. The difference is that

at the moment. Heavenly Screen is no longer empty.


The experts of the eight major leagues are coming.

In particular, the alliance lord ‘left out of the ordinary’, the deputy alliance lord ‘Liu Lao’, is a well-known generation, has long been recognized. But these are not unexpected. The news that the eight major leagues attacked the southern region has already spread throughout the southern region. Every Martial Artist is well aware.

Astonishing is –

Those three-eyed monsters!

“This, what a ghost thing!”

“very awful, how do you have three eyes, monsters!!!”


“That is the eye-catching family. Legendary powerful race!”

“It is said that every eye-eye expert is a natural Heavenly Soul Master. It is absolutely the existence of the Saint King Level that looks like the eyes of the experts.”

“No way!?”


Among the Martial Artists, there is no shortage of knowledgeable people.

The sky was recognized, and the people at the moment were even more embarrassed. The sky seemed to be dark, and no light could be seen. In the face of such a terrifying enemy, such a huge army, with only one person, Lin De, how to resist?

Those monsters alone, I am afraid I can tear him into pieces!

Too terrifying!

“It’s over.”

“The southern region is over.”

“The eight major leagues of the genocide are so ignorant of shame!”


A voice of mourning.

The huge difference in strength makes the hearts of the people in the southern region cold. Some of them are blindfolded and dare not look at the human tragedy. I am afraid that the next second Heavenly Screen is flesh and blood, Lin Di is bombarded, die without a burial site.

The southern domain will also fall into Rosen’s hell.

Blood flows into the river!

Really an enemy!

Lin Feng, a person, holding the end of the world spear, facing this inexhaustible enemy, the rear is coming one after another, the number continues to increase.

Not stranger.

Lin Feng’s mouth is smeared with a smile, and in the mind shows the picture of Heavenly Martial Continent.

Once, I was also One Man One Spear, facing the beast.

The difference is that the number of beasts on the day is hundreds of millions, far more than the number of these Martial Artists; of course, the beasts that can’t even be reached by the Star King Level, any Saint Level expert here can All torn into pieces.

Time to move to the world.

Like a reincarnation, many things have changed, and many things will still not change.

“Hey!” The end of the spear shines, the blue light is moving.

Faced with this huge enemy, Lin Feng was not nervous, moving, and even a little excited. After a long battlefield, today’s heart has been as hard as steel, and resolutely, even if there are more enemies?

In their own eyes, they are –

They are just jumping clowns.

Unbearable strike!

Just like those ignorant beasts in the country of hunting.

Today, I will kill again!

“I am guilty of my southern domain, kill without mercy!” Lin Feng sounded like a red bell, the light in his eyes was bright light, accompanied by the blue light shining, the end spear issued the sound of astonishing shocking cry, like a loud thunder, facing this piece The densely populated eight-domain coalition army, Lin Feng, as a meteor crossed, galloped out.

Peng! Goal, pointing to the arrow of the strongest army –

猊 Unparalleled!

“accept death!” Lin Feng killing intent.

(I wish you a happy National Day!~)


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