Chapter 19

Four eyes are opposite.

One is the emperor, and the other is the witch.

However, regardless of the momentum or strength, the Witch eclipse has completely covered Lin Feng. In fact, Lin Feng himself is very clear. As long as he knew that the Wu people were strong in strength, the Witch Emperor Jiang was the leader, and the strength of eclipse is definitely among the top three in the Witch King.

Seeing it now, it doesn’t matter.

Although there are many pressures from the ‘Zu Wuxiang’, the strength of the eclipse is also not to be underestimated.

“Human, see the emperor, why not squat!” The voice screamed, the sound of the floor, in the low voice of the eclipse of the nine yin mouth, more like a hail-like cold. A pair of eyes are like electricity, thunder, extreme pressure, arrogant.

Not surprising.

Lin Feng knows very well that he will be seen through the eclipse.

Just the eclipse of the Jiuyin family’s expert can’t see his identity, just because his strength is too shallow, but now it is the real ‘Witch Emperor’. If there are not a few brushes, how can he sit in this position. Although his own body has the body of Starry Sky Expert, the existence of the soul is ‘human’.

Before, it has been seen through once.

The same is true now.


I have never thought about concealing myself.

“Shua! ~” black clothed flying, Lin Feng directly reveals the true face of Lushan, not hidden.

They come, the security.

Aura’s hiding avoids exploration, so there is no such thing as mystery. How many experts can humans have? Even if the eclipse is stupid, you can guess your identity. What’s more, if you make a deal, you will have no cover, and you will have a downside.

Bright and honest!

“If the Witch is not sincere in trading, please don’t respect Lin.” Lin Feng looked deep pond and looked calm.

Although both aura and pressure are suppressed. However, this does not mean that you must be humble and subject to others. Eating hard and not eating soft, the personality of eclipsing nine yin is also clear to one or two, and now it is just a prelude to ‘negotiation’. If it is suppressed at this moment, then there is no need to talk about it later.

The so-called transaction. It is two disks on the scale.

If the scale is not stable, one of the discs must fall below, what is the deal?

“If the Emperor didn’t guess wrong, you must have been the most famous actress ‘Cloud King’.” The eclipse was faint, and a pair of eyes fell on the spear sheath behind Lin Feng.

The end of the world spear!


This is already Lin Yun’s symbol. On the same day, he grabbed Zi Yao, kills the genius, and succeeds him as one of the New Four Great Giants.

The name of Lin Yun. Red all over the Heavenly Spirit.

“Love is crazy?” Lin Feng slightly startled, dumbfounded.

The name of Yunwang has been heard many times, but it is the first time that I have been known as ‘love idiots’. It is also interesting. In fact, the end of the world spear himself hangs behind him, alone, and spear invisible in the invisible.

If you are unsuccessful, you will be married!

“The Ming people don’t say whispers. When you come to see the Witch, I will never hide.” Lin Feng smiled lightly. Not humble.

The voice is both frank and right, with a bit of compliment, so that the eclipse of the eclipse complexion is a little moderate, shining bright eye watched Lin Feng, figure micro-flash, it comes from a height. The aura of suffocation is looming, but it has converged.

哗~~Lin Feng eyes bright light.

I know for myself that this first test is over, and if you simply ask for it, the consequences are hard to imagine.

The personality of the eclipse. Means, rumors are more terrifying than the emperor!

Here, after all, is his place.

At the moment, he came from the ‘royal position’, which shows that he is interested in doing this business with himself. The corners of the mouth are light, and Lin Feng does not avoid the watched eclipse. At the moment, they stand on one level.

Trading, can talk.

“You are the refiner of ‘圂’?” The eclipse bright light flashed.

“Lin is just a nameless pawn.” Lin Feng smiled lightly, neither acknowledging nor answering. The ambiguous answer made the eclipse complexion somewhat gloomy, but Lin Feng followed, “I think the witch is right.”圂’s interest should be focused on results, not on the process.”

The eclipse is slightly changed, watched Lin Feng, coldly smiles. “Why do you think I will trade with you?”

Lin Feng looks calm, said indifferently, “I can let you sit down and secure the position of the Emperor.”

The faint words are deeply shocked.

The complexion of the eclipse is sharply changing, the cold light in the eye is clear, and the chest is slightly undulating and then flat. The small emotional changes can’t escape Lin Feng’s eyes. The most direct change is the heart. The secret thoughts of the thousand love kings are indeed on the head.

For eclipse, power and status are exactly what he asks!

All along, the eclipse of the nine yin and the emperor of the emperor in the dark against the faction, to draw the faction, but this time the witches catastrophe, the emperor emperor Jiang lost a mess to eclipse the nine yin, he took it, enough to explain one thing.

Eclipse yin, is very concerned about the position of the witch!

Moreover, it is extremely confident in its own ability!

“say.” Eclipse nine like deep like opening, no doubts and questions, look dull, “how much, how grade, what is the price?”

Second test, too!

Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly raised.

