The twelfth chapter helps me earn 5 billion!

Pā ! Blu-raydudlyly appeared.

“Hey!~” The familiar rhythm, the energy feeling appears in the front, and Lin Feng’s eyes are slightly shining.

Tianjie blue level ‘圂’.

“The hundredth.” Lin Feng looked indifferent.

For today’s self, the refining of the blue-level ‘圂’ has no mistakes, and the perfect refining rate of 100%. This is the road of comprehend, the comprehend of the mystery has reached a new level of new steps.

Saint King Level!

“Unfortunately, stop here.” Lin Feng’s heart was contemptuous and his eyes widened.

The mystery’s complete comprehend is similar to the mystery of the combat system. The success rate is 100%, but the might has a certain limit. The refining of the ‘圂’ is the highest grade that can be refining. –

Heavenly blue level.

“Divine Beast blood essence at the top of Saint Level, even if the refining is perfect, it will not break the blue limit.”

“To achieve a heavenly level or a higher quality ‘圂’, then the Divine Beast blood essence to be used must be Saint King Level, and if it is refining…”

The Divine Beast summoned by “Star Treasure” is the Saint King Level Divine Beast.”


Lin Feng’s inwardly shiver.

I feel the pressure of the road after the star treasure ‘圂’, but I feel deeply pressured.

Because I am very clear, with the comprehend, mystery mastery of the refining of the Star Treasures, and the desire to refine the Saint King Level’s ‘圂’, the probability of success will never exceed 1%. This requires more than the higher grade of raw materials, the most important ability to control fire, the strength of the flame, and the comprehend degree of mystery.

I have not yet reached that level.

Including Fire of Rebirth, there is also a lack of fire.

At the moment, the blue-level ‘圂’ of the sky is already the limit that you can reach.

Of course, it is enough for the time being.

“After the matter, let’s talk about it later.”

“Even if you refine the heavenly level, you can summon the Divine Beast of the Saint King Level. Can the southern domain expert be able to control it?”

“And for me, the Saint King Level is the first step, and the middle-level Divine Beast is what it is.”


The eyes are scornful, and Lin Feng is very clear in his heart.

Saint King Level Other ‘圂’ seems to be attractive, but it is just ‘seemingly’. Actually it is not. For the present self, the value of Star Treasure is to obtain enough witchcraft. In this case, it is enough to refine the blue-level ‘圂’ of the sky.

A Divine Beast blood essence at the top of Saint Level is far better than the Saint King Level.

The second human domain expert is Saint Level instead of Saint King Level. In other words, the blue level ‘圂’ is the highest level of rank that they can accommodate, and the biggest strength that can be played.

Three, after all, the number of Saint Level experts, hundreds of times more than the Saint King Level, the blue level of the ‘圂’, the market is much higher than the heavenly level or even the purple level. Perhaps the price of a single item is not as good. However, if you sell enough ‘quantity’, you can make up for it even better.

Yu Yu Yuan.

Stepping back and forth, the money is not like the ants on the hot pot.

After a day, you will be in danger.

Tightly clear one’s teeth, the money is not full of uneasiness in the eyes, and then dragging down the time is getting more and more urgent, he forced to release the orange-level 圂, which is definitely a new surprise for the buyer. But for the seller it is a rather lossy sale.

By then, the value of the red level of the heavens will drop greatly.

When I was about to see it, the money was not more anxious. The sweat on my forehead was wiped with the fat back of the hand, and the fat on my body seemed to be shaking. Zi Yao was watching, but she was very patient. She naturally knows what Lin Feng is doing and does not need to worry about it.

This is an imminent thing for money, but it doesn’t matter to Lin Feng.

money. It is never what Lin Feng values.

Although she knows that Lin Feng needs a full set of 5 billion turkeys, this is a terrifying number that is impossible for everyone to see, but she has never worried because she believes Lin Feng, who believes her Big Brother. Lin, believe in her husband, this is a near blind faith.

So decided.

Just at this time –

“Hey!~” A familiarity with the arrival of aura, silent.

Zi Yao’s beautiful eyes flashed with a moving brilliance, smiling watched people, and my heart warmed.

Lin Feng, left seclusion.

“The money is not finished has Sir!” Deeply beheaded, the money is not happy.

In the end, I saw Lin Feng left seclusion. It’s like a sneak peek at the money, and the heart of the stone is finally falling. If the god of wealth is lost in front of him, then very fast will be returned to the original shape, which is equivalent to him calling back to heaven from heaven again.

“There is something to say.” Lin Feng faintly said, vision gaze towards Zi Yao, smiled and nodded, indicating that he waited for a moment.

Zi Yao’s understanding smile, gently standing beside Lin Feng, like a small daughter-in-law.

“It’s like this, Sir…” The money is not always started. This month’s ‘performance’ is eloquent, and it’s a slogan, especially about the details of each auction, the current Beibei auction house. The pursuit of Star Treasure is even more eye-catching.

