Water, too deep

On the one hand, Star Treasure is sold at daunting and vigorous.

On the other hand, Lin Feng is still in a hurry to refine, and now the acquisition has come to an end, not only the Imperial City, but even the Underworld, Loulan Kingdom all Divine Beast blood essence, extremely hot silkworms are consumed, but Lin Feng is just a drop in the bucket.

In just over a month, all the refining has been completed.

Material, too little!

To be precise, these materials should be said to be too rare.

Divine Beast blood essence is already rare. Extremely hot silkworms are rarer than Divine Beast blood essence, but only in hot places. Fortunately, the extremely hot silkworm is no more than Divine Beast blood essence, and its use is also very small, so this is absolutely a year of accumulation, but also accumulated a lot.

Despite this, it was once cleared.

Refining is too fast, too fast!

“Hey!” “Hey!~” Fire of Rebirth shines, Lin Feng eyes 炯炯 flashes.

The flame in the hand is awe-inspiring, like a snake dancing alone, the light flashing in the hand, but there is no “shadow” of the extremely hot silkworm, but replaced by another main material. The peace of mind, Lin Feng’s hands are on fire, and the flames resembling the extremely hot silkworms are not in harmony, and they are ultimately defeated.

“pā !” Lin Feng’s flame disappeared in his hand.

“It’s not that easy.” Lin Feng lightly said, and didn’t care.

The test has been continued for two hours. All the main materials that may replace the extremely hot silkworm have been tried one by one, and the first part of the elimination has been selected. Before I changed, I was just thinking about it, but now, it is already an action.

Material, no irreplaceable!

As a tool refining division, I know more about the mystery of Xingbao’s mystery.

Mystery, just the performance of ‘Dao’, extended.

In this case, as long as it can show the existence of ‘Dao’, it is like a painting, and it does not necessarily need to be exactly the same. As long as it can express the artistic conception in the painting, then this is the mystery. This is the way of the constellation, it is as simple as that.

“The second round.” Lin Feng eyes 粼粼.

The test of the extremely fire silkworm is only the first step. If it can replace it, Divine Beast blood essence is also OK.

Lin Feng seclusion is here. The auction over there started again.

The Tianjie Huang-class Xingbao ‘圂’, a full two-piece auction, has been looming in the eyes of the public. The higher the grade, the more noticeable it is. The first yellow-level ‘圂’ of the day is called the price of seven million. Open the auction with “gao chao”.

The number of two hundred pieces is less than the original!

The wolf is more.

The previous experts who were not interested in the Tianjie red-level star treasure ‘圂’ have also come together and knocked on the auction.

In the end, two hundred pieces of Tianjie Huang-level ‘圂’ were sold at an average price of 1.85 million. The total value is 370 million, the total price of the red-level, orange-level ‘圂’ sold in front, such as a wave of bigger waves set off this hot.

Just the beginning!

The joy of the public has just fallen, and it is a “gao chao”.

“Damn, let’s not let people live.”

“That is to say, the Tianjie Huang class has just ended, and it sells the green level of the ‘圂’. How deep is this water?”

“damn it, will it sell out the green level and sell the blue level?”


One wave after another.

Three days, three days.

The North City has already been squeezed out of the water, the underworld, the expan of the Loulan Kingdom, the money is here, it seems that it is no longer a witch coin. While the Expert is on the sidelines, it is crazy to raise money to buy Star Treasures. As the grade increases, more and more Martial Artists are moving.

after all. The undead Divine Beast, summoned by the green-level ‘圂’, is already the Saint Level.

Strength is not generally strong!

North Point King Hall.

“1.15 billion!” The king of the East is bloody, and the voice is a little trembling.

“Northern King, you are too embarrassed to take this salary at the bottom of the move.” The West King also had some uncontrollable emotions, and his eyebrows flashed with anger.

“Say!” Nanhao Wang ice-cold voice, aura beran.

“You don’t be impatient, I promised you the ten-day contract, and I will never lose faith.” Beibei Wang golden blood, but despite being inferior, but not humble, straight to the three sides. Although the heart is slightly embarrassing, but also know that he has no way back.

“A good ten-day contract!” Dongpu Wang Modao nodded.

“After ten days, I am afraid that Star Treasure has already sold out.” Xi Xi Wang said with a deep and cold voice. “You don’t think I’m waiting, I don’t know, Beibei Auction is already making a new auction message. After three days, it will be sold. The blue-level ‘圂’ of the day, at that time… oh, I am afraid that there will be no wreckage.”

Beibei Wangwangguang deep pond, “You believe it or not, don’t believe it, this is not what I meant. As for the ‘he’ you are looking for, I am sorry, it is difficult to tell.”

Peng! The aura of the Nanzhao king blooms and the terrifying strength comes straight out.

The Sifang 阎 Wang Zhong, the strongest is Nanxun Wang, the double fist is transmitted through the 粼粼cold light, and the killing intent is revealed. Although it is a square king, but it does not mean that it is concentric, this is Heavenly Spirit, the so-called power alliance, just a ‘virtual title’, the combination of interests.

