Episode 4 of the 4th episode of Spear Martial Field

It is a strange but familiar face.

Just have seen one side.

However, this aspect is more profound than any impression, deeply imprinted in the mind!

Until now, when practicing the spear, Lin Feng still remembers this face, this figure, and…

Spear in his hand!

Once the ‘idol’!

On the day of him, a spear, assassinated ‘Blue Eyed Violent Bear’.

On that day, he showed a spear that changed himself deeply—Flowing Light Flash.

On the same day, he told himself what is the real Martial Artist!

For a time, Lin Feng stayed.

I didn’t think of it, I will be here, at this time, I met the former ‘he’.

“Come?” The cold voice sounded.

Lin Feng was discovered, and when he saw Teacher Bing Shuang, it was the watch eyes of the bottle eyes, and then nodded, “En, Teacher.”

“pā,pā” claps.

Bing Shuang watched Other students shouted: “Let’s come over, let me introduce you.”

Lin Feng looked at it and saw only three students. Two men and one woman were surrounded. In addition to the ‘he’, there was a big person with nearly two meter high, and a young girl, a student of Spear Martial Field… … does not seem to be much.

“This is a new student who joined yesterday, Lin Feng.” Bing Shuang showed a faint smile. “Make sure, you all know?”

“Know.” big person nodded and said.

“How can I not know?” The young girl blinked. “Junior Brother Lin Feng was famous overnight!”

Said, the three can not help you look at me, I see you, laughed.

Become famous overnight?

Lin Feng startled.

“It should be that the rankings suddenly rise sharply.” Lin Feng suddenly became stunned.

A new person, in just one day, will enter the former 60 name, which will naturally attract attention.

“Hello, my name is Han Tie.” The two person high big person smiled thickly and extended his big hand like a leaf. “If you don’t mind, call me Brother Tie.”

“Hello, Brother Tie.” Lin Feng smiled and reached out. Han Tie gave him a very friendly and friendly feeling, just like the Brother Ox at Fire Arrow Squad. But obviously, the strength of the two is very different…

“Call me Senior Sister on the line” young girl said with a clear smile.

“Hey?” Lin Feng gawked.

“She’s called Lala, it’s naughty.” Youth, the familiar face, is divided into mile. It is also reaching out. “First time, hello, my name is Wang Chong.”

Wang Chong’s smile and tone gave a feeling of approachability, and Lin Feng looked up. With a complex look in the eyes, the scenes of the past drifted through, and the fragments in the memory were faint. At this moment, the past is often as if the wick is extinguished, disappeared…

“Hello, Senior Brother Wang.” Lin Feng shook hands, said with a slight smile: “In fact, we are meeting at second time.”

Everyone was surprised when the voice fell. Look at each other in dismay.

“Really?” Wang Chong surprisedly said: “Why didn’t I have any impression?”

“Well. Six years ago in Lin Family Village…” Lin Feng smiled softly, it was a sigh, and everyone listening to it, very fast, Lin Feng is the way to go, nodded and said: “always Since then, Senior Brother Wang Chong is my most respected Martial Artist and goal.”

Bing Shuang watched Lin Feng, with a flashing crystal glow in his eyes. The heart is extremely startled.

In just half a year, it was upgraded from Preparative Martial Artist to Primary Martial Emperor. This speed –

Terrifying to the extreme!

“I am embarrassed to say that.” Wang Chong’s face was red, indeed, it was the first time that he was praised face to face.

“But Junior Brother Lin Feng, you were yesterday…” Lala showed a smug smile, cover one’s mouth: “But your most respected Martial Artist and goal, under the bottom of your ass?”

“Hey?” Lin Feng looked inexplicable.

“Wang Chong Junior Brother’s original Points List is listed at 60th place.” Han Tie said with a foolishly laugh.

Suddenly, Lin Feng understood.

I dare to go to the 60th place and squeeze the Senior Brother Wang Chong to the 61 name.

Wang Chong’s face couldn’t help but be redder. He was just said to be an ‘idol’, but he was instantly beaten and he was embarrassed.

“This…” Lin Feng did not expect to have such an ‘oolong’.

“Nothing.” Looking at the appearance of Lin Feng’s apology, Wang Chong knew in his heart that he immediately patted Lin Feng’s shoulder, said with a smile: “Seeing Junior Brother’s current achievements, I thought I did not consciously do ‘Enlightenment Teacher’ ‘, I am too happy to have time, he-man, how can it be so a chicken belly!”

“It’s good to say.” Han Tie agreed with the nod. “The existence of the Points List is to encourage competition.”

“You used to chase me, now I am chasing you, Junior Brother.” Wang Chong blinked at Lin Feng, said with a smile: “Remember, don’t slack off.”

“Know, Senior Brother.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Everyone feels like a family, and peace.

Especially Wang Chong, just like Big Brother.

There are only three people, plus Lin Feng but four people, very fast, everyone is familiar.

The weakest of the three is ‘Lala’, ranking 88; then it is ‘Wang Chong’, now ranked 61; the strongest is ‘Han Tie’, it is really unappealing, seemingly honest Thick, but Han Tie is ranked 36.

“The most powerful of our ‘Spear Martial Field’ is Sister Ziling, ranking 11!” Lala reveals a revered look.

