Chapter 4 Ziyue Family

Wild land.

A ridiculous place, wild grasses are everywhere.

“Hey!~” An old Transmission Array slowly shines with a layer of crystal clear, and a black figure flashes.

Lin Feng !

“Is it here?” Lin Feng looked around all around and her eyes were clear.

Surroundings are flat, green and oily colors look very quiet, no life aura exists, and even spiritual qi is barren. In the distance, the mountains and the mountains are connected, and they are vast and empty. There is nothing special, such a landscape can be seen everywhere in the wild world, very ordinary.

It’s hard to imagine Tribe, the purple moon family, who will be here.

However, the coordinates of the Transmission Array are not wrong.

“Tread!” Stepping out, Lin Feng’s eyes are shining bright, and his look is calm.

People can’t look at each other, the sea can’t fight, and everything can’t just look at the surface. What you see in front of you is indeed ordinary, but it does not mean that it is really ‘ordinary’. Many things can’t be seen by the eyes. To distinguish by heart, to distinguish by sense.

Shua! Open the parchment, and Lin Feng looks at all around again.

“It’s right here.” Very sure, Lin Feng nodded, and the map on the parchment was quite clear.

“哗!~” aura spread out, the sense is clear and free, Lin Feng eyes bright, it is the state of self. It has already been converted to the body. Perhaps the strength of the avatar is stronger, but the body sense force is better than the avatar Xuo Duo, and again, compared to the avatar, I prefer to use the body a little more.

After all, the avatar is just a avatar.

Like the Puppet Master, even if you are strong. Does not mean to like to be awkward.

The most important thing is that the avatar has nothing to do with Zi Yao. This trip to the Purple Moon family, I hope to see Zi Yao with the most primitive and essential ‘face’, just as in the country of hunting. Zi Yao is his wife.

“A hundred miles, no life character.” Lin Feng lightly said.


It seems ordinary, but it is not ordinary at all.

In any wild place, there is not even a single life in the radius of a hundred miles. Undoubtedly very strange. No matter what, Duo Duo will always have some strange animals, or Wood Spirit, but the mountains are calm, the water is pure, even if the grass everywhere is just a common ‘decoration’.

They are life, but not conscious life.

His eyes slowly fell. The map on the sheepskin sheet is clearly ‘printed’ with a red spot and a banner on it.

There, it is the Ziyue family!

“xiu!” Lin Feng was a non-stop moment, straight out.

When I came here, I wouldn’t hesitate and retreat a bit, and I saw Yue Yin twice. Zi Yao, the strangeness of the two women goes deep into the heart. Intuition tells myself that they must hide something, or what happened, if not, how can it be?

It’s nothing to guess. It’s better to find out!

Confirm it yourself!

The peace of mind.

Even from the Ziyue family, it is so close to Zi Yao. However, Lin Feng is quiet at the moment, feeling that everything is so flat.

Is it confidence in strength?

Lin Feng doesn’t know it.

All the way to rapid speed, heartbeat calm, Lin Feng complexion has not changed.

Despite this, there is always a doubt in my heart.

“On that day, the divination counts, Zi Yao is in the witchcraft, but the purple moon is on the wild border.”

“The ability of Bu Yi in the north of the ocean is not possible, but it is wrong… the odds are quite small, not to mention the fact that even the North Ming Bu is exactly the same.”


Lin Feng nodded in color.

On that day, he had let Bei Mingyang count his wife Zi Yao.

Later, he became the owner of the Southern Region. He also visited the Grandfather of Beimingyang, and the North Ming Bu, known as ‘Bu Yi Bu’, got exactly the same answer. Therefore, I have always been very firm and very clear to want to enter the Wu people, because I know that Zi Yao is here.

However, at the moment, the Ziyue family is not in the context of the witches.

What is wrong with this?

I don’t know.

At the moment, there is no way to know.

“Yes or not, enter the purple moon family, it is clear.” Lin Feng eyes deep pond.

Purple moon family.

Good scenery, a warm spring.

The seasons are like spring, the flowers are vying to open, and the spiritual qi is dense. Unlike the absurdity outside, the purple moon family is violent and full of beautiful scenery, just like a fairyland. The life is strong and there are all kinds of rare spirit beast everywhere.

There is one and only one Tribe of the Purple Moon family.

All the purple people of Clansman are among them. The male is handsome and picturesque. The female’s appearance is like a fairy. The crescent or the moon’s mark is clearly printed on the forehead. There is no ‘ugly’ in the Ziyue family, because no matter man and female, even if it is ugly, it is more beautiful than the beauty of the outside world.

“A beautiful bride.”

“Lang Cai female appearance, really is right.”

“Who said that, I heard that Yao Yao has never been willing to marry before!”

“No? It must be a rumor. Great Elder’s grandson, Zi Xuanyu, is young and promising. He is known as the youngest strongest. He recently stepped into the Saint King Level. The future is boundless. How many women in the family want to marry? I can’t hope for it.”


