Chapter VIII is full of enthusiasm

“Fifty seconds.”

“No, if there is a split attack, there is less time.”

“To win, you must be motivated!”

Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

The first ‘temptation’ sexual attack was completely unscathed, and it is already known about the strength of the demon Lord. Martial God, the power of the crow, I am afraid that it is relatively strong in the middle of the human Saint King. It is an old fox that can live for so long.

It is not easy to kill him!

The body wanders in the array to assist in the attack, while quickly thinking about the method.

Blind attacks are useless.

“There are not many opportunities.”

“My biggest advantage, really isn’t array, is not the dual strength of the avatar and the ontology, but should be -“

“He is not aware of my strength.”

Lin Feng nodded slowly.

At the moment, benefiting from the avatar and the formation, they can barely take advantage of it. Once the formation is broken and there is no barrier in front of it, I am afraid that it will be in a difficult battle. It won’t necessarily be defeated, but the win rate will never exceed 50%, even if it wins, it must be a tragic victory.

Not what you want.

“Fifty seconds, or even shorter.”

“I am not as good at him as I am, but only with explosive power.”

“In this battle, I will try my best! If you are unsuccessful, you will become a benevolent person. If the formation is broken, if I still can’t beat him…”

“At that time, you will admit defeat.”

Lin Feng has a very fast decision.

It is the best way for yourself to be able to attack and retreat.

Take the opportunity and destiny in your own hands!

“Galo real body!”

“Bailian fire bomb!”

Lin Feng’s body moves freely and relies on continuous harassment.

This is the attack style that Fire Spirit Master is best at. It’s a battle, the average battle is not big, but the combination of the play has a pretty might. In every corner and direction, the Lin Feng body does not need to be deliberately moved, and the seven stars will itself drive the body.

Just keep a steady rhythm.

In the face of brute force, the demon Lord. It is like catching a turtle in a jar like a non-stop attack.

boom! boom! boom! ~Fire 粼粼, contact with the surrounding fire Dragon, not only did not have a half collision, but the fusion and attack, there is no sense of resentment. It is very strange, but it is normal, as if it is itself.

“The bonfire technique is also used here.” Lin Feng is slightly happy.

Although it is just a common use, even if it does not integrate Fire Dragon strength, it is enhanced by the might. It is also considered unexpected harvest. Attack with Fire of Devour. Come in all directions. Let the demon Lord fight to resist, complexion is extremely ugly.

Perhaps, he is very easy to block, but no one is happy to be so pressed.

“There is a kind of roll out!” The demon Lord swung his claws. While roaring, “What kind of man is hiding in hiding?”

“Ma’s, come out and old man, I am fighting in front!”


The demon Lord screamed and screamed, and even the outsiders listened clearly.

I want to laugh and can’t laugh, but I feel completely distressed at the moment. The people who are still ridiculing Lin Feng are grinning, with a disdainful color on their faces. In their view, Lin Feng ‘show off’ is not long, and very fast will break.

It is too hearty. Seeing no one is good, but how do you think about the benefits of the demon Lord if you win?

Three attacks!

Five attacks!

Ten attacks!

Lin Feng, constantly attacking.

Even if he did not hurt the demon Lord, he gradually destroyed his patience.

Time passes by. The array method is getting more and more bleak, and the source of star power is huge. The display of the Seven Stars of the Stars requires the power of the Stars to drive, and the ‘Seven Stars of the Stars’ must have the power of the Stars as the force to play the strength.

“There are fifteen seconds.” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

“If you deduct this strike, it is less than five seconds left.”

“It is now.”


Hey! ~Lin Feng Eyelids light up instantly.

The flames in the hands roared, and the Fire of Devour in all directions did not change, but it was deliberately ‘misleading’ to judge the Lord. In addition to the flame or the flame in this array, there is no other factor besides the star power.

However, the addition of flame and flame, really isn’t plus 1st grade in two.

“Get up!” Lin Feng’s hands changed rapidly, the figure paused in an instant, and the Fire of Rebirth appeared in the blink of an eye. The dazzling bloom, but really isn’t as the main attack, but gathered quickly, like a proud Phoenix raised his head. Flaming Shining.

“Go.” Lin Feng slammed out.

It’s slow, it’s fast, Fire of Rebirth’s entry, and the Fire of Devour.

During the intersection of the two, Lin Feng fierch one’s teeth, flameful bloom, like a flame, suddenly, the real isn’t 衅 fire skills, but the most simple and direct ‘assisted’ fusion. Focusing on Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth as the deputy, Fire of Devour strength is once again sublimated.

And at this time –

“Vermilion Bird, 5%!” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

In the mind soul power pours out, when the time comes together, like a firebird flying out. Such as the illusion, this pure soul of the direct direct demon Lord, after the first arrival, more than the enhanced Fire of Devour arrived!

“What!” The demon Lord first changed color.

