Chapter 16 is guilty of sin

1.85 billion!

Including the sale of the most recent Tianjie Green Class, it is all inclusive.

After deducting some of the expenses such as material purchases and commissions, I have not even reached half of the total amount of 5 billion. Lin Feng’s brows are clustered, and the storage ring is taken from Zi Yao. It feels a bit tangled and somewhat heartache.

The money is not enough, it is tired of being yourself.

On that day, I never thought about the ‘polar’ means so very ruthless directly.

I am guilty of sin!

The money is endless, knowing the secret of exceeding his own identity, the huge profits of the embarrassing, the true terrifying of the embarrassing has already caused the ‘extreme’ peep. The value of the beginning has not yet received attention, but with the emergence of the yellow, green and even blue ‘圂’, everything has changed.

“This time, it’s really a trouble for Sir,” Lin Feng thanked.

First of all, to erase the money, not to spare some of the memory, and then specifically to come to inform myself, this mind can fully obtain the sense.

If you are not a Northern King, I am afraid that the ‘extreme’ expert is now coming to the door and avoiding it. Perhaps with its own strength, there is no problem with self-protection. However, there are Zi Yao in the Royal Court and Zi Yao’s mother-in-law. How can one person block the ‘extremely like worm-like expert?

At that time, it is a trouble to describe two words.

“Should.” Beibei Wang smiled lightly, and shook his head. “This thing also blames me. I didn’t care about it at first. I didn’t expect that only for such a period of time, the profits and interests involved have reached such a terrifying level. If you know early in the morning, it will not be able to get things done like this.”

Slightly lightly sigh, the eyes of the Northern Kings fainted.

There is no wall in the world, and the matter seems to come to an end, but can it really end?

It is still unknown.

How strong is the ‘polar’ influence, he is the clearest, but pervasive, even if he is known as the Northern King, he is not a partial. Others don’t say that it is just ‘Yulong Tea House’, and he asked Lin Feng to find information on the same day. It is because I know that Elaine is a ‘polar’ Martial Artist.

“So, I can’t sell it anymore?” Lin Feng frowned.

“absolutely not.” The Northern King raised his hand to stop, his eyes were cold, “He has caused the Battle Spirit World earthquake, and now with the swords drawn and bows bent, the wind and the grass will attract the ‘extreme’ expert. If you don’t want to die I will forget it for a while.”

“Great earthquake?” Lin Feng reveals doubts.

圂 Just one piece after the heavenly treasure. Even if you sell a lot, you can’t change anything, but only for more than a month, how can it…

“Lin Feng, should you haven’t paid attention to the Lich battle for a while?”

“En.” Lin Feng is light.

Since the goal of earning 5 billion yuan, he has temporarily put aside the Lich War.

Think about it, it is a bit irresponsible for me to be a ‘human queen’.


What is the connection between the battle of the Lich and the Lich?

As if to see Lin Feng’s doubts. Beibei King’s golden eyes flashed, started talking: “Since the fall of the Mountain Range, the Wu people can no longer resist the invasion of the Yaozu. The turtles are slowly consuming the defensive demons in the Mazu, and they are completely suppressed by the Yaozu. No, I heard that the Witch Emperor Jiang was also injured.”

Lin Feng nodded. These wars are very clear to them.

“The eclipse of the nine yin is the position of the emperor. Although it is imposing, it swears to contend with the demon, but it is thunderous and rainy. It has always been based on sneak harassment, and it has never been clear that the spear and the demon The family played a glimpse until…” Both eyes bright light radiate all around , “three days ago.”

“Three days ago?” Lin Feng’s heart moved.

Listening to the words of the Northern King, the action of the ‘extreme’ is related to the war that occurred three days ago.

“Three days ago, the eclipse of the nine yin launched the real attack for the first time.” The northern scorpion king said solemnly, white hair fluttering, “this battle. There are more than two hundred pieces of Xingbao ‘圂’ to play a huge force, one by one not die Divine Beast, the body of the devil, has consumed countless Saint Level experts, and the Witch has defeated the demon in less than half of the battle. Blood flows into the river.”

“Women, a big win!”

The shocking news, let Lin Feng’s head clear, such as the top of the pot.

Everything is clear.

Indeed, the single-on-one battle is not the same, but the huge number of ‘圂’ in the war, with its undead ability, can play a fairly terrifying might. I have thought about this before, and I am planning to arm the southern region, but I don’t want the witch to take the lead.

The power of this war will make the Yaozu remember deeply.

“So, the extreme exploration of ‘圂’ is from the Yaozu?” Lin Feng looked deep.

“I don’t know.” The northern king of the king said resolutely, “The emperor is acting secretly, and it is also a sinister, extreme self. The existence of ‘extreme’ is completely neutral, but its neutrally isn’t absolutely, if the demon The family has great benefits, and it’s just a matter of helping the demon to probe a message.