Surrounded by laughter and laughter, there is a lot of joy.

The lights are everywhere, the red lanterns are hung, and the word ‘囍’ is affixed. Normally, the purple month family has a happy occasion. I have never tasted such a grand event, but this time it was handled by Great Elder personally. The most beloved grandson, ‘Zi Xuan Yu’, greeted the bride, how could it be ordinary.

In the Tribe of the Purple Moon, Great Elder is second only to Patriarch.

Who doesn’t give a few thin faces?

“Come here, please.”

“There is a place over there, come, please call Hu Brother for me!”

“haha, the younger sister of the rose, I haven’t seen it for a long time, it’s still so beautiful.”


I saw a man with flowing hair that was warmly entertaining the guests, long-haired pitch-black, and could not see any whiteheads. The skin is smooth and moist, and there is no wrinkle at the corner of the eye. It is difficult to guess his age when anyone sees it. Already old-fashioned, it is considered to be the ‘old’ character in the Ziyue family.

Great Elder ‘紫奉天’.

The Ziyue family has a look that makes the sky jealous and is not easy to age.

Even if they die at the end of their lives, they will perfectly maintain the youthful face and the skin of a girl. Therefore, although the Great Elder ‘Zi Fengtian’ is very old, it still looks different from the human youth. Only the twinkling eyes are shiny, mature and full of charm.

Experience with this experience. After the vicissitudes of life, it is true that Martial Artist is not owned by decades.

Under his personal hospitality, all the guests were honored and the atmosphere was harmonious.

At this time –

“Master.” A formal figure of a man in a formal glimmer, appeared in front of the Great Elder ‘Zi Fengtian’, slightly handed.

Purple Fengtian brows are clustered and just entertained a VIP. Looking at the eyes, said solemnly, “Today is my grandson good day, nothing to do with your own attention, you as the Big Senior Brother.” As the Great Elder, Zi Fengtian normally has to deal with the Tribe affairs quite heavy.

“It is such a master. There is news to return, and there is a human being in the moon.” The man is honest, it is the first singer of the Great Elder Zi Fengtian.

“Human?” Purple Fengtian micro startled, swaying. “You can do this kind of little thing yourself.”

“But the master…” Zi Yan still wants to talk, but Zi Fengtian has responded impatiently. “Well, that’s it, I didn’t see that I was busy.” Speaking of the vision gaze towards the rear, the momentary change of appearance, the smile greeted the up, “Rare visitors, hey, I did not expect you to come, a few years long Time no see.”

When I was left, I left a purple scorpion, and my brows were clustered.

If you are thoughtful in your heart, then you will leave when you flash.

The month is like a battle.

It is the burst of the Ziyue Tribe.

The majestic is in the middle of several large mountains, forming a natural valley. It was not seen because it was covered by the mountains, and the large-capacity resilience was very strong. It was hard to detect when it was close. However, the big battle is finally a dead object, and the power of heaven and earth is also clear for Sen.

“It’s here.” Lin Feng looked bright.

Standing on the peak of the mountain, under the watched, a thick fog covers, and the surge of the power of the heavens and the earth will change the whole array of changes.

It is not easy to enter!

“Silk ~” “咝 ~ ~” large array of non-stop operation, as if swallowing surroundings spiritual qi. Lin Feng looked at the bottom, and now I understand why the surroundings are so ridiculous, leaving only the stubborn weeds that can survive.

“Poverty is a weapon.”

“This big array absorbs the surrounding energy and then exchanges it for pure spiritual qi energy.”

“Into the Tribe of the Purple Moon family.”


Lin Feng’s heart is awkward.

Although he is not a master of the tactics like 舜, the understanding of the law is much clearer than in the past.

At least, understand.

This is very useful.

“I am afraid that this big array will be absorbed by Life Energy.” Lin Feng’s inwardly ponder.

“The book says that the Ziyue family can keep their youth forever, and it is not old. I think that in addition to its own bloodline relationship, this big array should have a lot of ‘credit’ in it.”

“Sure enough, every neutral race has its own unique ‘characteristic’.”


As the mind thinks, Lin Feng slowly floats over the sky.

The close-range sense of this large array, the more you look, the more magnificent, the majestic, the atmosphere.

This large array has a clear ‘chord’, just like a permanent non-stop machine, constantly working. Lin Feng lightly purse one’s lip Lips, my heart is also a bit of trouble, after all, now at the foot of the real isn’t a small array, but quite weight!

In all the formations that he has seen, it is enough to rank in the top three.

If you want to come in hard…


But to enter the Ziyue family, it seems that there is only one way.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, faintly sighed in one’s heart, feeling helpless. Although I don’t want to owe Yilian favor, but nowadays, it is already no choice. Eyes 粼粼, the parchment in the hand is reproduced, and the ‘Shua’ is opened.

Below, there are several rows of clear and elegant calligraphy.

It is from the hand of Elaine.

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