If he is most annoying and fearful, it is undoubtedly Heavenly Soul Master. In fact, every Martial Artist is annoying to Heavenly Soul Master.

Attack, the depths of the Straight Soul, even the weak Heavenly Soul Master is as troublesome as a bloodsucker. To kill Heavenly Soul Master, you will inevitably be injured, and the injured is not the body, but the deepest part of the most vulnerable soul. It is not easy to heal.

“This brat!” The demon Lord bite his teeth and feels difficult.

At this moment, he has some regrets. He knew that he should listen to the disciple and kill this abominable human.

It was only a few months, and the strength of this little brat was so great that it was unexpected.

“The old fellow of the celestial plane, the vision is really poisonous.” The demons of the lord complexion micro is fierce, the black fog in the pair of claw is getting richer and thicker. At this moment, the killing intent in the heart can’t stop venting. He has already had a killing heart for Lin Feng.

This child, never leave!

“The attack of the soul?”

“Come!” The demon Lord is arrogant.

With wide eyes, the guardian of the soul is firmly displayed, facing the Vermilion Bird-like flame, bursting out terrifying strength!

He, but Saint King Level exists!

On the attack of the soul, Heavenly Martial Cultivator is not as good as Heavenly God Cultivator; but on the defense of the soul. Human Soul is the best, not the Life Soul! The Horcrux guards the Human Soul, emitting a milky white glow. As a Saint King Level expert, as the ‘devil’ of the far antiquity generation, the demon Lord has countless trump cards!

“Peng!” Severe shocking cry, the Horcrible is bright, and the Vermilion Bird’s attack is much weakened.

Despite this, the demon Lord is still exposed to his forehead, and he is mad. This is quite a pain for him.

“Damn son of a bitch!”

“I want to break you down!”

The sound of roaring. Such as evil spirits humming. Let the surroundingss chill in the hearts of the saints.

Only the horror of the touch of the soul, but I do not know what happened in the end, only the strength is strong, such as Yan, Yan Wang, Lu Wang and other talents feel, one by one stunned. It is hard to imagine the strength of Lin Feng, which is to reach such terrifying.


This is just a start.

“Go.” Lin Feng burning like gaze.

The flame in front is instantaneous, and the time difference is extremely subtle.

Just in conjunction with the ‘Vermilion Bird Attack’, find the key turning point, it is difficult to resist the change of the ordinary expert, but this time the opponent is not good.

“Roll!” “Give me a roll!!!”

Sorghum’s cry, bloody eyes. Like a crow in a drop of blood.

The screaming screams, all of them seem to be driven away. Surroundings The sages even licked their ears, and many of them reacted slowly and were retreated and frightened. Lin Feng is divided into complexion turn to green. The body is slightly tremble, and at this time, the pair of claws of the demon Lord quickly became a phantom, and suddenly turned half body and broke out!

A claw, such as breaking Greens!

The rich black fog is mixed, forming a collection of crows violent strength.

“Sound east hits the west! Brat, you are still tender!” The demon Lord complexion fierce.

This claw is might, extremely terrifying.

Fire of Rebirth’s Fire of Devour, might ten times in liters, when you meet with the demon Lord.

However, the strength seems to be inferior.

“Boom!” The demons of the lord complexion changed slightly, and did not expect the flame might be greater than this, but for him it is still able to withstand the range, hands condense claw-like black fog, as if a head crow madly bite out , astonishing strength brings together Lin Feng groaned, eyelid burning.


However, it is not finished.

“chi!” thunder light.

The rotation of the array, the appearance of the avatar was completely unexpected.

Different from the main body, the avatar as the master of the array method can appear freely in any part of the array, any time!

At this moment, just grab the point where the demon Lord is exhausted.

The purple light is shining, and the amethyst spear drives the remaining last remaining strength, such as the cloud thunder.

Just, fierce, and the best!

The purple light shines, the artistic conception rises wildly, and the body is dressed in thunder, and the strighth of Lei completely breaks out.

Amethyst spear is the strongest state!

“Don’t be too happy, brat!” The demon Lord’s head seemed to have a long eye, and a black ray suddenly appeared. The back was inexplicably a sly shield with a clear totem mark on the top, which was emitting a pitch. The -black ray shines perfectly in the black fog.

Ground level, black level first heavenly treasure thing!

The demon Lord, the strength is out!

In the eyes of the bright light radiate all around, the devil’s master’s hands condense’s claws to break the bear’s flame, full of confidence. With full horsepower, he played the astonishing strength, such a wonderful battle, fleeting, so that the surroundings of the saints were all intoxicated, holding their breath and clenching their fists.

Every second counts!

Looking at the expression of the demon Lord, I know that he has absolute confidence in the defense of the black level first heavenly treasure.


The flame in front was broken, and the eyes were bright, but the demon Lord was dumbfounded.

Lin Feng, it is coming again!

“Yin and Yang mirror, feminine mirror!” The sound of leisurely sounds, when it sounds.

The wind is abrupt!

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