At the moment, he has mastered the psychology of eclipsing the nine yin, which is the dominant position of the negotiations in the words of the transaction. All that’s left is the price issue, just like a swaying Libra, just a little bit of a small deviation, just to adjust it…

The transaction is self-contained.

“Two hundred pieces of blue-level ‘圂’, a price, 3.5 billion yuan.” Lin Feng eyes.

Eroded nine Yin startled, slyly laughed and laughed, “What do you want to be the emperor?” Raised his head, eclipsing the nine yin proudly said, “At the moment you are ‘extremely’ wanted, rewarding the dark flowers, let alone sell 圂, you even come out There are no opportunities, but I still want to sell 3.5 billion yuan? Ignorance, ridiculous.”

“Work don’t, I’m afraid I will regret it.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Calm look, indifferent words, let the eclipse brows slightly wrinkle, bright light 璀璨.

“If I don’t want it, how are you going?” The eclipse is hoarse.

“What does the Witch feel?” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

Eyes cold light One fold, eclipse complexion greatly change, aura becomes extremely violent, “Do you want to sell it to the Yaozu?”

Lin Feng smiled slightly, neither answering nor expressing his attitude.

Sold to the Yaozu, although I have thought about it, but I will never do it. The situation at the moment is very obvious. I will sell it to the Yaozu. The Wu people will suffer an unprecedented blow. The whole battle is a mess, for the Wuzu. That is a catastrophe for humans.

If you do this, are you still?

However, the eclipse will not think so, because he is the existence of cold blood.

What kind of person, what kind of thing to think about.

“Hahahaha!~” madly laughs, eclipse complexion fierce: “Foolish human, you should not think that the ancestral witch temple, you can leave without any loss?”

“Would the Witch should not think that I will take it with me?” Lin Feng smiled slightly and did not avoid it.

The lips spear tongue war, but it is secretly fighting.

Test each other, again and again.

The air seems to solidify, and the eclipse is arrogant, cold with a smile: “You are not afraid of death?”

“The Witch can try it.” Lin Feng blinked cold and said, “I can tell you, the result will never be as you imagined.” Eyes sharp, eclipse on watched, Lin Feng The momentum is not weak.

I am betting myself!

The gambling eclipse attitude, bet he did not dare to take the safety of the entire witch.

Not to mention whether I can kill myself, just killing myself as a avatar, but forcing myself to ‘trust’ to the Yaozu. At that time, a large number of people will fall into the hands of the Yaozu, and the Wus will fall into a huge passive, and the eclipse will lose. What?

The answer is obvious.

“Expensive.” Eclipse nine yin brows up, the aura of the behemoth disappeared.

One word, the atmosphere of both sides with swords drawn and bows bent disappeared and returned to normal.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and knew that he was gambling.

I also know that the price is expensive. Although it is a strange commodity, it can be sold monopolisticly. Even if it is all auctioned, two hundred blue-level ‘圂’ will sell less than 3.5 billion. The high price is only for the test of eclipse, and nothing more.

“If the Witch is interested, you may want to talk about it in detail.” Lin Feng smiled lightly. “Lin’s let the price of the price, the right to be a friend of the Witch, and there is an opportunity to trade in the future.”

Four eyes look at each other, this time eclipse nine yin but nodded.

“2.4 billion, two hundred pieces of blue-level 圂 圂 皇 全 。 。 ” ” ” ” ” ” 蚀 蚀 蚀 蚀 蚀 蚀 蚀 蚀 蚀 蚀.

“The unit price is 12 million. Is it too low in terms of the blue-level treasure?” Lin Feng’s brows are clustered and slowly, “The starting price of the blue-level treasure of the Witch Emperor is from 10 million yuan. The average price is exceeding 38 million, and there is no market price.”

Before I came, I had already done my homework.

“It’s not low.” Shielding nine’s head and said, “Looking at the witchland, there are very few real money that can be used to get out of the millions of money. Even if it is an auction, I am afraid it will only have this number.”

Price reduction!

The idea of ​​eclipsing Jiyin is naturally clear, and he is equally aware of his own ideas.

Buying and selling, this is a process in which the two sides “learn” each other, as follows. The difference is that nowadays, the so-called ‘pressure price’ is also deliberately letting the eclipse of the nine yin, in fact, the unit price is not a problem for itself, after all, what is the cost of a shackle?

How much effort can you spend on refining yourself?

Compared to the unit price of the eclipse, what you care about is the total price.

The atmosphere was calm, and the eclipse eyes flashed silently. Waiting slowly, time passes by, and Lin Feng, who is thinking about entanglement, finally raises his head and slowly opens his mouth. “So, I take a step back. The unit price is 12 million, but I have total Two hundred and seventy pieces of ‘圂’, how do the witches accept it?”

Shua! ~ Eclipse nine eyes illuminate instantly.

“Two hundred and seventy, three hundred and four hundred and four hundred thousand, wiped out a small amount of 3.2 billion, can the witch be eaten?” Lin Feng sounded, burning.

“The deal.” The voice of the eclipse is low, with a happy color, and hesitated.

Hands clasped, four eyes look at each other.

Two people, each takes what you need!


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