Chapter 19 is like a virtual reality

The witchcraft, fierce land.

After obtaining a geodetic treasure, a day-level orange-level treasure, Lin Feng decisively closed his hand and rushed at the fastest speed.

Of course, as seen in the sight of the worm, it has changed dramatically. The huge forest seems to be leveled overnight, and there are no roots left. The air is full of evil aura, bloody and full of flavor, like a human purgatory.

“Hey!” “Hey!!” in the ear, the sound of the roaring roar.

There are countless phantoms in front of it, like an ugly face, a disgusting smell, the sky is completely changed color.

How is this going?

Lin Feng has a lot of doubts in his eyes, but now the ‘phantom’ attack comes from the front, and he can’t be distracted.

Must, first solve the danger!

“break!” Lin Feng’s eyes are right.

The source of the star is scattered, and the mind is condensed.

A firm will is the most direct and effective way to deal with illusions, of course…

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes were surprised.

“really isn’t phantom?”

Unexpectedly, these ghosts existed, and the ghosts did not disappear in front of them. Instead, he still screams at himself, and the screaming screams straight into his ears, as if the eardrums were broken. That feeling is immersive, and he seems to be in hell, Lin Feng brows suddenly.

Very real!

In front of these ghosts, the aura is looming, like a real ghost.

“What happened to Do Adi?” Lin Feng raised doubts in his heart, and the complexion was dignified. In front of them, these ghostly illusions pierce past them in the fog, but they do not pose a threat. Inexplicably, I slammed my heart and conditioned the side of the body.

Chi! If you are crossed by a sword, the body suddenly has a blood trough, and the blood flow is like a note.

Lin Feng complexion has changed.


“Boom!” The star source suddenly burst up and Lin Feng turned around momentarily. However, the ghosts just like the disappearance in the blink of an eye, there is no such thing. Complexion stop and change, at this moment the chill of the heart, Lin Feng eyes deep. This time the reaction was extremely fast.

tread! With a leaps and bounds, a suffocating sigh in front of him passed through where he was.

Reaching out, Lin Feng blinks bright light, and the star source condenses.


Pā ! The ghost was forced to burst and opened. At this moment, the surroundings seemed to sound a mourning sound, accompanied by fierce screams, and the numerous surrounding ghosts pierced through the moment, directly at Lin Feng, who was in midair, attacking quickly. violent.

“Good!” Lin Feng’s eyes wide open.

The most annoying thing is to sneak a ambush like the one just now.

Such a positive attack. Why are you afraid of yourself?

“Hey!” Amethyst spear is bright, this time spear technique practice, although not comprehend spear move ‘cloud up’, but its own strength is still a steady improvement. Thunder light is like a god. Lin Feng danced amethyst spear, arrogant and arrogant, and invincible.

Trifling ghost, how to block it.

One person, one spear!

Lin Feng’s rise in the war, but the heart is more and more confused.

Very calm!

However, it is very strange here.

An endless stream of ghosts. After a wave of waves, it seems that there is no end. The most important thing is that some ghosts don’t have attack power, just illusions; but some attack power is real, and attack power is stronger and weaker. There is no semi-characteristic at all.

Yourself. It is only by intuition that you can barely distinguish.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

“It’s really a ‘fierce land’ here, no wonder the Divine Beast escapes.” Lin Feng brows slightly.

At this moment, my heart is already somewhat clear.

It seems that I am caught in a ‘bureau’.

“But how the ‘office’ here is changed, and this inexplicable ghost, in the end…” Lin Feng thought. The movements are not slow, the hands are spear falling, and they are bold, and those who are stunned are too close.

Star source power consumption is great, but it is this real imaginary illusion, have no choice face!

The eyes are burning and Lin Feng is indecisive.

Very fast, it has been calculated.

“The eighteenth of nine, and the birth of the rare treasure of the sky has a great relationship.” Lin Feng lightly purse one’s lip lips.

If it doesn’t matter, how can it be so clever?

Do not change early, do not change at night, but choose to change this time?

Among them, there must be implicature!

However, what is going on, but I can’t say it. On the side of the attack, the eyes fell on the land, and a blood red color was completely visible. One of Lin Feng’s hearts was in the mind, and the scene was just played back. There was a feeling of deja vu.

“Battlefield!” Lin Feng has a bright eye.

These ghosts are like the soul of the dying with a grievance.

I remembered that I had seen the sight of the wingworm, but I could clearly see a huge stone wall, which was operated under the guidance of strange energy. And the location, where you are before the thorns, but now…

I can’t see it at all!

“Amazing illusion.” Lin Feng’s big shock.

At this moment, I am completely sure that I am already in the middle of the game.

Different from the body and the body, perhaps on the strength of the body is stronger than the body, but on the crack of this ‘bureau’, the defense against illusion, the far and far from the ontology. These powerful illusions must be the strength above the Saint King Level, half-real and half-real. If you can crack it, it will be imaginary, but if you can’t crack it…

As it is now, the attack is real!

