Chapter 10 wakes up!

“Do you have a star treasure?” Fruits are beautiful eyes, watched Lin Feng.

Didn’t answer, Lin Feng didn’t want to be entangled with this girl again, his hands flickering, and then there was a blaze of light, flashing orange brilliance, competing. When the time came, the illuminate of the whole box, not only the fruit, it was also shocked by the sly and the real machine.

“Get it.” Lin Feng throws it away, and Star Treasure has crossed a parabola and falls into the hands of the fruit.

“Orange-level star treasure?” The celestial real-life buzz muttered.

The blink of an eye flashes and the bright light flicks.

The fruit followed by some slightly hot Star Breeze, but it was a little reactionary. It was just a joke. I didn’t think about asking Lin Feng to take Star Treasure. After all, everyone in the auction just now, Lin Feng is not all.

“Lin brother, you…” The hesitant opening.

“Friends give gifts, take it.” Lin Feng watched fruit, lightly open.

“This, this…” The fruit is red and a little bit stunned. Even the reaction comes over and wants to take out the turkey. However, the real person has held her hand, whispering, “Little sister, this is orange.” Level 圂, really isn’t red.”

Wake up in a word!

The fruit is watched in the hands of the cockroach, the crisp chest is fluctuating, and the face is red and red.

She is worth more than ten thousand yuan, not to mention the orange-level shackles, even if the red-level 圂 is calculated at the auction price is probably not enough. It’s not the case at the moment, it’s not the case, it’s not awkward, it’s very embarrassing, and when you look at it, you smile and play round the field. “Lin brother’s gift is too heavy, and the young girl can’t afford it.”

“You’re welcome, everyone.” Lin Feng watched, fruit, Zoar, said with a faint smile, “Receive it.”

The look in the eyes is slightly different. Look at the fruit, started talking, “Not yet many thanks Lin brother.”

I bite the lips, but I don’t dare to look at Lin Feng, whispering lightly mumble, “Thank you. Thank you.”

Although it is a bit embarrassing and shy, it falls in Lin Feng’s ear but carries a point of ‘kindness’, which is different from before.

Slightly smile, Lin Feng nodded.

Naturally, I will not care about such a small girl as the fruit. But now a Star Treasure can resolve the ‘complain’ between each other and break the invisible gap, but it is better. I don’t see my head and look down, it’s too much to make each other’s relationship too stiff.

“Lin brother is really lavish.”

“External things.” Lin Feng is at ease.

Four eyes are opposite. I can see a lot from the eyes of the shackles.

Including the ‘suspecting’, it is heavier than before, more definitely, but it does not matter. In fact, even if you guessed it, it would be no big deal. Even if you sell the mysterious person of Xingbaoyu, the news will not be known.

Today’s self is no longer the same.

Under the seat of Heavenly Spirit. I am now only under the Three Emperors, no matter the reputation and strength are real.

I can’t hide my money. Just don’t want to sway high-profile.

Does not mean that you care.

Beibei Auction Office.

“It’s done well.” Lin Feng looked at the money and praised it.

“Many thanks Sir praise, this is a small honor.” The money is not stacked on the face fat, joy with a smile.

Lin Feng is not only his top boss, but also his god of wealth, and he can’t wait to enshrine Lin Feng. I am very respectful. In this auction, he not only earned a fortune himself, but the auction house was even more profitable and had a good reputation.

Saying, the money is not even a black storage ring. Hands respectfully handed: “Here is all the profits, Sir, a total of 27,700,000 money.”

“Twenty-seven thousand and seven thousand turkeys?” Lin Feng took over and the eyes shook.

After deducting 3% of the auction fee, the commission of 1% is deducted, and the total price of 27.7 million yuan is supposed to be 28.2 million. The whole auction was all involved, it is very clear that all the auctions accumulated no more than just a total of 29 million.

Losing 800,000 yuan?

Lin Feng’s heart is moving, even if it is awkward.

“The tenth box is yours?” Lin Feng looked at the money, slowly said.

The money is not perfect, the pupil pupils shine, “Sir wise, it is the small invitation, in order to support the price of the star treasure ‘圂’. The small thing is going to tell Sir, the first star treasure Although I took a million coins, but really isn’t the actual income, after the auction, the small one will sell you for 200,000 turkey for Sir.”

Lin Feng nodded.


No wonder there is a difference of 800,000 yuan.

As for the number of Star Treasures sold in the first place, it is more than the 200,000 yuan of money that is not enough to say, not so important. Some rules are clear, the auction money is not a lot of effort, give him a little sweetness should be, after all, he has to give people some soup to eat meat, nothing to break.

Originally, this hundred pieces of Star Treasures, can sell enough for 20 million turkeys.

Today, there are more 10 million coins!