When there is a huge conflict in interest, then there is only one way left –


“Hey!” “Hey!” The king of Dongpu and the king of Xiqiao were not willing to show weakness, standing behind the king of Nanxun.

They said that they said that since Beibei Wang insisted on this, they would not watch their territory being eroded by the Northern King.

Things don’t matter, they can hang high.

But if you care about yourself, how can you stay out of it!

However, in the face of the aggressiveness of the three majors, the North King still bears his hands, and his look is not shocking, as if he is ready. The indifferent look, calm and calm, let the eyes of the three sides of the king flash, sly as if to sense, complexion stop and change.

“What a word like!” The sound of shouted, like the wrath of the sky.

At this time, the murderous aura of the Nanzhao king disappeared, and the eyes were divided into fears, and the fists were released.

The king of the East and the king of the West have heard the sounds of the ups and downs. The battle intent that just picked up has disappeared, and he dared to make a half. After the scared eyes watched the hall, a seemingly ordinary figure walked out, but with an indescribable temperament.


“You can have put me in the eye?” The bright glow flashed in the eyes of the Emperor.

Ice-cold voice, with a slight anger, but the tiger does not show up, everyone forgets his ‘identity’, the cloud spear lord does not care about politics, but the strength is not a little change. Even the strongest Nanzhao Wang did not dare to move, not to mention Dongpu Wang and Xiqiao Wang.

Take the strength of the cloud spear saint, with a pair of three with no difficulty.

“pay respects to 阎皇.” The four kings are all respectful.

“Go back!” Cloud spear The Lord is cold and full of majesty, “No one can make a joke, whoever dares to make a second, and blame my ruthlessness.” A quiet sentence, let the Nanxun Wang, Dongpu Wang, West The king complexion is gray, but he dare not.

“Yes, Emperor Huang.” The three experts have unwillingly retreat.

The rules of Heavenly Spirit and the rules of Battle Spirit World are always the same.

Whose fist is big, who is the boss!

Expert, decide everything.

Watched the tripartite king left, the northern king Wang Shenmei sighed, including the cloud spear the Lord’s eyes are also some bright light flashing.

“He, done it.” Beibei Wang said solemnly.

“Go to stop the last auction.” Cloud spear Lord Said solemnly, “The amount of one billion is already exceeding the limit, this batch of blue-level ‘圂’ if it flows out, the profit of the three billion yuan will be less than It will cause a big shock, whether it is for him or for me, it will be a disaster.”

“I know what to do, 阎皇.” Beibei Wang said resolutely.


The shocking auction of the blue-level ‘圂’ of the heavenly order was forcibly cancelled.

Even if there is no big money, even if there is a big Guts, I dare not defy the order of the Northern King. Lin Feng is certainly his God of Wealth. However, above this God of Wealth, there is a real ‘King’ where he is in charge of the entire North City lifeline. Dare to defy the Northern King, he has a few lives are not enough to lose.

A sigh of sighs.

After all, the promotion has been issued and the public is looking forward to it.

There is no need to say more about the value of the blue-level ‘圂’, but it is the undead Saint Level peak Divine Beast. What if you had a regular Saint Level expert and had a Saint Level peak Divine Beast? The strength is ten times more than ten times!

Not to mention that there is a great possibility that the Divine Beast at Saint Level will breakthrough!

Once the breakthrough becomes the Saint King Level, it is terrifying. After all, it is no secret that the Divine Beast of Star Treasure can cultivating breakthrough. The first batch of Martial Artists of the red level ‘圂’ of the Japanese level, there are many Divine Beasts that have already raised a rank, although rare but does not mean no.

Like the normal Martial Artist, the Star Treasure Divine Beast is capable of cultivating and can be upgraded.

“what happened?”

“I don’t know, is there anyone who is doing a ghost?”

“Hey, one by one is still in the drums, I don’t know, it’s too high-profile! You don’t count it, this mysterious expert is relying on ‘圂’ to concede how many coins! One billion, exceeding billions of money I dare say that the three emperors are together, there is no such number!”

“The power is high, the same reason.”


Wind sighing and cranes calling.

The sudden cancellation of the auction caused a big shock in the North City.

However, the initiator is still in seclusion at the moment.

“It turns out.” Lin Feng eyes flashed.

Repeated trials, practice again and again, will ultimately yield results.

The flames flashed in the hands, and the ‘fire cloud’ and the ‘birth essence’ complement each other. There seems to be an inexplicable compatibility between them, complemented by the integration of Heavenly Ya Crystal, now in the calcination of the Fire of Rebirth. In the control of the constellation, the final step has already arrived.

“Hey!” Lin Feng blinked in the blink of his eye.

Pā ! Astonishing bursting sound, full of violent aura, is to completely remove the dregs.

Take its essence!

The blaze of flames brought out the changes in the color and feel of the Fire of Rebirth, but it was sublimated in the middle of it.

Eighty-eighth weight!

In front, the fog slowly dissipated and a shining bright light flashed.

The new ‘圂’, refining.

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