The eloquence is indeed true.

Zi Yao is listening to the beautiful eyes flickering, which is attractive.

“So?” Lin Feng said indifferently.

“Hey.” The money is not a little startled, arched, “It is like this, the small thinks that Sir can sell the red level of the ‘圂’ first, then slowly put the orange level ‘圂’ not later, so To make a profit…”

“Okay.” Lin Feng raised his hand and interrupted it. The money was not open, and the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

“You don’t need to sell the ‘圂’ of the red level of the sky, and sell the ‘圂’ of the orange level directly.” Lin Feng looks calm, slowly said, although the voice is calm but it’s ambiguous, it’s not half-questionable. The storage ring was immediately thrown away, and the money was not flustered.

“There are two hundred orange-level ‘圂’s in the sky, plus one hundred of your original ones, and three hundred pieces to help me out.” Lin Feng looked stunned.

“One, one-off?” The money is not screaming, and the fat on the face is twitching.

The rotation of the eyeballs, the complexion is suddenly white, but it is calculating how much it costs.

Selling 300 pieces at a time, and selling 100 pieces in three times, the profit value is very different!

His expression changes are in the eyes of Lin Feng, and his heart is clear.

How can I not know?

It’s just that today’s money is not important to me. What matters is time.

I want to raise a little more than five billion yuan. Restart Nether Roar early, wake up Duo Duo, and then save father. These wishes have been waiting in the heart for too long, and now they have enough ability, and then don’t want to wait a little longer, even if it is two Heavens a day!

“Go, the auction is over. The next batch I will give you the Tianjie Huang class ‘圂’.” Lin Feng said quietly.

The plain voice is that the money is not exhaustive, and it is a little unresponsive.

Is there a yellow level?

Just kidding! ?

“Do it well, you can’t miss your benefits.” Lin Feng eyes whispered, “You can give it to you through the bottom. The next few auctions will be quick and quick. After the yellow level, the sky will be auctioned immediately, then… Can summon the blue level ‘圂’ of Saint Level’s Divine Beast, I want you to help me earn 5 billion yuan!”

The sound is solid and the three feet are around the beam.

Some words, so that the money is not full of eyes, like suffocation.

Ten big auctions, earning 180 million yuan, he is enough shocking and scary. At the moment, this is just a fraction of Lin Feng’s mouth.

Five billion yuan!

Tianjie blue level ‘圂’…


It’s really crazy.

The money is not complete, it is like a fossil.

North Point King Hall.

“Singapore’s auction stopped?” Beibei Wang faintly opened.

“En, there have been no movements for seven days.” From the 蝉said resolutely.

“Oh…” The golden pupils of the Northern Kings flashed through, as if thinking about something.

“The master is worried that the craze will rush back?” 蝉 ly slowly said.

The Northern King shook his head. “This is a false prosperity. It is so important to retreat and retreat. The auction of Xingbaoyu will end sooner or later. The popularity and reputation of the gathering is just a glimpse of the sky. See more. Natural winds and clouds clear.”

Leaving slightly smile, “But if Star Treasure’s auction can continue, how?”

Bright light flashes in the eyes of Beibei Wang, “Is it possible?”

Say with a smile: “I don’t know, but the world is impermanent, and anyone can expect it.” In the mind emerged the black clothed figure, away from lightly said. “This answer, perhaps only one person can tell the master you.”

“The owner of the cockroach.” North 阎 king lightly mumble.

Nodded from the sigh, “The child is actually very curious, why didn’t you check this time?”

The Northern Dragon King said lightly: “What is the use of the investigation? If the person does not want us to know her identity, this will only anger him, and it is not good for my North City.”

I smiled awkwardly. “Master is high.”

Beibei Wang Baifa fluttered, watched away from the sly with a smile: “It seems… you know more than a teacher.”

“Slightly know one or two.” Li Xiaoxiao smiled, watched Beibei Wang lightly said, “If you want to know the master, how can you get through this, think that if the money is not enough, even if there is a big guts Impudent. But there is a matter of fact, you can rest assured that Star Treasure’s auction will not end, I believe that very fast … there will be a group of higher grade Star Treasures.”

“Is it?”

The two divisions are opposite each other, but they smile.

Peng! Heavy news is coming.

At the time when Yu and Beibei Wang were playing a mystery, Beibei Auctions reproduces the sensational news.

Three days later, hold a grand auction of Star Treasures!

This time, the auction is not the same as the red level of the sky, nor the number of one hundred. Everything has been subverted at this moment, as if to open a new chapter, the past ten sensational auctions are like warm-up, and no one will pay attention anymore.

Because the new auction is too shocking.

Tianjie Orange Star Treasure ‘圂’, a full three hundred auctions!

阎皇城, completely sensational!

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