Chapter 10 Beauty is a crime

“Zi Yao younger sister, already married.” Yue Yin said in a low voice.

The voice is hoarse and soft, as if there is no strength. If you look down at the first month, Yin Lian does not dare to look at Lin Feng, with endless regrets in his eyes, and two lines of tears come out.

Already… married!

Five words, such as the sunny Thunderbolt, fell in my mind, Lin Feng pupils enlarged, the whole person completely stunned.

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

How could this be! ! !

“Zi Yao can’t marry someone else, it’s impossible.” Lin Feng muttered, the mind seems a bit confusing.

“It’s true, Lin Feng, just two days ago…” Yue Yin is next to the lips, and the voice is very small, and she is already crying. Close your eyes as if you don’t want to think back to the past, Yue Yin’s voice choked, extremely painful.

Surroundings, the eyes are gathering, but the sound is small, but everyone can hear it clearly.

“It turned out to be a mistake.”

“Ah, he came to find the Zi Yao, but it was a couple of days late.”

“Which, it’s too late, I’m afraid I’m already in the house, and I’m already in the boat.”


One by one, one inch.

The sound fell in the ear, like the heart of the drop of blood, Lin Feng’s booth pupils showed a dark red color, nails deep into the flesh, breathing seems to stop. Every word, every word, is like a blade deeply pierced into my heart, and it hurts.


Why is this happening!

Behind him, Zi Xuanyu also knew the beginning and the end of the matter. The handsome face was full of black lines, and felt that the bad luck was at the extreme. It was inexplicably misplaced by the pro, and even more lost face. A lot of anger rushed to my heart, Zi Xuanyu took a step, and raised the back of Lin Feng’s back. Guts started talking: “I said this Xiongtai. You…”

“Ah!!!” Lin Feng screamed in the sky and snarled wildly.

The fists clenched and lived, and the violent flames of the force swallowed up. At this moment, the cold light in the eyes reached the extreme, and the Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth could not stop. But there is no control, no deliberate, but…

Surprisingly ‘fusion’ is together!

Really isn’t a fusion like a bonfire, but a fusion like Phoenix.

At this moment, in the unconscious state of Lin Feng, the singular fusion is combined, feeling like the left hand and the right hand. The breeding of the star source, the evolution of the zodiac, Lin Feng is like a bloody Phoenix. The momentum of the whole person has changed at this moment.

Terrifying , terrifying !

Unstoppable murderous aura endless spread, like a violent ancient beast.

The repression in the heart broke out completely.

“Roll!” Lin Feng violent shout, the right hand suddenly blasted, such as the Fire Dragon spit.

Close at hand, Zi Xuanyu complexion was shocked, only to see a terrifying Fire Dragon mixed with two kinds of flames. A strange fusion, overwhelming. The terrifying fire is simply unstoppable. In front of me, it melts in an instant, and no sound can be heard.

“Hey!” was completely engulfed by the flame.

Zi Xuanyu disappeared like a soot, soul flies away and scatters.

It is indeed that I hit the spear mouth!

Yue Yin complexion start startled, the Patriarch ‘Zi Yuan’ with black line is even cold sweat on the forehead. At this moment, he really felt the terrifying of the fiend star in front of him, which was unfathomable. Thinking of the previous battle, I felt a bit chill in my heart, but it was the other side…

I still have love!

Strike, shocking the entire purple moon family.

Everyone. All the sounds are stopped, and everyone’s heart is in vain.

The humans in front of us suddenly changed, and the terrifying murderous aura and the awnings were far from the sense.

“Lin Feng ……” Yue Yin light shock, beautiful eyes still with a tear.

Others will be afraid, but she is not afraid of Lin Feng, because she knows that Lin Feng will not hurt her. In fact, she has long been a life-and-death, and her guilt and remorse made her unhappy.

“Say, Yue Yin, tell me about the 1510!” Lin Feng eyes cold light, terrifying to the extreme. The cold eyes look around, there is no feeling, Lin Feng bite the teeth like, “who dares stop you, I will kill anyone, even the Tus… all at all!”

Ice-cold voice The bones of the purple moon are all stunned.

The terrifying murderous aura shrouded everything, and today Lin Feng became crazy and persistent.

It is the anger that is red.

“I understand, Lin Feng.” Yue Yin lightly sigh, biting the lips, calmed down the mood.

Deep breathing, Yue Yin closed his eyes, flashed a bit of painful color, and opened beautiful eyes, watched Lin Feng, “Things are like this…” In front of tens of thousands of clansman, Yue Yin 151 The truth of Zi Yao is true, full of sadness and helplessness.

The weak are prey to the strong.

Even if it is as strong as Saint Level expert, it can’t escape the iron law.

Strength is everything.

In Battle Spirit World, the strong or weak of strength determines everything, only the expert can determine their own destiny, and the weak either succumb to fate, or…

It is death.

“Zi Yao younger sister is voluntary.”

“She doesn’t want Tribe to be bullied, clansman is missing again and again, even Mother is not immune, so she would rather sacrifice herself.”

