Chapter 33—Value for money

At the bottom left of the two royal stars, a starry star is a sharp transformation.

Like a sublimation, it is like a kind of strength of strength, a level of complete jump, a shocking heart. Tight watched Starry Sky changes, the heavenly lord complexion is constantly changing, and the eyes are stunned, not moving, for fear of missing something.

Time, slowly passing.

The change of the two stars, as soon as it is on, seems to echo in general.

The bright light even overshadowed the brightest star of the emperor, which seems to mean a change in the situation that has been expected to be expected. In the dim eyelids, the bright light flashed, and the heavenly lord carried his hands, and the slightest look seemed to be shaking.

And at this time –

“Chi! ~” is a glimmer of water.

Three people appeared suddenly, and it was the water scent that came with Fang Ning and Shui Ling.

“Master.” The three men shook hands and respected.

However, without any response from the celestial lord, the three people slightly startled, mutually took a glance. Shui Meimei nodded to the two and made a squeaking gesture. Fang Ning and Shui Lingling nodded and stood quietly waiting patiently.

The witchcraft.

A simple and unadorned and sacred boulder temple.

Twelve Tongtianzhu stands tall, each of them is exceptionally majestic, and more than a dozen hand-in-hand can’t be surrounded. High into the sky, invisible, above each of the pillars of the sky, carved simple and unadorned text, patterns, all kinds of strange strength.

That is twelve different witches!

The strong world of strength is filled in the entire megalithic temple. It is striking that every single pillar of the heavenly pillar, a large chain of pitch-black color is tied with a large character ‘person’. The empty eyes are like dead. It seems that there is no life strength.

However, with the shining of the light of Tongtianzhu. The people above are just the pain of complexion.

Unusual horror terrifying!

The twelve Tongtianzhu seem to form a unique array of various energies. The bright shining Tongtian column brings together the energy. In the center, it seems that there is a presence in a gold robes, and only a ray of light gathers. But it is completely invisible, and even the form is not to be seen.


Aura, terrifying extreme!

“Chi!” “Chi!” The energy of Tongtianzhu is constantly rush forth, with a strong strength aura, all gathered together. It seems as if you can hear the sound of hysterical snoring, such as the beast and the pain to the extreme, Tongtianzhu is in the center, the figure looks very painful. But strength is constantly improving.

It seems as if there is some kind of evil ritual.

Such as sacrifices!

Ancient people.

7-star is dazzling.

In an ancient array, the seven ancient gods sat on the knees with their hands crossed, and their hands stretched forward, and the strength continued to emerge. The rapid rotation of the big array, along with the seven ancient gods, is also the rotation, the strength of the array is tight, and the strength of the seven ancient gods supports the core of this ancient array.

“Hey!” “Hey!~” The ancient array bloomed with mighty strength, and the sky seemed to ring and thunder.

feel. As heaven defying, it works!

In the center of the ancient array, there is a handsome, handsome and handsome. Closed eyes are standing upright. The skin is white, and the fluttering hairstyle is all about the beauty of the beauty, such as the scorpio, it is impossible to see that it is a man or a woman.

If it is a man, it is a beautiful man.

If it is a woman, it will be cool. It is carved like a ghost axe.

In this handsome all around, the gathering of pieces of light, and the ancient array has the ultimate resonance. With the surging of the array, Junxiu’s youth is constantly spinning, and the energy is also changing drastically.

No doubt this is not ordinary!

Whether it is this ancient array, or this handsome show, you can mobilize the seven ancient gods of the ancients, and gather together –

Is it so simple?

Time, blink of an eye.

One hour, two hours, three hours…

Shui Shui Mei San Senior Brother is standing safely, without any impatience or anxiety on her face, just watched in front and patiently waiting for the master. Everyone can see that at this moment, it is sure to have a major event. If not, how can the Lord of Heaven and God see it completely into a god, daze?

This is normal, simply unimaginable.

For the lord of heaven who is good at divination, there are many things in mind.

But this time, it was unexpected.

“Sure enough, it’s all messed up.”

“The existence of two emperors’ stars makes the situation completely out of control.”

“The Wu and the ancients do not seem to be lonely. They don’t want to let the Yaozu be alone. This battle of the Lich… is more and more interesting.”

Gently whispered, the eyes of the Lord’s eyes flashed.

This is obviously good news!

The strength of the Yaozu is undoubted, and there is no doubt that this morale is as strong as the Rainbow Army. The power of the three major human races is second, and it is completely predictable. The win rate must be much smaller than the previous two lichs.

But at this moment, the sudden changes in the ancient Wu ethnic group, the sudden emergence of a sudden rise, will inevitably narrow the gap between the two sides and shrink.

For humans, it is a great news.


