Chapter 10 Behind the Scenes

The plan is perfect.

Lin Lin鈥檚 body is such a terrifying.

The flower of the Maggie, which is born from the blood of the Orange Palace, may cause fatal damage to the body of the ordinary Saint King Level expert, but it is powerless to the body of the true top grade Saint King Level. Moreover, Lin Feng’s avatar is the Starry Sky Expert body of War God lineage!

Seven in one, perfect body.

Such a body, unless it completely destroys its origin, otherwise it can be said to be a zero body. In short, Starry Sky Expert’s body has entered a new level compared to Saint Level, Saint King Level martial artist’s body, even though Lin Feng still can’t play the power of this body, but its essence will not change.

To destroy such a body, the flower of Magic Ji –

Not qualified enough.

It’s him!

Lin Feng eyes shining.

I didn鈥檛 notice Lin Biaodi before, but from the last abnormality of the Orange Palace, from the strange flower of the blood, when I suffered from the unprecedented pain, I completely discovered the existence of Lin Biao! Really isn’t with aura sense, but it seems to be face to face!

Very inexplicable, but very real.

Lin Feng naturally does not know, this is the role of ‘Magic Flower’, which exposes the location of Lin Biao, which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

“It turned out to be his hands and feet, it turned out to be him!”

“It鈥檚 no wonder that scheming, one counts and one count, is so insidious.”

At this moment, Lin Feng is completely upset.

Just as Lin Biao is familiar with himself, he is also familiar with him.

This is a fairly terrifying opponent, even if you are not willing to admit it. But in fact, the day is defeated by his calculations. And several times before, I almost died, it is also because of Lin Biaodi, if these danger characters do not squander the roots, absolutely endless trouble!

“Peng!” This moment. The aura of Lin Biao also broke out.

The black star print on the forehead blooms, the color of the pitch-black, with the illuminate of the star source, Lin Feng’s eyes are bright.

Raven constellation!

鈥淭his?!鈥?Lin Feng complexion changed slightly.

A little unbelievable. As far as I know, Lin Biaodi鈥檚 own constellation should be the Phoenix constellation! According to common sense, the horoscope of the natal constellation will not change after the Star King Level, but it is so eye-catching that the pitch-black color of the pitch-black color is on the forehead!

The same crow constellation as the demon Lord!

what’s the problem?

In the mind, one question after another, the eyes of Lin Feng flickering during the attack.

The most important thing is that Aura of Lin Biaodi only got his own sense when it broke out. What does this mean? Lin Feng is close to his lips. Aura is completely concentrated. Amethyst spear shines brightly with the thunder armor. There is no slight difference.

In front of the forest, the Saint King Level does not exist!

Aura is slightly less than the demon Lord, but it is much stronger than the Orange Palace Lord!

boom! ~aura broke out.

Lin Biao鈥檚 eyes are cold and bright. Killing intent He is never a person who is sitting still. Even if the strength of the demon Lord is not fully absorbed. Even if he is not at the peak of 100%, he is not allowed to hesitate at this moment.

Lin Feng, just kill!

“Twisted!” Lin Shudi shouted, eyes cold and bright.

The radiance of the stars and the radiance of space, the locking of space energy, seems to cut into a strange layer of spiral. In the hands of a cold light stopped and rise, is the ‘inheritance’ demon Lord, Lin Biao is naturally the main road of Martial God, long-range attacks are basically not good, must be compensated with the first heavenly treasure.

In fact, to a certain extent, Lin Biao is better than the devil.

Because of his ‘speciality’.

The change of the natal constellation did not take away the innate talent of Lin Biaodi. After a pair of transformations, the star sky is the real 1st grade eye!

The space is white, first heavenly treasure, twisted!


It’s hard to avoid.

This is the attack of the first heavenly treasure, unless it is a Martial Artist who is very good at footwork dodge, otherwise it is never fully grasped. Have no choice, dodge is a ‘high risk’ of life, and defense is different, defense even if not defense, will weaken the attack, but if the dodge fails, it will suffer 100% damage!

Lin Feng, I am not fully grasped.

Just relying on the body and trifling, you can’t avoid the first heavenly treasure that uses the full use of space energy.

Of course, hard touch is the wrong choice.

Even if the strength of the avatar is now huge, it is only the physical level. Others, including Star Source, have improved, but they are still in the Saint Level category. Going to the Saint King Level strength with Saint Level strength is undoubtedly the following!

Eat a big loss.

the most important is–

I don鈥檛 want to give Lin Biao any chance to escape!

Must be wrapped up with him as soon as possible!

“Seven stars!” Lin Feng is still drinking.

There was no hesitation in the look, and the seven bright beads flashed brightly and condensed.

The color of black is surging with the golden star source. At this moment, the changes of the seven astral beads are obvious, not scattered, and they have not changed rapidly into a seven-star array. Face the hegemony of the first heavenly treasure, with the purest defense straight up!

You attack, I will keep!

鈥?-star Heavens!鈥?Lin Feng鈥檚 eyes are bright.