“No.” Lin Feng inwardly shiver.

“This way, sooner or later it will be exhausted.”

Pā ! Closing his eyes, Lin Feng reacts extremely fast.

The longer the time drags, the more unfavorable you are, and you must break these illusions as soon as possible.

Peace of mind, surroundingss everything is clear and arguable. Despite the tens of thousands of messy aura symphonies, direct attack on themselves, but at the moment it is better to be hurt and never waste time.

The break is broken!

“Peng!” “Peng!” The heavy blows fell on the body again and again, and the Lin Feng complexion became pale.

A few sighs, but it is the guardian of the star source and can not completely resist these ghosts. At this moment, no defensive skills are applied, and even the seven stars are abandoned. Because you must use the purest ‘heart’ to sense, with the most real feeling, pain to inspire yourself!

“There!” Lin Feng moved.

Even if the interference is great, my own heart will not be shaken.

Xiu! As a sharp arrow shuttles out. Lin Feng looks calm. Surroundings, the attack is like a rain, and it hits the body, but it doesn’t matter. For yourself, even if you are injured, you have to find a real way out. Find the mystery of cracking this illusion!

Can’t delay.

A short distance is like a torment.

But the clear distance of the sense, so that I have no distractions, through the layer of Illusory Realm, when the body is like a bond, the whole world is clean and free. Although the surrounding energy is more clear and bigger, it lacks many distractions and illusions.

tread! Lin Feng stepped on the ground, really.

This time, it is real.

“Hey!” Open your eyes. Watched Everything in front of you, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed slightly.

Not surprising.

At this moment, I really came here.

It was the same scene as the one seen by the Wings before, and the huge earth stone wall was as tall as a bamboo piece, and it could not be seen. A peculiar energy is running in this array. Drive these soil stone walls to run extremely fast.

Positive, negative, positive, and negative!

Layer by layer, stacks and stacks, difficult to distinguish.

This is obviously a big battle, although I don’t know how it was formed. But what is certain is –

Among them, there must be a big mystery.

“Oh, brother, you should be in the middle of the battle.” Lin Feng lightly said.

The scope of the big battle is enormous, and the entire land is covered. The strange energy in the array not only drives the big array, but also penetrates like a mist, and is continuously released in all around. A little catharsis forms a thick fog.

“Illusory Realm.” Lin Feng mumbled inwardly.

The Illusory Realm that I saw just now is exactly the change of this power.

Just the energy of its own has been astonishing, this huge stone wall array need not say more, it must be more terrifying! The catharsis of energy. The sky is dyed in fog, the earth is a bloody color, and in the ear seems to still hear the sound of ghosts and wolverines.

Here, as if it is really fierce!

The view is extremely strange.

Progress, or not?

“Call! ~” sighed with a sigh of relief, Lin Feng looked calm and sat cross-legged.

Close your eyes and absorb the star power consumed before the recovery of Qi of Heaven and Earth. It also restores its status and adjusts to the peak strength. As for the trauma suffered just now, I don’t need to take care of it. It can be restored in a short time with the resilience of the body.

In fact, there is no need to consider, there is no second choice.

Must get in!

Awkward, there is the possibility of missing 90%.

As the captain, he has the responsibility to protect his safety; as a friend, Brother, he can’t even see death, let him be self-defeating. But before that, you must restore your strength and adjust to the best. Because this trip must be very difficult, even –

Nine deaths!

A hot place.

The situation has really entered a white-hot situation.

From the competition of Saint Level expert to the match of Saint King Level expert, it has been simplified at this moment. Many Saint Level experts still want to get the rare treasure of the sky, but the gap between the strengths will be completely explained.

In front of the Saint King Level expert, the Saint Level expert is not enough!

boom! boom! boom!

The fierce beasts and blood dragons and lions are more intense than the corpse call for a truce, and the Saint King Level expert that enters the battlefield at the moment is even more rampant, driving away all the obstructed Saint Level experts. In their case, this is just a ‘hands-on’.

There were minor injuries, serious injuries, and many were killed.

Since there is a timidity to enter the sky treasure, you can imagine this ending. The corpse is everywhere, and now the battlefield has officially entered the second call for a truce. The Saint Level expert has gradually been eliminated, and many of the weaker Saint King Level experts have been repeatedly unfortunate.

Among them, the two Saint King Levels that previously threatened Lin Feng were more than the corpse.

“Peng!” “Peng!” The two major witches were killed almost indiscriminately. In the first batch of experts who entered the ‘battlefield’, the two extravagances were undoubtedly stronger than the corpse and the distance from the ‘light column’. One of the most recent experts has naturally become cannon fodder.

Start with a strong hand, but not necessarily laugh at the end.

Pā ! Pā ! Two Saint King Level Lanterns appear, with a different kind of bright flashing.

“Hey!~” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

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