“Under the ‘Ghosts of the Ghosts’, one of the four Giants in the Underworld.”


Yue Yin said, the voice is low and helpless.

Many of the other clansmans of the Ziyue family had their heads lowered, and they felt dark and hurt, but they did not know that there were so many ‘torsions’ in them. But in fact, many women in the Ziyue family are like this. Married people are only forced and helpless, including the ‘Zi Yao’ who is married to Zi Xuanyu.

Because they are weak because they are beautiful.

When their weaknesses can’t protect their beauty, then this beauty becomes sin.

Zi Yao, that’s it.

Her beauty attracted a glimpse of the ‘ghost old monster’ of one of the four Giants in the underworld, and sent people to come and raise relatives three times and four times. Zi Yao is naturally rejected, but what kind of identity, how close, and deep in obstinacy, what he wants will definitely do everything.

“Damn!” Lin Feng clenched his fists, and the blood eyes were congested.

Hate yourself!

I hate myself for failing to protect Zi Yao.

Hate yourself, the strength is not enough, not to come to the witches early!

Maybe I came earlier, maybe I could catch up with the last time in the Imperial City, and I can grab Zi Yao. Then things will not happen. At this point, I finally understand why, again and again, the divination, Zi Yao is in the witchcraft…

That’s it!

Heart, in drop of blood. It seems to be a thousand blade, and I don’t want to be born.

The atmosphere is dignified, and everyone dares not to make a half-voice, for fear of angering this ‘devil’. Although Zi Yao’s marriage has nothing to do with them, Lin Feng’s terrifying just entered the heart, that is, Patriarch ‘Zi Yuan’ has to make a fuss, even if there is a lot of helplessness, it has to be in the bottom of my heart.

“Sorry, Lin Feng.” Yue Yin whispered muttered.

“If I can inform you, if I believe in you…” Yue Yin is full of regrets. The choked can’t speak.

Hate not at the beginning!

But if you do something wrong, you are doing something wrong.

“It’s none of your business.” Lin Feng both eyes dark red, the light in his eyes reveals pain and solitude, his eyes fall on Yue Yin, and the heart has already understood a lot at the moment. “The last time, did you bring Zi Yao to the Imperial City? ?”

Yue Yin bites her lips and nods muttered. “I hope she can meet you.”

In a word, do everything.

Lin Feng is in the heart. The pain of heartache is uncomfortable.

I did see Zi Yao myself, but she still left, really isn’t she doesn’t love herself, but she doesn’t want to hurt herself, she doesn’t want to get involved in it. Zi Yao’s personality is clear to himself. The heart is kind, the outside is soft, and if she sacrifices herself to save others, then she will do it.

Because of her kindness, because she can’t bear it.

Therefore, she will never look at the clansman who is damaging her. Looking at the whereabouts of mother is unknown.

A lot of things, there is no choice.

It is my fault.

Again and again, leaving and not to protect her well, as his husband, as his other half, this is his responsibility, but he did not do it. In the country of hunting, it is watching her leave, and now…

“Wait for me, Zi Yao!” Lin Feng showed a touch of cold light in his eyes and decided to clanging.

A lot of things, you have to do it, even if it is already late, but you will never let go of the yin and blame this bastard!

Regardless of his status, no matter how strong he is!

All kinds of anger, ignited in my heart.

Lin Feng both eyes coldly watched these purple moon clansman, don’t want to say anything, and don’t want to say anything more. Zi Yao’s responsibility is on his own, but it is like a sand-like Tribe. It also has an unshirkable responsibility. The big Tribe can’t be protected even by clansman!

Cowardly, timid!

They were given such a handsome and free appearance, but they could not give them strength and unity.

“Lin Feng.” Yue Yin watched Lin Feng, and he clearly understood what Lin Feng was going to do. He hesitated and advised, “If you can’t… forget it.”

“?” Lin Feng’s mouth coldly, “Do you think it can be counted?”

Yue Yin complexion pale, “younger sister just does not want us to be hurt again, only to marry.” Beautiful eyes tears up, looking at Lin Feng, “She also wants you not to be killed, only the last side can not see you!”

“I know.” Lin Feng ice-cold voice, the bright light flashed in the eyes, “But you don’t understand, Yue Yin, Zi Yao doesn’t understand.”

Men, do something, do something, if even this breath can swallow, even loved ones can look down, watching the beloved leave, how can they be a man!

Maybe this time I went to the underworld, I really died for a lifetime, but…

I will never retreat!

Even if you die, you will die with the old ghosts.

“Lin Feng, I know that your strength is very strong, but, but…” Yue Yin is very anxious, even persuaded, “This is the wish of the younger sister, she does not want you to be hurt, if she knows you are here to find She will be very happy. But now that the wood has become a boat, two years ago, the younger sister has already married the old geek, and even if you go now, it will not help.”

Lin Feng looks cold and bloody deep pond.

The perseverance and perseverance in the eyes will not be shaken by the three words of Yue Yin.

Of course…

and many more!

“No.” Lin Feng dilated the pupil.


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