“Sister Ziling…” Lin Feng silently remembered the name.

“Spear Martial Field has few students, but everyone is very united.” Han Tie said with a foolishly laugh: “The training base is also assigned to the department, where the “sword martial field” and the “blade martial field” students are the most, basically accounting for About half of it. Fortunately, ‘spear’ is not an upset in the 18 weapons, like ‘turning’, ‘meteor’ and other weapons, there is no use of Titled Martial God in ‘Hunting’.”

Lin Feng is even clear.

In fact, in Heavenly Martial Continent, the Martial Artist that makes the blade and the sword is the most.

Especially ‘blade’, it is the only Weapon Secret Book [ Broken Heaven] in the whole continent.

“With Senior Sister Ziling, very few people will come to provoke our ‘Spear Martial Field’.” Wang Chong said with a smile : “Senior Sister Ziling is cold, but extremely short, and, in 12 Advanced In Martial Emperor, her strength is at the forefront.”

Points List represents the potential, really isn’t strength.

“Provocative?” Lin Feng was surprised. “Is the training base not a fight?”

“There is a contradiction in some people’s places. This can’t be avoided.” Wang Chong shrugged. “There is always a look that I am not pleasing to the eye. I see you have an appetite. What’s more, in the training base, nothing is wrong. Genius in genius, which is not proud and arrogant?”

Lin Feng nodded.

indeed. When I first came, I seemed to have complained with ‘Huan Yao’.

“Generally, I will go to ‘Space of False and Truth’ to solve it.” Wang Chong watched Lin Feng’s confused eyes, can’t help but say with a smile : “Junior Brother hasn’t been there yet?”

“En.” Lin Feng nodded.

Although Teacher Bing Shuang once passed by himself, he did not enter the ‘virtual world’.

“Space of False and Truth is similar to Thirty Three Layer Heaven. It can perfectly replicate the Martial Artist body.” Wang Chong nodded and said: “The Martial Artist of Space of False and Truth can then fight, which is extremely popular in training bases. , usually with some bets to increase fun.”

“It turns out.” Lin Feng is amazed.

Dare, just like playing against demon beast in ‘Thirty Three Layer Heaven’.

However, the demon beast was replaced by the student Martial Artist.

at this time–

“pā,pā.” The clapping sounds.

Lin Feng everyone stopped talking and looked at them.

“7-9 am is here, and there is no need for a cold greeting.” Bing Shuang sound coldly. “Han Tie. You practice with Wang Chong and Lala.”

“Yes, Teacher.” Han Tie responded.

Very fast, as the three left, only Lin Feng and Bing Shuang left, facing the face.

Lin Feng is slightly excited and faint with expectations.

Obviously. From the current point of view, I seem to have to open a small stove again?

Hey! A crisp voice came.

Lin Feng vision are bright. I saw Bing Shuang extracting a long spear like a crystal jade-like, white and transparent. There is a cold aura.

“spear name ice jade.” Bing Shuang’s hand licked Ice Jade Spear, his eyes flashed a bit of softness, and suddenly –

Ice Jade Spear Light shock, the sound of shudder seems to resound between Lin Feng’s soul.

“Come on, attack.” Bing Shuang said coldy.

attack? !

Lin Feng startled, immediately relieved.

The current gaze is bright, it is the extraction of Ice Soul Soaring Dragon Spear, a light bust intent.

Bing Shuang blink bright light in the eye, “out spear!”


Lin Feng’s footsteps slammed forward, the right arm with the whistling wind, the shoulders twisted, and the Ice Soul Soaring Dragon Spear shook and screamed like a bang!

Flowing Light Flash !

However, compared to the usual… seems to be missing something?

Bing Shuang didn’t move, the right hand was just a glimpse, “Hey!” Ice Jade Spear and Ice Soul Soaring Dragon Spear touched for a moment, Lin Feng felt a strange feeling of ignorance, even with the body seems Do not listen to the command, spear move mess!

Peng! Ice Soul Soaring Dragon Spear came a large force, Lin Feng chest suddenly breathed, and even pulled back.

“Good!” Lin Feng hearted greatly startled.

Bing Shuang is still standing in the spot, eyes flashed, coldly smiled, “You don’t think you can hurt me?”

“Use all your strength!!” Bing Shuang suddenly.

“Yes!” Lin Feng both eyes.

Indeed, I just couldn’t open it myself.


That is obviously too stupid!

Teacher Bing Shuang What strength? The trick is that the spear move of this ‘jack of all trades’ can hurt!

Burning like eyes, in front of Teacher Bing Shuang looks like a giant mountain, Lin Feng heart suddenly rose up incomparable battle intent, the long-lost feeling once again filled the heart.

Strong when strong!

In the hands of Ice Soul Soaring Dragon Spear, Lin Feng’s footsteps are a melodious melody, like a predatory snake. Suddenly spear shadow Waving, like a red snake probe, intersecting with each other, with a few clusters of beautiful dance flowers, spear shadow heavy, time –

The right foot suddenly jumps forward!

Between, Wang Chong and others who practiced on the side were all bright.

“Scarlet Snake Flame Dance?”

“perfection level movement technique ?”

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