Chapter 16 Motion

“I heard that Lin Feng is a tiger.”

“That is still used to say, I have witnessed it, and it is as strong as the devil and the Lord is defeated by him.”

“Really, the legendary thirteenth Holy Lord?”

“That is the expert of far antiquity generation!”


Surroundings are all hot, out of the ordinary.

The name of the demon Lord is quite loud in the circle of the Holy One. Although it is not mentioned, everyone knows the existence of the ‘Thirteen Lords’ and has a reputation. At the moment, Lin Feng is defeating the demon Lord in the eyes of the public.

In particular, he is one of the seven heirs of the emperor.

“I don’t know if it’s true or not.” The Orange Palace Lord looked proud and his eyes were higher than the top.

The years have not left too many traces on her body, and the strength is as strong as the Orange Palace, which has long been able to maintain skin activity and maintain the most beautiful stage of flower blooming. The orange palm palace, the influence is almost all over the entire month, such as the county, the Orange Palace Lord has always been a person, always has no need to fake color.

“Nature is true.” Yan Wang glanced at it and went straight.

He is a straightforward character, and he is fluent in everything. He will not praise Lin Feng.

Lu Wang and Yu Wang did not express their opinions. Huang Ni laughed and said nothing, but one of the big favorites was ‘乩轲’, expressionless deep like.

“Who saw the whole battle?” The main face of the Orange Palace was lightly picked. “Is the Demon Lord defeated?”

Yan Wang’s brow was lightly twisted, but it did not see all the battles.

As the Lord of Orange Palace said, in fact, in the end, he did not really see the demon Lord being defeated. but……

“If he is not defeated, how can he escape without fighting?” Yan Wangzhuo said.

“How do I know.” The Orange Palace Lord shrugged. “Isn’t it possible that this Lin Feng and the demon Lord’s squirrel’s nest are the tricks of the demon Lord?” The head of the Orange Palace was sweeping over the crowd. “A Saint Level expert can beat Saint King Level.” Expert, do you think this is possible?”

The people did not speak, but also the words of the Lord of the Orange.

Indeed, it is not without reason.

“In my opinion, this Lin Feng is very likely to be the disciple of the demon Lord.” The corners of the mouth are cold-streaked. “The demon Lord knows that he is sitting on the position of the Lord of the Southern Region. It is difficult to convince the public. Therefore, Lin Feng is pushed to the countertop, and it is by his own name to complete Lin Feng, which is a good idea.”

The words of the Orange Palace Lord caused a ripple.

“It makes sense.”

“Yes. I have never heard of Saint Level expert winning the Saint King Level expert, and the Lord of the Devil is still in the middle of Saint King. This rank is too big.”

“It seems like this. In the end, I didn’t see any injury to the demon Lord. Then I disappeared inexplicably under the attack of Lin Feng. In this way, the two may be distressed for this game. We are all Been cheated!”

“I must see it, or the orange mansion master is eye-catching!”


An uproar.

Even the people of the king were indulged, and everyone looked down on the Emperor and wanted to know how he looked.

A smile, Sui Emperor did not refute. Also not sure, just open it. “It’s true or not. After a while, I know it.” Everyone is trying to nod. There is really no need to argue here. Lin Feng is really real or bluffing. Very fast will know.

“Hey.” The Orange Palace is proud of the voice. “I’m afraid I have no time.”

His eyes fell to the top of the compass, and the main house of the Orange Palace looked at him. “If the time hasn’t arrived at Lin Feng, how do you count it?”

Emperor Sui’s eyes were shimmering. “In my own capacity, how to decide is unfair. If Lin Feng is too late to arrive, it will be up to you to wait for six people to add me. The seven votes will be decided.” Flash, nodded, obviously very satisfied with this answer.

The other five people were slightly startled, and the light flashed in their eyes, each with their own thoughts.

The eyes fell on the compass, and there was not much time left.

Lin Feng, can you really catch up?

“There are thirty seconds left.” The Orange Palace Lord smiled lightly.

Yan Wang brows slightly wrinkle, slightly anxious to look around all around, but it is not seen halfway.

It’s time to come, and it’s not too bad.

If you can’t come, you won’t come naturally.

At this time, the surrounding people are also very curious, from time to time around, but can not see half of the figure. Everyone talked a lot. I didn’t know what happened to Lin Feng. Then I even flashed a slight bright light in my eyes, but I didn’t say anything.

At this moment, he is still Emperor Sui, and is the judge of the emperor’s hegemony.

Even if he knows clearly that Lin Feng may be the future emperor, he has enough strength, but…

He will never be selfish.

“Ten seconds.” The Orange Palace Lord picked up a meaningful smile.

The other five emperors are expressionless, but the flashing eyes are enough to see the minds of the five people at the moment, Lu Wang, Yu Wang, Huang Ni… They all see the strength of Lin Feng with their own eyes, and also know that Lin Feng is doomed to go to war. Just a ‘running’ person.

But what if Lin Feng’s absence is disqualified?