“I understand.” Lin Feng nodded.

Although the Northern King is not sure, but the guess must be eighty-nine.

If there is an abnormality, there will be a demon. If it is not, then how can it be so coincidental that it will not come late, but it will appear after this campaign?

Everything is clear.


If you can’t sell ‘圂’, the remaining 3.15 billion gap, how to fill it yourself?

Right now, what is missing is really a huge amount of money, but an opportunity, even just a few days. The witches couldn’t wait, and the Star Treasures were used so quickly on the battlefield that the demon people were very scared.

As the North King said, at the moment, it is hard to show up.

The money is not dead, the Beibei auction house was slaughtered, and the news that has just been received is like a thorn. Although he and the money are not really aren’t friends, but do not kill Bo Ren, Buren is dead because of himself, and so many innocent Martial Artist, not what he wants.

Beibei Wang, left.

Although he is not clear about his purpose, he can feel his own ‘goodwill’.

Lin Feng sat in the chair and meditated.

At this moment, for yourself, it is undoubtedly standing on the cliff, there is a flower on the edge of the cliff, the tentacle can be picked, and it is extremely dangerous. There are many ways to sell the last batch of blue-level cockroaches, but each method is a ‘gambling’.

The gambling win, five billion to hand.

If you don’t win, you will reveal your identity. At that time, as the North King said –


How do you decide?

Lightly pressing the back of the head, Lin Feng feels a headache.

Zi Yao stood by, the beautiful eyes flashed, quietly accompanied, and did not say a word. In the country of hunting, her ability may still help a little, but now, even if it is already the first stage of Saint King Level, Zi Yao is very clear that she is more burdened than Big Brother Lin.

Despite this, Zi Yao is not sad, but is happy and happy.

Which woman does not want her other half, is a big hero, is a man who can support both heaven and earth, can hide in his arms and do nothing to think about, live with peace of mind.

She is proud of Big Brother Lin.

Very tangled.

But Lin Feng knows that it is always up to a decision.

Before making a decision, something must be done first, otherwise it will be difficult for you.

“Zi Yao.” Lin Feng eyes 粼粼, watched In front of this woman, the purple skirt woman who is in the country’s country is more mature than the savage and tender in the country of hunting. It has become a truly perfect woman. Like the beauty of the fairy, every time I see it, I make myself puff like heart.

“Big Brother Lin.” Zi Yao smiled: “When did you last take me back to the country of hunting, when did you start? Blue, prison, Tian Qing… I don’t know how everyone is doing now, miss them.”

“They are very good.” Lin Feng smiled, watched Zi Yao lightly purse one’s lip lips, “Thank you, Zi Yao.”

I know that she understands.

She also knows how to do it best now.

The real couple is like this, relying on each other, accommodating each other, being one with each other, without knowing much, you can understand each other’s heart.

“That’s when you promised.” Zi Yao blinked, quite playful. “I told my mother that she must be very happy. She always wanted to go to the place where I grew up and take a look. Life, carefree, Zi Yao also likes this.”

“Yes, it won’t take long, we will be able to live a carefree life.” Lin Feng eyes clear.

Martial Artist in the South, Martial Artist in the entire human region, all the people, ordinary people, why not think so?

As a human being, this is his responsibility.

“Really?” Zi Yao smiled lightly.

“Of course.” Lin Feng without the slightest hesitation, nodded with a smile.

Leaving is not necessarily an escape.

Sometimes, it is a release and a fulfillment.

Lin Feng knows very well that although Zi Yao is his wife, he is also his own weakness. The story of Zimanlou is vivid, but he is just a threat. What if Zi Yao died because of himself? It’s hard to imagine and I can’t imagine it.

At the moment, sending the mothers of Zi Yao and Zi Yao to the country of hunting is equal to letting them have no worries.

What do you want to do, what to do, just do it!

In the past, isn’t that the case?

As long as the goal is firm and clear, how the road goes, and how fast it is going, that is another matter.

Even if the ‘extreme’ tracing did not happen, he would let Zi Yao return to the country of hunting after he had planned to do so, but now it is ahead of time. After all, the ‘polar’ tracing has begun, even if you do nothing, maybe when it will be exposed, then Zi Yao will be very dangerous.

Now, if you are alone, you can attack and retreat, what are you afraid of?


You need to care about yourself.

From the mountain village of the family of Lin Family Village, all the way to the present, standing at the peak of the Battle Spirit World pyramid, why have you ever feared!

Not before, not now, not even later.

“Very…” Lin Feng eyes flashed, and the long-lost battle intent was boiling again.

This time, what I have to face is not one person, but one of Heavenly Spirit’s three great influences!

Quite interesting!

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