The closing of the hands, let the seven stars of the stars condense a reliable line of defense, and the front of the white light shining from the front is glued!

Hey! Jin Ge sang.

The seven star beads ** condense, the convergence of the strength will be wrapped in white light, such as the face-to-face confrontation of the two experts! At this moment, Lin Feng is passing through the glued place, like a whirlwind directly hitting Lin Biao.


I have never thought of an attack to crack it.

It only takes a while to fight, and it will be enough to withstand a while. The eye flashes bright light, and Lin Feng is confident in his strength. As long as you can be close to you, with your own new body, even if you have a complete grasp of the master of the devil, but not to mention Lin Biao!

“Hey!” Amethyst spear shines brightly.

Lin Feng’s thunder armor shines cold glow, and the Spear Technique Realm after breakthrough is clear and free. After the amethyst spear increases, it has reached the ninth floor.

For the true Saint King Level’s strength!

The new purple light broke through the sky. Lin Feng grips the amethyst spear and gives off a radiant glow outside the body. The Thunder armor covers the whole body, and the one-angle flash on the forehead flashes Rayman, which is perfectly combined with the Amethyst spear. Strength breaks through the sky!

This is the momentum alone, and it will overwhelm Lin Biao.

“Awful brat.” Lin Biao tightly clench one’s teeth, but also deeply sad.

There is no clear war, but a rapid change. A set of skillful steps will be carried out and will be retired. These days, he is also not spending, as the demon cultivating, not only has a big chance, but the strength is even more obvious.

If it is illusory, Lin Biao鈥檚 confidence remains.

Instantly –

Chi! Lin Feng’s figure is very oblique, and the purple light is not far away, but it is closer.

“What!” Lin Biao’s complexion greatly changed, but was really shocked by the speed of Lin Feng. He is a direct side shift. Change by footwork. The conversion of the star source force is shifted sideways. It is an ‘active’ move, but Lin Feng changes with his changes and is a ‘passive’ move.

Both. There is a huge difference!

It was like a galloping beast, suddenly letting him turn left. I can’t stop the car at all, let alone keep it so tererifying.

But Lin Feng, but it did!

It’s like there is no dead corner, as if you were prepared to do so.

“Damn!” Lin Biaodi was too late to be surprised. The eyes were cold and the pace was changed again and again. The flashing shadows were left and right, first up and down, just like a swinging clock, it was difficult to distinguish the direction. Moving in an instant, it is going to another corner of Lin Feng and going the other way.

Of course…

Xiu! xiu! xiu! Lin Feng didn’t care at all.

It was not a little bit lost, but the distance was a little closer. As Lin Biaodi finally set the direction and then withdrew, the purple light in front was like a smashing stone. “This is impossible!” Too shocked, Lin Biao was completely stunned.

“What is this body!” Complexion is a piece of blue and white, and has not been surprised by any surprise, Lin Biao’s complexion twisted fierce, his hands quickly become claws.

At this moment, he will hesitate to die without a burial site.

Can’t avoid it!

Faced with the purple long spear coming from the front, the face of the thunder light surging, Lin Biao slammed, the clothes burst open, turned into a bubble gray shadow, forming a set of black crystal color scales. 绮肩布 flashing luster, transmitted the ultimate defense ability, forehead star print, Lin Biao land finally angry.

Battle war!

“It is the star of the demon Lord.” Lin Feng recognized it at a glance.

In my heart, I suddenly became suspicious.

After all, the star coat is a close-fitting thing, even if the master does not necessarily give the discipline.

What is the secret of this?

In the face of Lin Biao’s counterattack, he does not care. His one game is in his own control, and now he is exceeding his physique. It doesn’t take much effort to deal with him. It is like a cat and a mouse. Run very fast, Lin Feng is a 90-degree discount. bend.


Coming to the extreme!

The use of the body will unfold the advantages.

Chi! Chi! Chi! The rapid movement of Lin Feng forms an illusion, which is fanned into a fan shape.

The changes of the body, the illusory shadows make Lin Biao completely unable to adapt, fully controlled, Lin Feng is constantly approaching, and then close!

鈥渃hi!鈥?long spear pierced, with a new business.

Lin Biao’s company was rushing to resist, and Lin Feng’s mouth was slightly raised at this moment.

P膩 ! The body changed again, the spear move did not spread, and the change of artistic conception had made Lin Biao unable to stand up. It was only a 20-degree turn, which made the attack of Lin Biaodi wrong. With speed and sensitivity, you will fully realize your strengths.

鈥淗ere!鈥?Lin Feng said quietly.

The purple long spear runs through, and the eyes of Lin Biao are red, and they are rushing to change.

The pair of claw broke through the air, but once again caught the phantom, was played in the applause, and let Lin Biao hysterically flustered and exasperated, then at this time –

Behind, the real attack finally appeared!

Silent, but brought out the murderous aura of the sky.

“Yanling spear art.” Lin Feng eyes bright, deep like and drink.

Faced with the opening of the back of the door, Lin Feng has no mercy, Amethyst spear straight out!

This time, it is a real attack.

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