“Why is my heart tightened together, so painful?” The celestial lord looked up at the sky, and the superstar at the top left was completely shining, as if the rays of the twelve stars were completely absorbed, such as a big fish swallowed. Other small fish have become stronger and stronger.

He laughed and laughed, and the god of the heavenly machine flashed a minute.

“It should be near the end of life.” With a helpless smile in the smile, the celestial master’s hand licks the chest, lightly mumble, “I am the old bone, it is time to make the last point for the human race.” lightly sigh in one’s heart One voice, the celestial lord slowly turned around and watched the three figures happy and laughed.

“Awaiting for a long time?” The celestial lord started talking.

The three men shook their heads in unison.

But laughing, the bright light in the eyes of the lord of the heavens flashed away, lightly said, “Reassured, your waiting…”

“Good value for money.”

Heaven is changing.

People are also changing.

everyone. They all have different opportunities.

According to the lord of heaven, the current ‘day’ has no rules to follow. All of this has risen completely with the rise of the two great emperors, and it has truly entered the situation of ‘the royal hegemony’. However, the Star of the Emperor only has the strength to change the sky, and there may not be a strength that changes the fate of the person.

everyone. It has infinite possibilities.

The real laughter is not necessarily the so-called Imperial Star.

Step into the Star House.

Lin Feng, still working hard.

The perfect integration into the starlight road is just the first time you enter, it is an unimaginable experience. Entering the deep mystery of comprehend, in the mind, the starlight is the ultimate, constantly connected, every point. Every stroke, every moment, let yourself have the ultimate heart.

That is the absolute strength of the natal constellation.

It is the existence of ‘Dao’, with heart and sense, profound and profound.

The avatar, once again the comprehend mystery after the ‘scarlet’.

“Strong.” Lin Feng lightly said.

“Mystery is the evolution of the constellation strength.”

“And this mystery ‘star dance’ does not only have a strength core. It also has a spatial core, a superposition of two strengths.”

The touch of the heart is extremely severe.

Never had an experience!

For yourself. The mystery of the comprehend has always been only one kind of core energy.

The earliest 岚云步 is the performance of Dao of Space; then the Galois is the evolution of the flame way; the ’empty view’ of stealing thousands of love is also the change of Dao of Space; The ‘blood phoenix’ and ‘hundred phoenix’ learned in the ancients are the purest flames.

It is another mystery of the Big Bear ‘killing’. It is an outbreak of pure killing.

But nowadays, the dance of Stars is a combination of Dao of Space and Dao of Strength!

“Really isn’t The more core energy in the world, the stronger the mystery.”

Lin Feng understands in her heart.

Judging the mystery of strong or weak, really isn’t the amount of core energy in the heavens, but

The number of ways of the constellation.

For example, Baihuang, in his own feelings, is like a thousand drops of the Phoenix constellation.

The dance of the Stars and Folds contains the constellation of the Great Bear Constellation. The mystery of Baihuang is better than the dance of the Stars. Of course, the existence of the core way is really isn’t no effect, if the blood phoenix and the star dance are the same, there are also thousands of constellations, then…

The dance of the stars with two core strengths is definitely better than the mysterious blood phoenix.

Not only on the strength, but also in the application changes, it is also superior.

“In the final analysis, we must look at the mastery of Martial Artist itself, and how much comprehend the mystery.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

The one that suits you is the strongest.

A sword with a cut iron is too heavy. What is the use of it in your hands? The same is true of the mystery, the gap between the mood and the ability of the mystery to cooperate with the Martial Artist itself is the most crucial. Of course, there is persistence and concentrating cultivating.

day after day.

As time goes by, Lin Feng is interested in the mystery of the ‘Star Dance’, and the feeling of artistic conception seems to be constantly changing.

“Is it my illusion?” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

In my own feelings, the sensitivity of the mystery ‘Star Dance’ is gradually weakening.

I didn’t notice it at first, but as it grew over the day, it was much more obvious. Mystery’s comprehend, comprehension is very important, and sensitivity is equally indispensable. For example, looking at a painting, comprehension’s strong or weak is to see if you can understand the content of the painting, and the sensitivity is like the location and distance of the station.

The farther the distance is, the more blurred it is, and even if comprehension is strong, I am afraid that there is nothing I can do.

This is the case at the moment.

“Really isn’t illusion.” Lin Feng is sure.

Once again, I recalled the first day of insight, and now it has changed a lot.

Unconsciously, it has been a whole month.

“The reason should be in the starlight road.” Lin Feng’s eyes blinked slightly, did not hesitate for too long, and even if the heart is recovered, leave the cultivating stage. At the moment cultivating comprehend, only a little more sensitivity than the normally insight, the difference is not big.

Most importantly, I am quite curious about starlight.

I really want to know what this is.

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