The most important thing is that after this auction, the reputation of Xingbaoyu was completely started. Then come down to the second batch, the third batch, the fourth and fifth batches, and the subsequent prices will be brought, whether it is good for yourself, not for the money and the auction house, it is a win-win deal.

“Today, the event of Star Treasure Auction must be spread throughout the three imperial cities.”

“According to the original plan, until the topic of tomorrow is the most adequate, the highest peak for me to publicize, and then released a hundred days of red level Star Treasure.”

“With today’s heat, it will inevitably attract the expert of other imperial cities, and take the hot iron.”

“You know what to do.”

Lin Feng stunned and looked calm.

Twenty-seven million RM, which may be a big number for other Martial Artists, but for yourself…

Just a fraction.

What you want is a full five billion yuan!

“Yes, Sir.” The money is not exhausting, and the knees are sulking. “Small will do everything in its power to get the best benefit for Sir!”

Star Treasure, full of topicality.

The auction is just over, and the auctioned Saint Level experts are all smiling, but it is very fast and it is compatibility. Although it cost a lot of money, it is worth the money, at least better than the blink of the Martial Artist.

Of course, this is only a day…

Heavy news, then outgoing!

At the Beibei Auction Office, two days later, another hundred pieces of Tianjie Red-level Star Treasures were sold again.

Shock astonishing heart.

“Rely on, who said that people do not know how to sell in batches, get the most profit!”

“That is, it is a fool to be an auction house. I think they are stupid people. If people don’t have enough stock, how about a hundred pieces of 100 pieces?”

“Insane, how come this is so many Star Treasures!”


“Fast, go to raise money, this time you must grab, damn it.”

“One hundred more, my god, who is so tossing, one hundred pieces of one hundred pieces for sale, this gold-absorbing ability is too terrifying.”


A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

The whole city of the Imperial City is full of excitement, not only that, but also affects the underworld and the Loulan Kingdom. Many experts are trying to enter the Imperial City, but no matter which Imperial City is the same, there are few flesh and blood, and the heavenly first few heavenly treasures are scarce. Let the Star Treasure be red overnight.

Crazy for it.

“How is the acquisition?” Lin Feng faintly opened.

“Reporting to sir, the city has been searched out, and is now in the midst of a large-scale acquisition.” Lange looks right.

“The speed must be fast, I am afraid that the sudden drop of the star treasure, the heart will be able to detect the sudden out of stock of the extremely hot silkworm and Divine Beast blood essence, when the acquisition will be blocked.” Lin Feng eyes flashed , slowly said , “The acquisition of Loulan Kingdom was also put on the agenda and immediately sent people to go.”

“This…” Lange was hesitant.

“Pā !” Lin Feng raised his hand, and the storage ring that was obtained from the inexhaustible money suddenly fell into the hands of Lange, and spoke openly. “There are twenty-seven million lucky coins here, enough for you to complete the entire acquisition. Fast, even if the price is a little higher, it doesn’t matter, understand?”

“Subordinate will do its best.” Lange’s beautiful eyes bright, and he said.

Stopped talking, the shadow of a flash, even disappeared without a shadow.

Watched disappeared back, Lin Feng eyes light, lips slightly picked up.

Five billion yuan!

This is a very difficult battle.

“If there is only one billion, I am sure, but five billion yuan…” Lin Feng frowned, thoughtful.

At the moment, the auction of Star Treasures is just the beginning. The price of the red-grade cockroaches is quite mediocre. What really makes you earn enough is the higher grade Starbucks, Orange, Yellow, Green and even higher. The higher the grade, the higher the price!

Of course…

Refining is not that easy.

“First, we must increase the success rate.” Lin Feng’s heart of the ponder.

The refining of the red star has a success rate of more than 80%, and the refining system has a higher level, and the success rate has plummeted.

There is no shortcut to the tool refining. Only the refining and refining, the more proficient the mistakes are, the more the Fire of Rebirth is improved, the stronger the fire control ability is. Like cultivating, this is a road, one step. Step by step, the harvest will grow bigger and bigger.

Se sentence again.

All the Star Treasures to be sold were handed over to the money, and Lin Feng let go.

The suspect is not used, and the employer is not suspicious.

In the first auction, the money was not enough to prove his ability, so he was able to give him full control. After all, on the auction itself is always a layman, layman to guide insiders, this really isn’t a correct approach.

For yourself, instead of wasting time on these unnecessary things, it would be better to refine more and more cultivating.

Just as the former management of the country of hunting, and then the management of the southern domain, they are handed over to the trust of people to take care of.

People, each has its own merits.

And what I am good at is cultivating, which is tool refining, which is fighting.

It is more important to understand yourself than to understand others.

Because of this, how to go to the road ahead is the most correct and most important for you!

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