“Five.” The orange lord of the palace gently opened.

The sound is very rhythmic and magnetic, but it is extraordinarily harsh.



The Orange Palace owner smiled and paused.

I don’t feel the proximity of any aura, Lin Feng, it’s too late.


The last byte confided from the sexy lips, falling straight into the hearts of everyone, the five people at the moment complexion changes.

And the surroundings, the same sounds.

“I really didn’t come!”

“What happened to Lin Feng?”

“I don’t know, is this disqualification?”


A mess.

Lin Feng is undoubtedly the gathering of all the focus of the emperor’s hegemony.

His absence is a heavy ‘strike’ for the current decisive battle, and the impact of the sense makes the emperor’s hegemony seem to change in a flash. Everyone, look at me, I see you, and I will look down to Emperor Sui.

“According to the process, it should be drawn now.”

The people nodded and answered. Emperor Sui did not tell how to ‘dispose’ Lin Feng, but the Orange Palace Lord did not do it.

“Before the lottery. Should I decide one thing first?” The head of the Orange Palace looked to the crowd, and the proud head like a peacock, the magnetic sound covered the audience, causing everyone to look at it, and the bright light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Sui. The rest of the five people also have their own thoughts.

The scene seems to solidify for a while.

But when –

“xiu!” is like a meteor passing by, and a pound of aura in the distance is flying at a very fast speed.

Everyone looked up and looked up. The beautiful eyes of the Orange Palace flashed a slight surprise, and immediately the deep pond flashed, and the cold color flashed away. This speed, such a strength aura, suddenly caused a scream, everyone widened their eyes.

Pā ! Lin Feng fell from the sky and walked on the ground.

“Sorry. It’s late.” He smiled and watched all around, Lin Feng apologized.

Of course, an absolute silence, no one dares to speak. This piece of condensed atmosphere has a faint silent pressure. Lin Feng snorted and looked at the time indicated on the compass, knowing that he was obviously ‘late’.

“Do you think that a ‘sorry’ can be taken over?” The Orange Palace maindudly opened, in fact, she did not speak and there would be no second person.

The beauty of the eyes sweeps through the remaining five people, and the Orange Palace is also very uncomfortable. But she seems to be forced to be the ‘bird’.

Lin Feng has a bright eye, said with a smile. “Don’t you still draw lots?”

“That is another matter.” The Orange Palace Lord raised his head, proudly said, “It is late to be late, and there is no basic concept of time. How to become the master of the southern region? The details of the overall situation clearly indicate that you are fighting for the emperor. The game is completely unsatisfactory and there is no sense of responsibility for the southern region.”

The sound is smashing, clanging has a sound, causing a surround discussion.

Lin Feng’s brow wrinkled slightly and it was troublesome.

In front of this, the luxurious woman is arrogant and arrogant, and it is quite difficult to deal with. Originally a small thing, in her mouth, the bigger the trouble, the more uncontrollable, and this… seems to be her purpose, and her hostility is quite strong.

“What do you want?” Lin Feng spoke openly, his eyes were clear, but not in a hurry.

The main corner of the Orange Palace was stroked, and the other five people were swept, and finally fell on the Emperor Sui. “I don’t know what the Emperor said just now, is it still counted?”

Emperor Shun gently nodded, “naturally.”

“That’s good!” The owner of the Orange Palace seems to be afraid of remorse, and preempts it. “If that’s the case, let’s start voting.” Watched Lin Feng, the head of the Orange Palace showed a confident smile. “One person, one vote, a total of seven votes.” Do not abstain from voting, the minority obeys the majority. I move -“

“Lin Feng lost the qualification!” The main eye of the orange palace is beautiful eye shining, bright light radiate all around.

Hey! ~~

Surrounded by the ups and downs, a lively boil.

However, I did not expect that this emperor’s hegemony has not yet begun, so there is already a big dragon and phoenix to see, unexpectedly.

“Hey?” Lin Feng was also quite surprised.

The eyes swept over the crowd, and I didn’t think things would happen to this point.

Vote for yourself?

Lin Feng is a dumb smile, but he has not yet become the head of the Southern Region, and has begun to stand the test. According to Emperor Sui, he would be the owner of the Southern Region, and even the Emperor Sui, the seven will form the new influence structure of the Southern Region, not only to assist himself, but also to some extent .

Today, I will try my best.

“I oppose!” Yan Wang shouted first, his eyes burned, and the voice was very positive.

His statement made everyone a wave of noise, but it was completely against the head of the Orange Palace, and the sound of the floor was like Lin Feng.

“Yan Wang…” Lin Feng’s eyes flashed slightly, and there was already a worry in his heart.

In fact, to exclude other factors, at this ‘key’ moment, look at the attitude of these six people towards themselves, it seems quite good. And by the way, you can understand the personality of the people, as well as other factors, and it is not bad.

One vote for one vote!

The main eyes of the Orange Palace are slightly dim, although they are not happy but did not speak.

Because of her, she is full of confidence.

“I object!”

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